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North-East White Pride Forum

[Feb 25,2010 2:43pm - arktouros ""]

mutis said:What the fuck do white people have to be proud of? Slavery? Internment camps?
democracy, the renaissance, space travel, stuff like that. slavery existed before white people did.
[Feb 25,2010 2:43pm - arktouros ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:Go skate on a shield.
i would but...my knees...
[Feb 25,2010 2:46pm - arilliusbm ""]
white people were enslaved over 2000 years ago as well
Obviously that doesn't make it any better, I can't imagine being a slave.
Oh wait, we are. Slaves to the banks.
[Feb 25,2010 2:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Feb 25,2010 2:56pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'm hoping my remote sleep spell worked the other night, steve.
[Feb 25,2010 2:58pm - ancient master  ""]
being proud of geneology is cool and all but how far does one have to go back in terms of pride and cultural association? Africa, where all humans originated? Monkeys? when does it stop
[Feb 25,2010 2:59pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:I'm hoping my remote sleep spell worked the other night, steve.

It did, we totally didn't end up playing and I fell the fuck asleep. LOL
[Feb 25,2010 3:03pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage. Unfortunately, "white pride" seems to be synonymous with "white trash".

[Feb 25,2010 3:20pm - Lamp ""]
Taking "pride" in your heritage is not the same as being "interested" in your heritage or being "appreciative" of your heritage. This is a thread entirely about shitty people trying to take credit for accomplishments of their ancestors and nothing else.
[Feb 25,2010 3:49pm - arilliusbm ""]
I still don't see what the problem is as long as you don't throw it in other peoples' faces or use it to sound "superior." If I was black, Id be a proud black. If I was Jewish, I'd be a Zionist. If I was Japanese, I'd be a proud Japanese person.

The disagreement stems from the usage or meaning of the word "pride" when it relates to heritage. I'm simply saying that you can be proud to be white, black, yellow, brown, and not use it for a superiority complex. I've got a good friend who's black- we always joke around with racial jokes, but he knows I don't hate him cause he's a negro.
[Feb 25,2010 3:52pm - arktouros ""]
man...I hunt BLACKULAS...I don't know what the PC name for that is.
[Feb 25,2010 4:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:I still don't see what the problem is as long as you don't throw it in other peoples' faces or use it to sound "superior." If I was black, Id be a proud black. If I was Jewish, I'd be a Zionist. If I was Japanese, I'd be a proud Japanese person.

Skinhead Samurai Spirit blog
[Feb 25,2010 4:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2010 4:03pm - arilliusbm ""]
Don't call Japanese hardcore japcore!!!
[Feb 25,2010 4:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2010 4:06pm - mutis ""]

arktouros said:
mutis said:What the fuck do white people have to be proud of? Slavery? Internment camps?
democracy, the renaissance, space travel, stuff like that. slavery existed before white people did.

I'm white as bone, and I'm pretty sure none of my ancestors took part making any of those things happen.
[Feb 25,2010 4:06pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:I still don't see what the problem is as long as you don't throw it in other peoples' faces or use it to sound "superior." If I was black, Id be a proud black. If I was Jewish, I'd be a Zionist. If I was Japanese, I'd be a proud Japanese person.

And no matter what your race was, I'd still think you were dumb for being proud of something that you were born with which takes no talent to achieve rather than something you actually accomplished. I'm not going into this any further and I don't see why it's so hard to grasp.
[Feb 25,2010 4:07pm - mutis ""]
Also, blacks were the original race to shout about pride. -1 for unoriginality.
[Feb 25,2010 4:11pm - Lamp ""]
Ancestry has to do with why you are where you are today, but it has nothing to do with what you accomplish with your own life. If you're interested in your genes, that's cool. If you're even appreciative of them, that's cool. But pride? Proud of something based on random fucking chance? Really?
[Feb 25,2010 4:12pm - arilliusbm ""]
One must separate race as a generalization and personal heritage.
Just cause a white man walked on the moon doesn't mean I'm proud he was white over other races.
[Feb 25,2010 4:15pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arilliusbm said:One must separate race as a generalization and personal heritage.
Just cause a white man walked on the moon doesn't mean I'm proud he was white over other races.

[Feb 25,2010 4:19pm - the_reverend ""]
be proud you are an american or GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CUNTRY.
[Feb 25,2010 4:23pm - arktouros ""]

arilliusbm said:One must separate race as a generalization and personal heritage.
Just cause a white man walked on the moon doesn't mean I'm proud he was white over other races.

Exactly. Speaking of the moon and throwing around accomplishments, my grandfather helped design the wiring on the lunar rover. I'm proud of him, as I should be - pride isn't attached to superiority - pride is a human emotion and superiority is a measurement. That pride extends beyond that, all the way to how my family arrived here in the first place, and so on...it has nothing to do with race. I don't have "white pride" at all... but I'm proud of what my ancestors (read: extended family tree) have done and it has everything to do with why I exist and where I was born. Pride is not negative or positive, it's what one does with pride. End.
[Feb 25,2010 4:23pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:One must separate race as a generalization and personal heritage.
Just cause a white man walked on the moon doesn't mean I'm proud he was white over other races.

That isn't what I was talking about either...

You notice how people bring up white pride and they'll say something like "look at all these blacks and Mexicans, they haven't evolved as much as white people with all their crime and bad smells", I mean come on. People use white pride as a way to say they are somehow better off than other people (or that they are simply better than other people) because they're white. I have no problems with anything you've said about race in this thread because I don't think anything you've said was even the slightest bit offensive or without reason.

Going back to people being proud of random chance... they can ram it. All of them. Fuck them.
[Feb 25,2010 4:23pm - arilliusbm ""]
Ive grasped onto it and agreed, lamp. We just disagee on what role "pride" plays.
So by your judgment, it's unethical to be a proud American because you had no control being born in America?
I view pride as being happy for what you have. people tebd to take everything for granted. I could be a poor Indian child living in a dump bear New Dehli. You know what? I'd still be proud. I'd take what "random" - as you say- deck of cards life threw at me and still make the best of it. I wouldn't wish to be a rich westerner.
The little things in life are worth appreciation and pride. Just don't let your ego supercede your conscience and there is nothing wrong with being proud of who you are.

It's like you're clumping my beliefs with a noble persons' or wealthy person. Money and status is nothing to be proud of. Family, friends, and what you make of your life is. Grasp that, bitch!
[Feb 25,2010 4:25pm - arilliusbm ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
arilliusbm said:One must separate race as a generalization and personal heritage.
Just cause a white man walked on the moon doesn't mean I'm proud he was white over other races.


[Feb 25,2010 4:26pm - Doomkid ""]

the_reverend said:be proud you are an american or GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CUNTRY.

I actually agree with this in a non-ironic way.

If you don't at least have a vested interest in helping your country become something you can be proud of, then you should find a country that suits you better.
[Feb 25,2010 4:27pm - Lamp ""]
Okay, so I decided to look up "pride" in the dictionary before I took any more chances on potentially making myself look stupid... I think I found the problem.

I am using this definition of pride:
1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind oras displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

You guys are using this definition:
3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

...carry on.
[Feb 25,2010 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
you didn't choose your parents. I didn't choose that my ancestors were fucked by polish, slaughtered by stalin, and genocided by the ottoman empire. You can't pick your parents.
[Feb 25,2010 4:29pm - arktouros ""]
hahaha....fucking English.
[Feb 25,2010 4:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Lamp is the best poster on rttp and smokes frozen smoke. I'm proud he is a member of rttp.
[Feb 25,2010 4:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Lamp said:Okay, so I decided to look up "pride" in the dictionary before I took any more chances on potentially making myself look stupid... I think I found the problem.

I am using this definition of pride:
1. a high or inordinate opinion of one's own dignity, importance, merit, or superiority, whether as cherished in the mind oras displayed in bearing, conduct, etc.

You guys are using this definition:
3. a becoming or dignified sense of what is due to oneself or one's position or character; self-respect; self-esteem.

...carry on.

Man, trust an ass burger to bring out the dictionary to settle an argument. I can relate. LOL
[Feb 25,2010 4:32pm - Lamp ""]
[Feb 25,2010 4:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
We all have ass burgers.
Excpet the rev. He's just a php genius.
[Feb 25,2010 4:34pm - the_reverend ""]
man.. I feel an ass burger a brewing in my mudslide machine.
[Feb 25,2010 4:36pm - Lamp ""]
I'm currently taking a break from pizza because the last few days I consumed nothing but pizza, cereal, and Narragansett beer and was worried I was actually going to start shitting blood.
[Feb 25,2010 4:39pm - arilliusbm ""]
Arent you white folks poop colored white?
Is a black mans semen colored black?
Did you know 15 minutes or more could save you 15% on car insurance?
[Feb 25,2010 4:44pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought black people's cum was whiter than white people cum because it's more powerful and that's why they have so many babies and if your significant other is fucking a black dude while fucking you, there will be a black baby 99.999% of the time cause their sperms are armed with spears.
[Feb 25,2010 4:52pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:Is a black mans semen colored black?

Black man's Cannibal Corpse: I CUM TAR
[Feb 25,2010 8:18pm - OneEyedDog ""]
found this at the local Wal-Mart...racist?
[Feb 25,2010 8:31pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 25,2010 9:06pm - jvv  ""]
i cant seem to get to the message board just the rules section i signd up and everything ha
[Feb 25,2010 11:46pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
So I guess I shouldn't be proud of my city by this logic

as far as I am concerned being proud is fine, if you don't care about your ancestors or their culture it fades away.

If the Norwegians didn't care about their ancestors would black metal be as good?

If the Greeks didn't care about their culture would we have awesome as mythology?

I think caring about culture preserves it and adds to the element of being human.

Should we all stop caring about our culture and become a gray race without distinction? how boring would that be!

Try telling some puerto ricans not to be proud and see what happens haha
[Jun 6,2010 11:23pm - Al  ""]
[Jun 7,2010 12:18am - Conservationist ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:So I guess I shouldn't be proud of my city by this logic

as far as I am concerned being proud is fine, if you don't care about your ancestors or their culture it fades away.

If the Norwegians didn't care about their ancestors would black metal be as good?

If the Greeks didn't care about their culture would we have awesome as mythology?

I think caring about culture preserves it and adds to the element of being human.

Should we all stop caring about our culture and become a gray race without distinction? how boring would that be!

Try telling some puerto ricans not to be proud and see what happens haha

All true

The real oppressor of humanity is lack of culture, which creates a power vacuum that governments and corporations fill.

The enemy of humanity is humanity itself, specifically our selfishness and individualism that leads to denial of reality.

Culture is the knowledge of the ages, a value system and bond. It beats your other options: the Nanny State and a media reality.
[Jun 7,2010 12:20am - Conservationist ""]

Lamp said:Taking "pride" in your heritage is not the same as being "interested" in your heritage or being "appreciative" of your heritage. This is a thread entirely about shitty people trying to take credit for accomplishments of their ancestors and nothing else.

He means pride in the older sense: viewing it as a role, and living up to that role.

It's almost incomprehensible to moderns.
[Jun 10,2010 10:56am - Al  ""]
[Jun 10,2010 11:02am - Al  ""]
[Jun 10,2010 11:46am - goatcatalyst ""]
Make a movie as good as "House Party 2" and you might have a shot at "supremacy", honky faggots with no rhythm.
[Jun 10,2010 11:55am - horror_tang ""]
Can't you all just get along and stop arguing about your differences? You have the common bond of being homosexuals.

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