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North-East White Pride Forum

[Feb 25,2010 12:11am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Feb 25,2010 12:17am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 25,2010 12:19am - Doomkid ""]
aril, are you wear a cockring there?
[Feb 25,2010 12:22am - arilliusbm ""]
[Feb 25,2010 12:35am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
That's the Curse of the Doyles. All the men have big L's all over one-third of their dongers.
[Feb 25,2010 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
that's why in welsh, Doyle means "twat saw"
[Feb 25,2010 12:56am - arilliusbm ""]
it means the dark stranger.
Want to take a ride in my white unmarked van?
[Feb 25,2010 3:38am - MikeofDecrepitude ""]
Europeans make the best metal.

[Feb 25,2010 3:50am - douchebag_patrol ""]

[Feb 25,2010 8:34am - ouchdrummer ""]
White pride... why is it that everybody that i meet that's "into" white pride, seems like they have no qualities i would be proud of? A pretty dumb group of people, at least from the selection of people i know.
[Feb 25,2010 9:03am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I say anyone who joins a white pride group should be forced to get an ancestry test just so they can cry if they find out that they are in fact part black.

I know as far as my mother goes her mom was Italian and Native American (like full blooded on her moms side four generations back) and my Grandfather was full blooded Irish...but at the same time claimed to have had a viking ancestor while they occupied Ireland.

and as to the italian, as far as I was told she was Northern Italian, which is the heavily Celtic part in the mountains.
[Feb 25,2010 9:12am - xmikex ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:That's the Curse of the Doyles. All the men have big L's all over one-third of their dongers.

[Feb 25,2010 9:15am - the_reverend ""]

ouchdrummer said:White pride... why is it that everybody that i meet that's "into" white pride, seems like they have no qualities i would be proud of? A pretty dumb group of people, at least from the selection of people i know.
ahahaha. it's like 99.999% of all the people I hate in this world are white people
[Feb 25,2010 9:16am - the_reverend ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:I say anyone who joins a white pride group should be forced to get an ancestry test just so they can cry if they find out that they are in fact part black.
we are all part black so...
[Feb 25,2010 9:21am - arilliusbm ""]
Things I got out of this thread since I've trolled it
- anyone that has pride in their ancestors are racist and dumb
- my mom fucks milkmen
- it's cool to take our lives for granted
- I'm not the only one who didn't see passion of the christ
- the stuff I've read about and researched about didn't happen
- it's okay to take interest in something but not ok to have pride in said interest

either way, I'm standing up for geneology and ancestral reasearch. Apparently it doesn't matter but distant relatives did because it doesn't affect your life at all.

To tie that in with "white" pride is not what I'm doing, as I'm not a rascits1!! but a firm believer in the the historical and scientific studies of geneology and ancestral history
[Feb 25,2010 9:31am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:Things I got out of this thread since I've trolled it
- anyone that has pride in their ancestors are racist and dumb
- my mom fucks milkmen
- it's cool to take our lives for granted
- I'm not the only one who didn't see passion of the christ
- the stuff I've read about and researched about didn't happen
- it's okay to take interest in something but not ok to have pride in said interest

either way, I'm standing up for geneology and ancestral reasearch. Apparently it doesn't matter but distant relatives did because it doesn't affect your life at all.

To tie that in with "white" pride is not what I'm doing, as I'm not a rascits1!! but a firm believer in the the historical and scientific studies of geneology and ancestral history

agreed a hundred percent, my take exactly. Plus it doesn't help that I love ancient cultures and history.
[Feb 25,2010 9:33am - the_reverend ""]
I'm glad that aril finally under stands.
[Feb 25,2010 9:35am - arilliusbm ""]
Yea; perhaps it's my love for history and connectng the dots that contributes most to this.
I'm the kind of person that would want to meet my blood parents if I was adopted.
[Feb 25,2010 9:35am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

the_reverend said:
TheRidersofDoom said:I say anyone who joins a white pride group should be forced to get an ancestry test just so they can cry if they find out that they are in fact part black.
we are all part black so...

I think you took anthropology class back in the 90s right?

Cause new studies have come up suggesting three separate evolutions of homo sapiens, one in south western Europe, another in south western asia, and another in Northern Africa

Not to mention too that the ones that originated in Africa don't have to be black like today black, today black is a mix of semite, negroid, and some west asian influence.

I highly doubt it you took p diddy to africa one million years ago that he would find any semblance to "eve"
[Feb 25,2010 9:39am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
south eastern Europe*
[Feb 25,2010 9:39am - arktouros ""]
Didn't read this whole thing but - being a North Euro mutt, I have total pride in my ancestral history without having a superiority complex about it, because I like to think I have a working understanding of world history and biology.

As a typical American we don't have a culture to speak of, but it's nice to be able to identify yourself somehow, because others around the world can easily. So the forces behind my physical appearance, I have a historical appreciation, as everyone should, but moreover, my family has been made up of New Englanders since 1800, and I come from a line of engineers and great men and women, and it's something to live up to. I'm with aril on this one.
[Feb 25,2010 9:42am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Feb 25,2010 9:43am - arilliusbm ""]
That's still a theory that only the minority of scientists believe. But it's a growing theory at that.
But that discovery last year of the old buried dwyer changed a lot if opinions.
I personally don't care if we are all apes from Africa.
It makes more sense that we are from Lyra and the decendents of the ancient celestial battles
[Feb 25,2010 9:45am - arktouros ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
Cause new studies have come up suggesting three separate evolutions of homo sapiens, one in south western Europe, another in south western asia, and another in Northern Africa

you mean homo erectus. not the same.
[Feb 25,2010 9:45am - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:Yea; perhaps it's my love for history and connectng the dots that contributes most to this.
I'm the kind of person that would want to meet my blood parents if I was adopted.

you are talking more about the story of moses and less of real life.
[Feb 25,2010 9:48am - the_reverend ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
the_reverend said:
TheRidersofDoom said:I say anyone who joins a white pride group should be forced to get an ancestry test just so they can cry if they find out that they are in fact part black.
we are all part black so...

I think you took anthropology class back in the 90s right?

Cause new studies have come up suggesting three separate evolutions of homo sapiens, one in south western Europe, another in south western asia, and another in Northern Africa

Not to mention too that the ones that originated in Africa don't have to be black like today black, today black is a mix of semite, negroid, and some west asian influence.

I highly doubt it you took p diddy to africa one million years ago that he would find any semblance to "eve"

thank you for studying up on my education, but why the hell would I ever waste thousands of dollars on a useless class when I have BET, THC, and TDC?
[Feb 25,2010 9:49am - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 25,2010 9:53am - arilliusbm ""]
There are two kinds of people.

Those who love history and stories of old
and those who could care less of anything in the past.

I guess that is reflected on the opinion of this matter.
[Feb 25,2010 9:54am - the_reverend ""]
and if you guys really cared about this shit, you would be fucking more and propagating your "awesome" genes more. Stupid will always out breed the smart. Out of all the awesome blood in this thread, I count 2-3 kids where as during that same time this thread has been around, a bunch of negros, yellows, nascar fans, and probably some chinamen has 3.5 more kids each and took your non-existent kid's jobs.
[Feb 25,2010 9:55am - arilliusbm ""]
So who's the racist now?
[Feb 25,2010 9:56am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
der took es jorb!!!
[Feb 25,2010 9:57am - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:There are two kinds of people.

Those who love history and stories of old
and those who could care less of anything in the past.

I guess that is reflected on the opinion of this matter.

It's like the bible. Cool Story Bro, but most of it didn't happen. History is written with hash contrast by the winners that damns the losers and canonizes the winners. We don't even have accurate descriptions of how big the fish was from a fishing trip that happened last weekend, let alone a killer rattle from 10,000 years ago and then who fucked who to get you where you are today. So cool story bro, but it don't mean a thing cause it's just a story.
[Feb 25,2010 9:58am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Why would anyone care if people choose to be proud of their heritage? I don't see a point in condemning the personal beliefs of others, especially if they're law-abiding and not intruding upon the lives of others. I mean, if a black person wanted to be proud of their bushman or aboriginal heritage, would it suddenly alter your opinion on pride?

We're all black, ok cool, anything else?

Personally, I still see a big difference between Mikael Akerfeldt, a white skinned Scandinavian, and the "African American" on TV singing about his "bling".
[Feb 25,2010 10:00am - the_reverend ""]
mikael akerfeldt has his genes tested and he's actually 1/2 souther italian and there for 1/3 black.
[Feb 25,2010 10:01am - MikeofdecrepitudE ""]
Is there a difference in the genetic make-up between Souther Italians and Southern Italians?
[Feb 25,2010 10:01am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Feb 25,2010 10:03am - arilliusbm ""]
That's what's intriguing about history. Trying to find the answers.
[Feb 25,2010 10:04am - arktouros ""]

MikeofdecrepitudE said:Personally, I still see a big difference between Mikael Akerfeldt, a white skinned Scandinavian, and the "African American" on TV singing about his "bling".

Everybody can tell a difference, it's WHAT difference that people will disagree about - there's white niggas too.
[Feb 25,2010 10:05am - arilliusbm ""]
I'm part Sicilian, does that make me a black?
My sicilian ancestors had redhair and lived in the moutains. I wanna read more about that. Oh nøòóòôõö that's racist!!!1
[Feb 25,2010 10:06am - the_reverend ""]
false, the milkmen have a no ginger policy. your claim aril is denied.
[Feb 25,2010 10:10am - arilliusbm ""]
rev hates me.
this is my last post.

[Feb 25,2010 10:20am - TheRidersofDoom ""]

arilliusbm said:I'm part Sicilian, does that make me a black?
My sicilian ancestors had redhair and lived in the moutains. I wanna read more about that. Oh nøòóòôõö that's racist!!!1


Sicily is badass, it's like a smaller Mediterranean Ireland
[Feb 25,2010 10:22am - TheRidersofDoom ""]
[Feb 25,2010 10:46am - Yeti ""]

arktouros said:As a typical American we don't have a culture to speak of, but it's nice to be able to identify yourself somehow, because others around the world can easily.

This has always bugged me. I'm basically a conglomeration of Germanic background, but more or less i was raised a W.A.S.P. mutt. i only have a small percentage of pure blood to connect to, so i connected with the one i felt the most attracted to, that being the Scottish and Scandinavian. It's not much, but it gives me something to hold on to.
[Feb 25,2010 10:46am - the_reverend ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:
arilliusbm said:I'm part Sicilian, does that make me a black?
My sicilian ancestors had redhair and lived in the moutains. I wanna read more about that. Oh nøòóòôõö that's racist!!!1


Sicily is badass, it's like a smaller Africa filled with hairy Portuguese.

[Feb 25,2010 10:48am - Yeti ""]
i've found pride in the fact that my mother's bloodline suffers from a degenerative hand disease called "Viking Hand" that only occurs in those who lived in Northern Europe.
[Feb 25,2010 2:17pm - slar you morbid?  ""]

Yeti said:i've found pride in the fact that my mother's bloodline suffers from a degenerative hand disease called "Viking Hand" that only occurs in those who lived in Northern Europe.

victims suffer from an uncontrolable urge to rape and pillage
[Feb 25,2010 2:38pm - mutis ""]
What the fuck do white people have to be proud of? Slavery? Internment camps?
[Feb 25,2010 2:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

arktouros said:Didn't read this whole thing but - being a North Valinor mutt, I have total pride in my ancestral history without having a superiority complex about it, because I like to think I have a working understanding of world history and biology.

As a typical sylvan elf, we don't have a culture to speak of, but it's nice to be able to identify yourself somehow, because others around the world can easily. So the forces behind my physical appearance, I have a historical appreciation, as everyone should, but moreover, my family has been made up of Sindar since 4649VY, and I come from a line of foresters and great elves and she-elves, and it's something to live up to. I'm with aril on this one.

Shut up Legolas, nobody aksed you. Go skate on a shield.
[Feb 25,2010 2:42pm - RichHorror ""]

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