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North-East White Pride Forum

[Feb 24,2010 12:42pm - the_reverend ""]
[Feb 24,2010 12:50pm - pam ""]

the_reverend said:agreed.
[Feb 24,2010 1:02pm - xmikex ""]
It's like some kinda... *zoom* white power time machine.
[Feb 24,2010 1:03pm - Lamp ""]
I just lol'd
[Feb 24,2010 2:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
Why can't you be proud of both?
People wouldn't care about geneology if they weren't proud of the ancestors and/or heritage.
I love history and love knowing the fact my ancestors raided Wexford Ireland and burned down monestaries. Does that make me entitled over others? No; so Lamps argument is invalid - people can be proud of both their heritage/forefathers/ancestors and accomplishments today. I have utmost respect for my blood line.
[Feb 24,2010 2:23pm - the_reverend ""]
aril, I think you are 50% wrong unless you also believe in original sin.
[Feb 24,2010 2:24pm - the_reverend ""]
plus, your blood line is raviolis
[Feb 24,2010 2:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
the point I'm trying to make is you can be proud of who you are and who your ancestors were but not be "racist" about. I love spicks, kikes, wops, niggers, chinks, fags, towelheads and injins just as much as the fellow cracker.

We all bleed red.
[Feb 24,2010 2:31pm - the_reverend ""]
if you are "proud" then you should also be "ashamed"
sorry, but there is no original sin. Nothing that your ancestors did have anything to do with you.
[Feb 24,2010 2:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
so tell me, do you respect your dad? What about your grandfather? What about his grandfather? YOU should be ashamed for not acknowledging the sacrifices your ancestors made to lay a foundation for future generations of your family.
I'm grateful for my ancestors for many reasons. I wouldn't be here in America if they did not chose to move here. I wouldn't have any musical ability or anything else if it weren't for my ancestors. Being proud of your heritage is being proud of yourself. Your ancestors carried the genes that make you who you are.
Your destiny is in your hands, you're right, but the foundation of your life was created by sacrifices of your ancestors. Not respecting that is just stupid.
Way to respect your forefathers.
[Feb 24,2010 2:47pm - the_reverend ""]
Genes don't make you do things, macgruber. And from what you say, I guess you should pay all the blacks reparations for the slavery they endured under you since they were enslaved under you.
[Feb 24,2010 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
I want my 40 acres and a mule, nilla.
[Feb 24,2010 2:57pm - arilliusbm ""]
Genes are passed down. As stated, your destiny is indeed in your hands. But the foundation of your life is because of what your ancestors did.
That is not the case when ones destiny is taken from them.
[Feb 24,2010 3:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
My family is descended from Robert the Bruce, which is why I betrayed Mel Gibson by not going to see Passion of the Christ.
[Feb 24,2010 3:27pm - pam ""]
[Feb 24,2010 4:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
We must be related then.

Every choice you make changes history. Every choice has an alternate timeline in the space time continuum. We are products of choices our ancestors made. But we have free will and the power to make choices in the present, which affects future generations.
Anyone that does not see this direct correlation are ignorant fools.
[Feb 24,2010 4:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
This is serious business.
[Feb 24,2010 4:24pm - dreadkill ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:My family is descended from Robert the Bruce, which is why I betrayed Mel Gibson by not going to see Passion of the Christ.
i'm descended from bruce roberts. writing songs is in my genes.
[Feb 24,2010 4:54pm - the_reverend ""]
aril, your premise is contradictory. Your mom fucks the milk man behind your dad's back as he works. She has a baby and your "foundation" for your life is not genes as long as you are adequately able and not a retard. We humans aren't so influenced with nature as opposed to nurture. So in this case, your "choices" are based on passed down knowledge and not passed down genes. Also, these free will decisions affect more than just people with your genes. they affect people with other sets of genes.
[Feb 24,2010 4:54pm - the_reverend ""]
in before
[Feb 24,2010 5:34pm - arilliusbm ""]
Geneology and free will aren't the same thing. But they both relate to heritage in one way or another.
The gene pool has specific traits passed down from generation to generation. In order to be "proud" of your heritage, you must accept the fact that your genes belong to a long list of your ancestors. For example, I'm touching 6'6". I'm proud to be tall; my uncles are tall and I'm sure way down the line our ancestors were tall. Stupid example, but relates to the premise of geneology and "heritage".

The foundation that I'm talking about relates to the choices other people made, including my parents, their parents, and so on. As I said above, we wouldn't be here if one of our ancestors chose to stay in Europe. You could be a poor photographer living in bankrupt Greece and watch your country fall apart and be ignored by the EU. But you're not; you're a poor photographer living in Amerca because one of your ancestors chose to move here.

sure, your example makes sense when it comes to nurture. Genes represent physical traits and abilities.
Foundation represents the line of relatives and ancestors use of free will given within the boundaries of society. As a parent, you should know that by now. You could choose to be a horrible dad and give two shits about your kid. These choices affect future generations, as the role of a parent is to set an example and make their kids' life better than the life they had.
This has nothing to do with ancestors thousands of years ago, but within an organized society such as today is has everything to do with it. You could have your kid grow up in a broken home and not set a good example.
Being proud of heritage is about being proud of your family, your past, and your Ancestors.
Through the genetic make up passed down, and the immediate foundation through free will that my parents and relatives established before me (that I've reasearched about), I'm proud of my heritage.

But that doesn't make anyone else inferior. Do some research, discover your origins. Make your family name live on through free will and passing down your genes.
[Feb 24,2010 6:01pm - rapers  ""]
are italians white?
[Feb 24,2010 6:08pm - arilliusbm ""]
I can't believe I type that much shit on this forum. Hahahaha
[Feb 24,2010 6:39pm - tylor ""]
i am SO PROUD of traits i had no part in achieving
[Feb 24,2010 6:55pm - arilliusbm ""]
thatsa how itta supposed to be!!1
[Feb 24,2010 7:05pm - Hoser ""]

the_reverend said:aril, I think you are 50% wrong unless you also believe in original sin.

BUT, you're a fucking idiot, so who cares? You'd side with monkey fuckers if that were the status quo, sooooooo?

BRAINWASHED, sorry man, I love ya, but....just sorry.
[Feb 24,2010 7:07pm - Hoser ""]

the_reverend said:aril, your premise is contradictory. Your mom fucks the milk man behind your dad's back as he works. She has a baby and your "foundation" for your life is not genes as long as you are adequately able and not a retard. We humans aren't so influenced with nature as opposed to nurture. So in this case, your "choices" are based on passed down knowledge and not passed down genes. Also, these free will decisions affect more than just people with your genes. they affect people with other sets of genes.

Dis Rev can make spell?

[Feb 24,2010 7:27pm - Sheismessiah  ""]




[Feb 24,2010 9:20pm - Lamp ""]

arilliusbm said:Why can't you be proud of both?
People wouldn't care about geneology if they weren't proud of the ancestors and/or heritage.
I love history and love knowing the fact my ancestors raided Wexford Ireland and burned down monestaries. Does that make me entitled over others? No; so Lamps argument is invalid - people can be proud of both their heritage/forefathers/ancestors and accomplishments today. I have utmost respect for my blood line.

I still have to say I disagree with this. You can certainly be proud of your heritage without being racist, but that doesn't make it any less stupid. When you take accomplishments of people that came before you and use them as a way to make yourself look better, that makes a person pretty shitty in my eyes. People should be required to stand on their own merits.
[Feb 24,2010 9:26pm - Paul CNV  ""]
Germans are the descendents of Iranians... Interesting little tid bit
[Feb 24,2010 9:30pm - arilliusbm ""]
Then you agree. Using for personal gain is stupid.
[Feb 24,2010 9:38pm - Paul CNV  ""]
any sort of Nationalism has a dark side to it... Pride is a reflection of the ego and there's that old saying that pride has led many a man to an early grave... True. Very true... The ego can be a very destructive thing when it goes to someone's head...
[Feb 24,2010 9:47pm - arilliusbm ""]
All true.
Pride always comes with a fall.
I just don't see what the problem is with being proud of heritage or ancestors before you. We live our life how we want to live; people cab choose wether or not to be proud of their family's past. In the end it only matters what you do in the moment. Just don't forget about history or heritage.
[Feb 24,2010 9:56pm - Paul CNV  ""]
I'd be lying if I said I did not have any sort of affinity for ancestral research, blood mysticism, or anglophilia...
[Feb 24,2010 10:10pm - Paul CNV  ""]
I will also say that I am proud of what I have accomplished as an artist more than any sort of flag waving ethnic rubbish... But paradoxically I recognize that pride is an illusion and must ultimately be viewed as such in order to create what I deem "art"... Alas we are all metaphysically baffled and cursed by nature... Interesting little tid bit... Ahhhh, beer time
[Feb 24,2010 10:18pm - TheRidersofDoom ""]
I am proud but not in the my people are the chosen ones your people are apes way....because I aint a jew that's why hahaah
[Feb 24,2010 10:23pm - Paul CNV  ""]

TheRidersofDoom said:I am proud but not in the my people are the chosen ones your people are apes way....because I aint a jew that's why hahaah

and coming from an intellectual giant such as yourself I will take that for what its worth...
[Feb 24,2010 10:32pm - Lamp ""]
Aril, at the risk of arguing petty semantics I don't think taking pride and taking interest are the same thing. I've got no problems with taking interest.
[Feb 24,2010 10:50pm - the_reverend ""]

arilliusbm said:But that doesn't make anyone else inferior. Do some research, discover your origins. Make your family name live on through free will and passing down your genes.

sorry, the fact that you have money, are white, and live in america is more to do with anything we have than the face that you are a lanky mongoloid who hits his head and think that your ancestors did a bunch of shit that they probably didn't do.
[Feb 24,2010 10:52pm - the_reverend ""]

Hoser said:
the_reverend said:aril, I think you are 50% wrong unless you also believe in original sin.

BUT, you're a fucking idiot, so who cares? You'd side with monkey fuckers if that were the status quo, sooooooo?

BRAINWASHED, sorry man, I love ya, but....just sorry.

I don't even follow what you are saying there. But you are right, I do believe in fucking monkeys. backed. hard.
[Feb 24,2010 10:56pm - Lamp ""]
[Feb 24,2010 10:57pm - Paul CNV  ""]

the_reverend said:
arilliusbm said:But that doesn't make anyone else inferior. Do some research, discover your origins. Make your family name live on through free will and passing down your genes.

sorry, the fact that you have money, are white, and live in america is more to do with anything we have than the face that you are a lanky mongoloid who hits his head and think that your ancestors did a bunch of shit that they probably didn't do.

Whoa, that was a little over the line if you ask me Rev... Calm the fuck down, what did my bud Jimmy ever do ta you?
[Feb 24,2010 11:02pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm just ribbing him, I really could care less.
Then again, no one in my past really spoke english so my ancestry is smacestry.
[Feb 24,2010 11:03pm - Paul CNV  ""]
My ancestors fucked shit up... You?
[Feb 24,2010 11:05pm - Paul CNV  ""]

the_reverend said:I'm just ribbing him, I really could care less.
Then again, no one in my past really spoke english so my ancestry is smacestry.

C'mon man... it's ok... I know it's hard... Ya wanna talk about it?
[Feb 24,2010 11:17pm - xmikex ""]
[Feb 24,2010 11:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm pretty sure my ancestors drank a lot and died young on one side.
On the old side, they drank a lot and died old.
[Feb 24,2010 11:26pm - Paul CNV  ""]
All I am gonna Say is that the apple does not fall far from the tree... To say that a trace of where ya came from does not matter is like sayin a snake ain't ahhhh reptile... Ya dig?
[Feb 24,2010 11:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I know that my grandmother's father was adopted as a baby and had the same exact life and achievements on par with his siblings. Humans are lucky because she learn so much of our stuff from our experiences. We are one of the only species that can get over crappy nature by nurture.
[Feb 25,2010 12:01am - arilliusbm ""]
Continue to be ignorant, Internet tuffguy, or a narrowminded baffoon. Shit goes over your head son. Misinterpret everything one more time and come up with another convoluted analogy while you're at it

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