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North-East White Pride Forum

[May 13,2005 10:46am - largefreakatzero ""]
I think the problem stems from the boring 3 chord oi crap these nit-wits worship so blindly. If I only had 3 chords to work with, I'd be pissed too.
[May 13,2005 10:48am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
white pride is a generalization, germans and irish aren't the same people why should I be proud over something italians did?

You are an idiot, and once you stop being an idiot, I will stop raping 11 year old white girls.

[May 13,2005 10:58am - Scoracrasia ""]
Where is Disco Stu when you need him?
[May 13,2005 10:59am - Scoracrasia ""]
[May 13,2005 11:03am - litacore ""]

[May 14,2005 9:05am - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
who wants to visit the meth lab in NH?
[May 14,2005 12:23pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
I'll take a tour of the meth lab.
[May 14,2005 1:25pm - swamplorddvm ""]
What are you so proud about? Using technologies invented by semetic people (Arabs) and Asians?
[Jun 2,2005 10:52am - NordicNazi88  ""]
*shakes head*.

The ignorance of the modern world is boggling.

You get so bogged down in your Judeo World View,your Capitialist Greed...

You refuse to see National Socialism for what it is.

Ever hear of David Myatt?The Famed Article,"Why National Socialism is NOT Racism?"

Of course not.

On a side note...a few of these cretins make a good point.

No such thing as the "white people'

All Hail the Germanic Folk!

Wotan Mit Uns!
[Jun 2,2005 11:02am - litacore ""]

in Haiti.
[Jun 2,2005 11:04am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
NordicNazi88 said:*shakes head*.

The ignorance of the modern world is boggling.

You get so bogged down in your Judeo World View,your Capitialist Greed...

You refuse to see National Socialism for what it is.

Ever hear of David Myatt?The Famed Article,"Why National Socialism is NOT Racism?"

Of course not.

On a side note...a few of these cretins make a good point.

No such thing as the "white people'

All Hail the Germanic Folk!

Wotan Mit Uns!

I'd say the thing I hate most about politics is the way people feel it's necessary to drop obscure terms and name references. Who the fuck cares? If you have a valid point you shouldn't need to get all esoteric with shit.

If your politics are for the masses, the masses will understand it. If you want them to understand it, think of the public at large.
[Jun 2,2005 11:18am - litacore ""]
I like being lectured by Nazis about ignorance, heh
[Jun 2,2005 11:30am - the_reverend ""]
nordicnazi88 smells like a pinko commie.
go back to russia.
[Jun 2,2005 11:35am - the_reverend ""]
ps: as long as I can get a game boy for $120USD, capitalism rules.
[Jun 2,2005 1:28pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
there is no such thing as a pure race, we are all mut's so fuckin give it up man:middlefinger:
[Jun 2,2005 1:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Ma_Dukes said:there is no such thing as a pure race, we are all mut's so fuckin give it up man:middlefinger:

No shit.:NEWHORNS:
[Jun 2,2005 1:31pm - the_reverend ""]
it only takes 7K years for skin color to change based on the environemt
[Jun 2,2005 1:35pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i did not know that how long will it take humans to pull there heads out there fuckin ass'? like this douche fuck
[Jun 2,2005 1:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
humanbonedeathmachine said:you should all die filthy humans


Joe/NotCommon said:white pride is a generalization, germans and irish aren't the same people why should I be proud over something italians did?

You are an idiot, and once you stop being an idiot, I will stop raping 11 year old white girls.


i love you Jojo !
[Jun 2,2005 1:39pm - the_reverend ""]
humans don't seem to be able to get their heads out of their asses ever... seems like everyone just wants something that makes them special and makes others not-special for not having whatever it is.. when really there is someone out there that is more whatever than you are.
whatever you do, whatever you are, there will always be someone better.
[Jun 2,2005 1:42pm - swamplorddvm ""]
the_reverend said:humans don't seem to be able to get their heads out of their asses ever... seems like everyone just wants something that makes them special and makes others not-special for not having whatever it is.. when really there is someone out there that is more whatever than you are.
whatever you do, whatever you are, there will always be someone better.

Nu uh! No ones better than me!!!:ralphie:
[Jun 2,2005 1:42pm - poopsmcgee ""]
anonymous said:Greetings, I would like to welcome you to stop by and visit and even become a member if you would like to at North-East White Pride Forum.
Here is the URL if you wish to visit with us: http://newp.org/forum/index.php

takes alot balls to post as anonymous,piece of shit.
[Jun 2,2005 1:46pm - the_reverend ""]
swplrd: this guys is
[Jun 2,2005 1:46pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
god humans are dumb
[Jun 2,2005 1:47pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Ma_Dukes said:god humans are dumb

death to humans, the breeders must die ! :nuke:
[Jun 2,2005 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
"clap point point clap point point point clap point and squat"

that video shows that white suck... a lot...

the "honkey hump" is probably the funniest thing cause you know that could totally be your dad.
[Jun 2,2005 1:50pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i agree with you whiskey:duffbeer:
[Jun 2,2005 2:03pm - brian_dc ""]
For any given human there's nothing to be proud of unless you are dead...then it's cool...pat yourself on the back, you're no longer a problem.
[Jun 2,2005 4:12pm - Troll ""]
A pretty killer Mexa-Skin turned me on to SKrewdriver! (pre-racist and racist era)
He use to crack me up singing that shit out like he meant it!
He was about as dark as wheat toast!
Fortunately I'm not an overly influential baffoon so I can listen to RAC and not get all pumped up to start some white power movement, but, hey to each their own! Cause when all is said and done theres always gonna be opposition. It's not a perfect world!
If anything race is the least of our problems!
We're all just niggers to the rulers of this land!

[Jun 3,2005 2:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Troll said:
We're all just niggers to the rulers of this land!

It's all about class, man, CLASS!!!

[Jun 3,2005 2:49pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
The more responses this thread gets only keeps it bumped at the top. That could potentially turn new guests away from this website.

Fuck White-pride. have NATIONAL PRIDE

[Jun 3,2005 2:53pm - dan.  ""]
distrust-kevin, maybe you could post that again so it could get bumped again and we could all remember that valuable lesson you just taught us!!!!
[Jun 3,2005 2:58pm - Ma_Dukes ""]
i like this thread, i like seeing peoples opinions on shit like this, have pride this, fuck pride that....it's a good one.8^(
[Jun 3,2005 3:04pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Yeah, If the "new guests" read most peoples opinions on this thread, they would most likely NOT turn away.
[Jun 4,2005 2:00pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 5,2005 10:16am - big black guy  ""]
White chicken power.
[Jun 5,2005 10:24am - Defnasty ""]
this shits right up me and Ben Sistos alley. Jun 1st Great Scotts 2005 white power!
[Nov 19,2005 3:24am - NordicNazi88  ""]
Good point,i suppose.No point for Esoteric Comments and all that.Actually,by naming the author AND the name of the essay i actually thought something insane-that you people would drift from your safety and do a little unrequired reading.


Anywhoo,guess i should have thrown in a link with a little bit more "flash"

[Nov 19,2005 5:07am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
NordicNazi88 said:Good point,i suppose.No point for Esoteric Comments and all that.Actually,by naming the author AND the name of the essay i actually thought something insane-that you people would drift from your safety and do a little unrequired reading.


Anywhoo,guess i should have thrown in a link with a little bit more "flash"


Silly little guy! Meritocracy is the only solution
[Nov 19,2005 7:59am - anonymous  ""]
Minorities are whats killing this country.But the white trash dont help.George W. Bush must close the borders and stop letting all the towelheads into this country.

If it aint white and aint RIGHT!!!
[Nov 19,2005 8:00am - anonymous  ""]
Oops.I meant to say if it aint white it aint RIGHT.
[Nov 19,2005 10:56am - Doomkid Nli  ""]
anonymous said:Oops.I meant to say if it aint white it aint RIGHT.

You're going to die sad and miserable if this kind of shit is what you believe. And if you could go spread your message in Dorchester or Harlem it'd be a much faster road to your death and our happiness.
[Nov 19,2005 11:28am - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
NordicNazi88 said:Good point,i suppose.No point for Esoteric Comments and all that.Actually,by naming the author AND the name of the essay i actually thought something insane-that you people would drift from your safety and do a little unrequired reading.


Anywhoo,guess i should have thrown in a link with a little bit more "flash"


HAHAHA i love how rascist people take so much time to explain there not racist then do shitty racist things....this kids says national socialism isnt racist but puts 88 in his website addresse keep trying kid you just making your self look like more of a douche bag
[Nov 19,2005 3:38pm - Dankill  ""]
I'm quite proud of who I am, which would be a white as snow Irish American.
I just don't think that means I have to flaunt it by hating everyone else on the planet in order to "show my pride" or prove some retarded point.
Fuck boneheads and fencewalking Nazi faggots.
On that note, I should go show some of my American pride by fucking the shit out of some non white girl until Herr Assclown's head explodes in pure "The White race is doooooooomed!" dismay.
If you rock the crocked cross on your heart, you deserve everything that comes your way.

Save that crap for the prison yard, a compound somewhere in West Virginia or wanna be intelli facists that creep around Harvard.
Those homos are as bad as the angry PC Commies that over populate the People's Republic of Cambridge.
[Nov 19,2005 3:41pm - intricateprocess ""]
fucking ridicolous.

i always just steal tom araya's line "i hate everyone equally"
[Nov 19,2005 3:59pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
ya and the stupid black people should stop flaunting there stupid darky pride too cuz if i cant flaWnt mine without these stupid metal know it alls crying about it like babies to their mommy then they shouldnt flaWnt their stupid pride either so eat my butt you stupid political know it alls LOL!!!
[Apr 3,2006 10:39am - anonymous  ""]
America's largest Nazi Party.


DanKill- Go fuck non whites all you want. No point trying to convert a scumbag piece of scum like you. As far as we see it, the way you act, you're already MUD.
[Apr 3,2006 12:29pm - Uncle Wanda  ""]
White trash lovers. Ha - death to all!
[Apr 3,2006 1:21pm - Zoidburger  ""]
RICK JAMES MUTHAFUCKER! White pride is for suckers....
[Apr 3,2006 1:26pm - Will Defy  ""]

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