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North-East White Pride Forum

[Apr 22,2005 6:35am - anonymous  ""]
Greetings, I would like to welcome you to stop by and visit and even become a member if you would like to at North-East White Pride Forum.
Here is the URL if you wish to visit with us: http://newp.org/forum/index.php
[Apr 22,2005 6:53am - ricky  ""]
your a fucking idiot
[Apr 22,2005 7:19am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
White people as a whole are and never will be one culture or society, having white pride just means having pride in division and exploitation of the working class.

You faggots should kill me for being a race traitor.
[Apr 22,2005 8:53am - the_reverend ""]
I clicked on it and the top discussion is "MEMBERS CAN NOW PICK SKINS! "
I find that hilarious.. probably cause most of the people on the board are rocking the jayz skin.
[Apr 22,2005 9:33am - Scoracrasia ""]
Naturally they have a NASCAR thread.:pukeface:
[Apr 22,2005 9:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Nascar is pretty gay, but not nearly as gay as baseball.
[Apr 22,2005 9:53am - RichHorror ""]
That forum reminds of being in Michigan.
[Apr 22,2005 10:05am - Abbath ""]

[Apr 22,2005 10:08am - powerkok ""]
[Apr 22,2005 10:21am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
[Apr 22,2005 10:22am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
How much do you want to bet that the dude who posted this was wearing a Skrewdriver shirt when he posted?
[Apr 22,2005 10:27am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
do you think this kid made the same post on the Honeypump Board? or The Noise Board?
[Apr 22,2005 10:28am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If he posted it on honeypump, NE ANTIFA will be all over it.
[Apr 22,2005 10:30am - RichHorror ""]
If he posted it on the Noise Board, everyone will trash it with white guilt rage while secretly joining it and posting.
[Apr 24,2005 9:55pm - WhitePower  ""]
Fuck all you Niggers!!!!!!!!
[Apr 24,2005 10:04pm - KeithMutiny ""]
WhitePower said:Fuck all you Niggers!!!!!!!!

haha, ya wicked smaht KID

[Apr 24,2005 10:05pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I hate you.
[Apr 24,2005 10:07pm - Blue ""]
wow. die.
[Apr 25,2005 2:25am - davefromthegrave ""]



[Apr 25,2005 2:36am - swamplorddvm ""]
WhitePower said:Fuck all you Niggers!!!!!!!!

Yeah. Gay.

[Apr 25,2005 2:40am - DreamingInExile ""]
WhitePower said:Fuck all you Niggers!!!!!!!!

Shut the fuck up you shallow minded piece of shit... You really should think twice about being a shitbag like that, it's definately the DUMBEST thing to preach hatred, especially to this community

By the way, Living Colour is my favorite Black metal band
[Apr 26,2005 10:37pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
DreamingInExile said:
By the way, Living Colour is my favorite Black metal band

Right next to ABBA. :satancross: :NEWHORNS: :satancross:
[Apr 26,2005 10:47pm - hoser ""]
Would you all bitch like this if this was a post about Black Pride, or Asian Pride, or Middle Eastern pride???

Just curious........

I found no harm in this post. There was nothing inflammatory mentioned. Just the mear thought of the two simple words, "White Pride" made you all jump to conclusions. Interesting study in the media's effect on people..... I'd like to ask what is so wrong with being proud of your race??? The author of this thread was very nicely inviting people to visit the forum. Would you all have freaked out like a bunch of media sheep had the author posted the same thread about (enter race here) Pride forum?? I think not. Would you have posted pictures of a white man fucking a black woman, or an Asian woman out of your distaste for the thread??? Again, I think not. Try to think through your media tainted minds before you post moronic statements and pictures of Black guys fucking White women. I found absolutely no harm in this.....but then again, maybe if I don't jump on the Metal bandwagon now....I'll never be truly Metal.....such a bunch of fucking mindless politicians here. You should all run for office with the amount of ass kissing that goes on here.
[Apr 26,2005 11:24pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
I looked at the forum, its completey retarded

there were some really stupid racial related remarks on that site, which is absoultely retarded. I would of been pissed if they did say something else like (insert race here) Pride.
[Apr 26,2005 11:31pm - anonymous  ""]
hoser said:Would you all bitch like this if this was a post about Black Pride, or Asian Pride, or Middle Eastern pride???

Just curious........

I found no harm in this post. There was nothing inflammatory mentioned. Just the mear thought of the two simple words, "White Pride" made you all jump to conclusions. Interesting study in the media's effect on people..... I'd like to ask what is so wrong with being proud of your race??? The author of this thread was very nicely inviting people to visit the forum. Would you all have freaked out like a bunch of media sheep had the author posted the same thread about (enter race here) Pride forum?? I think not. Would you have posted pictures of a white man fucking a black woman, or an Asian woman out of your distaste for the thread??? Again, I think not. Try to think through your media tainted minds before you post moronic statements and pictures of Black guys fucking White women. I found absolutely no harm in this.....but then again, maybe if I don't jump on the Metal bandwagon now....I'll never be truly Metal.....such a bunch of fucking mindless politicians here. You should all run for office with the amount of ass kissing that goes on here.

I am Joe, AKA Robert E. Lee from North-East White Pride Forum, I am the owner and Admin. of that forum and this Thread/Topic just goes to show you how the jEw media has brain washed everyone into thinking that there is something wrong with being proud of the White race, but at the same time it is ok to be proud of your race if you and Balck or any other race. Wake up White America!!!

[Apr 26,2005 11:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
hoser said:Would you all bitch like this if this was a post about Black Pride, or Asian Pride, or Middle Eastern pride???

Or course they would, dingus, this is ReturnToThePit. Motto: "That's as gay as AIDS." It just woulda been Abu Ghraib photos or that naked napalm girl picture. Get into it!
[Apr 27,2005 12:24am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Whenever I feel the slightest bit of White Pride I drive by BU, see all the white girls looking like Hulk Hogan with orange skin and blonde hair, and then I'm ashamed to be white again. Then I go shut down a black metal show because of my white guilt.
[Apr 27,2005 1:00am - horror_tang ""]
[Apr 27,2005 8:32am - largefreakatzero ""]

I am Joe, AKA Robert E. Lee from North-East White Pride Forum, I am the owner and Admin. of that forum and this Thread/Topic just goes to show you how the jEw media has brain washed everyone into thinking that there is something wrong with being proud of the White race, but at the same time it is ok to be proud of your race if you and Balck or any other race. Wake up White America!!!


Dude, get a new hobby.
[Apr 27,2005 10:03am - WhyamIandasshole ""]
That boards hilarious. What makes a Jew a Jew. Pricelss.
[Apr 27,2005 5:55pm - slowlypeelingtheflesh ""]
anonymous said:
I am Joe, AKA Robert E. Lee from North-East White Pride Forum, I am the owner and Admin. of that forum and this Thread/Topic just goes to show you how the jEw media has brain washed everyone into thinking that there is something wrong with being proud of the White race, but at the same time it is ok to be proud of your race if you and Balck or any other race. Wake up White America!!!

shut up, you're extremely ignorant.
[Apr 27,2005 6:11pm - Hooker ""]
Pride is useless.
[Apr 27,2005 6:33pm - anonymous  ""]
white power
[Apr 27,2005 8:12pm - Kalopsia ""]
anonymous said:white power

whites have no power anymore asshole. deal with it
[Apr 27,2005 8:21pm - Hooker ""]
Yeah totally. White people have no power.
[Apr 27,2005 8:28pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Funny this thread popped up. I did a google image search earlier for "Jamal" and 20% of the results were mugshots. Is that racist of me to notice? Who knows. I still laughed, though.
[Apr 27,2005 8:37pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i cant belive no ones posted skrewdriver lyrics yet.
[Apr 27,2005 8:47pm - hippiefags  ""]
you should all fuckin cry you brainwashed niggerlovers
[Apr 27,2005 9:26pm - blue nli  ""]
you should all die you narrowminded rascists.
[Apr 27,2005 9:52pm - humanbonedeathmachine  ""]
you should all die filthy humans
[Apr 27,2005 9:54pm - Abbath ""]
if you have hate in your heart let it out
[Apr 27,2005 11:27pm - cdan ""]
Abbath said:if you have hate in your heart let it out

yeah really, join a punk band or something

[Apr 28,2005 12:03am - Kalopsia ""]
hippiefags said:you should all fuckin cry you brainwashed niggerlovers

we should all fucking cry????????? is that supposed to be an insult. stupid hick
[Apr 28,2005 12:03am - Abbath ""]

that was Dave Chappelle you dood banger
[Apr 28,2005 12:53am - horror_tang ""]
Take 5 Whitey
[May 13,2005 9:23am - anonymous  ""]
white men have the largest dicks...

so whats the black man got to say about this, the small dicked niggers they are..?

Just how fucking stupid are non whites anyway?any of you dumb bastards care to comment?

Why dont you white race haters please explain to us all why we are racist because we are proud to be white? do you call jews,indians,negroes,asians,indians,maoris,aboriginals racist when they shout their pride? no of course you dont you fucken racist hypocrits, your arguments are full of fucken shit ,and im here to fucken prove it, oh sorry bout the langauge but i thought thats the type of langauge you white race hating racist6 hypocrits would underfuckingstand..

kill whitey and all, you know just ask harvard ,they want the white race exterminated, just ask ice t who likes to sing about raping little 11yr,12yr white female children, yeah we know who the real racists are dont we you fucken wankers.

I come with facts, lets hear your generalisations about white pride you dickheads.
[May 13,2005 9:34am - the_reverend ""]
this is america
and in america, we speak american, not uk-english bs.
generalizations generalizations generalizations generalizations generalizations generalizations

on a related not, joen/c raps to everyone about raping little 11 and 12 yo white girls all the time. actually, him and mikeySDisco have a band solely on that topic of interest.
[May 13,2005 9:35am - the_reverend ""]
ps: using ice t, ice cube, or mos def in an argument means you immediately lose.
"but but but ice t did it..."
*bzzzzzzzzzzzzt* you're fired.
[May 13,2005 9:55am - powerkok ""]
Im proud to be white, but only because Im white. If I was born black or magenta, I would be proud of that too.

I also hate ignorant fucking rednecks.
[May 13,2005 10:43am - malettey ""]
having a certain color skin is no reason to be proud. be proud of yourself for actually doing something important.
i don't give a fuck what color someone's skin is, i care more about how much of an asshole they are. that's all that matters.

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