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InVerTiCrux!!! soil yourself for Metal!!!

[Nov 18,2011 10:23am - MetalThursday ""]
[Nov 18,2011 10:33am - Samantha ""]
[Nov 18,2011 10:36am - Yeti ""]

Samantha said:
ben said:now lets see if Samantha can be big enough to let silly things like this go

You're the only person I see here who isn't letting things go. Sorry, Ray, but your manipulative statement won't work on me. I've already explained my opinion to you. You came to one of our shows specifically to cause trouble. Since then, you've done nothing but instigate drama. Rather than acting like a man and having the balls to speak to me directly, you've made thinly veiled passive-aggressive butthurt negative comments about me on the internet. So... Am I supposed to suddenly decide that everything is cool, book your band for a bunch of shows, and be your best friend? Just because you finally made one rational statement in response to Wren saying exactly the same thing he has been saying for months? Nope. Sorry. I have no interest in working with people who are so unprofessional and likely to be troublemakers.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT the person in charge there. I won't speak for anyone else, but the decision NOT to work with you isn't solely my own. There are A LOT of promoters in the area who would never consider working with you, and that has nothing to do with me... and everything to do with the way YOU have behaved. Take responsibility for your actions.

Again, I think you have some very serious mental health issues and should seek help. Please keep your drama as far away from me as possible.

well spoken.

see the thread where Inverticrux played with Faces of Bayon at Oasis. i think Mike was the first person to actually see this band, and he had nothing good to say about any of it, especially the way they trashed the stage and left it for Faces of Bayon to clean up.
[Nov 18,2011 10:54am - Alexecutioner ""]
Ben is the new Butthurt Pyramid
[Nov 18,2011 11:12am - Samantha ""]
[QUOTE="Yeti:1253841well spoken.

see the thread where Inverticrux played with Faces of Bayon at Oasis. i think Mike was the first person to actually see this band, and he had nothing good to say about any of it, especially the way they trashed the stage and left it for Faces of Bayon to clean up.

I did hear bad things about that show, and I took a chance on them. When they played at Ralph's, they did very well and got a great response. Unfortunately, I've had to deal with a shitstorm of drama in the aftermath. Eirik and Terry are both good people. I don't know the other guy. Then, there is Ray... picking fights at shows, showing total disrespect for people who took a chance and helped out his band, and then trying to keep drama going just for attention. Somehow, I'm the bad guy... because he never really took responsibility for his actions or expressed any remorse or even remotely handled it professionally... but I'm magically supposed to forgive him and worship his band like they're the best thing since sliced bread. I suppose being female makes me an easy target, kind of like Wren. Unlike Wren, I refuse to take any crap, and I have no problem being a bitch if necessary.

You know, narcissism, bipolar disorder, and sociopathic tendencies can be quite common among creative people.
[Nov 18,2011 11:37am - ANTIFA ""]
[Nov 18,2011 11:39am - ShadowSD ""]
Wait - so Ray has been ANTIFA all along?
[Nov 18,2011 12:12pm - Samantha ""]
[Nov 18,2011 12:45pm - Yeti ""]
you call it narcissism, bipolar disorder and sociopathy, i call it "giant douche".
[Nov 18,2011 12:48pm - Captain Obvious  ""]

ShadowSD said:Wait - so Ray has been ANTIFA all along?

[Nov 18,2011 12:59pm - GAYNERD BROODER  ""]
[Nov 18,2011 1:01pm - Sacreligion ""]
[Nov 18,2011 1:56pm - Samantha ""]

Yeti said:you call it narcissism, bipolar disorder and sociopathy, i call it "giant douche".

Ha ha! I like the way you think, sir.
[Nov 18,2011 3:18pm - ben ""]

Samantha said:
ben said:now lets see if Samantha can be big enough to let silly things like this go

You're the only person I see here who isn't letting things go. Sorry, Ray, but your manipulative statement won't work on me. I've already explained my opinion to you. You came to one of our shows specifically to cause trouble. Since then, you've done nothing but instigate drama. Rather than acting like a man and having the balls to speak to me directly, you've made thinly veiled passive-aggressive butthurt negative comments about me on the internet. So... Am I supposed to suddenly decide that everything is cool, book your band for a bunch of shows, and be your best friend? Just because you finally made one rational statement in response to Wren saying exactly the same thing he has been saying for months? Nope. Sorry. I have no interest in working with people who are so unprofessional and likely to be troublemakers.

Please keep in mind that I am NOT the person in charge there. I won't speak for anyone else, but the decision NOT to work with you isn't solely my own. There are A LOT of promoters in the area who would never consider working with you, and that has nothing to do with me... and everything to do with the way YOU have behaved. Take responsibility for your actions.

Again, I think you have some very serious mental health issues and should seek help. Please keep your drama as far away from me as possible.

its not being manipulative girl, it is just a matter of matching minds. sorry you cant match up. i had to drop three good shows already booked when two band members left. that IS partly your fault and i DO blame you for it. moments when you are happy to be a girl right? i dont need any mental help just because i am not effected by your poser metal gang mentality. i know you arent the promoter. Chris is. i was in good standing with him, but i am sure you helped to ruin that. no matter. your dogoody good bullshit has no place in the real Metal arena but InvertiCrux does. your just passing through. mark my words, when you turn 41, look around you. i know you will be far from Metal. enjoy your preppy future.
[Nov 18,2011 3:33pm - Yeti ""]
[Nov 18,2011 3:36pm - Yeti ""]
the funniest thing of all is that Metal Thursday has been going strong for 5+ years with next to no problems, then a gigantic douche comes in and does something massively douchey and *gasp* there is a problem that is somehow not their fault! imagine that.
[Nov 18,2011 3:37pm - Uhhhhhhh  ""]

Yeti said:the funniest thing of all is that Metal Thursday has been going strong for 5+ years with next to no problems, then a gigantic douche comes in and does something massively douchey and *gasp* there is a problem that is somehow not their fault! imagine that.

are you talking about that sean kid with marsi?
[Nov 18,2011 3:40pm - Yeti ""]
no that falls under the "next to no problems".
[Nov 18,2011 3:44pm - nekronaut ""]
Chris and Samantha are the biggest posers I know.
[Nov 18,2011 3:54pm - xmikex ""]
lol @ when crappy bands get slammed on messageboards and pass it off as publicity.
[Nov 18,2011 3:55pm - Uhhhhhhh  ""]
oh ok. That sean kid is a fag..just sayin
[Nov 18,2011 5:05pm - Samantha ""]

ben said:its not being manipulative girl, it is just a matter of matching minds. sorry you cant match up. i had to drop three good shows already booked when two band members left. that IS partly your fault and i DO blame you for it. moments when you are happy to be a girl right? i dont need any mental help just because i am not effected by your poser metal gang mentality. i know you arent the promoter. Chris is. i was in good standing with him, but i am sure you helped to ruin that. no matter. your dogoody good bullshit has no place in the real Metal arena but InvertiCrux does. your just passing through. mark my words, when you turn 41, look around you. i know you will be far from Metal. enjoy your preppy future.

Wow. I'm honestly impressed with your ridiculous lack of logic. Let's see here... You screwed me over, and somehow, the consequences of YOUR OWN ACTIONS are MY FAULT?? Are you serious?

By the way, I'm sure that your lack of good standing with Chris has very little do with me and EVERYTHING to do with the fact that he witnessed you screaming at Wren like a nutcase.

This is so ridiculous that all I can do is laugh. When I'm 41, I will be far from metal? I highly doubt that. Since I first heard Cannibal Corpse about 20 years ago, and I have continuously listened to metal throughout that time, I highly doubt that my love of metal will ever die.

MAJOR LOL at anyone referring to me as a preppy... ever. :LOL:
[Nov 18,2011 5:08pm - Samantha ""]

nekronaut said:Chris and Samantha are the biggest posers I know.

Yeah. I heard Nachzehrer is working on a dub step album.
[Nov 18,2011 5:13pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Nov 18,2011 5:14pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd buy THAT for a dollar
[Nov 18,2011 5:50pm - xmikex ""]
So, so far this guy's history for picking fights ends with Wren and a girl. Haven't seen a fight record that unimpressive since Tommy Gunn beat Union Kane.
[Nov 18,2011 5:53pm - RichHorror ""]
Samantha has the first three Drudkh albums on picture disc.
[Nov 18,2011 5:55pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
this thread is so GFM
[Nov 18,2011 6:09pm - The_Mex ""]

Samantha said:
nekronaut said:Chris and Samantha are the biggest posers I know.

Yeah. I heard Nachzehrer is working on a dub step album.

its gonna be SO GOOD
[Nov 18,2011 6:14pm - nekronaut ""]

Samantha said:
nekronaut said:Chris and Samantha are the biggest posers I know.

Yeah. I heard Nachzehrer is working on a dub step album.

[Nov 18,2011 6:15pm - ben ""]

RichHorror said:Samantha has the first three Drudkh albums on picture disc.

then keep your eyes on E-bay in a few years.
[Nov 18,2011 6:21pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Nov 18,2011 6:21pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Nov 18,2011 9:04pm - burnsy ""]
Does anyone else ever picture Ben that fat piece of fuck from "IT' whenever Ben posts?
[Nov 18,2011 9:08pm - MetalThursday ""]
[Nov 18,2011 10:05pm - Samantha ""]

xmikex said:So, so far this guy's history for picking fights ends with Wren and a girl. Haven't seen a fight record that unimpressive since Tommy Gunn beat Union Kane.

He is a wimp. Obviously.

A couple of months ago, he sent me a fb message admitting he had never been in a fight before.

It isn't smart to pick a fight with a girl who is not only capable of beating the crap out of you but would enjoy doing it. COME AT ME, BRO! BRING IT, INVERTIPSYCHO! Ha ha ha!
[Nov 18,2011 11:22pm - ben ""]
i might enjoy having you beat the shit out of me. but it would end differently then you think. can get me excited without the top off!
[Nov 19,2011 12:19am - Samantha ""]
[Nov 19,2011 12:05pm - ben ""]
So Samantha, am i to take it that we are on for a date tonight?
well let me put on my sexy face while you decide.[img]
[Nov 19,2011 12:12pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
sexy face = creepy face
[Nov 19,2011 12:28pm - ben ""]
[Nov 19,2011 12:31pm - ben ""]
ah just a crappy little drawing i came up with. some one here said i am a sucky artist as well and as you can see he is perfectly correct. i dont know why i embarrass myself so by posting this junk.

oh Sam, is that a YES?~!!!!
[Nov 19,2011 12:39pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
wow that's sad.
[Nov 19,2011 1:13pm - ben ""]
meet yah eight for the EERie show tonight at Milly's in Manch!
[Nov 19,2011 1:14pm - Ancient_Master ""]
Did someone say something about polishing a turd?
[Nov 19,2011 1:30pm - Lamp ""]

xmikex said:lol @ when crappy bands get slammed on messageboards and pass it off as publicity.

I've been thinking about this lately. It's a tactic I'm gonna call "saturation and insistence". Rather than actually be a good band and get yourself known gradually, unworthy and impatient idiots like to take these steps to the top:

1) Saturate the market with your band's name, I mean really get it out everywhere you can. Don't stop talking about it ever. Turn any conversation towards your band.
2) Insist that what you are doing is right. Take no responsibility, take no criticism, just keep turning the subject of any conversation towards your band. Put more effort into promoting it than writing it.

This doesn't usually get bands where they want to end up, but they do get their 15 minutes of fame. It's almost like a universal moron code, yet none of them seem to realize they're following a formula they didn't even invent to get their "success".
[Nov 19,2011 1:47pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Supply and command bro

[Nov 19,2011 1:52pm - ben ""]
i dont know what your talking about! i resemble that remark! i mean resent![img]

[Nov 19,2011 1:56pm - ben ""]
hey man , dont blame me just because it works so well. i have seen a considerable spike in video views on this site so fuck yourself. good bands also want to be known, unfortunately some idiots are to stubborn to see that the music we create actually kicks major ass and piss's all over the nonbelievers. now they no better. we are not just made up of my pretty face yah know.
[Nov 19,2011 2:04pm - Samantha ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:sexy face = creepy face


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