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[Sep 23,2004 11:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
looks like our old friend Eric Peon / Candy Striper Death Orgy, is at it again with his local scene supporting antics.

He's handing out flyers for THE NOTHER AGGRESSION FEST but only anouncing the friday night show (CSDO), not listing all the bands for that night, and not even mentioning that there is a 2nd day. It's fairly obvious that he's doing it to help the scene. HAH.
[Sep 23,2004 11:59pm - Abbath ""]
fucking faggot dildo lover
[Sep 24,2004 12:16am - dyingmuse ""]
RustedAngel said:looks like our old friend Eric Peon / Candy Striper Death Orgy, is at it again with his local scene supporting antics.

He's handing out flyers for THE NOTHER AGGRESSION FEST but only anouncing the friday night show (CSDO), not listing all the bands for that night, and not even mentioning that there is a 2nd day. It's fairly obvious that he's doing it to help the scene. HAH.

ha ha ha...thats so true...man....what would this scene be without csdo?

and ya know, i like the other members...its just eric that i dont like.

yeah this one time i hung out with nuc for like 2 hours...that really made this scene the way it is today!
[Sep 24,2004 12:18am - BestialOnslaught ""]
The one good thread about this thread being bumped...

Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...
[Sep 24,2004 12:29am - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 24,2004 4:11am - the_reverend ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...

I do.. since I've contributed to a new book about it's history.
[Sep 24,2004 6:18am - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm talking about everyone that tried to define it above ;)

What book?
[Sep 24,2004 9:15am - the_reverend ""]
http://www.choosingdeath.com comes out this month with a cd from relapse.
[Sep 24,2004 9:17am - succubus ""]
the_reverend said:BestialOnslaught said:Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...

I do.. since I've contributed to a new book about it's history.

contributed as in photos..not writing, you'd need an editor (me) for that

but i know you know music

[Sep 24,2004 9:19am - the_reverend ""]
oh and the problem with people's definitions are like that of metal-core or fusion.
there's a form of music, it takes a name while en vogue. then it drops out of view and another form of music 10 years later takes the same name.
pure and simple.
[Sep 24,2004 9:33am - powerkok ""]
thats so right....music just keeps recycling ever 10 or 12 years. just new bells and whistles on the same old shit.
[Sep 24,2004 9:35am - the_reverend ""]
like when homer goes "de de de de de de de" to mary has a little lamb and marge calls him on it.
so he goes "do do do do do do do"
marge "it's the same song you just replaced the de's with do's"
homer "do'h!"
[Sep 24,2004 9:37am - powerkok ""]
[Sep 24,2004 9:49am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
succubus said:the_reverend said:BestialOnslaught said:Reminding me how NONE of you know what the fuck Grindcore is haha...

I do.. since I've contributed to a new book about it's history.

contributed as in photos..not writing, you'd need an editor (me) for that

but i know you know music

I was leafing through that book the other day at B&N. It looks like a really good read.

[Sep 24,2004 9:50am - the_reverend ""]
it's out already?
damn I need to go look.
[Sep 24,2004 9:53am - RustedAngel ""]
RustedAngel said:[img]

[Sep 24,2004 3:00pm - $ilky  ""]
csdo is a fucking joke, and a bad one at that. GIVE IT UP! NO ONE GIVES A SHIT ABOUT YOU! you emulate a band that had one good album, which is more than I can say about your shitty band.
[Sep 24,2004 3:17pm - CandyStriperDeath0rgy  ""]
yea we're a fucking joke, look at all of you douchemangloid's sitting on stupid comput3rds all day. get a lyfe.

yea so what we're not advertising for saturday we can hold our own as far as draw goes. shut your face. btw, we'll be updating our site sometime in june 2008.

[Sep 24,2004 3:19pm - Hooker ""]
[Sep 24,2004 8:03pm - dyingmuse ""]
that is the best pic i have seen of the old man
[Sep 24,2004 9:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
[Sep 24,2004 10:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha hah a hahah ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is fucking classic . this is album cover material!
[Sep 26,2004 3:31am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Boy, you guys have got nothing better to do!! I didn't see any of you assholes passing out fliers at the WARGASM show (Where were you Dan from Shroud of Shit?)!! Why should I advertise your lousy bands on my fliers? RustedAngel must be having a fun time posting stuff under the Candy Striper name.... I saw you at WARGASM you little faggot.......
[Sep 26,2004 3:34am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Dan or should I call you goldylocks,

Your album cover should have a huge pile of pictured underneath your name Shroud of Bowelmovement..............
[Sep 26,2004 3:35am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
That is a HUGE PILE OF SHIT pictured underneath your name "SHROUD OF BOWELMOVEMENT.........
[Sep 26,2004 3:42am - Kalopsia ""]
you know eric you simply could have EDITED the first post.
[Sep 26,2004 10:26am - RustedAngel ""]
dyingmuse said:ha ha ha hah a hahah ahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is fucking classic . this is album cover material!


btw mister PAONE, I was not at the wargasm show. eat my ass.
[Sep 26,2004 10:31am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't see why people think CSDO should include the second day on their flyer. Maybe they should have mentioned it was day one of a 2 days fest, but I think they definately should have listed all the bands on the day they are playing. I still think CSDO is a good band.
[Sep 26,2004 11:30am - Snake ""]
Joe/NotCommon - this is a festival. Granted, no one is required to promote someone else's bands on their flyers and with 20 bands on the bill, it can clutter a flyer up if you don't spend a lot of time making it work. However, it is a festival. A TWO DAY festival. I think what torks people is that if you cared about the scene and wanted the fest that you are playing to do well, you would at least mention you are playing a two day fest. As the promoter/organizer of the show, it begs the question why I would have a band doing my fest that obviously doesn't care enough to put even a minimal reference to it on their flyers.

The accusations towards CSDO that I have seen in this thread largely revolve around them caring little for the scene they are part of. The flyer situation for the Northern Aggression fest is now cannon fodder to back up those accusations.

Maybe Eric has a good reason for choosing not to even mention the fest on his flyers. I can't think of what it could be, but I am curious to know.

The flyer BS aside, reading this thread really makes sick. [insert your favorite metal brotherhood/support the scene rant here] Obviously there is a lot of bad blood between Eric/CSDO and some of the other bands and fans that post here. Even though I am not from the area, reading this sort of thing bothers me because this is what tears the metal scene down. Underground metal is already fragmented into subgenres enough as it is. Our fan base is already puny compared to other forms of music. Wars like this only make things worse.

I saw a number of attempts by both sides to cool down this war of words, but yet it carried on. It would be wise for me to keep my mouth shut and stay the fuck out of it because the risk of making enemies is high, but I care about the metal scene and I am friends with many of the bands in the NE area, so I would like to see this shit storm disapate.

Maybe what we need is a little levity to bring this back down to earth and tune the nastiness to friendly rivalry instead. When I read the bit about ticket buys to be on a show, I had an idea. I am dead set against the idea of requiring bands to sell tickets to play. I know the idea is in vogue with many promoters and club owners, but I strongly believe if you are doing a show, then you should book bands based on merit and they should be expected to promote to the best of their capabilities. If they are good enough to play, they add value to the show even if they don't draw. While I understand the concept of ticket buys is to force bands to shake their ass for a show, it is my opinion that if a promoter or club doesn't think a band will draw what is needed, then they shouldn't be playing. PERIOD.

Anyway, my idea was this. There are three days left before I head up to New Hampshire. Since every band that is part of the Northern Aggression fest should care enough about their scene and the fest to push both days of it, we can have a little friendly competition....if both sides agree.

Two day advanced tickets for the fest are available for sale from the SnakeNet Metal Radio web site at this URL...


Since a lot of the shit being talked is between CSDO and Shroud, what we can do is this....from now until I head to New Hampshire, the advanced tickets will be on sale. Both bands can direct their fans to purchase their tickets through the SnakeNet web site. After purchasing their ticket, they will receive a confirm email. Once they receive it, they can forward it to me at snake@snakenet.com and list either CSDO or Shroud as the band they support. The band that sells the most tickets between now and when I take them off sale on Wednesday at noon is the winner.

The stakes: If CSDO wins, then Dan from Shroud has to wear and CSDO t-shirt on stage during their set and give them props during their set. If Shroud wins, then Eric has to wear a Shroud shirt on stage and give them props during their set.

This competition will take some of the nastiness out of this BS and at the same time help draw out the crowd, thus ending the dispute over which band works harder for the scene. Obviously the flaw is that not everyone can purchase advanced tickets because a credit card is required to do it, but the contest is in fun and for the good of the fest, so no one should care that much if they win or lose. By doing the ticket purchases online, it will also give us a paper trail if there needs to be a recount.

So what do you say, boys? You game? Now you can walk the walk instead of just talking the talk.

[Sep 26,2004 12:36pm - dyingmuse ""]
im willing to do that. so how do i set this up? have them pay you via paypal? and how would they know who got tickets?
[Sep 26,2004 12:42pm - Snake ""]
Pay through the link I listed in the previous post or via Pay Pal. I will get an email confirm on the tickets if they use a credit card (through the SnakeNet shop which the link points to) and if they buy via Pay Pal, they would just have to send $20 to snake@snakenet.com...which is my Pay Pal account and put a message in there that it is for Northern Aggression tickets and they support Shroud...and the name of the person the ticket should be under. I will get all the info and put them on the Will Call list that will be at the door. Then they just need to bring their ID and Pay Pal confirm or Ticket Confirm if they buy through the SN Shop and they are in.
[Sep 26,2004 12:49pm - dyingmuse ""]
sounds cool.i dont know who will go through with this, ill give it a shot though.
[Sep 26,2004 12:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
ps did you read the cannibal corpse thread that started this one?
[Sep 26,2004 12:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
what if we judge by the day. i have put out a shit load of flyers...i think the attendance will more than show for it!

csdo on fri and shroud on sat. witch ever one sells more wins.
[Sep 26,2004 12:56pm - dyingmuse ""]
and...i will wear his shirt regardless, just to show him, that before this thing ever happened i did suopport this scene and his band regardless.
i will wear the shirt just because he is from new england,and part of the scene that i am part of. i dont like people that are all for themselves and thats what started this whole stupid thing! and the flyer was a perfect example.
[Sep 26,2004 3:19pm - Kalopsia ""]
that's not too bad of an idea snake
[Sep 26,2004 4:50pm - dyingmuse ""]
not at all
[Sep 26,2004 5:27pm - Snake ""]
Well, I have no contact info for Eric since Screaming Ferret asked me to put them on the show and I have never spoken with him, so if he doesn't reply to the post pretty soon, the contest would have to be shelved I guess. I wouldn't do it based on total attendance each day because the number of bands playing each day favor a bigger crowd on Saturday and Saturdays are usually the better attended day of the fest.

I think that is righteous of you to wear the shirt either way, but it sorta defeats the purpose of a contest. However, showing you are bigger then this petty bullshit is far more important then winning.
[Sep 26,2004 6:22pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
Snake said:
I think that is righteous of you to wear the shirt either way, but it sorta defeats the purpose of a contest.

but doesn't the 'contest' defeat the purpose of everyone in the scene working for teamwork and community? doesn't it just escalate the conflict? what if Eric 'wins'? what does that say? that he's right to promote his band the way he does? if shroud wins, does that mean Eric is wrong?

no, it would just mean that one band was better able to motivate its fan base than the other. what does that have to do with the overall 'Eric gripes'? what are you trying to accomplish with this idea?

whoever 'wins', it won't mean anything, or have settled anything. all this will do is further divide the scene and make things worse.

[Sep 26,2004 6:24pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
we should settle this at the Razer.
[Sep 26,2004 6:25pm - dyingmuse ""]
lol thats a bit true too.

how about this....we all go to both days and have a fucking ball!
[Sep 26,2004 6:26pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
i said that this should be settled at the Razer, dyingbuttface.
[Sep 26,2004 6:32pm - dyingmuse ""]
the razer?

and what my radical butt rider friend is that?
[Sep 26,2004 7:12pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
get with the program hairy animal man. the razer? duh?!
[Sep 26,2004 7:59pm - dyingmuse ""]
[Sep 26,2004 8:38pm - Terence ""]
boxing match.
[Sep 26,2004 8:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
im in man!
[Sep 26,2004 10:08pm - Snake ""]
th3rdknuckle said:
but doesn't the 'contest' defeat the purpose of everyone in the scene working for teamwork and community? doesn't it just escalate the conflict? what if Eric 'wins'? what does that say? that he's right to promote his band the way he does? if shroud wins, does that mean Eric is wrong?

no, it would just mean that one band was better able to motivate its fan base than the other. what does that have to do with the overall 'Eric gripes'? what are you trying to accomplish with this idea?

whoever 'wins', it won't mean anything, or have settled anything. all this will do is further divide the scene and make things worse.

Well, as I started out saying, maybe if we brought a little levity to the situation it would defuse some of the BS. The idea wasn't to make a point. The concept was to give them a way to settle their score in a lighthearted way that would benefit the scene by having them push to bring even more people out.

I can see your point though. If they took it deadly serious it could just lead to more bad will...which I guess is conceivable. I should probably just stay out of it and let you people fight your scene wars and not get involved. I won't have to live with the aftermath, so I really shouldn't care.
[Sep 26,2004 10:31pm - th3rdknuckle ""]
everybody cares, we know you care, i care too and i'm not even a part of any of this either anymore, but i for one think that your idea could easily backfire and cause further problems. precedent would then be set for future 'battles'; a 'this side vs that side' mentality; that band sucks, come to see our band, etc etc

does everybody understand that when you say 'SO AND SO BAND sucks', you're not only inviting it back onto yourself, but aiding in the creation of an environment where that crap is accepted as a valid promo tool; instead of people saying 'come to see THIS BAND because they're great', we'll have a board full of 'don't go see THAT BAND 'cause they suck' .... and nobody gets anywhere when everyone is bashing everyone else. that's where it eventually leads. thats how scenes die; i've seen it happen.

it's a healthy strong scene, from what i've seen in the last few months anyway. whoever wants to enjoy the fruits of that must also contribute.

it should be simple: to use a lame sports analogy, if someone doesnt want to be a team player, don't invite him to the game.
[Sep 26,2004 10:53pm - dyingmuse ""]
true that. i just spoke out when it needed to be said. i respect everyone on this board and in this scene...but when people get all high and mighty it has to be stopped. man i wish csdo would release a gold album and tour the world and make millions, BUT that hasn't happened yet, so i was just saying to stop acting like it had, and come back down to earth...i stated something along those lines for a few days and was only insulted when i made my move.

eric if you want to squash this i am willing to bury the hatchet and go on like humans, but you have to meet me in the middle, this is my third attempt at resolve. its on the table now...... bygons?

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