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[Aug 16,2004 7:19pm - dyingmuse ""]
really! this is getting way to gay

i love everyone here
except eric

hails to rttp!

now lets end it!
[Aug 16,2004 10:35pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
Todd said:Dissector NLI said:Thrashgrind is the only way.

Have not heard you guys yet ,but i'm lookin forward to it

****Listens to Ghoul's Graveyard Mosh

Send your adress to DissectorUndead@yahoo.com I'll send you a demo when I get a chance.

[Aug 17,2004 12:25am - dyingmuse ""]
distrust kill csdo!

now distrust is thrash band!

and at least they all have the same line up too
[Aug 17,2004 12:30am - powerkok ""]
distrust is thrash?
[Aug 17,2004 9:08am - dyingmuse ""]
hell yeah, but they aregood, unlike some gay bands. thrash/hardcore/death metal

they are students from the universal school of heaviness!!!!!!!!

what does eric think about that.
[Aug 17,2004 3:10pm - matt (M-1) moreau  ""]
CandyStriperDeath0rgy said:all u guyz fuckin keep talkin shit need to just shut yer fuckin faces and stop whining, cuz we have done so much for this god damned area you and your zit faced friends death metal bands dont stand a chance against us at a show. if you think u can hold the tortch agianst us then email me and lets setup a show. we have played great woods back in 92' and accomplished more than anyone you know. we just opened up for cannibal corpse and sold 25 tickets. you should try doing it, you cant. fuck you fuck.
you are all fat assed, and i would like you to mop my cum covered floor with your tounges. I also helped put MELIAH RAGE back together....how do you feel about that? Mastamindz will be the next band to dominate this area.

always remember this-we pack clubs, cannibal corpse surely doesnt and most importantly,you dont. u r all full of shit. people go completly insane during our sets i have to tell people to take it easy because it iz pur chaos. NUCLEAR ASSAULT's are our bros and i am proud to have my name in their cd booklet. Corpsegrinder and I hung out on the last tour and shot the shit for about 12 hours after the show, he admitted being a fan since we started back in 1986. he was pissed that we played before them and not headlined.

http://www.csdo.net/ -check out our new site, my grandson designed it wit mspaint and frontpage.


Finally someone speaks out n crowns the next king...Mastamindz has been dominating this area for a while now. You all just need to open your eyes and except it. Thank you all for the merchandise that was sold off our site during the time you guys find us to be the number 1 thing to talk about. What happened? We don't suck anymore or you guys just sick of talking about us??? www.mastamindz.com
[Aug 17,2004 3:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
matt said:

Finally someone speaks out n crowns the next king...Mastamindz has been dominating this area for a while now. You all just need to open your eyes and except it. Thank you all for the merchandise that was sold off our site during the time you guys find us to be the number 1 thing to talk about. What happened? We don't suck anymore or you guys just sick of talking about us??? www.mastamindz.com


[Aug 17,2004 4:07pm - Arrik_  ""]
To dyingintellect: Dave Ulrich ( Distrust) plays/played in CSDO, idiot.
[Aug 17,2004 4:12pm - powerkok ""]
ya and hes a cool guy, and distrust is good.
plays/played? is he still in csdo? or distrust? or both?
[Aug 17,2004 4:13pm - powerkok ""]
mastamindz...i never heard of u guys b4 i saw you bitchin on here....and havent since until now....
but i did see your video...i really thought it was a joke someone made up quik to razz ya.
[Aug 17,2004 4:16pm - powerkok ""]
get off this board and go visit some gay board that actually likes rapcore..u guys come here and run yer mouths? you cant even write an original song. go lick fred dursts asshole, and hope he throws u a scrap.
[Aug 17,2004 4:22pm - josiah_the_black ""]
if only it was a joke
[Aug 17,2004 4:23pm - josiah_the_black ""]
mastamindz that is

ahahaha.... you dont even have to change the name around to make fun of them
[Aug 17,2004 4:50pm - Arrik ""]
Yeah,Dave may not be in CSDO anymore,(?).. he did play the 7/8 show opening for C.C. So all you pukes dumping on CSDO,,know you are dumping on Dave Ulrich too. A true Thrasher,like Eric.
[Aug 17,2004 5:23pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Clubs close down in NE because theres no scene here.Metal is dying in the USA unfortunatley
[Aug 17,2004 5:25pm - vivi ""]
clubs dont close down in new england...THEY BURN DOWN! oooh shit...
[Aug 17,2004 5:30pm - powerkok ""]
I gotta disagree with that.....back in the 90's when I started playing shows...we had to go to mass at the least, to play shows, these days the venues are getting closer and closer to home....verizon arena now makes it possible to see 'big' bands (ozzy) and I think that trickles down into the local scene as well....all I kno, is 5 years ago, u had to play chantillys in concord if you were metal....now nh has many venues..
[Aug 17,2004 5:31pm - JoeDavolla ""]
Allright..... Well lets see... There was a club in Nashua that closed down a few years ago(cant remember the name) and another club in Manchester(cant remember that name either).Add in another place in Billerica(name had something to do with Shamrocks or something Irish).
[Aug 17,2004 5:32pm - JoeDavolla ""]
many venues in NH huh?? Name them...
[Aug 17,2004 5:36pm - powerkok ""]
No, I dont feel like listing all the places in nh that has bands play, my point is, that b4 it was tillys or nothing...now u have more choices.
Do u book shows? or go to shows?
you tell me...how many venues are in nh?
[Aug 17,2004 5:38pm - powerkok ""]
bombshelter, uptown, euphoria,(?), aviary, lodges and clubs (elks), theres 5....
[Aug 17,2004 5:39pm - The_Day_of_the_Rope ""]
Distrust sucks any and all cock.
[Aug 17,2004 5:41pm - powerkok ""]
The_Day_of_the_Rope said:Distrust sucks any and all cock.

when was the last time u saw them?
we played with them last week and they sounded awesome!
[Aug 17,2004 6:13pm - Kalopsia ""]
Arrik said:Yeah,Dave may not be in CSDO anymore,(?).. he did play the 7/8 show opening for C.C. So all you pukes dumping on CSDO,,know you are dumping on Dave Ulrich too. A true Thrasher,like Eric.

just because you're "true" doesn't mean we have to respect you
[Aug 17,2004 6:21pm - Blue ""]
powerkok said:bombshelter, uptown, euphoria,(?), aviary, lodges and clubs (elks), theres 5....

add the dirty basement and the muddy river smokehouse, theres 7.

but, theyre practically all places CSDO will never play. because you usually have to be asked to play those places. which means you cant play there if you suck. therefore, there must be no venues in nh. ohhhhh.
[Aug 17,2004 6:39pm - Kalopsia ""]
Blue said:but, theyre practically all places CSDO will never play. because you usually have to be asked to play those places. which means you cant play there if you suck. therefore, there must be no venues in nh. ohhhhh.

you're my new best friend
[Aug 17,2004 7:00pm - Dissector ""]
This thread might get more posts than the Never Ending Thread Of Death.
[Aug 17,2004 10:05pm - matt (M-1) moreau  ""]
actually that was the first time I've ever said anything on this board but you were just to fucking stupid to realize that people were posting as me. You guys always complain like the scene is dead, the scene isn't dead but the music that your playing is. Mastamindz has plenty of fans come out and see us evrytime but you say they stupid to listen to us right. Who's the stupid ones??? maybe you should do like Michael Jackson and Look at the man in the mirror.
[Aug 17,2004 10:22pm - assuck ""]
i thought this thread would have died out by now
[Aug 17,2004 10:30pm - ballsack  ""]
matt said:maybe you should do like Michael Jackson and Look at the man in the mirror.

[Aug 17,2004 10:36pm - Blue ""]
matt said:You guys always complain like the scene is dead, the scene isn't dead but the music that your playing is.

youve got to be kidding me. youre telling me that rap metal isnt dead? please, ill give you guys 6 months and youll be putting breakdowns in your songs, and youll be saying how killswitch engage is the biggest influence in your sound.
[Aug 17,2004 10:47pm - Blue ""]
alright. now im done with this.
[Aug 17,2004 10:47pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha
[Aug 18,2004 1:56am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Dan you dope.... I didn't post anything under "anonymous"....... By the way, I think your band sucks cock...... Very boring!! Fucking 7 to 10 minute songs? O.k. Metallica.....

Todd, I didn't tell people not to go to the show on the 14th!! That's right, keep putting words into my mouth......
[Aug 18,2004 2:10am - Hoser ""]
Matt Moreau is a complete fucking tool.

We'll see how far you are in 10 years Matt Gayrod Moreau.

Then we'll see whos laughing assclown.
[Aug 18,2004 3:00am - sacreligion ""]
ummm...i fail to see you're point(im talking about the thread's original topic)
[Aug 18,2004 11:05pm - nel  ""]
CSDO, you're fucking dillusional. I had to get drunk in order to stomach the vertigo I experienced when I seen your two man act at Jarrod's. Unfortunately, my boys are into old school shit. Yesterday's look, yesterday's sound, and about a handful of moshers that didn't know what the fuck they were listening to cause they were drunker than me. By the way, I threw a couple of your fans down AND I had a fucked up knee.
[Aug 18,2004 11:53pm - Abbath ""]
CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:Hey Dan you dope.... I didn't post anything under "anonymous"....... By the way, I think your band sucks cock...... Very boring!! Fucking 7 to 10 minute songs? O.k. Metallica.....

Todd, I didn't tell people not to go to the show on the 14th!! That's right, keep putting words into my mouth......

hey man i got an idea, why not shut the fuck up
shroud is one of the best bands in ne, but of course you couldn't comprehend music that takes talent and time
so ya go fuck your self
[Aug 19,2004 2:41am - powerkok on girlputer  ""]
metallica, you obviously havent even listened to shroud to call them metallica...in fact id say csdo is 10000000% more like metallica than shroud.
[Aug 19,2004 2:45am - Blue ""]
ooooh. dissed.
[Aug 19,2004 2:47am - powerkok on girlputer  ""]
oh snap yo!
[Aug 19,2004 2:47am - sacreligion ""]
i see lots of hostility in this neck of the woods
[Aug 19,2004 9:46am - NU-SANCE  ""]
good thrash should have solos
[Aug 19,2004 10:07am - dyingmuse ""]
thanks to everyone that took shrouds back.

this thread is infinitely retarded and i just have to walk away. to compair my band to that load of shit is gayer than this thread

hail rttp!
[Aug 19,2004 10:30am - jarfullofbunnyparts ""]
Candy Stripper Death Orgy is boring
[Aug 22,2004 2:05am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Here we go again you faggots......... You can dish out the shit...... But, you can't take it!!

You're all bummed out and pissed 'cause I said my opinion on Shroud. People can't have opinions? You guys are very opinionated yourselves.......
[Aug 22,2004 12:18pm - Dissector ""]
Just when I thought this thread was over.
[Aug 22,2004 12:42pm - powerkok ""]
You thought it was over, its not over,
I came back
I brought the fag...
[Aug 22,2004 12:47pm - thornnvine ""]
this is the real never ending thread of death
[Aug 22,2004 12:59pm - Dissector ""]
powerkok said:You thought it was over, its not over,
I came back
I brought the fag...

Good one.

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