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4th Annual Coos County Chaos Fest

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[May 27,2005 10:56pm - powerkok ""]

More info and bands coming soon. Gonna be a good time.
Directions posted soon.:NEWHORNS:
[May 27,2005 11:11pm - DreamingInExile ""]
:newhorns: just talked to Dan, so long as everyone else in the band can make it we're down fo'sho!!! :newhorns:
[May 27,2005 11:14pm - powerkok ""]
Ahhh awesome, I realized that you hadnt confirmed after I posted this.LOL.
I made the flyer off 'un-official' info a few days ago then added a few bands.
Yes!! You guys need to be there!
[May 27,2005 11:17pm - DreamingInExile ""]
are you sure it's june 30th? that's a thursday... I just looked at the calandar
[May 27,2005 11:21pm - powerkok ""]
lol just did the same.
Thats what it says on the email.
Kinda funky.
[May 27,2005 11:23pm - powerkok ""]
from the newsletter:

Yet another Annual COOS COUNTY CHAOS FEST (located @ the Eagles Field in picturesque Berlin New Hampshire) is scheduled for June 30th 2005!
This will be the 4th year doing this crazy fest and it just keeps getting sicker!
For those who know little or nothing about it let me tell ya mista!
Beer,Rawk,Extreme Metal,Beer,Hardcore,Punk,Boobs,Horse shoes,Grass(it is a field!),Camping,Bon Fires,Mosquito's and a damn good time!

Bands Confirmed to play this year!

We'll be sending out another news letter with more info on Coos Chaos Fest soon! In the meantime check out http://www.senselessmutilation.tk and sign the guest book you fuck!
[May 28,2005 1:22am - the_reverend ""]
I heard tom's camera phone is going to this.
[May 28,2005 3:01am - RustedAngel ""]
is PanterA playing? heh.
[May 28,2005 6:06am - shatteredliz ""]
I wanna go!
[May 28,2005 7:39am - the_reverend ""]
that's panterah
[May 28,2005 9:00am - nate nli  ""]
whoever did the flyer our name is spelt LEUKORRHEA... and the TBA band should be confirmed soon!
[May 28,2005 11:07am - powerkok ""]
OOPS sorry. I will fix.
[May 28,2005 11:17am - powerkok ""]
done and done.

Shroud guys, u confirm this yet?
[May 28,2005 1:58pm - dunwich ""]
From what the guys in Senseless Mutilation were saying it sounded like it was July 30th.
[May 28,2005 2:18pm - powerkok ""]
Ahh.. well that makes much more sense, seeing how its on a saturday.
Good, I hope its a typo.
[May 28,2005 4:35pm - Todd NLI  ""]
Will Anthony the drunken clown be there this year?,It ain't chaos fest without him
[May 28,2005 4:48pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
I thought this was gonna be in like August this year, did they change it or something?
[May 28,2005 4:58pm - powerkok ""]
Your guess is as good as mine. Im just posting what I got in the mail, I hear its July30th instead of June 30th.
[May 28,2005 5:00pm - powerkok ""]
Todd NLI said:Will Anthony the drunken clown be there this year?,It ain't chaos fest without him

Is that Anthony with the dreads?
If so, then I can imagine the show he puts on at a fest with beer.
Last time he was at the HCN manch party, he almost fell face first into the fire, pissed on himself, then fell in it, and dove into a cooler that had meat, chicken and fish, all raw, in it for 3 months!!
[May 28,2005 5:27pm - Todd NLI  ""]
That would be him, I just heard stories,don't know if it was last years or what ,but the stories were of him all shit faced,falling down on concrete,and still getting back up all bloodied and drunk moshing around,Something about him running around with no clothes on later in the night too.
[May 28,2005 6:14pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
last year he was there, his pants fell down and he was walking around with no pants.
[May 28,2005 6:54pm - powerkok ""]
lol...ya thats him. I saw him one night at Morgan, and he was sober. He was timid and nice as pie.
He looked a little embarrassed when I was tellin him about his night.
[May 28,2005 7:07pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
He was at the sausage fest moshin it up, and my dad couldnt help but join in. He was afraid my dad was gonna kill him, but they hit it off after.
[May 30,2005 11:57pm - diamond_dave ""]
[May 30,2005 11:59pm - powerkok ""]
heh. You guys email troll bout that?
[May 31,2005 8:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, I talked to Doug from Senseless last weekend and he said it was July 30th. This will rule!
[May 31,2005 10:08am - kellthevalkyrie ""]
yeah, kok, our band doesn't communicate well about shows. this is the first i heard of this. but i can do it!! hopefully it's a go.
[May 31,2005 11:25am - powerkok ""]
Kell....its the same day as Stone and Steel fest....I told Mark about it. That really stinks.
[May 31,2005 12:39pm - kellthevalkyrie ""]
ohhhhhhhhhhhh. that does really stink. :(
[May 31,2005 1:24pm - powerkok ""]
yep....sure does.
Well havta do a show together to make up for it.
[May 31,2005 5:24pm - Troll ""]
Sorry FOLKS!
I'm must have smoked my breakfast!
The Coos Fest is JULY 30th!!!!!!

[May 31,2005 5:47pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Can't wait for this!!!!!
[May 31,2005 6:36pm - Troll ""]
I think it's safe to put INTERNAL SUFFERING on your Flyer their Powerkok!
[May 31,2005 6:45pm - Troll ""]
I'm actually waiting on Joe/Not Common Recs to confirm a band of his choice.The 13th band!!!! We're really trying to shoot for that number but if not.....No skin off my dick! LOL!
He's gotta get on it though cause we're going to the press to do the flyers this week!
I'ts all Doug at this point cause I live in woodsville which is about an hour and a half south of Stink Town.
I'm just a fluffer.
[May 31,2005 6:51pm - Troll ""]
... and the plot thickens!
One of our fiend's is going to try and get some Jager Girls to promote the metalers 1# choice of alcohol half naked!!!!
[May 31,2005 7:29pm - nate nli  ""]
Joel... IS hasn't confirmed 100% with me yet for this... they said they would do it when we played Dee Dee's with them.. I'm waiting to hear back from them on the date...
[May 31,2005 8:47pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
This sounds like the BALLS....
[Jun 1,2005 10:14am - largefreakatzero ""]
Troll said:... and the plot thickens!
One of our fiend's is going to try and get some Jager Girls to promote the metalers 1# choice of alcohol half naked!!!!

mmmm....sluts with booze....

Not like my married ass can touch them, but I can still leer at them and make them feel uncomfortable. Almost as rewarding.
[Jun 1,2005 10:15am - joe/notcommon ""]
Raising Kubrick
[Jun 1,2005 10:37am - powerkok ""]
Sweet. So im adding RK and IS to the flyer then.
If anything happens, I can take em off easy enough.
[Jun 1,2005 10:40am - joe/notcommon ""]
Raising Kubrick is headlining, opening, and playing 3 sets scattered through out the middle.
[Jun 1,2005 11:05am - powerkok ""]
[Jun 1,2005 11:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
joe/notcommon said:Raising Kubrick is headlining, opening, and playing 3 sets scattered through out the middle.

Sweet -- BTW will you be gracing us with your presence or will your hatred for the state of NH prevent you from attending?
[Jun 1,2005 11:15am - powerkok ""]
If JNC went to this, given its in Berlin NH, he would constantly be mistaken for a bear.
[Jun 1,2005 11:16am - powerkok ""]
and when a real bear showed up, ppl would be mauled, bcuz they would be lulled into thinking it was just Joe.
[Jun 1,2005 11:18am - largefreakatzero ""]
Both Nick & I almost collided with a moose last year coming home from this thru the White Mt. Nat'l Forest. That woke me right up.
[Jun 1,2005 11:22am - blue ""]
[Jun 1,2005 11:42am - joe/notcommon ""]
I might be there, I don't hate the state of NH.
[Jun 1,2005 11:51am - powerkok ""]
largefreakatzero said:Both Nick & I almost collided with a moose last year coming home from this thru the White Mt. Nat'l Forest. That woke me right up.

wowzers..was that at night?

R U gonna tent out this year?
[Jun 1,2005 12:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
powerkok said:largefreakatzero said:Both Nick & I almost collided with a moose last year coming home from this thru the White Mt. Nat'l Forest. That woke me right up.

wowzers..was that at night?

R U gonna tent out this year?

Yup, middle of the night -- big old cow just wandering across the road.

I dunno if I will stay or not. I usually drive home, but I might grab a couple hours sleep. I don't own a tent though.
[Jun 1,2005 12:08pm - powerkok ""]
Well, according to beard #1, were gonna have quite the camp setup, and Im sure there will be room for a largefreak to crash if he so desired.
[Jun 1,2005 12:09pm - powerkok ""]
Besides....you can shack up with me, big boy. we can talk of Giant maneating bass, until we drift off to sleepytown.
[Jun 1,2005 1:48pm - largefreakatzero ""]
powerkok said:Besides....you can shack up with me, big boy. we can talk of Giant maneating bass, until we drift off to sleepytown.

[Jun 1,2005 7:00pm - troll ""]
Raising Kubrick is on the bill!
Joe you should come up to MooHampshire and get some fresh air! Play some shoes,drink some beers,shoot some guns,listen to some metal!
[Jun 1,2005 7:11pm - troll ""]
I missed out on the tits last year cause I was pissing in my mouth in the middle of a field!
I heard my fiend Emma showed some titty and this skank Renea(berlin broad) who had some harsh breast that looked like a NH/VT road map (viens man!) and a pretty haggard fart hole to match! One of the band members girl showed some skin too!
I heard there were some pics floatin around cyber space!
All I got was whiskey dick and a bad hangover.
Story of My life ...LOL!

I'm gonna go play guitar..
[Jun 1,2005 7:18pm - powerkok ""]
Can we really shoot guns there?
[Jun 2,2005 9:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
powerkok said:Can we really shoot guns there?

As enjoyable as that sounds, I am thinking that may be a bad idea. I was thinking, yeah, I could bring the skeet-trap and my new side-by-side, then I had a mental picture of people picking birdshot out of their bodies with tweezers. And then another mental picture of Kok showing up with an arsenal worthy of WWIII. I think I'll leave my toys at home.
[Jun 2,2005 10:02am - joe/notcommon ""]
I can shoot guns down here. What I really need is a broad who lets me piss on her, can you offer me that in NH?
[Jun 2,2005 10:45am - powerkok ""]
largefreakatzero said:powerkok said:Can we really shoot guns there?

As enjoyable as that sounds, I am thinking that may be a bad idea. I was thinking, yeah, I could bring the skeet-trap and my new side-by-side, then I had a mental picture of people picking birdshot out of their bodies with tweezers. And then another mental picture of Kok showing up with an arsenal worthy of WWIII. I think I'll leave my toys at home.

Those mental pictures make me all fuzzy and a little scared, all at the same time.

I knew it was too good to be true.
[Jun 2,2005 10:47am - powerkok ""]
Joe...Im sure by the end of the night, you will find at least one female to urinate face upon.
If not....well just go into town and find a ragged Berlin bitch and give her $12 for her accepting face.
Or did you mean you wanted to pee in their vaginas?
That might cost more.
[Jun 2,2005 11:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yes, I think if you are searching for a NH girl who accepts the infernal golden shower, Berlin is a wonderful place to start your search. As long as you don't mind "summer teeth" (summer brown, summer yellow, summer there, summer missing).
[Jun 2,2005 11:10am - joe/notcommon ""]
if they keep their hideous mouths closed, then it's fine. chances are, i will murder them in the end anyway
[Jun 2,2005 11:12am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
L@Z is awesome, I need to see them live again soon.

Band is so tech, so br00tal

you guys need to play out of state more...or at all...
[Jun 2,2005 11:17am - largefreakatzero ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:L@Z is awesome, I need to see them live again soon.

Band is so tech, so br00tal

you guys need to play out of state more...or at all...

Thanks Nick, I know we need to get off our old lazy asses and do more out of state shows, haven't had too many offers of late. I'm not a very good promoter.

We do have the show in RI with Shroud on the 10th and the Uptown Tavern thing on July 16th as well as the Coos show. Hope you can make it out to one or more.
[Jun 2,2005 4:30pm - Troll ""]
I always wanted to get head from a chick and just as I'm about to blow my load put out a ciggarette out on her eye,kick her off, crush a beer can over my head and walk away.
If she wants a second date....She's a keeper.
[Jun 2,2005 11:01pm - blue ""]
[Jun 2,2005 11:02pm - powerkok ""]
Blue, we finally get to play a show together.
I will be wearing clean undies for this.
[Jun 3,2005 1:23pm - blue ""]
ooooh, how arousing!
[Jun 7,2005 9:18am - senselessmatty ""]
By the way CRUSTED ANAL, Pantera is not playing Chaos Fest and Neither are you!!! You're a FUCKIN' IDIOT, with a BIG FUCKIN' MOUTH, and some strange way, you'll get your FUCKIN' head pounded in, because the universe tends to unfold itself... Anyways we're all excited to get things underway, we have a few more car washes to do and we'll be set to go. Thanks to all our supporters and thanks to all the bands that travel our way to rip it up, we hope to see everyone there.
[Jun 7,2005 9:32am - largefreakatzero ""]
I didn't know you guys hated Porphyria so much. They've always been cool to me.
[Jun 7,2005 9:48am - RustedAngel ""]
senselessmatty said:By the way CRUSTED ANAL, Pantera is not playing Chaos Fest and Neither are you!!! You're a FUCKIN' IDIOT, with a BIG FUCKIN' MOUTH, and some strange way, you'll get your FUCKIN' head pounded in, because the universe tends to unfold itself...

what the hell are you talking about? the PanterA thing was a joke about Jesse's flyer because he had the names LikE ThiS. Are you going to shoot me onstage now?
[Jun 7,2005 9:49am - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
holy mackeral you bowZors!! this show would be great but you need some killer jumps can i bring my dirt bike?! i dunt know any of the bands but if they are anything metally like slipknot i will go totally berZerk0!! LOL!!! im moving in with my dad in new hampshire for the summer at his lake and it will be awEzzZ00ooomE if i could get to finally meet you all there! LOL how bout it?? one minute you will be hearing metal and the next minute ZZzzzz00000000MMM i will blow right by off a burm in mid air and pull some Phat tWe3K trick! prolly right over the stage LOL!!! how heavy metal would that be? i cant wait for this show to happen 'cause ill be there! LOL!!!
[Jun 7,2005 9:52am - RustedAngel ""]
largefreakatzero said:I didn't know you guys hated Porphyria so much. They've always been cool to me.

I knew one of them had a problem with us and had whined about it on the senseless guestbook saying that we never hook them up with shows, ect. I've always been cool with Doug and Troll. I have no idea what this dudes problem is. I'm not going to lose any sleep that we're not playing chaos fest either. Though, last year I had a great time as I'm sure other bands will have a good time this year.
[Jun 7,2005 9:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, this will be fun. Especially if RDB shows up and blasts H0000ge air off the old ski jump in the back of the field.
[Jun 7,2005 10:29am - powerkok ""]
hahahaha rdb is confirmed. He sent me an email saying he would definitley be there.
[Jun 7,2005 10:33am - RustedAngel ""]
obviously RDB will be there.
[Jun 7,2005 10:40am - powerkok ""]
so you know too then?
He acts like no one knows.
[Jun 7,2005 11:30am - senselessmatty ""]
Wow! You know how to repeat everything I said, real original! Well I have better things to do than to deal with a Drama Queen like you! Instead of Slinging Shit here, maybe you should concentrate on keeping your band together...
[Jun 7,2005 11:36am - RustedAngel ""]
senselessmatty said:Wow! You know how to repeat everything I said, real original! Well I have better things to do than to deal with a Drama Queen like you! Instead of Slinging Shit here, maybe you should concentrate on keeping your band together...

way to make sense! Jealousy is a bitch...
[Jun 7,2005 1:31pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
is there an age limit on this thing?
[Jun 7,2005 1:35pm - RustedAngel ""]
ltdec-1000 said:is there an age limit on this thing?

no age limit which is rad. You know it is actually kind of sad we're not playing this year due to one jealous member of a band playing. I really enjoyed hanging out with everyone and meeting new people. Oh well.
[Jun 7,2005 2:42pm - senselessmatty ""]
[Jun 7,2005 2:49pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
hey mr angel if you want to take out aggression we could do some pHat jumps 2gether i could teach you. then you could jump off of people's chins and do spin outs on puppies after you jump over their chins and reak toTal hAv0c!!
[Jun 7,2005 2:55pm - RustedAngel ""]

So your panties are in a bunch because I said Purenform acted like rock stars and played for way too long? I love it when total douchebags try to come across like they know me. I didn't know having an opinion about one band counts as 'CRITICIZING EVERYONE'. So you hold this against porphyria because I stated my opinion about your friends band, wow, you're super mature! I remember plenty of other band members in other bands feeling the same way I did, but they may not post here.

See the button right next to the letter 'A', it's called caps lock. TURN IT OFF. Go ahead and call me a 'fucking queer', I wouldn't even bother acknowledging that you exist.
[Jun 7,2005 3:15pm - ltdec-1000 ""]
Wow, Matty just got ninja'd

[Jun 7,2005 3:18pm - powerkok ""]
anyone that throws a punch with their mouth open deserves to be KTFO.
[Jun 7,2005 3:25pm - senselessmatty ""]
Yes I know where the CAPS BUTTON is you FUCK STUMP, you didn't just offend one band you talked shit about Breather, Purenform, and a couple other bands. No I don't hold this against Porphyria, I hold this against you. Don't worry, you keep talkin shit you'll see what happens! You'll see that I exist and you'll see what happens when I rap my panties around your fuckin throat and belt-sand your fuckin face off!!!
[Jun 7,2005 3:28pm - nate ""]
Matt, move away from the keyboard and grab the glass piece, pack it up and take a huge toke... breathe in and out... better?

I'll bring a lil green this year since you smoked me up so much last year!
[Jun 7,2005 3:33pm - neck throatist  ""]
i have a belly button!!!
[Jun 7,2005 3:36pm - powerkok ""]
senselessmatty said: You'll see that I exist and you'll see what happens when I rap my panties around your fuckin throat and belt-sand your fuckin face off!!!

[Jun 7,2005 3:36pm - RustedAngel ""]
Okay Shitbrick, I'm not going to let your retardation going to show through any further. Here are my actual posts about the bands you claim I 'TALKED SHIT ABOUT'.

(Insert long ass setup time, cell phone talking, looking for guitar strings, and drinking beer from cups setup neatly on top of your amp)
These guys were what I expected them to be, Wannabee rock stars. They played a full 14 song setlist of generic metallicaish rock and lame dialogue in between songs. Then they played and encore as if people other than their few groupies actually wanted to see. I can't help it but it was horrible. They were the reason why this show went as late as it did and why suicide contest almost didn't play.

Breather: Joel from senseless on drums and doug on bass... just some hardcorish / screamo stuff... not my style, but kids there dug em! "

what other people said:

"As mentioned Purenform was horrible, and took way to fuckin long!!! Breather was ok, like Tom said though this was not something I got into either." - Nate/Leukorrhea

"Yeah, Purenform fucked the entire fest (sorry but it's the truth)!" - Guitarist/5MH

but hey, no skin of my back, have a nice life with your bf in Purenform.

Thank you for living far away from civilization.
[Jun 7,2005 3:37pm - powerkok ""]
neck throatist said:i have a belly button!!!

well said, Mark, well said.
[Jun 7,2005 4:28pm - Radical_Dirt_Biker ""]
[Jun 7,2005 4:41pm - powerkok ""]

your 'kx'
[Jun 7,2005 5:57pm - dwellingsickness ""]
The show has not even happened and there is already drama?WTF? First the show......Then the message board drama,I thought that is how it went
[Jun 7,2005 6:45pm - Troll ""]
I played drums in Breather why'll my friend who is now the drummer of Senseless in Seatle was at war in Iraq.
[Jun 7,2005 8:49pm - Aegathis ""]
sensless in seatlle, hah, oh man thats fuckin awsome
[Jun 8,2005 2:56am - blue ""]
I WANT PORPHYRIA TO PLAY. and lots of buttsex to make everyone happy.
[Jun 8,2005 6:27am - Troll ""]
Hey Shaman
Seriously Bro. Let go of all this bullshit w/ Tom. It's not very productive.
On another note....
I'm "trying" to get a mini ramp up to the field this year so all you sk8tr fags should bring your boards just incase...

....We run out of fire wood.
[Jun 8,2005 9:02am - senselessmatty ""]
Don't bring guns up to the field, we don't want any accidents! We want to have good clean fun! Bring a tent, bring your friends, and bring your love of music...
[Jun 8,2005 9:25am - powerkok ""]
How about chinese stars/ninja swords?
[Jun 8,2005 9:27am - Messerschmitt ""]
haha. some cops shot and killed a guy armed with two ninja swords in fall river the other day
[Jun 8,2005 9:36am - powerkok ""]
fuckin sweet.
Tasers arent for everybody. Some people like to do the things the old fashioned way.
[Jun 8,2005 9:37am - Messerschmitt ""]
tasers are funny as hell. especially when drunk ladies get zapped.
[Jun 8,2005 9:47am - powerkok ""]
Or big tough guys that are all , fuck you, Im not going out without a fight, Ill kick your fuckin- znnnnt awwawwaww awwawwaww ok ok ok ok ok ok please stop, omg, plz stop it, aww aww aww omg...'
[Jun 8,2005 9:49am - senselessmatty ""]
Swords and Chinese Stars are cool!!! They don't make a lot of noise and they draw less attention than a SKS or 270 rifle...
[Jun 8,2005 9:51am - Messerschmitt ""]
hahaha! first they let out a yelp!!! like a little girl and then they grit there teeth and sound like they got the wind knocked out of them. sort of like the sound retards make.
[Jun 8,2005 9:55am - senselessmatty ""]
We just don't want to deal with the Cops, period. If people are shootin' rounds off all night, then we'll definitely have to deal with The Po Po. Plus alcohol and guns aren't a good mix, but with scattered ass, music, and booze, you can't lose.
[Jun 8,2005 9:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
Don't worry, I'm leaving my toys at home. This fest hasn't had any cop problems before, and we definitely don't want to give them an excuse to kill our buzz.
[Jun 8,2005 10:10am - powerkok ""]
what if we have silencers?

just kidding...I wouldnt do anything to jeapordize this fest.
[Jun 8,2005 1:19pm - senselessmatty ""]
Thanks for being understanding!!! Now let's have a good fuckin' time!!!
[Jun 8,2005 1:28pm - powerkok ""]
sounds like a plan to me!!!
[Jun 8,2005 1:32pm - nate ""]
I'm already drunk just thinking about being at this fest again....
[Jun 8,2005 4:07pm - troll ""]
Fuck you! I'm bringin my guns period.

[Jun 8,2005 4:26pm - nate ""]
I'm gonna bring my paintball gun... anyone know where I can get blood red paintballs for this damn thing???
[Jun 8,2005 4:36pm - powerkok ""]

I assume you need 54 caliber? (regular paintball)
try these.
I will have my airsoft , so no sneaky ass shots!!
[Jun 8,2005 4:37pm - nate ""]
kick ass dude, the rest of my band has paintball guns too, let's have a WAAAARRR!!!
[Jun 8,2005 4:39pm - nate ""]
have you used the one's at the link? are they really red? I got some one time and they looked red on the outside but were all gay and pink on the inside....
[Jun 8,2005 4:44pm - powerkok ""]
thats prolly what the case is...Ive never seen truly RED paint...its always pinkish or orange.
But, Ive never tried this brand, so ya never know.
[Jun 8,2005 5:36pm - dwellingsickness ""]
Great,Now if I do go, I gotta worry about coming home with a tie dyed chair from all the different paintballs:NEWHORNS:
[Jun 8,2005 5:38pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:I assume you need 54 caliber? (regular paintball)

I believe you mean .68 caliber (as an avid paintball player I memorize useless shit like this... )

I need blood red paint so I can finish re-decorating my jam room... it's all black now, it just needs to be shot up with blood splats.
[Jun 8,2005 5:40pm - powerkok ""]
THATS why .54 caliber paintball didnt come up in Google!!! hahaha ya thats what I was tryin to say.

.54 caliber is a muzzloader. oops.
[Jun 8,2005 6:06pm - nate ""]
we need blood red paintballs, stat!
[Jun 8,2005 6:11pm - DreamingInExile ""]
powerkok said:THATS why .54 caliber paintball didnt come up in Google!!! hahaha ya thats what I was tryin to say.

.54 caliber is a muzzloader. oops.


we all need to go play paintball this summer, then play a show afterwards :newhorns: make a HUGE day out of it!!!!
[Jun 8,2005 6:16pm - powerkok ""]
hell ya!!! paintball vs airsoft!!
[Jun 8,2005 6:29pm - DreamingInExile ""]
mmm... you made me go get my paintballgun case out...

"you've unleashed the fucking fury!"
[Jun 8,2005 11:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Jun 8,2005 11:06pm - BornSoVile ""]
I'm going to this, how far north? I will bring a flank steak in honor of IS.
[Jun 8,2005 11:08pm - blue ""]
i have no clue how far up it is, but itll be a good time regardless.
[Jun 8,2005 11:12pm - powerkok ""]
Its about 4 hours from the nh/mass border in s.nashua.
[Jun 8,2005 11:15pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
umm is there any chance we can put on this shindig !
[Jun 8,2005 11:34pm - blue ""]
[Jun 8,2005 11:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
blue said:NOPE

boo to that shit !
[Jun 8,2005 11:35pm - KeithMutiny ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:umm is there any chance we can put on this shindig !

AHEM... same weekend as the midwest death fest... keeeeed!
[Jun 9,2005 9:53am - senselessmatty ""]
Just don't hit me in the face with any paintballs or I'll never be a Teen Model!!!
[Jun 9,2005 10:20am - Messerschmitt ""]
this sounds like a blast. you should have some kind of props/games like pin the dagger on the korpsey-l-? or bobbing for goat hearts?
[Jun 9,2005 10:30am - powerkok ""]
How about pin the arm and face back onto Joe n/c?
[Jun 9,2005 12:38pm - davefromthegrave ""]
I feel like I'm in cooze county every time my exgf calls me up.
[Jun 9,2005 3:13pm - senselessmatty ""]
There will be a few things to do there, swat away skeeters, play horse shoes, watch a bunch of different bands, try to maintain a good buzz, try to make it to the bathroom before puking... All kinds of fun games!!!
[Jun 9,2005 3:26pm - nate ""]
we could always play dodge the paintball too Matt, that'd be tons of fun...

on a side note, still waiting for the final word from IS about doing this shit...
[Jun 9,2005 3:42pm - Troll ""]
If you can't get IS don't worry cause NKOTB want on!
[Jun 9,2005 4:00pm - nate ""]
you mean THE NKOTB??? YESSSS!!! I'll let you know either way about IS Joel, I'll call Doug tonight to touch base or something...
[Jun 10,2005 7:54pm - hoser ""]
NKOTB...THE NKOTB?? Cool cuz I like Marky Mark and the spunky bunch. They really cripple my nads.
[Jun 15,2005 9:04pm - Troll ""]
A night of horror
[Jun 15,2005 9:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
It would be awesome if Senseless Mutilation were a Mutiilation cover band comprised of deaf and blind people.
[Jun 15,2005 11:02pm - powerkok ""]
WOW that flyer is enormous!!
It resizes fine in a browser tho....
Im gonna post directions on here in a bit.
[Jun 15,2005 11:19pm - powerkok ""]
err maybe not....I cant find eagles field online anywhere, so I got up to east milan rd.
Senseless guys check out these directions and see if theyre any good

[Jun 16,2005 12:17pm - M  ""]
Hey what's the deal with talking shit about "Purenform"? They're good people
[Jun 16,2005 12:48pm - RustedAngel ""]
M said:Hey what's the deal with talking shit about "Purenform"? They're good people

originally there was NO shit talking them. It was mere criticism about the length of their set 1 year ago that they got offended about. Quit being fags.
[Jun 16,2005 1:00pm - M  ""]
Hey man I was just wondering, I'm the new guitar player for em
[Jun 16,2005 1:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
sweet, good luck.
[Jun 16,2005 1:02pm - the_reverend ""]
if it's not going to rain, I will probably go to this. otherwise, I will go to that stone whatever fest.

I warn you all now, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate mosquitos. if i'm outside, I dance the hokeypokey trying to kill all the invisible bugs around me.
speaking of which:
hokey pokey man no more.
[Jun 16,2005 1:05pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:
I warn you all now, I REALLY REALLY REALLY hate mosquitos. if i'm outside, I dance the hokeypokey trying to kill all the invisible bugs around me.

that's what I had to do basically. I put on a longsleeve to help but had to keep headbanging throughout the entire day to keep them away.
[Jun 16,2005 1:07pm - the_reverend ""]
I just move a lot. it makes it so I only get about 5 bites a year, but I look retarded constantly smacking my legs.

I guess this is where God will draw the line.
rain means wretched asylum is better.
sun means internal suffering is better.

let's see how this pans out.
[Jun 16,2005 1:19pm - M  ""]
so does anybody have pics of the 2004 show?
[Jun 16,2005 1:45pm - nate ""]
RA had pics from last year...
[Jun 16,2005 1:47pm - M  ""]
no I mean from Chaos fest
[Jun 16,2005 1:53pm - nate ""]
yes, RA has pics from last years fest...
[Jun 16,2005 1:55pm - M  ""]
sweet I didd'nt know they were there
[Jun 16,2005 2:31pm - nate ""]
the "they" you are referring to is Rusted Angel.. see the posts above and you'll see him... he has the pics... geeez
[Jun 16,2005 2:52pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Rev -- buy Ben's 100, the little orange bottle. It is 100% deet, so it will melt clothes and give you skin cancer, but the skeeters will stay away.
[Jun 16,2005 2:57pm - DreamingInExile ""]
Chaos Fest > Stone and Steel Fest...

I'd rather be playing this fest... but no, I'm stuck on the Stone and Steel fest :(
[Jun 16,2005 3:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
largefreakatzero said:Rev -- buy Ben's 100, the little orange bottle. It is 100% deet, so it will melt clothes and give you skin cancer, but the skeeters will stay away.

rev doesn't even wear deodorant, I don't think he would spray himself with ben's 100. :spineyes:
[Jun 16,2005 10:15pm - fuct  ""]
any idea who's playing at what time?
[Jun 16,2005 10:28pm - powerkok ""]
directions, men, directions!!!!
we need em, if anyone wants to actually make it there.
[Jun 16,2005 11:03pm - nate ""]
I'll try to remember them and write it up tomorrow... kok... e-mail me what you have so far and I can maybe point out landmarks and shit from there...
[Jun 16,2005 11:17pm - powerkok ""]
cool, thanks...you have mail.
[Jun 17,2005 10:30am - fuct  ""]
any idea who's playing at what time?
[Jun 17,2005 10:31am - hoser ""]
Yes, all bands will be playing at the exact same time on the exact same stage....that's why they call it the Chaos Fest, it will be fun...now just get there for all the bands damnit!!
[Jun 17,2005 10:33am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I can't wear deodorant cause it gives me headaches.
[Jun 17,2005 10:52am - powerkok ""]
hoser said:Yes, all bands will be playing at the exact same time on the exact same stage....that's why they call it the Chaos Fest, it will be fun...now just get there for all the bands damnit!!

[Jun 17,2005 11:03am - fuct  ""]
funny fucka huh?
[Jun 17,2005 12:00pm - senselessmatty ""]
The best way to get to the field is to go through Main St for a few miles until you come to a bridge, the Twelve St Bridge, take a right and follow the signs for The Nansen XC Ski Club, at the end of the Bridge take a left. Head on this Rd for a few miles and the sign for The Nansen XC Ski Club will turn right, stay straight and this Rd turns into East Milan Rd. After you see the marker for Milan on the right, the field is at least a couple miles, the sign for Eagle's Field will be on your right and the entrance is on the left. If you have any problems, ask one of the locals and they can help. Hope to see you there and bring a tent, sleeping bag, some food, and your love for live music. Later!!!!
[Jun 18,2005 8:02am - fuct  ""]
seriously though, any idea?
[Jun 18,2005 10:00am - DreamingInExile ""]
hoser said:Yes, all bands will be playing at the exact same time on the exact same stage....that's why they call it the Chaos Fest, it will be fun...now just get there for all the bands damnit!!

that's the best post ever!

we should have a show like that, and turn it into a paintball war... lol
[Jun 18,2005 12:02pm - powerkok ""]
thanks Matty, for these directions...its much appreciated.
[Jun 19,2005 1:32pm - deathmetalsux  ""]
[Jun 20,2005 9:24am - hoser ""]
So if we have directions, I need 'em. I wanna be sure to get them to all the right people. I will be needing them as soon as we get 'em. Thanks dudes and dudettes.
[Jun 20,2005 10:36am - powerkok ""]
theyre on our site in the shows section.
[Jun 20,2005 11:17am - senselessmatty ""]
I Just Wrote The Directions, Pay AttentionPeople...
[Jun 22,2005 4:51pm - Troll ""]
I'll be sending the best directionds to the bands themselves. i'm having computer problems so hang in there! Hey Rev!!!!! I'm going to use a spell I learned from a warlock(no shit!) on you so you will want nothing more than to be at the Chaos fuck Fest to swat flies.
I heard if you take B-complex(vitamins) it keeps mosquitos away! i've been on em for a week and i think it works!
[Jun 24,2005 9:06am - hoser ""]
So like....LAZ are we car pooling up to this in like...all your big trucks? I have no idea how to get there, so maybe we should all leave together.
[Jun 24,2005 9:16am - nate ""]
DreamingInExile said:hoser said:Yes, all bands will be playing at the exact same time on the exact same stage....that's why they call it the Chaos Fest, it will be fun...now just get there for all the bands damnit!!

that's the best post ever!

we should have a show like that, and turn it into a paintball war... lol

yeah paintball war!
[Jun 24,2005 9:21am - RustedAngel ""]
skin from last year hahahahahah:
[Jun 24,2005 9:23am - RustedAngel ""]
such a beautiful area to live in....
[Jun 24,2005 9:37am - usuk  ""]
So who's bringin' the camcorder?
[Jun 24,2005 12:21pm - largefreakatzero ""]
hoser said:So like....LAZ are we car pooling up to this in like...all your big trucks? I have no idea how to get there, so maybe we should all leave together.

Yeth, let's all have a big gay caravan leaving Manchester!

But yeah, I figure we'll all meet up at the jam space, load shite up, and make the long trek north. This should be hilarious...
[Jun 24,2005 12:30pm - powerkok ""]
hahahahaha hell ya....pray you dont have Matty p tailing yer ass the whole trip. His tailgating is infamous.
[Jun 24,2005 12:43pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, he followed me to RI for the show w/Shroud -- he attempted to tailgate, but could not keep up with my high speed travel.
[Jun 24,2005 12:45pm - powerkok ""]
ahhh you found a way to foil heeeeem~~!!!!!*evil smirk followed by blank stare*
[Jul 5,2005 10:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 5,2005 5:21pm - BornSoVile ""]
Internal Suffering confirmed!!??!?
[Jul 19,2005 11:27pm - powerkok ""]
10 days and counting....

roll call?!
[Jul 19,2005 11:37pm - blue ""]
i dont know if you guys were informed, but we've dropped off this. we got double booked with this and the palladium show. sorry guys. i was really looking forward to playing with internal suffering again, along with HCN and LAZ.
[Jul 19,2005 11:38pm - RustedAngel ""]
internal suffering isn't even playing this. they will be in TX or something.
[Jul 19,2005 11:40pm - blue ""]
oh, ok. why have they been promoted as the headliner for like 2 months? interesting.
[Jul 19,2005 11:47pm - powerkok ""]
blue said:i dont know if you guys were informed, but we've dropped off this. we got double booked with this and the palladium show. sorry guys. i was really looking forward to playing with internal suffering again, along with HCN and LAZ.

Nope, didnt know this. Sucky, I was lookin fwd to seeing you guys.
Well havta put a laz/hcn/rk show together sometime soon.
[Jul 19,2005 11:48pm - powerkok ""]
RustedAngel said:internal suffering isn't even playing this. they will be in TX or something.

Really? I just heard the other night at the uptown show, that they were confirmed.
[Jul 19,2005 11:49pm - blue ""]
mos def yo. i know the laz boys want to get more shit together with out. we can make a homoerotic funfest. cept for sarah of course.
[Jul 20,2005 9:01am - largefreakatzero ""]
blue said:mos def yo. i know the laz boys want to get more shit together with out. we can make a homoerotic funfest. cept for sarah of course.

Highly gay - we're in! Sorry you guys can't make it up to north woods, I was looking forward to playing with you again.
[Jul 20,2005 9:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
By the way, Doug from Senseless called me the other night and I guess we have the 10:45 to 11:15 slot. HCN is playing right before us, for maximum set-up efficiency.
[Jul 20,2005 9:06am - RustedAngel ""]

07.28.05 - Amarillo, TX @ The Durango
07.29.05 - San Angelo, TX @ The Symphony
07.30.05 - El Paso, TX @ Lucky Devils
07.31.05 - Tucson, AZ @ Skrappy's
08.01.05 - Phoenix, AZ @ Metal Devastation
08.02.05 - San Diego, CA @ Brick By Brick
08.03.05 - Los Angeles, CA @ Hully Gully
08.04.05 - Day Off/Travel Day
08.05.05 - Albuquerque, NM @ The Compound -
[Jul 20,2005 9:11am - largefreakatzero ""]
WTF? Yeah, according to that it does not appear that they will be playing. Unless of course they have a private helicopter. I would loan them ours, but it's currently being, errr, repaired.
[Jul 20,2005 9:45am - hoser ""]
That's OK!!!! They can borrow the Neckmobile!!! It's really fast and stuff....and it can fly too, it's only fuel is bullshit. With Mike and me onboard, that thing should HAUL ASS!!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 9:46am - hoser ""]

Amon Amarth and Suffocation will be co-headlining the Chaos Fest!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 11:45am - nate ""]
RustedAngel said:internal suffering isn't even playing this. they will be in TX or something.

I told this to Doug a while ago... they never got back to me after rpomising they were going to do it, oh well... it'll be a fuck load of fun with or without em!!!!!
[Jul 20,2005 12:08pm - powerkok ""]
Oh well...I agree, it will still be fun.

LOL @ neckmobile fuel.
[Jul 20,2005 12:10pm - powerkok ""]
hoser said:THIS JUST IN!!!!!

Amon Amarth and Suffocation's roadies will be co-headlining the Chaos Fest!!!!

[Jul 20,2005 2:00pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Well, IS can enjoy all the steers and queers in TX. This is still going to be fun.
[Jul 21,2005 6:58am - troll ""]
Yeah I guess we're gonna have to get the Pet Shop Boys to headline this year.
[Jul 21,2005 3:31pm - powerkok ""]
I know a guy that does a killer 80's keyboardist routine.
His flock of seagulls cover rips total heiny!
[Jul 23,2005 9:33am - powerkok ""]
roll call?

Anyone from here goin?
Dont make me round you up.
[Jul 23,2005 9:53am - JEFF PIERCE LIKES LITTLE BOYS  ""]
Jeff pierce would like to go but his boyfriend's Atreyu makeup hasn't come in the mail yet, so he might not make it.
[Jul 23,2005 10:06am - nate nli  ""]
I'll be there... I can't fuckin wait it's gonna be an awesome time!
[Jul 23,2005 10:15am - nate nli  ""]
I'll be there... I can't fuckin wait it's gonna be an awesome time!
[Jul 24,2005 11:50pm - anonymous  ""]
come.......celebrate your discontent!
[Jul 24,2005 11:55pm - nate ""]
celebrate metal, beer, green grass, beer and whatever else it was that that dumb fucker Troll said... hahaha
[Jul 25,2005 12:00am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
so what's the line up.
[Jul 25,2005 8:24am - nate ""]
see flyer on the top... I believe it has the current line-up on it...
[Jul 25,2005 9:22am - anonymous  ""]
Bands Start at 4:45pm, Gates open at Noon...
[Jul 25,2005 11:00am - Josh-Martin ""]
There is no way I am going to travel that far for a bunch of faggy death metal bands. Grindcore for life.
[Jul 26,2005 3:35pm - hoser ""]
Josh Martin really is a complete loser. However, I do not believe that he would have replied in this completely retarded, and childish manner.

Now, like I said, he's a complete joke at life....but I just feel like this just isn't him. Please don't feign being him, you may catch a case of stupid, Just run along with your HIV and find a new loser to mimic.

I am in no way condoning Josh Martins existence, or am I protecting him in any way. Just please don't try to post like him. He seems to be a reasonably intelligent, albeit very mis-lead individual. You just sound like a dumbass.
[Jul 27,2005 10:20am - senselessmatty ""]
Here's the line-up for Saturday, Bands start at 4:45pm and gates open at Noon
1. Living Tragedy (NH) 4:45pm-5:15pm
2. Tractorass (NH) 5:30pm-6:00pm
3. Purenform (NH) 6:15pm-6:45pm
4. Senseless mutilation (NH) 7:00pm-7:30pm
5. Blood Obsession (NY) 7:45pm-8:15pm
6. Breather (NH) 8:30pm-9:00pm
7. Leukorrhea (MA) 9:15pm-9:45pm
8. Hand Choke Neck (NH) 10:00pm-10:30pm
9. Life at Zero (NH) 10:45pm-11:15pm
10. Kurixis (ME) 11:30pm-12:00pm

We hope everyone shows up and supports the Underground Metal Scene and hope evryone has a great time.
[Jul 27,2005 10:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 27,2005 11:41am - nate ""]

who the fuck is going??
[Jul 27,2005 1:20pm - powerkok ""]
wow....that many ppl? hahaha.
This is gonna be a fuckin good time.
I cant wait.
[Jul 27,2005 1:32pm - nate ""]
I can't wait either, last year was a blast!
[Jul 28,2005 7:58am - senselessmatty ""]
We starting to get the gitters! I'm fuckin' psyched! I can't wait to see the outcome, everyone's been talking about this, there should be more people than last year. Last year we must of had at least three hundred people at one point. Let's get Crazy!!!
[Jul 28,2005 8:32am - nate ""]
we're doing a show tonight just to get prepped up for Coos County mofo's we are fucking ready!
[Jul 28,2005 9:04am - largefreakatzero ""]
We're practicing because we stink.
[Jul 28,2005 9:12am - nate ""]
we practice twice a week still... or at least try...
[Jul 28,2005 9:49am - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, we practice Tues. and Thurs. -- just never seems like enough.
[Jul 28,2005 11:55am - powerkok ""]
thats cuz your riffs are like fucking college algebra.
[Jul 28,2005 11:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 28,2005 1:10pm - powerkok ""]
were practicing tonight too....Ill see ya thurr.
[Jul 28,2005 1:11pm - powerkok ""]
Will static Jeff be doing the whole set w/ u guys saturday?
[Jul 28,2005 1:39pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yup, he knows all songs (6) except one, and I don't think we'll have time for more than 6 songs in 30 minutes anyway. Oh yeah, and he doesn't know the new one, but neither do we.
[Jul 28,2005 1:44pm - powerkok ""]
cool..shall be fun
[Jul 28,2005 4:11pm - senselessmatty ""]
We've practiced a couple times this week Corey, Dug, and I. Tonight it will be the fantastic four, Troll, Doug, Corey and I. Tomorrow night Breather will have their chance to practice. Saturday we have a big day ahead of us, we have to start to setup at like 10:00am, to make sure sound and lights will be ready to go for the first band. We can't wait to see all our brothers we haven't seen in awhile, can't wait to see all you Crazy Fucks there! We don't want anyone driving blitzed out of there, so either bring a tent or call the local taxi service E-Z Taxi and get a ride to where you need to go. Be Smart, Be Safe, and have a great time!
[Jul 28,2005 11:52pm - hoser ""]
Fucking pumped....had a killer practice tonight. Can't wait to tear shit up...hope this shit is being taped....because I may puke.
[Jul 29,2005 10:22am - largefreakatzero ""]
So, anyone going?
[Jul 29,2005 10:41am - hoser ""]
Oh my God.....I've had a migrain for almost 12 hours now. I hope this goes away soon, I dunno if I can take it anymore. Hope it goes away before this show.
[Jul 29,2005 11:03am - largefreakatzero ""]
Maybe your brain was cooked in that oven of a practice space last night.
[Jul 30,2005 3:03am - powerkok ""]
Im still awake.....wtf.
But I got deet.
98.11% deet, that is.
[Jul 30,2005 9:30am - nate ""]
today fuckers...
[Jul 30,2005 9:54am - dunwich nli  ""]
Nice day so far...looking forward to it.
[Jul 30,2005 10:25am - nate ""]
I checked the weather channel site and they call for an awesome day... last minute roll call!!
[Jul 31,2005 12:06pm - hoser ""]
Just woke up.......Amazing fucking show. Biggest crowd I have ever played in front of in my life, right down to the 2 bleeding dudes that approached me right after our set. By far the most memorable time I have ever had, bands were incredible, the sound was downright the best that I have ever heard mixed at a show. Fucking awesome.....looking forward to it again next year.
[Jul 31,2005 5:10pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
I heard it was a killer show and a great time. I wish I could have been there.
[Jul 31,2005 6:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
man what an awesome time!
[Aug 1,2005 8:48am - largefreakatzero ""]
Fucking awesome time, sound was great, all bands sounded kick-ass.
Thanks to Doug and Troll for putting this on successfully again.
I heard there was a bit of a brawl involving our singer after I left, but I didn't see it so I don't know anything about it. Other than that, it was killer.
[Aug 1,2005 9:06am - nate ""]
all I have to say is wow, I drank so much... anything that happened after our set is a complete blur... from what I remember it was fun as hell, just as great as last years if not better. Thanks for having us again Troll and Doug!
[Aug 1,2005 9:08am - largefreakatzero ""]
By the way, Nate, you guys killed.
[Aug 1,2005 9:36am - nate ""]
thanks... our set is still a bit fuzzy in my mind... you guys killed too, having the new guy singing adds a whole lot more to your band... sounded great too!
[Aug 1,2005 9:42am - largefreakatzero ""]
Thanks man, we'll look forward to next year. And you have mail.
[Aug 1,2005 9:46am - nate ""]
cool I got it...
[Aug 1,2005 10:49am - powerkok ""]
Great fest!!
We had a fuckin killer time, and I gotta say thx again to Senseless (whose set fucking SLAYED) Mutilation.
By far the best show weve ever played, and the sound was also the best Ive ever heard at a show.
Met some cool ppl...saw some funny shit....I have some pics Ill post of the morning after when I get a chance.

I came home from Berlin to an empty house of clues, only to find that my wife was admitted to the hospital yesterday morning. So, the grandeur of CCCF was quickly downplayed.
Anyway, great time, and thx to the Senseless guys that put it together.
Look fwd to next year.
[Aug 1,2005 10:53am - powerkok ""]
Hey Nate, I introduced myself to you during LAZ's set, but I dont think it registered. Hahahahaha....you were pretty blitzed. It was my 1st time seein u guys, and you guys fuckin rip!!
Yer guitarist reminds me of the guy from the show 'wings', only he rips guitar leads instead of flying planes!!
[Aug 1,2005 11:12am - nate ""]
bahaha yeah like I said alot of stuff was pretty fuzzy for my brain that night... sorry to hear about your wife, is everything ok?
[Aug 1,2005 11:14am - nate ""]
I wasn't acting like an asshole or anything was I?? I completely blacked out after I went back to my tent... I think...
[Aug 1,2005 12:38pm - Aegathis ""]
You kept on hitting on my girlfriend and i had to sack your ass Nate.
[Aug 1,2005 12:44pm - nate ""]
[Aug 2,2005 12:00am - powerkok ""]
This guy slept like this from 2-8 am. HAH
[Aug 2,2005 12:37am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Hey powerkok, can you send me some of those pictures?
[Aug 2,2005 12:41am - the_reverend ""]
hahaha... that looks like anthony.
well, except he's not charging the stage
[Aug 2,2005 9:31am - largefreakatzero ""]
I feel bad for whoever used that broom afterwards.
[Aug 2,2005 10:11am - powerkok ""]
I really dont have any pics of the bands....somehow all I have are crappy night pics and the next morning.
[Aug 2,2005 10:12am - powerkok ""]
p.s. good meetin ya ltdec-1000!
[Aug 2,2005 6:22pm - troll ""]
It's tuesday and I'm just starting to feel human again... I thought the show was fuckin great! Me and the guys owe all the bands a great debt of gratitude! If anyone has pics of the bands or just a guy with a broom up his ass please email them to me @ trollocaust@hotmail.com cause we're gonna make a scrap book of this years(and probably years past) Fest on our site! I just got word from Doug that We have the field already booked for July 29 of next year! The one thing we all agree on is that next year might not be free....Reason bieng is that we can't rely on donations to make sure the bands aRE taken care of! I'm mean shit I can't keep suckin on dirty metal heads dicks! It's just degrading! I'm a man damn you!!!! sorry...So anyways you can count on the fact that it will still be dirt cheap to go to Chaos Fest AND IT'LL help the whole thing run even smoother than this year and put more coke up our noses! Suckers! Horns up to Blood(alcohol level) Obsession, Leukorrhea (sorry bout the whiskey dick fuck fest next to your tent Mike), Kurixis , Hand Choke Neck, Life At Zero (i was floored by your performance! Hey Mike @ Zero sorry bout that shit with those woodchucks...I made a feeble attempt to break it up but you and that other guy brushed me off like a flea! It' was like clash of the titans and I was the mechanical owl! Hope your ok man! Besides It ain't a party unless theres a fight) ,Purenform (Rusted Angel's favorite! ), Living Tragedy(Master of Puppets was a great song to kick off the fest!), Breather, and the dirty NH rawk of Tractorass! ast but Not Least Ernie and Elvis for the killer sound!
[Aug 3,2005 12:35pm - senselessmatty ""]
Next year Troll, get your own fuckin tent. Thanks to all the bands that came out and helped us out getting this thing to keep on going. Thanks to the Eagles's Club for letting us throw one hell of a show, My Dad and all the guys at Kelley's Auto parts, all the girls that helped us out, Theberge, and anyone else that helped doing the car washes. I'd also like to thank our Brothers in Breather, Kyle for making killer flyers, Jesse for knowing a lot of "Eye Candy", Boogs and the guys at Smith and Town Printers, Ernie and Elvis for the killer sound and lights, and last but not least, everyone that showed up to support Coos Chaos Fest, Thank you... We look forward to next year, and thank everyone involved, not just a couple of the people, all the Chaos Crew...

Oh bye the way, thank you Anthony, for not showing your ass this year!
[Aug 3,2005 3:50pm - Blood-Obsessed ""]
Thanks again for havin' us guys, probably one of the best times we've had at a show, besides partying with you guys in Alston earlier this year, haha. I just wish the night didn't fly by as much as it did, before I knew it, our beer was gone, thenI had to close one eye to see straight!! Thanks guys, looking forward to next year!! -Carlo Drunk Obsession
[Aug 4,2005 3:38pm - troll ""]
fuckin eh' right!
[Aug 5,2005 12:01am - troll ""]
Do yourself a favor and listen to the new Leukorrhea disc.
[Aug 5,2005 7:22am - nate ""]
troll said: Do yourself a favor and listen to the new Leukorrhea disc.

thanks Troll... we started working a new song last night... writing for the next one has begun... hopefully we can one up "Breeding Salvation"...:NEWHORNS:

[Aug 5,2005 8:15am - ~Carina~  ""]
i hope your wife is ok kok
[Aug 5,2005 10:06am - senselessmatty ""]
Ever since I got the new Leukorrhea CD, I've been listening to it in my delivery truck. It sounds fuckin' killer, great job guys!
[Aug 5,2005 12:04pm - powerkok ""]
~Carina~ said:i hope your wife is ok kok

Thx Carina....she is still in the hospital, but shes starting to finally get better.
Were both hoping shes home by monday.
[Aug 6,2005 5:57pm - troll ""]
Nate thanx for telling Sevared records about us I'll be sending them some demo's and stickers ASAP! We definetely need to record some new shit though....Still not confident with what we've got yet . Hey Powerkok sorry to hear about your wife man. I never even introduced myself to you cause I was runnin around like a chicken with it's head cut off! I wanted to give ya props on the performance! Well hope your loved one gets better! I've got a date with the bottle tonight...... Troll out.
[Aug 7,2005 8:22pm - troll ""]
[Aug 7,2005 9:09pm - nate ""]
Troll where all the pics at??
[Aug 7,2005 9:52pm - powerkok ""]
thx for the props.... definitley our best show yet...
wife still in hospital...Monday now out of the question...Im hoping for thursday.
fuck my ass Im tired.
[Aug 7,2005 10:17pm - dyingmuse ""]
thanks again to the senseless guys for a killer time! i wish we could have played...there's always next year! \m/ \m/ \m/

[Aug 8,2005 5:55pm - troll ""]
Nate- pics are comming real soon! Kok-Sorry to hear she's still in the hospital...I'll have to pass on fuckin your ass. Dan-your going to Sweden before the doom egg is ready to hatch!

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