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New England Deathfest day Two the recap thread of death

Club Hell (Providence, RI) - [composted][dying_fetus][goreality][malamor][mucopus][revocation][sexcrement][abacinate][mortal_decay][proteus][randomshots][revenance][strappado][the_partisan_turbine][without_remorse]
[Aug 11,2008 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
it especially sucks cause his kid was there with him. Composted is suppose to be a family affair.
[Aug 11,2008 10:49am - aaron_michael ""]
a fellow yellow got the K.O.? yikes.
[Aug 11,2008 10:52am - xanonymousx ""]
That's why I hate these hardcore wanta be gangsta's.
They have no respect for people around them.
Esp. when it may have been that guy's first extreme metal show with his son...
Is his son going to be allowed to go to anymore metal shows probably not.
It sucks.
[Aug 11,2008 10:54am - Dave_Maggot ""]
naw the kid came back. he seemed pretty understanding. i think theyre both into metal. he said we played an awesome fucking set. so i gave him a parasitic extirpation cd cuz ours arent out yet.
[Aug 11,2008 10:56am - sirp ""]
Regarding why Hive Smasher didn't play. I (Matt the original drummer), left the band a few months ago, due to problems with getting time off from work for gigs. When I left the band the ONE show I made sure was all taken care of in advance was the Friday night pre show we were supposed to play. I found out four days before the show that we were moved to Sunday (granted it was a better slot, that's appreciated) and I had to work. I did my best to try and move stuff around but I couldn't. When their fill in drummer couldn't do it, it all fell on me, but I want to make it clear that I had my obligations taken care of on the night we were originally supposed to play, I just couldn't make adjustments that short notice. Sorry to Blue and the other guys who put this show on, I just wanted to make it clear what the deal was.
[Aug 11,2008 10:58am - brian_dc ""]
huff that krylon, stop kicking asians.
[Aug 11,2008 11:22am - the_reverend ""]
matt: im more sad that you aren't in he band anymore. you are way too good to not be in a band that is way too god.
[Aug 11,2008 11:28am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuckin badass show. glad i made the trip down. finally got to see Composted and Sexcrement and both bands lived to my expectations. I was also impressed with Revocation, Malamor, and Mucopus. Kudos, Blue, to a successfull event.
[Aug 11,2008 11:34am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
oh and if i hadnt taken one step my left like i had... i would have gotten the kick to the face. whewww...
[Aug 11,2008 11:42am - markfuckingrichards ""]
I had no clue that huge dude was aiming to fuck the guy up. I was under the impression he just didn't care if anyone got fucked up. Anyway, I'm fairly sure the assailant fled the show directly after our set. I didn't see him anywhere after the fact, and he would definitely be hard to miss.

Aside from that, this was seriously the greatest weekend ever. EVER. Seeing all that hardwork pay off was the greatest feeling, especially seeing Blue so happy. I cannot wait for the next one. Other fests pale in comparison to NEDF. It really was a huge party. There were a few incidents of minor violence but other than that everyone just rocked the fuck out together. And yeah, work sucks hard today. I am sore as all hell (especially my cheek where I slammed myself with a mic, haha) and have no voice. I'm getting too old for this shit ::Danny Glover voice::.
[Aug 11,2008 11:45am - brian_dc ""]
we are not getting to old for this shit :: Mel Gibson voice::
[Aug 11,2008 12:52pm - itsjustBryan ""]
my neck. my neck. omfg. i can't feel my neck.
[Aug 11,2008 12:57pm - itsjustBryan ""]
seriously though, NEDF was hands-down the best show I've been to this year thus far. can't wait for #2 next year. Blue and the others definitely outdid themselves on this one. Would've loved it even more if there was an official 1st annual nedf shirt but then again, you can't have everything. lol
[Aug 11,2008 1:32pm - tylor  ""]

brian_dc said:
tylor said:revocation covered death? i SUCK for missing this

you do, but I picked up a revocation CD for you and one for my own bad self.

This fest was great. Blue is the man.

thanks dude, i'll be by friday to pick it up if you guys are hangin out
[Aug 11,2008 1:53pm - kessaris nli  ""]
I really wish I could have stuck around all weekend and had intended on doing so until I could't take work off Sunday, my power went out and I had to fix it and I had to drive my parents to the airport at 5am...between that and working 18 hours in 2 days I guess I was swamped...I hate my life.
[Aug 11,2008 2:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
This show was so fucking good. I need to see the video of that guy getting clocked out for our set. Many thanks to all you duders who checked out Composted.
[Aug 11,2008 2:40pm - brian_dc ""]
I've said it to everyone who will hear it. The NE bands absolutely killed it at this show. I'm not in the NE Death Metal scene, but you all should be proud as hell.
[Aug 11,2008 3:17pm - Yeti ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:This show was so fucking good. I need to see the video of that guy getting clocked out for our set. Many thanks to all you duders who checked out Composted.

there is video?? i need to see that too, it would make the best GIF file ever. i'm not really surprised that its on video, anyone filming who saw that guy start to wind up would be a fool not to film him, he was a fucking behemoth.
[Aug 11,2008 3:29pm - archaeon ""]
Yeah i saw the video, its fucking brutal. It was the dude with oak knoll who had the kilt on.

He turned around JUST as it happened, perfect timing.
[Aug 11,2008 3:29pm - archaeon ""]

[Aug 11,2008 3:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
it must be youtubed immediately
[Aug 11,2008 3:31pm - Yeti ""]

archaeon said:Yeah i saw the video, its fucking brutal. It was the dude with oak knoll who had the kilt on.

He turned around JUST as it happened, perfect timing.

i hope it gets posted. i was literally a foot at most from the guy, had i not been paying attention i imagine that foot would have connected with my head. well, maybe my chest, that guy was too fat to kick that high. either way it would have been devastating.
[Aug 11,2008 3:37pm - archaeon ""]
In other news, the dude who wore the I sell crack shirt definitely sells crack.

He wore the shirt both days, quality advertising.
[Aug 11,2008 3:40pm - demondave ""]

I can't stand the tough guy shit. Seriously, it's always the same, they run out into the pit when it is wide open and fling their arms around and kick backwards at people who are trying to watch the band. It's such bullshit, cause they never go up to each other. It's always a bunch of fat cowards that want to look tough in the pit, but fling their arms and feet out cause their scared of getting tagged. Like up in Jerkys, the pit during Without Remorse didn't exist. There was no pit. It was a huge strectch of floor where no one was standing. It kept getting wider and wider, cause all the pussy slammers kept going further and further to avoid the other pussy tough guys and clock into girls....
[Aug 11,2008 3:40pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

archaeon said:In other news, the dude who wore the I sell crack shirt definitely sells crack.

He wore the shirt both days, quality advertising.

hahaha i was actually wondering that. i was like well... he definitely looks like he sells crack.
[Aug 11,2008 3:44pm - the_reverend ""]

archaeon said:In other news, the dude who wore the I sell crack shirt definitely sells crack.

He wore the shirt both days, quality advertising.

the shirt said "i sell crack" the pants said "I only deal in stupidity"
but I ain't going to fault someone who stuck through all bands from all days because of their fashion mistakes. like minor threat said "one day i'll look back and laugh"
[Aug 11,2008 3:45pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

demondave said:

I can't stand the tough guy shit. Seriously, it's always the same, they run out into the pit when it is wide open and fling their arms around and kick backwards at people who are trying to watch the band. It's such bullshit, cause they never go up to each other. It's always a bunch of fat cowards that want to look tough in the pit, but fling their arms and feet out cause their scared of getting tagged. Like up in Jerkys, the pit during Without Remorse didn't exist. There was no pit. It was a huge strectch of floor where no one was standing. It kept getting wider and wider, cause all the pussy slammers kept going further and further to avoid the other pussy tough guys and clock into girls....

i'm pretty sure all those fat dooshbags came up with the bands from "Stong Island, NY"
[Aug 11,2008 3:49pm - archaeon ""]
The funniest dancer thing i saw was during Mortal Decay some guy with a Dying Fetus hoodie who i haven't seen all day came in and was like hitting EVERYONE some guy grabbed him and was like STOP and the dude got all piss and bumped into me when walking away. made me lol
[Aug 11,2008 3:55pm - itsjustBryan ""]

archaeon said:In other news, the dude who wore the I sell crack shirt definitely sells crack.

He wore the shirt both days, quality advertising.

No shit? Subtle and yet in-your-face. rofl :krusty:
[Aug 11,2008 4:05pm - demondave ""]
[Aug 11,2008 4:48pm - archaeon ""]
my ears are still ringing.
[Aug 11,2008 4:49pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
The whole push pit vs. mosh pit argument bums me out. I got the vibe that everyone was doing their own thing and it was cool. Lots of high fives and pats on the back, and really, that is what it is all about. My only complaint is that there wasn't enough circle pitting during the blast beats. I was really stoked to see and participate in plenty of crucial stage dives :NEWHORNS:

[Aug 11,2008 4:52pm - guy  ""]
where is the vidoe of dood gettin knocked ???
[Aug 11,2008 4:53pm - the_reverend ""]
there was one point where DF or someone asked for a circle pit and only one maine kid circled.
[Aug 11,2008 4:57pm - degenerate bastard  ""]
who stuck thier hard core in my death metal ?
working on NEW ENGLAND HARD CORE FEST for 09 !!!
[Aug 11,2008 4:58pm - brian_dc ""]
with the right line-up, you could get a pretty ridiculous turnout for that.
[Aug 11,2008 5:02pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Sarah Kubrick:


Marsi needs hats for her boobs:


Random randomness with A.D.'s women:


During DYING FETUS, I think:

[Aug 11,2008 5:07pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]
good point, you could probably make a hardcore fest of ONLY new england bands. converge, bane, death before dishonor, have heart, ambitions, new lows, always and forever, ignorance, hammer brothers, the carrier, energy, shipwreck, meltdown, shoot to kill, betrayed by all, sam black church (they could be talked into it), the freeze... damn, we're pretty lucky to be living here.
[Aug 11,2008 5:08pm - brian_dc ""]
that fest would need a bigger boat
[Aug 11,2008 5:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

the_reverend said:there was one point where DF or someone asked for a circle pit and only one maine kid circled.

And of course when they politely asked for some violence, they got 2 dudes just half-moshing in place, even though the rest of the set was nothing but a fucking warzone.
[Aug 11,2008 5:09pm - brian_dc ""]
little did they know, all they had to do was ask for a wall of minimal injury and the real shit would go down
[Aug 11,2008 5:13pm - RichHorror ""]
We brought the hardcore to the pre-fest, whether anyone knew it or not.
[Aug 11,2008 5:30pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
The bricks in the Wall Of Minimal Injury are held together with irony.
[Aug 11,2008 5:32pm - xthe behemothx  ""]
so i feel the need to come on here and put up some sort of defense for myself. as im sure you all could guess, im the fat guy who is being talked about non stop on this forum.

first of all, im not from long island. let alone do i know anyone in the band without remorse.

secondly, there are all these accusations floating around that i <i>intentionally</i> kicked the man. which is on ALL counts, false. honestly, i didnt see him. i didnt even know how close i was to any one on the floor. so i apologize for that mishaps altogether. i should be more aware of my surroundings. by that i mean, i should look first to see how close i am to anyone if im about to 'dance'.

to the guitarist from composted, i did NOT kick the man intentionally! by the time i turned around, mad people had swarmed to check on him. and i was actually standing there in fear because i legit thought the guy was probably dead. and i panicked. i didnt know what to do in the least bit. which is the truth. and the reason nobody saw me after that was because i had gone down the street to get away from the people who already had their minds made up about me and calm down. when i returned to the club, i actually took it upon myself to speak with the bouncers about the ordeal. and i was told that i wasnt allowed back into the club. to which i was bummed about. but i left without making a scene and returned to boston.

i realize that me coming on here is only going to add to the ridicule and rumors. and the bad mouthing will continue. ten fold, im going to assume. but i will say this, im sorry for everything.


ps: yes, i may be TOO fat to kick that high. but i still did. kthx <3
[Aug 11,2008 5:42pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

xthe%20behemothx said:so i feel the need to come on here and put up some sort of defense for myself. as im sure you all could guess, im the fat guy who is being talked about non stop on this forum.

first of all, im not from long island. let alone do i know anyone in the band without remorse.

secondly, there are all these accusations floating around that i <i>intentionally</i> kicked the man. which is on ALL counts, false. honestly, i didnt see him. i didnt even know how close i was to any one on the floor. so i apologize for that mishaps altogether. i should be more aware of my surroundings. by that i mean, i should look first to see how close i am to anyone if im about to 'dance'.

to the guitarist from composted, i did NOT kick the man intentionally! by the time i turned around, mad people had swarmed to check on him. and i was actually standing there in fear because i legit thought the guy was probably dead. and i panicked. i didnt know what to do in the least bit. which is the truth. and the reason nobody saw me after that was because i had gone down the street to get away from the people who already had their minds made up about me and calm down. when i returned to the club, i actually took it upon myself to speak with the bouncers about the ordeal. and i was told that i wasnt allowed back into the club. to which i was bummed about. but i left without making a scene and returned to boston.

i realize that me coming on here is only going to add to the ridicule and rumors. and the bad mouthing will continue. ten fold, im going to assume. but i will say this, im sorry for everything.


ps: yes, i may be TOO fat to kick that high. but i still did. kthx <3

I never thought you did it intentionally. I just figured the dude was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and from the video it doesn't look like anyone would have been able to land that kick on purpose no matter how hard they tried, haha. Shit happens, and luckily he was ok. It takes a big man (no pun intended) to come on here and write that, so I would hope you don't get ridiculed anymore. Most people would just shrug it off, say fuck it and/or just act like a douche and figure they didn't do anything wrong. I for one think it's commendable that you'd come on this public forum and lay the cards out. Whether anyone else feels that way, I cannot say.

Incident aside, thanks for being enthusiastic about Composted; we always love seeing people get into it.
[Aug 11,2008 5:42pm - DrewBlood@Work  ""]

xthe%20behemothx said:so i apologize for that mishaps altogether. i should be more aware of my surroundings. by that i mean, i should look first to see how close i am to anyone if im about to 'dance'.

but i will say this, im sorry for everything.


all that needs to be said. accidents happen and moshing is a high risk activity. i'm glad that you acknowledged that there were steps you could've taken to prevent something like this from happening.

not to be a nag, but you should probably apologize to the guy's kid too. his name is elliot and he is a cool dude.
[Aug 11,2008 5:46pm - xthe behemothx  ""]
sorry to elliot as well.
[Aug 11,2008 5:46pm - archaeon ""]
haha yeah it seemed as if that kid became a social butterfly when he came back
[Aug 11,2008 5:47pm - archaeon ""]
someone message the dude at oak knoll about that video, It was fucking brutal.
[Aug 11,2008 5:49pm - the_reverend ""]
wait, are people whining about wiggers at a wigger slam show? someone make up on of those pc "more likely than you think" about wigggers at a wigger slam show. thnxs

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