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Now Find a show to go to!

Apr 7 (Fri) - A Terrible Night For A Curse, Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries, Smite The Righteous, It Will End In Pure Horror - $6 - 8 pm - 21+ - Dee Dee's Lounge - 297 Newport Ave - Quincy, MA +

4/7 - A Terrible Night For A Curse, Human Bone Bicycle Science Industries, Smite The Righteous, It Will End In Pure Horror. DURP!! @ Dee Dee's Lounge - Quincy, MA

[show listing]  _______________________________________________
[Apr 4,2006 8:57pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
i have to work till 11 so i wont be at this, sucks really bad i was looking forward to this show
[Apr 4,2006 10:21pm - RichHorror ""]
Available women should come to this. And then break my heart so I can fall further in pills-soaked depression. Can you be soaked in pills? Hmm.
[Apr 4,2006 11:43pm - aterribleguitarist ""]
too bad it's 21+, I could have brought a horde of available 16-18 year olds....sorry dude
[Apr 4,2006 11:44pm - RichHorror ""]
Leave them behind the dumpster.
[Apr 5,2006 6:57am - Sinistas ""]
and bring extra for me
[Apr 5,2006 7:32am - Messerschmitt ""]
what are the set times?
[Apr 5,2006 8:50am - RichHorror ""]
I'm guessing IWEIPH starts it off at 9 pm. With each band doing 20-30 minutes. So, do the math.
[Apr 5,2006 11:28am - craigforacurse ""]
bump for 2 days from now.
[Apr 5,2006 11:29am - craigforacurse ""]
the departed might not be able to do this, so set times might be longer/IWEIPH might be going on later.
[Apr 5,2006 5:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
if they cant do it you should put Miliatnary or however you spell it craig.

hook jon and eric up doood
[Apr 5,2006 5:14pm - anonymous  ""]
Going on later would be cool for IWEIPH since they're attracting a good chunk of people, as are we. (pretty much the same crowd of Quincy drug addicts)

2 days! yay!

I'm coming down with something, too. I'm pretty sure my body hates me.
[Apr 5,2006 5:15pm - pam nli  ""]
goddammit ^
[Apr 5,2006 5:58pm - Snow  ""]
Put on MILITIANARY or I am going to ruin your evening.
[Apr 5,2006 7:10pm - Snow  ""]
[Apr 6,2006 10:52am - craigforacurse ""]
so iguess the departed is pretty much cancelled. who's militianary and do they still want to play?
[Apr 6,2006 10:56am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Militianary fucking rule and im sure if eric sees this theyll play or just show up and play
[Apr 6,2006 11:02am - craigforacurse ""]
how do i get in touch with them?
[Apr 6,2006 11:03am - Messerschmitt ""]
yessh get Milish
[Apr 6,2006 11:07am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
they got one of those neat myspace thingies
[Apr 6,2006 12:18pm - craigforacurse ""]
bump so they might see this
[Apr 6,2006 12:42pm - dreadkill ""]
scott (sinistas) and i will be at this show, mainly because we don't want alemap to call us bad names on myspace.
[Apr 6,2006 12:47pm - sinistas ""]
hey ken, want to see if the rest of the guys would be up for this to prep for brandIEs?
[Apr 6,2006 1:07pm - dreadkill ""]
up for playing?
[Apr 6,2006 1:12pm - sinistas ""]
[Apr 6,2006 1:32pm - dreadkill ""]
i'm up for it
[Apr 6,2006 1:47pm - sinistas ""]
well, DS is 4/5 ok with it so far, so if Militianary aren't down, we might be
[Apr 6,2006 1:50pm - DreamingInExile ""]
[Apr 6,2006 1:54pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone driving thru Boston and wanna give me a ride home so i can still go to this after i get outta work
[Apr 6,2006 2:14pm - dreadkill ""]
sinistas said:well, DS is 4/5 ok with it so far, so if Militianary aren't down, we might be

[Apr 6,2006 10:27pm - Snow  ""]
Beware my wrath.
[Apr 6,2006 10:30pm - RichHorror ""]
I hope Al Snow shows up to this.
[Apr 6,2006 11:29pm - pam nli  ""]
I really wish there were set times, I've got people asking me left and right. Hopefully they make it for us, snow wont unlease its wrath, and I won't feel like I have the flu all day tomorrow, too.


Sleep now.
[Apr 6,2006 11:39pm - RichHorror ""]
Regardless of when we play, I always tell people that to see us they have to get there at the start of the show. Because fucking over bands because my friends are lazy is queer. Just tell them to get there at 8 or 9, drink beer and shut up.
[Apr 6,2006 11:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anyone wanna give me a ride home, anyone going thru boston ?
[Apr 6,2006 11:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Is gas money or road head involved?
[Apr 6,2006 11:49pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RichHorror said:Is gas money or road head involved?

im pretty sure i know the rules of the road. i was just seeing if anyone would even answer.

i mean i do own jay and silent bob strike back
[Apr 6,2006 11:50pm - RichHorror ""]
If I drive myself to the show, you're set.
[Apr 6,2006 11:51pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sweet titties
[Apr 7,2006 1:28am - craigforacurse ""]
militianary is confirmed for tomorrow night.
[Apr 7,2006 1:31am - craigforacurse ""]
sorry, tonite
and sorry about the set times. that was sly's department. ill try to get something out of him.
[Apr 7,2006 8:57am - MHBBSINLI  ""]
We're getting to Boston early to go to all the record stores in Allston and Harvard Square so if anyone wants to hang out before the show just get in touch with us. It's Robbiey's Birthday Saturday so we'll have to start celebrating early!
[Apr 7,2006 9:09am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am going to give Robbie a lapdance tonight.
[Apr 7,2006 10:27am - sinistas ""]
oh man, this will be fun
[Apr 7,2006 10:32am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I am gonna make out with pam when smite the righteous is playing
[Apr 7,2006 10:33am - RichHorror ""]
Despite getting to the show an hour after they've played.
[Apr 7,2006 10:35am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be there for them, isnt Militianary opening, then you guys?
[Apr 7,2006 10:37am - RichHorror ""]
I have a feeling STR will have played by 11.
[Apr 7,2006 10:41am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Even if I take the bus to the show, I will get there around 10.
[Apr 7,2006 10:42am - RichHorror ""]
I'm going to strangle you with a pair of blood-soaked pantyhose.
[Apr 7,2006 11:01am - craigforacurse ""]
so heres an idea of the line up for tonite. this is just something i thought up so noone will beat me up. tell me if you think it should go differently.

Militianary (open)
Smite the Righteous
HBBSI (close)

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