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[Aug 31,2005 12:14am - DEATH2ALL ""]
151 Friday?
[Aug 31,2005 2:26pm - whoremastery ""]
yo jay...ill buzz ya up tonite..fri. we have whoremastery practice every fri. until the show sept 16th..and then fri. will be open after that..but any other days on the weekend will work out im sure

i will bring both disks with me when we see you..until then check out.
http://www.myspace.com/massdeath or http://www.massdeath.com

thanx bro!! im down with the 151 also!
[Aug 31,2005 9:44pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
whoremastery said:

thanx bro!! im down with the 151 also!

Dwyer's the buyer, unless he's a liar.

[Aug 31,2005 9:46pm - anonymous  ""]
DeOdiumMortis said:[img]

yes i have owned three of these dr5's and loved everyone ...who needs a drummer?
[Aug 31,2005 9:47pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
This rhyming inspires
me to retire.
I'll go start a fire
and then eat some cake.
[Aug 31,2005 10:14pm - DomesticTerror ""]
sunday anyone? sat night?
[Aug 31,2005 10:49pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
I can do Sunday.
[Aug 31,2005 10:50pm - DomesticTerror ""]
you'll do any day i tell you to, HO!
[Aug 31,2005 10:53pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
Kiss this ( , ) asshole.
[Aug 31,2005 10:55pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Stifle, Edith.
[Sep 1,2005 9:27am - Robdeadskin ""]
sunday works for me i think..sorry i didnt call ya jay..i def. call ya tonite.
[Sep 6,2005 11:41pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
So which is it?
Saturday: play some metal & drink booze on J.D.'s dime?
Sunday: Play some metal & drink booze on J.D.'s dime and not worry about working Monday, cause I knew ahead of time and took the day off?

Saturday is always a better jam day.
[Sep 6,2005 11:43pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Robdeadskin said:sunday works for me i think..sorry i didnt call ya jay..i def. call ya tonite.

It's cool. It's impossible to get me on the phone anyways.
[Sep 7,2005 9:49am - whoremastery ""]
ill try callin still..but this weekend??? sat i know we all have off..?and get a the disk...our songs are here too.

[Sep 7,2005 11:07am - babyshaker ""]
does this mean i get to see teratism live soon!!
[Sep 7,2005 11:12am - Robdeadskin ""]
[Sep 7,2005 12:17pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Saturday's cool w/ me.
[Sep 7,2005 12:35pm - whoremastery ""]
[Sep 8,2005 8:05pm - DomesticTerror ""]
Jay, what time should we be there, and can you e-mail me some directions? thanx. dreadscott104@aol.com
[Sep 8,2005 10:56pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Check your e-mail
[Dec 21,2005 5:20am - DEATH2ALLNLI  ""]
DEATH2ALL said:whoremastery said:

thanx bro!! im down with the 151 also!

Dwyer's the buyer, unless he's a liar.

haha.... He is a liar. This thread is hilarious. Along with the Hourcast, war has been moved here. Thread.

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