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[Jul 15,2005 3:01pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
He knew McCracken so I'd assume it's the same guy. You think he can do it?
[Jul 15,2005 3:08pm - litacore ""]
read yer PM
[Jul 15,2005 3:40pm - paganmegan ""]
heh heh
[Jul 15,2005 3:42pm - litacore ""]
I'm trying to be compassionate

just this once
[Jul 15,2005 5:19pm - DomesticTerror ""]
someone fill me in on this shit please.
-scott out of the loop
[Jul 16,2005 11:53am - Rob still at LAX  ""]
he told me on the phone and at the show he was in dw...so...idunno! I want my band back in action damn it!
[Jul 28,2005 11:13pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
BUMP! almost 1 month to go.
[Jul 29,2005 11:55am - death2all NLI  ""]
bump..... 32 days left
[Jul 29,2005 2:06pm - Rob @ work  ""]
haha..im glad u are still interested death2all...heh
[Jul 29,2005 4:04pm - BornSoVile ""]

[Jul 29,2005 5:30pm - Whoremastery ""]
we tried one guy out that was killer..but no job or car so...dont know about it.
[Jul 29,2005 5:55pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
What about the guy with the shaved head?
[Jul 29,2005 6:48pm - Whoremastery ""]
thats the guy...
[Jul 30,2005 2:20am - DEATH2ALL ""]
bump. I looked @ the wrong calendar, still 32 days left. Where does Teratism practice?
[Jul 30,2005 8:05am - Whoremastery ""]
we dont have a place right now..we have to get a studio...we use to practice at nels house
[Jul 30,2005 3:57pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
where u guys live?
[Jul 30,2005 4:32pm - Whoremastery ""]
Randolph, quincy.....brockton area.
[Aug 1,2005 9:36pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Bump... Prepared to practice in Marlborough?...... 30 days left.....bump
[Aug 2,2005 12:54am - DEATH2ALL ""]
bump. stay damn it!
[Aug 2,2005 8:43am - Whoremastery ""]
marlborough.....is that at your house? Im sure we will go anywhere we have to to keep it going.
[Aug 2,2005 6:45pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
yeah, my garage. good sound, no rent.
[Aug 4,2005 5:26pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
bump.... 27 days left
[Aug 4,2005 5:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
woooo, jay is a mear 20 minute drive from me.
[Aug 4,2005 7:50pm - Whoremastery ""]
awesome...im down...and cant wait for 27 days to go by! We might have to do the car pool thing...can we leave our gear there..or have to take it back with us every practice(that sounds like a dumb question) just asking...i shot you my number..call so we can chat man!
[Aug 4,2005 10:40pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
Yeah you can leave it here. I'll call ya Fri or Sat. Josh, what u doing this weekend?
[Aug 4,2005 10:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
Probably going done to Point Judith, R.I. with my family, aunt and uncle are visiting. gimme a call dude!
[Aug 6,2005 8:45pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
25 days left........ bump.
[Aug 6,2005 9:46pm - subjugate shn  ""]
why wait why not just join now
[Aug 7,2005 7:42pm - DomesticTerror ""]
he's a drummer. timing is everything.
[Aug 7,2005 10:03pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
subjugate shn said:why wait why not just join now

Cause if someone else comes along they should at least try them out. I can't afford (financially) to give 100% to a band right now, so if someone who can comes along, they would be better off.
[Aug 7,2005 10:04pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
...........24 days
[Aug 8,2005 9:10am - SUBJUGATE ""]
DEATH2ALL said:subjugate shn said:why wait why not just join now

Cause if someone else comes along they should at least try them out. I can't afford (financially) to give 100% to a band right now, so if someone who can comes along, they would be better off.

[Aug 8,2005 9:17pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
+ timing is everything. 23 days.
[Aug 19,2005 2:34pm - Whoremastery ""]
still need ya!
[Aug 19,2005 2:42pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
I'll still play for you guys..........[img]
[Aug 19,2005 3:06pm - Whoremastery ""]
get a hold of us..il lemail you my number
[Aug 19,2005 3:07pm - mOe_rk @ work  ""]
i hate Axis pedals
[Aug 19,2005 3:09pm - sean shrapnel nli  ""]
blue said:JOIN THIS BAND
[Aug 19,2005 3:12pm - milkydeathgrind ""]
And Axis pedals hate you!!!!!!!!!!!
[Aug 19,2005 3:16pm - Aegathis ""]
I love em, come play for me!
[Aug 20,2005 1:12pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Jay, are you serious about this?

Because TERATISM is working on a new bio sheet and should they mention a new drummer? You!
[Aug 20,2005 6:51pm - whoremastery ""]
[Aug 21,2005 11:23pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Aug 30,2005 12:07am - DEATH2ALL ""]
Don't bio me till we give it a whirl. Has Milkydeathgrind tried out? Axis pedals are the only pedals I can play. Get the 151 ready... 2 days left.
[Aug 30,2005 8:21am - whoremastery ""]
we didnt try him out...he live really far away..thats the only reason
[Aug 30,2005 8:28am - milkydeathgrind ""]
great distances always ruin everything!!!......why don't we have teleporters yet???
[Aug 30,2005 1:20pm - death2all NLI  ""]
tick tock tick tock
[Aug 30,2005 3:49pm - SMC in Western NY  ""]
sean shrapnel nli said:blue said:JOIN THIS BAND

[Aug 30,2005 10:36pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
[Aug 31,2005 12:00am - DEATH2ALL ""]
24 hrs left. I guess we should probably jam this weekend or something like that. It would be good if I had a disc to learn the songs too.

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