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sinister sneak peek into moldy morbid NewEngland Black Morror Metal.

[Jul 13,2012 8:15pm - not slag  ""]
RTTP: Hang up your fragile ego at the door.
[Jul 13,2012 8:15pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:Let me explain to you why you are a poser.
Let me start with me.
I listen to and make metal/music in general because I have problems. I am a miserable prick, I drink a lot, I get depressed, etc etc. I turn to metal because I had to, because it is a release that helps me to cope with being a generally bad person. Things like going to jail, bad relationships, getting beat up, etc all culminate to make me one angry, miserable fucking person so I made angry, miserable music because some part of me still believes there is something worthwhile in the world, and metal helps me to feel like I am that much closer.

Then there's people like you.
You listen to metal because you are a goofy, withdrawn dork who has no other way of relating to people, so you pretend that you relate to metalheads. You make music because, like my angry side, part of you wants to get out and be goofy and try to be theatrical and just let loose. You have probably never had any kind of real struggle in your life, so your music comes across as equivalent to the kind of thing you'd hear in a haunted house for kids, because that's the kind of metalhead you are.

The point is leave the metal to the metalheads. We didn't just discover this one day and say 'I watch horror movies, I can do this.' We were born this way and we can't help it. This is who we have always been and always will be, it's not a hobby or an excuse to be ridiculous without appearing ridiculous. When I yell into a mic it's not me trying to sound as cool as I can, THATS JUST WHAT IT SOUNDS LIKE WHEN I YELL.

I don't really care enough to re-read or proof read this rant.

anyways, fuck off poser.

it so funny to me to see somebody call ME a poser. i have been a real life metal head since 1982. i was twelve. i have traveled the world seeing metal shows, meeting and partying with the best metal musicians on the planet. not to mention tattooing some of them on the road. my first concert was in 1985/6(?), it was kiss and w.a.s.p.. i was partying in the heavy metal parking lots before you were born and i am a poser? funny shit man. i parties with Iron butterfly, Catherdral, and even motorhead and i am a poser? sorry your life sucks. your right , it does suck for you. i didnt want my life to suck so i did better with myself. i would have killed myself ages ago if i were you. i am suicidal as fuck even with the good life i have made for myself. it is very important to the ones that love me to see that i keep a fun and "goofy" life to stay happy and to stay ultimately alive. yeah our music is Horror Metal. so it gets goofy, corny and cheesy at times. but there our moments of truly chilling darkness in every song as well. but if you insist on hating the music because you hate the person behind it, you can never hope to truly hear the music. i hate blackie lawless and gene simons but damn i love the music they make!
[Jul 13,2012 8:17pm - trioxin_245 ""]
yup, you're definitely a poser.
[Jul 13,2012 8:19pm - trioxin_245 ""]
the whole reason you started talking shit is because I said your band was goofy, BEFORE I knew anything about you, so it has nothing to do with you. I will say you are one sad, lost little boy in a 40-year-olds body though, arn't you?
[Jul 13,2012 8:20pm - ben ""]

chernobyl said:what ross is trying to say is "end your life, years spent cold"

oh no your exposing ross! get em' ross!
[Jul 13,2012 8:21pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said: the whole reason you started talking shit is because I said your band was goofy, BEFORE I knew anything about you, so it has nothing to do with you. I will say you are one sad, lost little boy in a 40-year-olds body though, arn't you?

i was gonna say the same about you but the only difference is that your dick is likely lost in a little boys body.
[Jul 13,2012 8:22pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I don't think you should end your life, I just think you should stop trying to be something you aren't. Go get married, be happy, watch horror movies, drink with your friends in your isolated little corner of the world, and leave the metal to those of us who can do it justice.
[Jul 13,2012 8:23pm - trioxin_245 ""]
So far you've made a joke about me fucking boys, having pimples and being a virgin. What am I, in fourth grade again? Ugh, I should've been a punk rocker.
[Jul 13,2012 8:23pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said: the whole reason you started talking shit is because I said your band was goofy, BEFORE I knew anything about you, so it has nothing to do with you. I will say you are one sad, lost little boy in a 40-year-olds body though, arn't you?
why would you talk shit in the first place? you dont even get where i am coming from. its really sad for you. you will never know what it is like to enjoy the brotherhood of true metal heads. that is what makes you the real poser here.
[Jul 13,2012 8:25pm - chernobyl ""]
no its this stupid ass song of this random band from jersey that played at an oddfellows temple i saw in vt in 2005

[Jul 13,2012 8:27pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:I don't think you should end your life, I just think you should stop trying to be something you aren't. Go get married, be happy, watch horror movies, drink with your friends in your isolated little corner of the world, and leave the metal to those of us who can do it justice.
i am starting to think you fear the idea of us making it to a big label and leaving you haters behind to wonder how that happened. that day is really gonna suck for you isnt it? would have been better to befriend us rather then attempt to discredit us. we could have put in a good word for you but.....
[Jul 13,2012 8:31pm - trioxin_245 ""]
You got me, I really am lonely and have no friends, and I've never gotten to enjoy the brotherhood of true metal heads. Maybe one day I will, but until then, I'll just keep hanging out with the dudes in Nachzehrer, Hirudinea, Witch Tomb, Herugrim, Psycho, Parasitic Extirpation, Mortician, Blood of the Gods, INTHESHIT, Cold Northern Vengeance, Martyrvore, Panzerbastard, Fresh Kill, Deathamphetamine, Ravage, Dysentery, Untombed, Superchrist, Nachtmystium, Eyehategod, Funebrarum, Haxen, Sorcery, Rampant Decay, Witch Tomb, Engorge, Profanatica, Elders of the Apocalypse, Black Witchery, and all the others. Maybe one day I'll get to be part of a REAL METAL SCENE, but until then I'll just keep on trying to get my dick unstuck from that little boy.
[Jul 13,2012 8:34pm - trioxin_245 ""]
anyway I got off track. this thread is supposed to be about MORROR METAL. It's like horror metal, but with a mohawk and a wheelchair. WE ARE NOT GETTING SUED
[Jul 13,2012 8:35pm - chernobyl ""]
ross is just upset he is an alien and aliens get upset sometimes.

I saw a UFO in 2008.
[Jul 13,2012 8:37pm - trioxin_245 ""]
The correct term is 'Intergalactic Americans' you bigot.
[Jul 13,2012 8:38pm - chernobyl ""]
I love aliens.
[Jul 13,2012 8:39pm - trioxin_245 ""]
fuck this thread is ugly as hell with all this crappy music. I gotta spruce it up a little with something good.

[Jul 13,2012 8:39pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:You got me, I really am lonely and have no friends, and I've never gotten to enjoy the brotherhood of true metal heads. Maybe one day I will, but until then, I'll just keep hanging out with the dudes in Nachzehrer, Hirudinea, Witch Tomb, Herugrim, Psycho, Parasitic Extirpation, Mortician, Blood of the Gods, INTHESHIT, Cold Northern Vengeance, Martyrvore, Panzerbastard, Fresh Kill, Deathamphetamine, Ravage, Dysentery, Untombed, Superchrist, Nachtmystium, Eyehategod, Funebrarum, Haxen, Sorcery, Rampant Decay, Witch Tomb, Engorge, Profanatica, Elders of the Apocalypse, Black Witchery, and all the others. Maybe one day I'll get to be part of a REAL METAL SCENE, but until then I'll just keep on trying to get my dick unstuck from that little boy.
yeah good bands too, we played with a few of them last summer. really good guys. unlike you.
[Jul 13,2012 8:40pm - ben ""]

trioxin_245 said:fuck this thread is ugly as hell with all this crappy music. I gotta spruce it up a little with something good.


now your talking!
[Jul 13,2012 8:43pm - chernobyl ""]

ben said:
trioxin_245 said:really good guys.

Oh, I don't know about that..

[Jul 13,2012 8:43pm - ben ""]

ben said:
here is another dark gem from the same album. two drummers died soon after trying out for this band. every member of the band including the producers were haunted by demons during the recording of this. true story. names have been left out to protect the privacy of those who lost their lives for this recording and those who were scarred for life. all in the name of darkness. enjoy!

how about this one?
[Jul 13,2012 9:00pm - xgodzillax ""]
I'm sorry raynard, I can't take anything you say seriously. You drop names like justin beiber groupie. Give up and kill yourself already. Faggot. I mean, NIGGERFAGGOT
[Jul 13,2012 9:03pm - trioxin_245 ""]

xgodzillax said:I'm sorry raynard, I can't take anything you say seriously. You drop names like justin beiber groupie. Give up and kill yourself already. Faggot. I mean, NIGGERFAGGOT

The more preferred term is 'african-american homosexual.' But you're right, he is kind of a NIGGERFAGGOT
[Jul 13,2012 9:44pm - narkybark ""]
Regardless of anything going on in the thread, if you post music online, regardless if it's good or bad, regardless if you think it's the best in the world... some people aren't going to like it, and when you specifically ask for opinions on it, and then they say they don't like it, don't pounce on them for it. Know your limitations.
[Jul 13,2012 9:53pm - dickcheese ""]

narkybark said:Regardless of anything going on in the thread, if you post music online, regardless if it's good or bad, regardless if you think it's the best in the world... some people aren't going to like it, and when you specifically ask for opinions on it, and then they say they don't like it, don't pounce on them for it. Know your limitations.

they dont like it because they dont like me. or at least those few outspoken wanna be's that think they can effect me negatively because they dont like me. i am very sorry for them and the insecurities they are burdened with , but one day this band will show them up and embarrass them all. the laugh is all mine then. just a shame they have to be that way. there loss entirely.
[Jul 13,2012 10:49pm - xgodzillax ""]
you ask people to review your shitty band honestly, then you get butthurt when people tell you that your band sucks a bag of dicks.

fuck off already you fucking piece of shit. you wanna talk about camaraderie, but youre a delusional piece of racist shit..
[Jul 13,2012 11:25pm - ass  ""]
[Jul 14,2012 12:55am - motley grue  ""]
Blessed Offal review:

Vocal style has been done to death metal style already, never once do you challenge the listener vocally with you style, no changes, nothing groundbreaking, and the lyrics you write any fucking highschooler could write. The music is uninspiring as well, guitars could be recorded much better, guitar player does kick ass though specially with the solos, they should be a bigger part of the song. So really there is no room for you to talk shit about a Vintage Flesh song, as they are there are two different genres of music. Dont go getting butthurt by this, you wanted a review of your song, and you got one.
[Jul 14,2012 1:15am - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
This guy's music bores the living shit out of me, as do his antics, but you all make it entertaining by insisting on feeding into it, perpetuating the process. Way to go. The 'I'm so anti-racist' shit is cute too, keep reaching for the stars, kids.
[Jul 14,2012 8:55am - trioxin_245 ""]

dickcheese said:
narkybark said:Regardless of anything going on in the thread, if you post music online, regardless if it's good or bad, regardless if you think it's the best in the world... some people aren't going to like it, and when you specifically ask for opinions on it, and then they say they don't like it, don't pounce on them for it. Know your limitations.

they dont like it because they dont like me. or at least those few outspoken wanna be's that think they can effect me negatively because they dont like me. i am very sorry for them and the insecurities they are burdened with , but one day this band will show them up and embarrass them all. the laugh is all mine then. just a shame they have to be that way. there loss entirely.

What exactly is this post referring to?
[Jul 14,2012 8:56am - trioxin_245 ""]

motley%20grue said:Blessed Offal review:

Vocal style has been done to death metal style already, never once do you challenge the listener vocally with you style, no changes, nothing groundbreaking, and the lyrics you write any fucking highschooler could write. The music is uninspiring as well, guitars could be recorded much better, guitar player does kick ass though specially with the solos, they should be a bigger part of the song. So really there is no room for you to talk shit about a Vintage Flesh song, as they are there are two different genres of music. Dont go getting butthurt by this, you wanted a review of your song, and you got one.

my only complaint is that you said 'the guitar player kicks ass,' because I really don't know what I'm doing.
[Jul 14,2012 8:58am - trioxin_245 ""]
Oh, and there is room to talk about a vintage flesh song, because the OP asked for an honest review, and I honestly think that band is embarrassing lowest-common-denominator garbage.
[Jul 14,2012 11:07am - poopoo  ""]
Blessed Awful is standard, unoriginal, boring, blackened death.

It's just as bad as the other bands in this thread, just in a different way. In that "wanna-be tough guy" black/death sorta way.

Beyond Boston/Mass. no one gives a fuck about you.

[Jul 14,2012 11:14am - hi  ""]
^ beelze nli
[Jul 14,2012 11:20am - poopoo  ""]
hah, you wish. beelze is a fag too.

[Jul 14,2012 11:37am - Crap Pyramid  ""]
yes this shit sucks that is why at reunion we will be stoned punch drunk actively calling out shitty bands like this and releasing delusional freaks on them to pummel them into oblivion with wizards and black orbs
[Jul 14,2012 11:51am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

trioxin_245 said:anyway I got off track. this thread is supposed to be about MORROR METAL. It's like horror metal, but with a mohawk and a wheelchair. WE ARE NOT GETTING SUED

"It's universal remobot, not universal piece of crap, like you say!"

[Jul 14,2012 11:53am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

motley%20grue said:Blessed Offal review:

Vocal style has been done to death metal style already, never once do you challenge the listener vocally with you style, no changes, nothing groundbreaking, and the lyrics you write any fucking highschooler could write. The music is uninspiring as well, guitars could be recorded much better, guitar player does kick ass though specially with the solos, they should be a bigger part of the song. So really there is no room for you to talk shit about a Vintage Flesh song, as they are there are two different genres of music. Dont go getting butthurt by this, you wanted a review of your song, and you got one.

raytroll identified
[Jul 14,2012 12:22pm - ben ""]
not so. though nor am i. i act sort of as an unwanted henchmen to the master. i have already received repeated threats from Raynard-Stevens property management. that would be Raypissed in character. yes i have been following closely to the letter what this fiend is up to and yes i will EXPOSE him. after i get off the parole for exposing my self to him. [img][img]
[Jul 14,2012 12:47pm - ben ""]
as for racist messages. not me at all my friend. i just post pictures other people have made observations of in society with, and had an honest to god nonthreatening opinion, for good gods sake man what next?! while you sit back and talk shit about other good local bands, i am exercising my rights as a true U.S. citizen from the old school. so we maintain a right to say how we feel in this ever sinking country. just voicing my concerns in a nonthreatening non derogatory as possible perspective. while you whine to fellow metal heads about whats wrong with society today, i am speaking directly to society in person and online. online only because it reach's a greater amount of people. one day you will learn its not all about you but the whole of your community. i just believe in naturally segregated societies by choice. those who wish to be left in peace and to promise peace in return just to be among their own. this go's for all races. society makes cultures angry with each other when you crowd them together. just gotta give all cultures room to grow. they need more space is all. instead of encroaching and threatening others way of life. i just speak for my own people. i know its not o.k. for whites to be concerned with other whites. we have to be the worlds punching bag so says your p.c. liberal lefty lunatic party. see where that got all of us? we can help each other better from a distance of each other. better letting your cultures truly grow without hindering your neighbor with ways that are not his/her own. when you understand this is not racist but a racial matter. you will have grown up a great deal my friends and i will welcome you into a more promising future when yah do.
now thats a message. the message of the V.F. inverticrux bands are always and solely to express into metal format the folk lore and dark timeless tales of old world New England. more respect for New England culture and roots then many of you hater bands. all with a terribly tasty but spooky twist! you guys hate theatrics. get over it. others like theatrics. you just want greater N.E. to be rap and metalcore. you bore the shit out of me. thats not what N.E. is !!!! though the bands message represented here is to be taken with a grain of salt too. so loosen up already. hate me if you like. but dont spoil your chance of enjoying good musical experiences. so juvenile. now what is our message? New England ghost stories and such, HAMMER HORROR inspired as well. blackened suicidal Horror Metal is Vintage Flesh. Inverticrux i think is black thrash doom grove? but that will be ever evolving.
stay tunes to the horror goons!
[Jul 14,2012 1:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
RTTP: home of p.c. liberal lefty lunatics, rap and metalcore
[Jul 14,2012 1:38pm - xmikex ""]

ben said:as for racist messages. not me at all my friend. i just post pictures other people have made observations of in society with, and had an honest to god nonthreatening opinion, for good gods sake man what next?! while you sit back and talk shit about other good local bands, i am exercising my rights as a true U.S. citizen from the old school. so we maintain a right to say how we feel in this ever sinking country. just voicing my concerns in a nonthreatening non derogatory as possible perspective. while you whine to fellow metal heads about whats wrong with society today, i am speaking directly to society in person and online. online only because it reach's a greater amount of people. one day you will learn its not all about you but the whole of your community. i just believe in naturally segregated societies by choice. those who wish to be left in peace and to promise peace in return just to be among their own. this go's for all races. society makes cultures angry with each other when you crowd them together. just gotta give all cultures room to grow. they need more space is all. instead of encroaching and threatening others way of life. i just speak for my own people. i know its not o.k. for whites to be concerned with other whites. we have to be the worlds punching bag so says your p.c. liberal lefty lunatic party. see where that got all of us? we can help each other better from a distance of each other. better letting your cultures truly grow without hindering your neighbor with ways that are not his/her own. when you understand this is not racist but a racial matter. you will have grown up a great deal my friends and i will welcome you into a more promising future when yah do.
now thats a message. the message of the V.F. inverticrux bands are always and solely to express into metal format the folk lore and dark timeless tales of old world New England. more respect for New England culture and roots then many of you hater bands. all with a terribly tasty but spooky twist! you guys hate theatrics. get over it. others like theatrics. you just want greater N.E. to be rap and metalcore. you bore the shit out of me. thats not what N.E. is !!!! though the bands message represented here is to be taken with a grain of salt too. so loosen up already. hate me if you like. but dont spoil your chance of enjoying good musical experiences. so juvenile. now what is our message? New England ghost stories and such, HAMMER HORROR inspired as well. blackened suicidal Horror Metal is Vintage Flesh. Inverticrux i think is black thrash doom grove? but that will be ever evolving.
stay tunes to the horror goons!

jesus christ retard, do you think anyone is going to read anything you wrote that's THIS long? go away.
[Jul 14,2012 1:44pm - not slag  ""]
I think we've all ben had.

Ben is clearly the best troll evar.
[Jul 14,2012 2:20pm - trioxin245 ""]
poopoo: youre right except for one thing. Boston and the US are the only places people DONT care about us. Most of our fans are euros. And youre right, there arnt many. DYA: obviously raynard troll is obvious
[Jul 14,2012 2:22pm - trioxin245 ""]
oh and since when was 'tough guy black death metal' a thing? Does anyone even think before they type?
[Jul 14,2012 2:23pm - WHATEVER BRO  ""]
I will be only too happy to beat the shit out of Raynard and the GSS bitches the next time I see them. PLEASE turn up to the Hekseri reunion at Obriens
[Jul 14,2012 2:27pm - trioxin245 ""]
also real quick Im curious... I wont debate that Blessed Offal isnt the most original band, but Id be curious to see if you know enough about what youre talking about to give me specific examples of why we are unoriginal. I could give you plenty but I bet you dont have one.
[Jul 14,2012 2:36pm - Crap Pyramid  ""]
Morror is officially a word for retards this band is horrible and we will conjure wizard demons with bong noses and blunt hands to destroy them into every concevable oblivion known to the black dimensions of southern doom

Blessed Offal is also awful because they do no represent bonged out low end metal warriors of wizards and dragon riding maidens so we will beat them with delusional low end vibrations from the comatorium as well because they suck at reunions
[Jul 14,2012 2:41pm - ben ""]

trioxin245 said:also real quick Im curious... I wont debate that Blessed Offal isnt the most original band, but Id be curious to see if you know enough about what youre talking about to give me specific examples of why we are unoriginal. I could give you plenty but I bet you dont have one.

your easy listening dude. no challenge to the senses. just hitting on all the safe zones. its a sound i would normally be glad to except into the fold if it didn't have some apparent asswipes in the band that like to shit talk. it sbetter then a scene full of dumb white/black rappers killing the NewEngland heritage. we keep it alive. we invoke dark sinister vibes that get into you. we make you uncomfortable and that angers you because you know we can get to you musically. take you somewhere your not ready to go. Boo!
[Jul 14,2012 2:53pm - WHATEVER BRO  ""]
Still breaking both of Raynard's shitty tattoo hands and ugly face

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