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[Aug 27,2004 6:49pm - lady_czerach ""]
Watchmaker does rule. The singer makes the coolest/scariest faces.
[Aug 27,2004 6:51pm - lady_czerach ""]
Hooker said:I think it was just the muslim and jew thing that got you going. Christians would've been fine.

This may be true. He could have just said, "No organized religion," and I would have been all over that.
[Aug 27,2004 6:51pm - Ninkaszi187 ""]
mike is correct, are you going to go? bring some fishes, to grill for szatan.
[Aug 27,2004 7:34pm - MarkKevorkian ""]
Well I guess you don't know Joe as well as I do. I think he might take offense to you doubting the sincerity of his asshole ways.
[Aug 27,2004 7:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
xmikex said:watchmaker rules. fact.

you only saw watchmaker once. fact.

I was in Boston today, flyering for my shows, and I saw no flyers for the Helvete show anywhere in the city. What the fuck is that all about? If you want to get stuff going at the Paradise and prove to those assholes at clear channel you can make money, then you should promote the show as much as possible.
[Aug 27,2004 7:39pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
MarkKevorkian said:Well I guess you don't know Joe as well as I do. I think he might take offense to you doubting the sincerity of his asshole ways.

Some red headed slut kept staring at me on the train today, I caught her doing it so she put sun glasses on. Fucking mutants.
[Aug 27,2004 7:51pm - Hooker ""]
She probably thought you were Mick Foley.
[Aug 27,2004 7:53pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Who is that?
[Aug 27,2004 7:54pm - Hooker ""]

aka. Mankind, Cactus Jack, Dude Love,

a wrestler.
[Aug 27,2004 7:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I don't look like that guy.
[Aug 27,2004 7:57pm - Hooker ""]

Alright there joe.... or should I say MICK.

Nice tux.
[Aug 27,2004 8:01pm - assuck ""]
wow he kinda does look like mick foley
[Aug 27,2004 8:46pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha I can't believe people will skip this show in defense of religion... This show could be very crucial for Metal in the Boston area, so to refuse to go cause the promoters are not sensitive to the feelings of religious drones is indicative of backwards priorities, in my eyes. You're not giving the Helvete guys money and you'll be helping people like me, Joe, the Prophetless folks and so on, in getting a foot in the door for booking Metal at the Paradise.

Anyway, Cathach's sentiments above are no different than what the Helvete guys have expressed for the DJ-ed nights... Which ARE primarily about Black Metal, though this show is not... I certainly hope noone has been coming to a Black Metal club night with the expectation of religious tolerance.
[Aug 27,2004 10:33pm - assuck ""]
i thought they burned those churches because they were poorly designed...
[Aug 28,2004 1:32am - Sinistas ""]
Cactus Sack~!
[Aug 28,2004 1:42am - RichHorror ""]
Anyone who boycotts this gig is an ass-banging fairy.

The End.
[Aug 28,2004 1:43am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
why do they call them red sox? like, I mean, what do socks have to do with anything?

and why's it mispelled?

and Joe, when you have goatee, you look EXACTLY like Cactus Jack.

And Aaron, you look like kid rock.

over and out!
[Aug 28,2004 1:44am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Aug 28,2004 1:46am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
if even one more person asks me to say "Moshing on Heroin...everybody's moving, but you're not?!?!" I'm gonna go cookoo...

even though it IS funny.
[Aug 28,2004 9:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If I look like that guy then I hate the way I look.
[Aug 28,2004 11:47am - dreadkill ""]
joe is a mick, i mean a mick foley.
[Aug 28,2004 11:50am - dreadkill ""]
wow, the reverend is going to be pissed at that kid rock comment. i think the reverend looks more like this teacher i had in college, who reminded me of that teacher in beavis and butthead. my teacher only reminded me of that guy because he talked like him. the reverend doesn't have the same voice.

people have told me i look like the karate kid and richie valens. i say fuck that, i am the portuguese young elvis and my gut is transforming me into old elvis, and i like it.
[Aug 28,2004 12:02pm - Sinistas ""]
old elvis. lol. peanut butter and bacon sandwiches
[Aug 28,2004 12:04pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah but joe, check out that babe he's with.

that could be you, buddy.

babes all the time.
wrestling moves all the time.
autobiographies, all the time.

you got the look, baby.
[Aug 28,2004 12:45pm - assuck ""]
rev looks like jesus
[Aug 29,2004 3:35am - BestialOnslaught ""]
[Aug 29,2004 10:34am - korpse-l- ""]
ninkaszi said:this is an anti organized religion gig. all of the bands have always had these beliefs, so i don't see why anyone would not go because of anything said here. i have said countless times on stage "this song is about burning churches", and i mean it. i hate christianity, judaism, islam, and other forms of brainwash that have completely fucked our present day. enslaving religions that have caused more violence, and prejudice than any show could ever possibly achieve. think about it.

in other words, go to the show damn it.

couldn't have said it better myself. religion is a fraud. Burn your local chruch. :nuke:
[Aug 29,2004 10:43am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
This show should be able to easily draw 150+ people
[Aug 29,2004 1:34pm - Mary ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:xmikex said:watchmaker rules. fact.

you only saw watchmaker once. fact.

I was in Boston today, flyering for my shows, and I saw no flyers for the Helvete show anywhere in the city. What the fuck is that all about? If you want to get stuff going at the Paradise and prove to those assholes at clear channel you can make money, then you should promote the show as much as possible.

this is Brad
Joe, i've seen flyers at the Newbury Comics on Newbury St. , the Mysytery Train in Kenmore, and alot of other places...where were you flyering? The Assholes Anonymous meeting? SAy hi to MArk for me....
[Aug 29,2004 1:38pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I was at newbury comics on newbury street, well maybe its a good thing none where there, that means people took them.
[Aug 29,2004 1:44pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Creation Is Crucixion is one of the sickest fucking bands on fall tim.

why the fuck don't they play out anymore?
[Aug 29,2004 1:52pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Because they suck
[Aug 29,2004 2:05pm - JayTUS ""]
Shit, something came up and I don't know if I can make it now. I am still going to try...
[Aug 29,2004 2:33pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
granted, maybe you don't like style or the songs, Joe, but you GOTTA admit they know their shit with technincal stuff...?

I saw them in Maine a ways back and it was unreal the way these guys can play their instruments.
[Aug 29,2004 2:35pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
bands who are talented but lack imagination bore the hell out of me.
[Aug 29,2004 2:39pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
True, I agree on that. I wouldn't say, for me, that CiC lacks imagination (I'd ALMOST say otherwise) but I do know what you mean.

I am tired of seeing bands with good musical proficiency and fucking ridiculously hackneyed songs. I can't get into it anymore. who cares if Jimmy or Ricky can do a good solo if the music is fucking rehashed bullshit?
[Aug 29,2004 2:59pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I think Dillinger Escape Plan is the biggest example of what I am talking about. We know you can play in annoying time sequences, but you still suck.
[Aug 30,2004 1:38am - phantos hungover  ""]
go to this show.
I cannot.. but I am jonesin' for some HIRUDINEA.
[Aug 30,2004 4:10am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I love the new logo.

[Aug 30,2004 9:23am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:I love the new logo.

Me too, it's one of the best around and suits them perfectly
[Aug 30,2004 12:30pm - Hooker ""]
Seven. Hmm. I'll probably be there a little later on. Like 9 ish.
[Aug 30,2004 12:46pm - assuck ""]
as long as you show up
[Aug 30,2004 12:47pm - Hooker ""]
Yar. I'm bringing a few people and shit.
[Aug 30,2004 12:55pm - assuck ""]
[Aug 30,2004 12:56pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
You should bring a few people as close to 7 as you can, Abhorred loves playing to new people.
[Aug 30,2004 3:06pm - abhorred ""]
4 hours
[Aug 30,2004 3:10pm - Hooker ""]
I would but I won't be there until after that. Unfortunately. Jabu and Andy told me they were good.
[Aug 30,2004 3:13pm - eddie ""]
what time do the trains stop running in boston?
[Aug 30,2004 3:20pm - Hooker ""]
[Aug 30,2004 3:25pm - eddie ""]
ok cool, i can get home after this show, thats always a good thing.

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