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Wretched Asylum assaulted...on stage.

[Jan 14,2005 5:40pm - spitfire ""]
st1gma said:Okay, losers...I'm off to tend to real life.

As much as I would love to sit here and continue to tell you all what fuckbags you are, I must do some things that are far more important.

Deep knee bends in the pickle patch
[Jan 14,2005 5:44pm - Hooker ""]
Dude, tits are awesome.
[Jan 14,2005 5:48pm - pisscup ""]
pisscup said:pisscup said:boobs

[Jan 14,2005 5:51pm - johnvanveen  ""]
anymore gay pics of this "fight" haha wretched asylum should show up at all that remains sat at the living room along with all of you
[Jan 14,2005 5:53pm - Hooker ""]
I really gotta hear this band. I'm about to listen. I'll be back in a few.
[Jan 14,2005 5:58pm - Hooker ""]
Alright. I'm listening.

It's pretty simple, repetitive and not nearly as bad as I thought it would be.

I'd say, get rid of the makeup and the on-purpose misspelling and you'd probably have a pretty good shot at working the Jarrod's, Rockpile, WAAF etc... etc circuit.
[Jan 14,2005 5:58pm - spitfire ""]
st1gma said


You guys have this awesome obsession with the word gay. Are you all fucking each other in the bathroom with frozen vomit fucksticks like i like to do when no one's looking? Are you just projecting your own cocks up my ass?>>

you got me there
[Jan 14,2005 6:03pm - Hooker ""]
st1gma said

frozen vomit fucksticks

Oooooh someone listens to Prosthetic Cunt.
[Jan 14,2005 7:29pm - anonymous  ""]
st1gma said:Okay, losers...I'm off to tend to real life. Talk all the shit you want, but have faith in the fact that you're all morons and have a nice day.

As much as I would love to sit here and continue to tell you all what fuckbags you are, I must do some things that are far more important.

LOL...you're all like net.metalheads...just as cool as net.goths...rawk!

It's good to know that this messageboard is the only place you are the cool kids...everywhere else, everyone laughs at you...over and over again...

This theory will never get old.

Every internet "flame war" goes through four stages

1. Arguement
2. Personal attacks
3. The loser of arguement leaving website while saying
a) "This is boring me now"
b) "I've got better things to do LOSERS!"
c) "This site sucks anyway!"

4. Loser of arguement lurking around the board to see what has been said about him/her.

[Jan 14,2005 7:30pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
'Twas me
[Jan 14,2005 7:33pm - KeithMutiny ""]
go back to fist fucking your children... you philosophy major, you
[Jan 14,2005 11:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I'm an english major because I can spell and use basic grammar. You dolt!
[Jan 15,2005 12:08am - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
how bout we just beat the shit outta WA and this cunt and maybe they will shut the fuck up.
[Jan 15,2005 2:24am - ArrowHead ""]
Get off the board deb-o, I'm sure you're well aware of two things:

1) you make an ass of yourself when you get angry on messageboards

2) I'm more than willing to supply the intelligent discourse you feel no one here can provide, and in the end - you'll still be wrong.

By the way Deb-o, anonymity is impossible when your weak-points are and sensitivities are so blatantly displayed.

By the way guys, meet WA's manager, Debbi/St1gma. She's a little nutty, so make fun all you'd like if she's willing to play along, but do me a favor: Quit with the jokes about her kid. The effort she's put into the hand she was dealt in that situation is probably the one redeeming quality I've seen in her. I don't think many of us would be up to the challenge. But then again, at least we're lucky enough to have good taste in music.
[Jan 15,2005 2:43am - DaveFromTheGrave ""]

Im too lazy to edit this picture adn host it in such a way as to make it look good, but you get the picture.
[Jan 15,2005 4:27am - deb-o  ""]
ArrowHead said:Get off the board deb-o, I'm sure you're well aware of two things:

1) you make an ass of yourself when you get angry on messageboards

2) I'm more than willing to supply the intelligent discourse you feel no one here can provide, and in the end - you'll still be wrong.

By the way Deb-o, anonymity is impossible when your weak-points are and sensitivities are so blatantly displayed.

By the way guys, meet WA's manager, Debbi/St1gma. She's a little nutty, so make fun all you'd like if she's willing to play along, but do me a favor: Quit with the jokes about her kid. The effort she's put into the hand she was dealt in that situation is probably the one redeeming quality I've seen in her. I don't think many of us would be up to the challenge. But then again, at least we're lucky enough to have good taste in music.

From this anonymous user... you are wrong. Not Deb-o.

[Jan 15,2005 5:32am - st1gma ""]
anonymous said:

This theory will never get old.

Every internet "flame war" goes through four stages

1. Arguement
2. Personal attacks
3. The loser of arguement leaving website while saying
a) "This is boring me now"
b) "I've got better things to do LOSERS!"
c) "This site sucks anyway!"

4. Loser of arguement lurking around the board to see what has been said about him/her.

Nope...it's called having better things to do.
[Jan 15,2005 5:42am - st1gma ""]
SINOFANGELS-RAY said:YEs Hot topic does Appreciate Music .... Like all the little kids and wannabee metal heads buy over priced music and shirts. How about go to a show and support bands and buy shit from them.. not scene nazi like Hot topic DOODE!!!!

Lol...last time I checked, shows didn't offer what I buy at Hot Topic. Last time I checked, I couldn't buy slippers or a journal at a show.

I go to shows all the time, genius...and I buy shit from people I think deserve my money.
[Jan 15,2005 5:44am - st1gma ""]
ArrowHead said:Get off the board deb-o, I'm sure you're well aware of two things:

1) you make an ass of yourself when you get angry on messageboards

2) I'm more than willing to supply the intelligent discourse you feel no one here can provide, and in the end - you'll still be wrong.

By the way Deb-o, anonymity is impossible when your weak-points are and sensitivities are so blatantly displayed.

By the way guys, meet WA's manager, Debbi/St1gma. She's a little nutty, so make fun all you'd like if she's willing to play along, but do me a favor: Quit with the jokes about her kid. The effort she's put into the hand she was dealt in that situation is probably the one redeeming quality I've seen in her. I don't think many of us would be up to the challenge. But then again, at least we're lucky enough to have good taste in music.

Funny thing...my name's Tara.
[Jan 15,2005 9:32am - ArrowHead ""]
Yer lying. I don't even need to ask Aaron to tell us it's the same IP for both of you.
[Jan 15,2005 10:41am - mark fucking richards  ""]
wow...this thread has gotten a bit out of hand. just a few words for this st1gma character:

i think i speak for at least 99% of the people here when i say most of this: this is an internet messageboard, designed to spread and circulate information/opinions about bands involved with metal, hardcore, grind, etc. therefore, it is perfectly fine for everyone on here to say what they want, about anything and anyone. clearly you have a problem with that and can't get it through your thick skull that NO ONE gives a shit about what you say, aside from the fact that it is entertaining.

would you expect every single person on the internet to just respect a band based on the principle of being a band alone??? fuck that shit...we're not robots, we all have different tastes in everything. i respect the fact that you like wretched asylum, just as you should respect the fact that no one on this board likes them. i do not respect the fact that you've tried to force everyone on this board to realize that we're all "gay," "idiots," "dimwits," and all sorts of other allegations. you had nothing to do with this in the first place, so why fight someone else's battle?

i'm not defending any individual(s), but everyone here can say whatever the fuck they want. if you don't like it, don't keep posting here about the same whiny bullshit you're accusing everyone else of throwing on here. you're shittalking just the same as everyone else. i have abstained from posting on this thread, because there was really nothing more to say until i saw this whole argument...you're just as bad as everyone you're trying to sway in here. if you think you're going to change anyone's opinion on wretched asylum, hot topic, nu metal, goth fags, mall goths, blah blah blah blah blah, you are very wrong.

i think wretched asylum is gay because the music is terrible...i've listened to them about 10 times to make sure i know what i'm talking about; i'll give anything a chance and formulate my opinion based on what i look for in a band. song structure sucks, riffs are kindergarten level at best, the vocals are terrible, the sound is terrible even if they do have good equipment (clearly they don't know how to handle it), the lyrics are gayer than liberace, the gimmick is overused and was never cool in the least bit, and i could go on for days. hopefully that "backs up my shittalk" for you a little bit. i've seen all this shit happen since the first aim conversation, and i can honestly say no one here is responsible for the onset of all this "shittalking." get your shit straight and try to come up with more of an intelligent, organized argument. fight your own battles instead of some disgustingly horrible nu metal cradle of filth cookie cutter band's beef that they started. why is it your place to say what's right and wrong here anyway? are you jesus or something? my sources point to no, get the fuck off of this messageboard and save the last ounce of dignity you have left. i don't give a shit who you are or if you have a child out of wedlock, i don't care what or who you support and neither does ANYONE ELSE HERE!!!! everyone will continue to go about their daily lives without thinking "i hope that random person on one in a billion internet messageboards respects my opinions and doesn't make fun of me," just as you should. i'm not saying you shouldn't post here, just shut up about this whole wretched asylum bullshit because it's going nowhere and it doesn't seem to be entertaining you as much as it has for the rest of the people here.

hopefully you don't see my blurb as "jealosy" or "cattiness." that would ruin my 11 year old girl lifestyle.

and for the record, i have huge balls and a shitload of integrity.

yours truly,
mark fucking richards
[Jan 15,2005 11:17am - Bradness ""]
ArrowHead said: The effort she's put into the hand she was dealt in that situation is probably the one redeeming quality I've seen in her. I don't think many of us would be up to the challenge. But then again, at least we're lucky enough to have good taste in music.

i've been raising my daughter since she was 1 1/2 , now she's 7. It's very difficult. But her kid is a textbook definition of a bastard. just as illegal aliens streaming across the southern US border are wetbacks

i heard WA on WMFO the other day. the production on the guitars was ok, the vocals had way too many effects, and the drums were HORRIBLE. this kid uses electronic drums, you think they would sound good with all the tweaking you can do. i think it was called "we all die". what i could understand from the lyrics was something like "oooo, i'm evil. i'll mow you down with my daddy's Benz, cuz we're all gonna DIE"
[Jan 15,2005 11:30am - JayTUS ""]
I like Hot Topic.
[Jan 15,2005 11:41am - anonymous  ""]
JayTUS said:I like Hot Topic.

:sctachy:you can't! we're supposed to be sheep!:itchy:


[Jan 15,2005 11:42am - eddienli  ""]
that was me
[Jan 15,2005 11:52am - KeithMutiny ""]
HEY... remember that "HOT TOPIC SUPPORTS THE MUSIC" quote back there... id like you to do me a favor next time your lookin at icp shirts and XXL bondage pants... ask the where the section for bands on consignment are, i mean, since they do so much for the music...
[Jan 15,2005 11:53am - KeithMutiny ""]
[Jan 15,2005 11:56am - assuck ""]
i heart phil smolinsky
[Jan 15,2005 12:23pm - SINOFANGELS-RAY ""]
Man this shit is still going on Clasic man, clasic
[Jan 15,2005 1:36pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
st1gma said:anonymous said:

This theory will never get old.

Every internet "flame war" goes through four stages

1. Arguement
2. Personal attacks
3. The loser of arguement leaving website while saying
a) "This is boring me now"
b) "I've got better things to do LOSERS!"
c) "This site sucks anyway!"

4. Loser of arguement lurking around the board to see what has been said about him/her.

Nope...it's called having better things to do.

[Jan 15,2005 1:38pm - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
I liked Wretched Asylum 15 years ago, before they gayed up their sound for the mainstream and changed their name from Ministry.
[Jan 16,2005 8:41pm - st1gma ""]
ArrowHead said:Yer lying. I don't even need to ask Aaron to tell us it's the same IP for both of you.

You really are an idiot, huh? Go ahead...check the IP...oooooh. I can absolutely guarantee that my name is, in fact, Tara.
[Jan 16,2005 9:10pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jan 16,2005 10:51pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:n00dz

that was random and funny
[Jan 16,2005 10:56pm - ArrowHead ""]
st1gma said:
You really are an idiot, huh? Go ahead...check the IP...oooooh. I can absolutely guarantee that my name is, in fact, Tara.

Keep trying.

[Jan 16,2005 11:02pm - KeithMutiny ""]
[Jan 16,2005 11:46pm - retard  ""]
ArrowHead said:st1gma said:

Keep trying.

You have never been so wrong....... www.orrthannan.com ..... I doubt Deb-O is part of this. Dummy.

[Jan 17,2005 12:00am - retzam ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:I liked Wretched Asylum 15 years ago, before they gayed up their sound for the mainstream and changed their name from Ministry.

[Jan 17,2005 11:21pm - salami ""]
goatwolf loves make-up!
[Jan 17,2005 11:21pm - salami ""]
goatwolf loves make-up!
[Jan 18,2005 1:43am - BestialOnslaught ""]
BestialOnslaught said:[img]

[Jan 18,2005 1:45am - BornSoVile ""]
nice gardening gloves, guy.
[Jan 18,2005 3:43am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Did anyone else work for Redshirts when they were like 13?
[Jan 18,2005 12:28pm - Abbath ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney said:I liked Wretched Asylum 15 years ago, before they gayed up their sound for the mainstream and changed their name from Ministry.

[Jan 18,2005 12:29pm - Abbath ""]
oh! i can't believe i am saying this but by reading this entire post i made this conclusion:

13 Winters > Wretched Asylum

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