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Diablo III

[May 29,2012 12:32pm - RTTP Clique Analysis  ""]
[May 29,2012 1:13pm - sxealex ""]
[May 29,2012 1:44pm - trioxin245nli  ""]

slag%20is%20not%20slag said:I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel now, but, do any of you cool cats have a guest pass I could have? I'd like to give this a fair poke. Saw a friend playing it and it does look pretty rad.
i have like 4 guest passes that noone will use you can have.
[May 29,2012 1:58pm - SLAGGERIFTRUFF  ""]
Thanks dude. If you do not mind. I owe you one.

[May 29,2012 10:06pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
I'm pretty sure that I do not like this game
[May 29,2012 10:16pm - the_reverend ""]
I tried to play for free today. 37 error. WTF!
[May 29,2012 10:45pm - the_reverend ""]
"Retrieving Hero List" for like 15 minutes.
[May 30,2012 8:20am - anonymous diablo III barbarian  ""]
boring game that I am living in. tamriel was a much more exciting country. Tristam has some boring ghettoes
[May 30,2012 9:09am - the_reverend ""]
I only played for a couple minutes before falling asleep, but it was really cool. I don't see why they couldn't bring this to the ipad.
[May 30,2012 9:12am - arktouros ""]
2 week verdict - game is good, wasn't worth $60, didn't really care about beating it. probably will in co op sometime.
[May 30,2012 11:57am - arktouros ""]
rev i doubt it's coming to the ipad anytime soon but classic Baldur's Gate is and this RPG too http://www.metacritic.com/game/pc/avadon-the-black-fortress/critic-reviews
[May 30,2012 12:04pm - arktouros ""]
also for those looking for a diablo game that's arguably better than this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Titan_Quest and the expansion are fucking fantastic (as well as this mod that adds a completely new campaign to the game http://www.titanquest.net/tq-forum/threads/11603-Lilith-The-Will-of-Demon-Battles-of-Jalavia) And Torchlight II soon as well.
[May 30,2012 12:11pm - narkybark ""]
Played through normal with a wizzie. I have to say, there are a lot of design decisions I don't like at all.

Items are boring, and have a small set of modifiers. Combine that with no weapon limitations, and there is nothing special about loot, just go for main stat, vitality, damage, that's it.
Auction house makes crafting pointless. You can get exactly what you want for cheap on the AH. (this also trivializes loot) AH also makes gem crafting pointless, you can either spend about 90K to combine up a gem or just spend 2K and get it on the AH. Broken system.
Skill sets need customization, not just get this level and get this skill.
Playing through the story once, it just gets in the way afterward. D2 flowed so much smoother.

THEY HAD A GOOD SYSTEM WITH DIABLO2, why fuck with it? It's worse in almost every way except artwork.

Also, online only. It causes problems.
[May 30,2012 12:25pm - the_reverend ""]
I can't believe they would release a game with so many issues.
[May 30,2012 12:25pm - trioxin245nli  ""]

narkybark said:Played through normal with a wizzie. I have to say, there are a lot of design decisions I don't like at all.

Items are boring, and have a small set of modifiers. Combine that with no weapon limitations, and there is nothing special about loot, just go for main stat, vitality, damage, that's it.
Auction house makes crafting pointless. You can get exactly what you want for cheap on the AH. (this also trivializes loot) AH also makes gem crafting pointless, you can either spend about 90K to combine up a gem or just spend 2K and get it on the AH. Broken system.
Skill sets need customization, not just get this level and get this skill.
Playing through the story once, it just gets in the way afterward. D2 flowed so much smooth
THEY HAD A GOOD SYSTEM WITH DIABLO2, why fuck with it? It's worse in almost every way except artwork.

Also, online only. It causes problems.

pretty much agrreed with everything, although I never used the auction house. Ill wait for a few patches and see what they do. Also, the story is too linear. It literally just tells you exactly where to go every step of the way, theres practically no exploring. Im still playing it and having fun, but I dont see this having any kind of lasting ability like diablo 2 did for me.
[May 30,2012 12:28pm - arktouros ""]
i think diablo 2 was far better. once i got past the music and good enemy variety in 3, i didn't find a whole lot of substance later in the game. item collecting turned into some casual minigame, and fun skills overshadowed by repetition. it left me starving for games with actual substance, so i played those.
[May 30,2012 12:33pm - trioxin245nli  ""]
yea everybody was right, its dumbed down for the masses.
[May 30,2012 12:38pm - arktouros ""]
[May 30,2012 12:40pm - sxealex ""]
I think the issues are due to server capacity
[May 30,2012 12:58pm - not arilliusbm  ""]
[May 30,2012 2:07pm - trioxin245nli  ""]
Im just not gonna bother buying video games anymore. SNES kills anything and everything nowadays, and I already have like 60 games ffor it.
[May 30,2012 2:45pm - the_reverend ""]
I left the music playing all night. the music is great!
[May 30,2012 3:43pm - slag is not slag  ""]
I still want to try this, for old times sake.
However – rant.
I have struggled with the notion of using video games at all as a form of entertainment or escapism for quite some time. We all need down time, which I recognize. I just find that for my purposes, as much as I want them to, playing video games do not adequately leave me feeling satisfied with my life. There are literally millions of real, tangible things I can be doing with my time at any moment. I find that after playing video games I leave with nothing. No peace is gained, no satisfaction earned, nothing learned and no tangible achievements to speak of. At some point, I realized how pointless playing them is. I don’t think, even with a title brimming with nostalgia like D3, I will ever be able to return to video games as a means of self entertainment.
[May 30,2012 3:44pm - FUCKING MORONS  ""]
[May 30,2012 3:47pm - Reality  ""]

slag%20is%20not%20slag said:I still want to try this, for old times sake.
However – rant.
I have struggled with the notion of using video games at all as a form of entertainment or escapism for quite some time. We all need down time, which I recognize. I just find that for my purposes, as much as I want them to, playing video games do not adequately leave me feeling satisfied with my life. There are literally millions of real, tangible things I can be doing with my time at any moment. I find that after playing video games I leave with nothing. No peace is gained, no satisfaction earned, nothing learned and no tangible achievements to speak of. At some point, I realized how pointless playing them is. I don’t think, even with a title brimming with nostalgia like D3, I will ever be able to return to video games as a means of self entertainment.

Sounds like you killed your imagination. Not everything has to be tangible. The mind is a part of your body as well.
[May 30,2012 3:54pm - slag is not slag  ""]
How is my imagination being exercised by being force-fed a virtual world with pre-determined characteristics and actors? If anything, video games are a deterrent to real world creativity. I'm not using my brain or creative center. I'm watching images and using dumb logic to solve childlike problems. You know how I feel after playing games or watching TV? Numb. That's the feeling of your life force and creativity being sucked out of your soul, pal. Enjoy it.
[May 30,2012 3:56pm - arktouros ""]

One might play a game artfully, but that makes neither the game nor its play art. -Gary Gygax
[May 30,2012 3:59pm - Reality  ""]
It's appreciating artists and their art, not transcending it for personal appeal. If you create art, you're creating something that others can drain their life force on, pal. Music is video games is TV is movies. All intangible entertainment for expanding your mind and appreciating (or disappreciating) the work of others. Sure, you could be outside doing something "tangible," but why not do both? No reason to feel better than anything else.
[May 30,2012 4:06pm - arktouros ""]
Games, TV, fiction are windows. Windows show you many things. They all provoke thought and demand analysis on different scales. You can also shut them. Slag, you obviously hate gaming, so just shut the damn window.
[May 30,2012 4:24pm - narkybark ""]
TV, video games, movies, it's all entertainment. You waste time doing them, but that's why it's ENTERTAINMENT.
[May 30,2012 6:31pm - trioxin245 ""]

slag%20is%20not%20slag said:How is my imagination being exercised by being force-fed a virtual world with pre-determined characteristics and actors? If anything, video games are a deterrent to real world creativity. I'm not using my brain or creative center. I'm watching images and using dumb logic to solve childlike problems. You know how I feel after playing games or watching TV? Numb. That's the feeling of your life force and creativity being sucked out of your soul, pal. Enjoy it.
so listening to records, going to the opera, watching a film, or doing anything that involves something someone other than yourself created is the same thing. Entertainment is meant to pass time, not be productive.
[May 31,2012 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
just beat the skeleton king. great game, but you are right... way linear.
[May 31,2012 12:51am - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
So...I've been playing the doom roguelike instead of this shit game.
It's really fucking good.
[May 31,2012 4:26pm - slag is not slag  ""]
This is all just my opinion.

So, I’ve been thinking about this topic more. Video games are art as far as I’m concerned. It takes creativity to realize and create a world from scratch. I truly believe this. And as far as the criticism goes saying that music, television, movies, etc. are the same thing as video games, i.e. entertainment, I will agree. However, I feel that video games and television in particular are the most abused form of entertainment from the types of entertainment listed in the former sentence. This is my problem with video games in particular. Instead of being used as a form of entertainment, many, many people use it as escapism or avoidance of real life. Certainly, we all need to go to enter vegetable zone now and again and decompress. But, playing video games instead of mowing the lawn, going back to school, creating your own art etc. is neither healthy nor a worthwhile use of time. I love video games. I really do. But horse piss, have I wasted some serious time playing them instead going out and trying to get laid, instead of making music, instead of contributing to the growth and development of my siblings and just living life to the fullest.

Opinion based statement incoming, I can think of 100 better things to do right this very second than playing video games. This may be me and just part of my journey as a person. I feel as human beings, we are really selling ourselves short by poorly utilizing the little time we have on the earth playing video games. Free will, blah blah, I know. It’s your choice what you do with your time. Do whatever the fuck you want. But, If you really sit back and look at the grand picture of things when you’re 75 or 80 or whenever the fuck you’re going to die, do you really want to remember all that fucking sweet time you spent playing Fallout 7 or Final Fantasy 69? Or do you want to remember the great time spent with loved ones, making art, accomplishing goals and being the best human you can possibly be? If anything I don’t sit here and criticize video games or entertainment as a whole, I implore you to go out there and live your fucking lives to level 11. My 2 cents.
[May 31,2012 4:42pm - trioxin245 ""]
I use music as escapism more than any other form of media.
[May 31,2012 4:43pm - Andrewoxin nli  ""]

trioxin245 said:I use drugs and being gay as escapism more than any other form of media.
[May 31,2012 4:46pm - Andrewoxin nli  ""]
I gotta stop trolling so much, its cutting into my cock sucking time. I need at least a good 8 hour work days worth of men rubbing themselves all over me. The semen on my face is what gets me through the day.
[May 31,2012 5:00pm - Reality  ""]

slag%20is%20not%20slag said:This is all just my opinion.

So, I’ve been thinking about this topic more. Video games are art as far as I’m concerned. It takes creativity to realize and create a world from scratch. I truly believe this. And as far as the criticism goes saying that music, television, movies, etc. are the same thing as video games, i.e. entertainment, I will agree. However, I feel that video games and television in particular are the most abused form of entertainment from the types of entertainment listed in the former sentence. This is my problem with video games in particular. Instead of being used as a form of entertainment, many, many people use it as escapism or avoidance of real life. Certainly, we all need to go to enter vegetable zone now and again and decompress. But, playing video games instead of mowing the lawn, going back to school, creating your own art etc. is neither healthy nor a worthwhile use of time. I love video games. I really do. But horse piss, have I wasted some serious time playing them instead going out and trying to get laid, instead of making music, instead of contributing to the growth and development of my siblings and just living life to the fullest.

Opinion based statement incoming, I can think of 100 better things to do right this very second than playing video games. This may be me and just part of my journey as a person. I feel as human beings, we are really selling ourselves short by poorly utilizing the little time we have on the earth playing video games. Free will, blah blah, I know. It’s your choice what you do with your time. Do whatever the fuck you want. But, If you really sit back and look at the grand picture of things when you’re 75 or 80 or whenever the fuck you’re going to die, do you really want to remember all that fucking sweet time you spent playing Fallout 7 or Final Fantasy 69? Or do you want to remember the great time spent with loved ones, making art, accomplishing goals and being the best human you can possibly be? If anything I don’t sit here and criticize video games or entertainment as a whole, I implore you to go out there and live your fucking lives to level 11. My 2 cents.

Miguided transcendental elitism. One can live their lives with entertainment on the side. And yes, I will be 80 and remember my loved ones, as well as the inspirational stories and developments in Final Fantasy 69.
Your argument could be thrown at books, too. Does reading a book count as something that you're above as well? Life is what you make of it. Entertainment is all around is. Video games are one aspect of it. You sound deluded.
[May 31,2012 5:13pm - arktouros ""]
slaggin, you're a victim of your own perspective here. my memory as a kid playing ff2 is just as vivid as the time pat and i had at the penny arcade convention this year or the drunk soccer injury i sustained this weekend with my family. life is a journey through relativity, with all the memories i made in the past week i still managed to fit in deus ex, it's a shame you didn't!
[May 31,2012 5:14pm - arktouros ""]
[May 31,2012 7:43pm - quintessence ""]
Video games can be abused like anything else. They become a waste of life if you do so, and yes I've seen people who are unhealthy and use video games to escape their social problems. Honestly though the same applies to anything , I've also seen people get waaay too nerdy about buying cd's and listening to music, and obviously I've also seen people do way too many drugs. But I can understand your point, but you come off as someone who once probably played way too many video games and then discovered other things and now are kind of jaded from that. Thats fine man. Everything in moderation though.
[Jun 7,2012 11:21am - trioxin_245 ""]
game's kind of weak but I will say that it's much more fun playing with other people. ya'll niggaz should join arillius_thepoopbrown and I tonight.
[Jun 7,2012 11:32am - arktouros ""]
co op is a good time. what's aril's battle tag
[Jun 7,2012 11:34am - arktouros ""]
also slag's idea of living life to 11 is getting tripped-out drunk at a George Michael house party. FACT
[Jun 7,2012 4:05pm - Martins ""]
got to 60 and inferno, now everything feels like a griiiiiiiiiiiiiiind
[Jun 7,2012 4:21pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I will say I really like the boss battles, even though I died like once the whole game then the first boss in heaven killed aril and I like 75 times for some reason.
[Jun 8,2012 12:41pm - THATS MY NIGGAAA  ""]
[Jun 8,2012 2:15pm - Diablo  ""]
WHAT THE FUCK TRIOXIN245. You were supposed to beat me with two people.
[Jun 8,2012 2:17pm - trioxin_245 ""]
well one of them fagged out and didn't show up so I had to do it SOLO starring mario van peebles
[Jun 8,2012 6:14pm - slarggg  ""]

arktouros said:also slag's idea of living life to 11 is getting tripped-out drunk at a George Michael house party. FACT

I have never, ever been so drunk. HIGH SCORE.

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