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Diablo III

[Mar 15,2012 3:04pm - ABastard NLI  ""]
[Mar 15,2012 3:07pm - arilliusbm ""]
[Mar 15,2012 3:13pm - Alx_Casket ""]
chargin up ma download
[Mar 15,2012 3:19pm - Ghoulash ""]
cant wait. im in hack and slash heaven.
[Mar 15,2012 5:30pm - arktouros ""]
The soundtrack will be insane.
[Mar 15,2012 5:31pm - trioxin_245 ""]

arilliusbm said:PREORDER NOW

[Mar 16,2012 12:07am - quintessence.nli  ""]
Can't wait. Diablo is the only blizzard title i really liked. (LOVED)

I love the addictive quality of randomized loot that true old hack and slash offers. Also some my best video game fun I ever had was playing diablo 2 co-op on a lan. Anyone who doesnt appreciate it is false pretend gamer.
[Mar 16,2012 12:28am - motley grue  ""]
[Mar 16,2012 12:30am - motley grue  ""]
[Mar 16,2012 9:29am - arktourOs ""]
i'll be co-oping the shit out of this fuck.

[Apr 13,2012 10:27am - arillius_the_white ""]
One month for the most overrated click and drag masher in this history of PC gaming.
[Apr 13,2012 10:37am - trioxin245nli  ""]
yup, and I can't wait.
[Apr 20,2012 9:05am - anonymouse nli  ""]
Bump for open beta this weekend.
[Apr 20,2012 9:25am - quintessence ""]
Lets see how many posts Aril can make about how the game is "overrated" No one cares bro.
[Apr 20,2012 9:30am - arillius_the_white ""]

You sound mad bro.
[Apr 20,2012 9:32am - quintessence ""]
[Apr 20,2012 9:33am - arillius_the_white ""]
[Apr 20,2012 9:33am - arillius_the_white ""]
Let us know how it is
[Apr 20,2012 9:49am - Arist nli  ""]
Downloaded this in the morning before going into work but can't play til tonight! Im also playing Tera Online's open beta right now though which is sucking up my free tine.
[Apr 20,2012 9:56am - arktouros ""]
holy god downloading now
[Apr 20,2012 11:48am - trioxin_245 ""]

arilliusbm said:Best Blizzard game was Primal Rage for Genesis, hands down.

game was flawed beyond belief. arcade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arcade ports, especially SEGA arcade ports
[Apr 20,2012 11:49am - arillius_the_white ""]
[Apr 20,2012 11:50am - arillius_the_white ""]

lol @ people that purchased any Virtua Fighter game
[Apr 20,2012 1:14pm - AndrewBastard ""]

trioxin_245 said:
arilliusbm said:Best Blizzard game was Primal Rage for Genesis, hands down.

game was flawed beyond belief. arcade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arcade ports, especially SEGA arcade ports

is this a joke? I'm gonna assume it was...that game wasnt made by Bizzard but one of the characters name was Blizzard.

[Apr 20,2012 1:17pm - arktouros ""]
game was by atari. i know this because i just googlesd it.
[Apr 20,2012 1:19pm - arillius_the_white ""]
[Apr 20,2012 1:20pm - arillius_the_white ""]
They made Lost Vikings and Rock n Roll racing though, awesome titles.
[Apr 20,2012 1:35pm - trioxin245 nli  ""]

AndrewBastard said:
trioxin_245 said:
arilliusbm said:Best Blizzard game was Primal Rage for Genesis, hands down.

game was flawed beyond belief. arcade >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> arcade ports, especially SEGA arcade ports

is this a joke? I'm gonna assume it was...that game wasnt made by Bizzard but one of the characters name was Blizzard.


I didnt really read the part about it being a Blizzard game. Obviously its not.
[Apr 20,2012 1:35pm - trioxin245 nli  ""]
also only Weaponlord was real.
[Apr 20,2012 1:37pm - trioxin245 nli  ""]
best blizzard game = warcaft 2
[Apr 20,2012 1:43pm - arktouros ""]
this is taking way too long to download, all i want to do is hit "play" and wait for the "battle.net server connection failed" message.
[Apr 21,2012 12:22am - quintessence.nli  ""]
Got to play 2 minutes before work. Lol dammit...
[Apr 21,2012 3:01pm - trioxin_245 ""]
downloaded beta, battle.net is down. SWEET BRO
[Apr 21,2012 6:46pm - trioxin_245 ""]
got the beta goin, but blizzard gave me some bad news : (

[Apr 22,2012 12:27pm - trioxin_245 ""]
quarrels so far:

-did they SERIOUSLY get rid of the manual stat system?
-that obnoxious mini-map that blocks half the screen could use a hotkey to make it pop up and disappear
-not a fan of the skill tree set-up
-inventory stats cover half the screen

other than that, it plays a regular, overrated diablo game, so I'm digging it.
[Apr 22,2012 12:52pm - trioxin_245 ""]
also, did they SERIOUSLY do away with pvp altogether? and why is the drop inventory not shared? I used to like grabbing everything before anyone else could.
[Apr 22,2012 12:57pm - arktouros ""]
yeah, i'm not sure about the skill trees and stats yet. i don't know if PVP will be in the final game or not, if not that blows. maybe they didn't share drop inventory this time because blizzard gets death threats over that shit. the mini map isn't bad for me, but you can't move while the full map is up, like in the old games. everything else is awesome so far.
[Apr 22,2012 1:09pm - narkybark ""]
I know that manual stat system is gone. Apparently there is PvP at least in the form of arenas. No shared loot anymore either, you get your own stuff.
[Apr 22,2012 1:25pm - trioxin_245 ""]

other than that thought this is pretty awesome so far. very atomospheric.
[Apr 22,2012 1:52pm - trioxin_245 ""]
you can make the skill system work better for you if you set it to elective mode.
[May 3,2012 3:49pm - AndrewBastard ""]
probably old news but i saw a legit TV commercial for this game the other day at the gym
[May 3,2012 3:50pm - trioxin_245 ""]
don't care what anyone else thinks of it, I've waited like 10 years for this game. Psyched.
[May 3,2012 3:53pm - arillius_the_white ""]
[May 11,2012 2:23pm - arktouros ""]
"As we're counting down the days until we're ready to announce a release date for Diablo III, we've come to realize that the PvP game and systems aren't yet living up to our standards. Today, we wanted to let you know that we've made the difficult decision to hold back the PvP Arena system and release it in a patch following the game's launch. After a lot of consideration and discussion, we ultimately felt that delaying the whole game purely for PvP would just be punishing to everyone who's waiting to enjoy the campaign and core solo/co-op content, all of which is just about complete.

While we work on making sure PvP lives up to its full potential, we hope you'll find some consolation in the fact that soon, you'll be having a blast leveling characters, finding items, learning the classes, and perfecting builds…and that when the Arenas do arrive, you’ll be all the better prepared for battle.

When the PvP patch is ultimately ready, it will add multiple Arena maps with themed locations and layouts, PvP-centric achievements, and a matchmaking system that will help you and your team get into fairly matched games quickly and easily. We'll also be adding a personal progression system that will reward you for successfully bashing in the other team's skulls.

We know a lot of you are looking forward to PvP, and we’ll be focusing our post-launch efforts on making sure the Arenas are as brutal, bloody, fast-paced, and awesome as we know they can be. In the meantime, we're in the process of putting the finishing touches on what we think is a truly epic campaign and co-op experience for launch."

good enough, i'll take it. just ordered it.
[May 11,2012 3:58pm - narkybark ""]
I'm going to enjoy buying the game and then being unable to connect to a server due to overload.
[May 11,2012 4:01pm - trioxin_245 ""]
I pre-ordered months ago either way, but pvp being confined to 'arenas' = maximum lame sauce
[May 11,2012 4:20pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I have never played a Diablo game.
[May 12,2012 10:16am - xanonymousx ""]
$50 at bullmoose instead of $60 for the first week.
[May 12,2012 12:59pm - floatingeyecorpse  ""]
Yeah I took off work for two days to do this then tour
Going to be a good week
[May 12,2012 3:17pm - quintessence ""]
After playing the demo and finding out about the pvp and the levling system I will not be buying this game at all. D2 was better. This is meh.

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