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July 17th @ Ralph's: Metal Thursday XLI with Covenance (ex-Dying Fetus / Misery Index) (MD), Composted, Burial & Archaeon 21+ $5 9PM

Ralph's Diner (Worcester, Ma) - [burial][composted][covenance][randomshots]
[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Jun 21,2008 10:56am - Dave_Maggot ""]
WOOOORD!! this show should be tomorrow. if i dont play a show in a certain amount of time i ESSSPPPLLLOOODDDEEE!!!
[Jun 21,2008 12:16pm - MetalThursday ""]
Apparently this is going to be Burial's last show as Burial. They're changing the band name after this.
[Jun 21,2008 4:57pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Wow really? How come?
[Jun 21,2008 5:18pm - MetalThursday ""]
I don't know... but they are asking people to submit new name ideas to their myspace.
[Jun 21,2008 7:35pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Weird. I just saw all their bulletins. I wonder what happened.
[Jun 26,2008 5:13pm - archaeon ""]
Musik, we has it.

[Jul 4,2008 7:15pm - MetalThursday ""]
Now less than 2 weeks away... I have a feeling this will be a memorable show
[Jul 4,2008 10:01pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
New Composted gimmick for this show! I'm going to pee on everyone while singing, "Row, Row, Row Your Boat." Deal with it.
[Jul 4,2008 10:38pm - MetalThursday ""]
I'll make sure Steve gives the stage monitors an extra coat of teflon spray before you go on then...
[Jul 5,2008 1:16am - RichHorror ""]
We're superstars, nigga. Drinking 40's banging chicks with no rubbers WHAT
[Jul 5,2008 12:34pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
gold chain flossin, 22 inch spinnin rims, hoocha mama dancers, krystal, droppin phat beatz
[Jul 5,2008 12:53pm - RichHorror ""]
We rule Hollywood.
[Jul 5,2008 12:58pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
woooord son
[Jul 6,2008 6:30pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
[Jul 7,2008 3:33am - Samantha ""]
I hope no one bends my elbow the wrong way in the pit this time.
[Jul 7,2008 6:24am - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 7,2008 5:50pm - dysenteryvokilsNLI  ""]
ill be pissed if i miss burial again! they used to be soooo sik! i wish dysentery was on this show!!!!!!!!
[Jul 7,2008 6:05pm - ellesarusrex ""]
i wish i could actually go to this one. thinkin the car thing isnt workin in my favor. someone from south shore bring me.
[Jul 7,2008 6:09pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]

ellesarusrex said:i wish i could actually go to this one. thinkin the car thing isnt workin in my favor. someone from south shore bring me.

If someone gives Danielle a ride, as well as Dave and Eliot from Composted, we'll get them in for free and hook them up with gas money. Help us out or you will be denied slam.
[Jul 7,2008 7:42pm - ellesarusrex ""]
thanks mark.
[Jul 7,2008 8:20pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
is mike coming straight from work?
[Jul 9,2008 8:59pm - ellesarusrex ""]
BUMP.. someone give me a ride to this.
[Jul 9,2008 11:17pm - blue ""]
well, now that im not going to CIM anymore, ill be at this show.
[Jul 9,2008 11:28pm - archaeon ""]
This will be my first show with short hair. gay.
[Jul 9,2008 11:38pm - ellesarusrex ""]
whoa you cut your hair... did you donate it?
[Jul 9,2008 11:42pm - archaeon ""]
I'm getting it cut tomorrow, just measured my hair and its over a foot, shit. I'll probably donate if its easy enough.
[Jul 9,2008 11:43pm - Martins ""]
[Jul 9,2008 11:44pm - archaeon ""]
too late
[Jul 9,2008 11:44pm - ellesarusrex ""]

archaeon said:I'm getting it cut tomorrow, just measured my hair and its over a foot, shit. I'll probably donate if its easy enough.

ill cut it for you and mail it away!!
[Jul 9,2008 11:46pm - Martins ""]

archaeon said:too late

Are you hiding online again?
[Jul 9,2008 11:47pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
so when do the sweet songs like unforgiven 2 and the memory remains start getting written? hmmm? haha
[Jul 9,2008 11:47pm - archaeon ""]

Martins said:
archaeon said:too late

Are you hiding online again?

Yeah, I forgot. Mike made me do it because of something with julie. He's wicked gay.
[Jul 9,2008 11:49pm - archaeon ""]

Dave_Maggot said:so when do the sweet songs like unforgiven 2 and the memory remains start getting written? hmmm? haha

We'll also be playing fuel just for you Mr. Maggot
[Jul 9,2008 11:49pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
haha sweeeeeeeet!
[Jul 10,2008 3:58am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
Eliot and Dave no longer need rides to this, but Danielle still needs to be hooked up! Unless of course we can fill Mike's vehicle to the brim and one of the band lets us borrow 2 cabs, haha.
[Jul 10,2008 9:39am - Dave_Maggot ""]
i'll fill your asshole to the brim and let you borrow two crabs. . . no wait. ok i'll keep it. man love <3
[Jul 10,2008 10:25am - ellesarusrex ""]
goddamn vision problems.. ill take some new eyes instead.. then i can drive myself.
[Jul 10,2008 11:50am - archaeon ""]

MarkFuckingRichards said:Eliot and Dave no longer need rides to this, but Danielle still needs to be hooked up! Unless of course we can fill Mike's vehicle to the brim and one of the band lets us borrow 2 cabs, haha.

you can borrow our shit if you get the club to let us stay for your set
[Jul 10,2008 1:17pm - Yeti ""]
this is shaping up to be one hell of a Metal Thursday. i am excited.
[Jul 10,2008 1:21pm - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
I don't know how easy it would be to convince Ralph's but we'll see what happens Grant.
[Jul 10,2008 1:42pm - archaeon ""]
Ralphs has t3h aidz when it comes to underage.
[Jul 10,2008 3:17pm - Yeti ""]
underage has t3h aidz in general.
[Jul 10,2008 3:24pm - archaeon ""]
They just don't want to deal with MSD trying to rape me. Again....
[Jul 10,2008 5:11pm - quintessence ""]
I will probably be at this. yay!
[Jul 10,2008 10:01pm - archaeon ""]

ellesarusrex said:
archaeon said:I'm getting it cut tomorrow, just measured my hair and its over a foot, shit. I'll probably donate if its easy enough.

ill cut it for you and mail it away!!

It wasn't long enough to donate. oh well. I look stunning though. watch out ladiezzzz
[Jul 10,2008 10:17pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
i'm madly in anger with you
[Jul 10,2008 10:25pm - archaeon ""]
oh dave maggot.

are we sharing a bag of swedish fish at this event?
[Jul 10,2008 10:37pm - Dave_Maggot ""]
fuck yeah we are!
[Jul 14,2008 6:33pm - MetalThursday ""]
I still have injuries from the last Metal Thursday... I gotta rest up for this one.
[Jul 14,2008 6:35pm - RichHorror ""]

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