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10/29 - Throwing Shrapnel, Hekseri, Cryptic Warning, It Will End In Pure Horror, Kevorkian's Angels, Adolf Satan @ O'Briens

O'Briens Pub (Allston, Ma) - [cryptic_warning][hekseri][kevorkians_angels][randomshots]
[Oct 25,2005 1:30pm - paganmegan ""]
I think I am going to.
[Oct 25,2005 1:35pm - succubus ""]
[Oct 25,2005 1:36pm - paganmegan ""]
are you going to this carina?

your costume last year was awesome
[Oct 25,2005 1:39pm - succubus ""]
yep i'm pretty sure we are goin =)
it'll be a blast!
[Oct 25,2005 1:41pm - paganmegan ""]
yeah it will
[Oct 25,2005 3:15pm - litacore nli  ""]
flyer is revised. Gotta click 'RELOAD' on the image
[Oct 25,2005 3:37pm - paganmegan ""]
You're alright in my book.
[Oct 25,2005 3:42pm - litacore nli  ""]
aaa-yaaaa! (pleasantly suprised baby voice)
[Oct 25,2005 3:52pm - paganmegan ""]
That will never get old
[Oct 26,2005 12:25pm - litacore ""]
Satan laughs, damnation has sunk its talons deep
into the womb of utopia spilling forth great streams
of virginal purity and bliss.

The golden throne of the tetgrammaton is ablaze,
Satanic majesty sits proud, the joyous drones of celebration
enact scenes of blasphemy, lust and destruction.

Raping the holy trinity the Sabbath chimes the tunes of bless
and sanity, the Heavens in their last throes of death.

Gabriel and his arc angels falling ever downwards through the
fires of pandemonium to the dark deserted depths of Hell
their broken bloodstained wings scorched the by raging inferno
lay battered by the shores of the styx.

Weary from the battle they seek refuge, bathing their wounds
in the blood of a million matyrs while celebration ringing
in the heavens grows strong the keys to the seven gates of Hell
lie momenterally unguarded.

Raging flames carved by the innocence of the angel's hearts
will release forth their wealth of centuries of God loving
souls once wronged of their destiny of Heaven's golden palace.

An unseen presence breaths never before pangs of mortal hatred
and anger deep into the pounding hearts of the angels.

Once more the creature is summoned to deliver a decleration of war,

[Oct 26,2005 12:40pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Play a cover off Temples of Ice.

Nevermind, noone would want that except me :(
[Oct 26,2005 5:01pm - RichHorror ""]
I finally got to talk to th new booker guy at O'Briens. This show is super big time defintiely still on. And if it goes well he says he'll talk to me about something in December. Maybe my own band can play that one. Imagine that.
[Oct 26,2005 11:28pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Is there an updated flyer for this to post elsewhere?

[Oct 26,2005 11:36pm - paganmegan ""]
Hit reload on the flyer image above, the new one will come up
[Oct 26,2005 11:37pm - shrapnel !  ""]
no i think alex is asking if people have been promoting this even outside of rttp
[Oct 26,2005 11:55pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Nevermind! haha
[Oct 27,2005 3:24am - shrapnel !  ""]
hey Alex since there are only 4 bands and our set is only gonna be about 15mins tops wanna come down and do the DJ thing...i know this is Rich's show but i figured i'd ask
[Oct 27,2005 1:02pm - RichHorror ""]
Nope. I talked to the guy and confirmed the show yesterday. This is the final lineup, nothing new to add. Also since my band has to beg like homesless crackheads for shows, I see no reason to help anyone else out, ever.
[Oct 27,2005 1:39pm - litacore nli  ""]
well Hekseri most certainly hails The Horror!
[Oct 27,2005 2:30pm - shrapnel !  ""]
somebody needs a hug
[Oct 29,2005 8:04am - damnose ""]
[Oct 29,2005 9:09am - Robteratism  ""]
ill be there...i hope cw does some death tunes
[Oct 29,2005 9:11am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Brad Kevorkian has been flyering for this show.
[Oct 29,2005 10:02am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Hopefully some of you guys know this album. I know the dudes in It Will End in Pure Horror do,because we thrashed to them when they played the paradise. If you don't know them, and you know our shit you will be able to tell how much of an influence they were on us. Buy Is This My World you will not be dissapointed. I really could talk about this band all day, they are so fucking fast. We talked to them last night and they might be coming down to see us.
[Oct 29,2005 10:28am - MarkKevorkian ""]
I will be selling copies of the new Watchmaker for $8. I think I have about fifteen left to sell. So please help a drunk get drunker and buy.
[Oct 29,2005 11:27am - litacore nli  ""]
new Watchmaker has a very favorable review in the new issue of Decibel, BTW
[Oct 29,2005 11:29am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I will be selling copies of NAMBLA monthly tonight
[Oct 29,2005 11:34am - MarkKevorkian ""]
litacore nli said:new Watchmaker has a very favorable review in the new issue of Decibel, BTW

Yeah it wasn't to bad. That issue is pretty funny. It 's got a review of us and a picture, and then it's got an interview with Seth about his coma. John Gillis is in one of the pictures, and a very drunk looking picture of Jeff(noosebomb) with Eyehategod. Total masshole takeover.
[Oct 29,2005 11:36am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I will be selling copies of NAMBLA monthly tonight

Joe can you bring some Kevorkian's cd's? Please I'll let you blow Nick.
[Oct 29,2005 11:36am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
If you let me blow Nick then definately
[Oct 29,2005 11:50am - MarkKevorkian ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:If you let me blow Nick then definately

It's fine with me if you can get past the scabs you're good.
[Oct 29,2005 1:24pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
ill bring my tongue condum
[Oct 29,2005 6:30pm - RichHorror ""]
I'll be at O'Briens at 8 or so to make sure everything's cool. I'll also be selling IWEIPH shirts and assorted punk and oi patches that no one is interested in.
[Oct 29,2005 9:14pm - the_reverend ""]
I was just there any no one was there.
I went and got coffee.
heading back down there now.
[Oct 30,2005 1:20am - DomesticTerror ""]
cryptic warning kicked my ass! i'm gonna smile all week.
I think Marci likes Death...
[Oct 30,2005 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
yes she does.. but I thing her mind goes blank when she grabs the mic.
[Oct 30,2005 1:17am - the_reverend ""]
pictures... pictures... pictures...
[Oct 30,2005 2:31am - the_reverend ""]
hekseri: their set simply ruled. they had all the songs down pat. even seth (who should stop lurking here and post) matched up with the songs (he had to slow his roll for the most part, I think he was doing other things while drumming these "slow" songs). damnose was turned away from the crowd for most of the set and was hard to photograph. larissa kept hiding behind he mic too. Anyhow, Blackmetal/in league with satan? what could be better. I thought nothing could top how well they played... until...

cryptic warning: you fucking assholes. thanks for the big old reminder that I will never see Death live. this was my favorite set of the night. they stuck with one band and ruled, basically playing perfectly (the guitars were way too quite). hooker played with them, but he wasn't just an add on. he played a lot of the lead riffs. at some point, john left the stage and brad (the man of many talents) jumped behind his kit and played.

kevorkians angels: they covered jerry's kids, misfits, gg allen and ramones. it started off simply sounding just like KA. after a couple songs, they got into the grove and started to sound more and more like the bands they were covering with each song. the crowd really got into the set. there was a guy there dressed as michael graves who sang some of the misfits with mike (hirudinea).
[Oct 30,2005 4:03am - litacore nli  ""]
reverend those pics rule

my question to the _**rich**_ gods is $$$???$$$
what the gay?
[Oct 30,2005 9:39am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, Anthony called me and said Purp gave me all the money. I've booked three shows at O'Briens now, not ONCE did they give me all the money. In fact, before I left I asked if they were doing the usual thing of splitting up the cash, putting it in envelopes and giving it to the bands... and I was told that Purp was divvying it up for all the bands that very second. I said cool, grabbed my cd's and left. I told Anthony to call me back and let me know that it got sorted out or not. He didn't. I sure as fuck saw no money. The only money that exchanged hands between me and the club last night was me paying six bucks to get into my own show. I did this to add a little more support for all the bands. Don't assume I'd fuck you over if all I've ever done is hook your band. Thanks.
[Oct 30,2005 9:50am - litacore ""]
wow Rich! you had to pay to get into the show you booked?
OB's is turning into a Twilight Zone, big time. I didn't piggyback Purp while I saw him sorting the door-take because they've enveloped the bands in the past. I guess not anymore.

BANDS: I recommend wearing hoodies pulled over your heads when the night is over. Your chances of making your money will be greatly increased.

[Oct 30,2005 9:55am - RichHorror ""]
That's the thing. They fuckin' TOLD me they were doing the usual envelope payout. And I chose to pay the six bucks. If I'm not playing the show, I'm not doing anything special enough to warrant getting in for free.
[Oct 30,2005 10:41am - Ninkaszi187 ""]
great show. everyone kicked ass. that sucks about the money situation. i had a lot of fun singing the misfits songs with kevorkians. good way to end a rather shitty week for me.

PSYCHO 78!!!
[Oct 30,2005 11:33am - horror_tang ""]
Does anyone know what Purp's day job is? I only ask because it would explain whether he would need to take cash or not. I am in no way asking to go talk to him about this situation.
[Oct 30,2005 11:36am - Anthony nli  ""]
RichHorror said:Yeah, Anthony called me and said Purp gave me all the money. I've booked three shows at O'Briens now, not ONCE did they give me all the money. In fact, before I left I asked if they were doing the usual thing of splitting up the cash, putting it in envelopes and giving it to the bands... and I was told that Purp was divvying it up for all the bands that very second. I said cool, grabbed my cd's and left. I told Anthony to call me back and let me know that it got sorted out or not. He didn't. I sure as fuck saw no money. The only money that exchanged hands between me and the club last night was me paying six bucks to get into my own show. I did this to add a little more support for all the bands. Don't assume I'd fuck you over if all I've ever done is hook your band. Thanks.

hey Rich, i don't think anyone thinks its your fault that the money disappeared. Thanks again for putting this together, it was awesome and much appreciated. Something sketchy definitely went down with that door money though, although I'm not sure exactly what, but I think we should communicate via email and not the board about this. I'm going to email you later today - could you forward my email to the other bands when you get it?
[Oct 30,2005 11:53am - succubus ""]
i agree anthony, you guys really should talk to the venue, make sure everyone (all bands) gets what they deserve
[Oct 30,2005 11:56am - Anthony nli  ""]
i was hoping you'd come last night Carina, I wanted to see defyUnlearn pics !
[Oct 30,2005 12:02pm - succubus ""]
i was planning on it but was feeling sick =(
i'm not even going to opeth tonight and i didn't even go to the friday night show i was scheduled to shoot
hope to see you guys soon though!
[Oct 30,2005 12:04pm - Anthony nli  ""]
I hope you feel better soon! I'm sure the pics will be awesome next time you get to shoot us, so I can't wait.
[Oct 30,2005 12:13pm - paganmegan ""]
feel better carina

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