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On the subject of true satanism and paganism in local bands

[Feb 20,2012 4:55pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Not a death metal fan, but would like to see a lot of death metal bands dead.
I like a lot of black metal, but would like to see a lot of them horribly charred.
I think OP was trying to say that if you don't live it, you're not troo, correct?
Whatever, I'd rather hear posers that are great rather than a troo band that sucks.
But it *would* be nice if more people killed themselves. Go right ahead. Suicide or false.
[Feb 20,2012 9:06pm - Big Bag of Inequality: Social Classes, Races, Genders and Regions  ""]
Y'all all up in his shit yo
[Feb 20,2012 11:57pm - NAMBLA-supporting Gay Mexican Jewish Intellectual  ""]
Satanism is kind of wank because it's sort of Christianity just from another point of view. Bring back the blood religions. I would like to sacrifice the weak on the altar of pagan gods, while burning their blood before icons of war and hatred.
[Feb 21,2012 1:25am - slar you morbid?  ""]
all the deathgod messiah lyrics i wrote were about either making fun of christians for worshipping some idiot who thought he was the son of god but actually couldnt even keep himself from being nailed to a cross by a bunch of guidos with spears, or perverse sexual shit, or about how we were the reincarnation of those uncircumsised guidos and all the femmes of christendom should fear our hooded scourges... but hey, im a city boi, gotta write what you know...
[Feb 21,2012 1:39am - BobNOMAAMRooney ""]
Satanism's pretty cool if you're a fan of buying leather bound books full of sigils on the subject of goetic magick.

It's probably more cost effective to just burn a $50 bill and chant whatever sequence of letters you get the next time you mash your keyboard.
[Feb 21,2012 5:43am - frankovehell  ""]

haley%20broehl%20osment said:
frankovhell said:I love how the only people who try to appose Paul's opinion are faggot anon's. Point proven. haha.

Also who is the fag in keene? I will beat you faggot. Metal heads don't exist here so you are probably a job for a cowboy douche floor puncher monkey.

pick a spot niggerlover. dont not show up or my point is proven. haha

Yes cuz I would actually show up and waste my time trying to meet someone who doesn't even have the balls to challenge people with their real name.

Also what is your point exactly? It might be a bit too simple minded for me to understand. I'm still standing by my hypothesis that Keene possesses no one of any intelligence with any real knowledge of "satanism, or paganism" and especially not real Metal. Probably just a boy who goes to school that likes to troll message boards in between date raping skanks at the Railroad.

I'm a man however with a job and a house and family who would mop the fucking floor with you. So run on home faggot.
[Feb 21,2012 5:54am - Massive Dick Swinging Contestant  ""]
I'm bigger, badder, tougher, older, stronger, have more guns, better metal, more satan, truer pagan beliefs, a bigger family, better job, more money, and a bigger dick that swings further and harder than all you faggots combined.

My name is Dick Johnson. Meet me by the bike rack after school or pussy is all of you.
[Feb 21,2012 6:14am - haley broehl osment  ""]

frankovehell said:
haley%20broehl%20osment said:
frankovhell said:I love how the only people who try to appose Paul's opinion are faggot anon's. Point proven. haha.

Also who is the fag in keene? I will beat you faggot. Metal heads don't exist here so you are probably a job for a cowboy douche floor puncher monkey.

pick a spot niggerlover. dont not show up or my point is proven. haha

Yes cuz I would actually show up and waste my time trying to meet someone who doesn't even have the balls to challenge people with their real name.

Also what is your point exactly? It might be a bit too simple minded for me to understand. I'm still standing by my hypothesis that Keene possesses no one of any intelligence with any real knowledge of "satanism, or paganism" and especially not real Metal. Probably just a boy who goes to school that likes to troll message boards in between date raping skanks at the Railroad.

I'm a man however with a job and a house and family who would mop the fucking floor with you. So run on home faggot.

Actually I too own a house, and more than likely have got a much better job than you. Youre just mad cuz you got 2 dads and are soft just like a turd. Also i hate the railroad, I prefer Kilkennys. Im usually there after 7:00..............................................
[Feb 21,2012 8:56am - Alx_Casket ""]
This thread just goes to show the degree of controversy that is still attached with Satanism. The cult is alive, bitches!
[Feb 21,2012 9:00am - Burnsy ""]

Alx_Casket said:This thread became a dick measuring contest!

[Feb 21,2012 10:21am - goatcatalyst ""]
Not to boast, but I've got a hunch Ipsissifuck would clean house at an occult-off / dickmeasure jamboree
[Feb 21,2012 10:24am - arktouros ""]
Man, people's beliefs and dogmas are such horseshit. I don't get my ideology from album liner notes. Go put it on a bumper sticker like the rest of those turds who think their beliefs matter.
[Feb 21,2012 10:24am - arktouros ""]
oh yeah, OP IS PAUL
[Feb 21,2012 10:39am - AndrewBastard ""]
I'm an eco-conscious mother nature worshipping athiest.
[Feb 21,2012 10:40am - Yeti ""]
this is the stupidest thread posted in a very long time. i want the 10 seconds i wasted skimming it back.
[Feb 21,2012 10:45am - KEVORD ""]
Y EVry1 sO BuThUrD?
[Feb 21,2012 10:51am - Yeti ""]

Czarnobog said:eh, i'll bite. pretty sure my band is one of the one's being called out in the original drunk rant. yep, we all live in the city. nope, none of us are "satanists" -- at least in a traditional, practicing, theistic sense -- or pagans, and have never pretended otherwise. (i personally have plenty of interest in philosophical satanism, "left hand paths", esoteric traditions, witchcraft, the occult, pagan history & folklore, etc etc, and read a fuck ton of books that reflect that... but when it comes down to it, no i don't do a ritual about it).

we play black metal that reflects that sortve urban grit and grime of our environment. no one's pretending to be some tortured artist with some heavy vision to lay down or claiming some adherence to any religion (pagan, satanist, gnostic or whatever) and writing 15-minute epics about it. just playing some fast, shitty, aggressive music with lyrical subjects that reflects our interests as a band. don't really care if anyone has a problem with that.

it's like getting mad that Scaphism aren't really rapists or dying in the Sarlaac pit.

this shit is all subjective, and the more it is discussed, the less validity it holds. isolation + introspection = observation. forum discussions on local band beliefs and the proclamation by one to another that they are false = false.
[Feb 21,2012 10:54am - Burnsy ""]

Yeti said:
it's like getting mad that Scaphism aren't really rapists

You guys aren't rapists? Do not support.
[Feb 21,2012 10:59am - punk potenza  ""]
ALL religion is stupid useless and dosent apply to the modern world. again is the walking dead on yet?
[Feb 21,2012 11:00am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Burnsy said:
Yeti said:
it's like getting mad that Scaphism aren't really rapists

You guys aren't rapists? Do not support.

we'll save that for touring. DONT SHIT WHERE YOU EAT.
[Feb 21,2012 11:02am - Burnsy ""]
Tony Scatphism and the Roaming Rapists. I like it.
[Feb 21,2012 11:35am - Czarnobog ""]

BobNOMAAMRooney said:Satanism's pretty cool if you're a fan of buying leather bound books full of sigils on the subject of goetic magick.

It's probably more cost effective to just burn a $50 bill and chant whatever sequence of letters you get the next time you mash your keyboard.

yeah, i mean if we're talking about "satanism" as a metaphor for knowledge-seeking, or rebellion against organized religion, or strong individuality... sure, sign me up. but as far as actively "serving the dark one" goes, my commitment just isn't there. i grew up in a Polish Catholic family and went atheist by the time i was a teenager. i don't ritual anymore.
[Feb 21,2012 11:36am - arilliusbm ""]
All bands except Morbid Angel are posers.
[Feb 21,2012 11:39am - Czarnobog ""]
i don't know about mystically inspired, but those albums are pretty fucking good. i wish more death metal bands sounded like that these days too.
[Feb 21,2012 11:41am - KEVORD ""]

[Feb 21,2012 12:42pm - chriskar  ""]
[Feb 21,2012 12:46pm - Ancient_Master ""]
heres how I picture "satanists" in NH


[Feb 21,2012 12:47pm - Yeti ""]
i hope the douche associated with making that gets the Wendigo treatment.
[Feb 21,2012 12:49pm - AndrewBastard nli  ""]
I was the only satanist/pagan/of true heritage in RI until I moved to Boston where I might people of similar idealogies and religious beliefs.
[Feb 21,2012 1:05pm - Chriskar  ""]
We here at camp Viskar will pose as any religion if we can get on this.
[Feb 21,2012 4:38pm - Headbanging_Man ""]

haley%20broehl%20osment said:Youre just mad cuz you got 2 dads and are soft just like a turd.

[Feb 21,2012 4:49pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm not into cutting myself and shit. But I'm also not fond of not fucking other men. So I guess I'm a satanist?
[Feb 21,2012 5:03pm - AndrewBastard ""]

AndrewBastard%20nli said:I was the only satanist/pagan/of true heritage in RI until I moved to Boston where I might people of similar idealogies and religious beliefs.

LOL this def wasn't me.

I do like to might people and spell words like "ideologies" wrong though...
[Feb 21,2012 5:05pm - goatcatalyst ""]
None of you faggots can do the Red Satan, so...
[Feb 21,2012 5:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Feb 21,2012 5:19pm - the_mex ""]

goatcatalyst said:None of you faggots can do the Red Satan, so...

Yeah, but can you do the Brown Satan?
[Feb 21,2012 5:26pm - Yeti ""]
[Feb 21,2012 5:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Feb 21,2012 5:31pm - Wigger Nancy  ""]
Worms in Women and Cattle is the truv kult band you are you loong for, Holms
[Feb 21,2012 11:48pm - Unclepauly ""]
Well ... This was certainly a fun sociological experiment! I had some good laughs reading all this. I was not pointing fingers at anyone in particular ... I was more interested in seeing what would happen. Some might say this is juvenile or trivial or I'm a asshole or poser or whatever but I gotta admit I get a kick out of people's reactions... Good research and good time!
[Feb 22,2012 12:14am - Unclepauly ""]
and one last thing I forgot to mention! Someone made a Carl Jung reference here!!! Well, I have to tell you that I am a huge Jung enthusiast!!! Most people probably do not know this but Jung was a HUGE Occult fanatic and a Gnostic!! Truly a man beyond beyond words!!! My favorite book of all time is "The Gnostic Jung and The Seven Sermons..." I worship the JUNG God... Truly a fucking genius and worthy of study to the 10th degree!!!
[Feb 22,2012 12:17am - fat samoan guy  ""]
you're a fatter piece of shit than me pal
[Feb 22,2012 12:22am - Unclepauly ""]
NO wayyyyy!!! Ahaha... Jung was way out there!!! The man knew more than anyone at the time and I dare say knows more than anyone now!!! Take the time and read some of his stuff!!!
[Feb 22,2012 12:37am - Unclepauly ""]
JUNG IS A GOD!!! Jung and the collective unconscious and how it relates to lovers... How you were in love with someone in a past life and when you see them again there is that strong sense of De Ja Vu... The man takes eastern mysticism ( which is the root of the western soul ... The english language derives from Sanskrit ) and explains it in a very nowadays scientific way... Way ahead of Freud and all the imbecile atheistic scientists...
[Feb 22,2012 1:11am - Unclepauly ""]
Nothing in the world is fixed. There is no absolute...
[Feb 22,2012 10:02am - arktouros ""]
some real talk! freud was a hack. i'm no gnostic but jung's analysis of the psyche are the best attempts i've read. the collective unconscious idea is widely misunderstood, freud only touched upon it and so did many others. i read "man and his symbols" a while ago, i need to get my hands on that red book.
[Feb 22,2012 10:04am - dreadkill ""]

arktouros said:i need to get my hands on that red satan.

[Feb 22,2012 10:06am - arilliusbm ""]
I've enjoyed Jung for many years. Freud and Jung both were interesting, but Jung takes the cake.
[Feb 22,2012 10:14am - chriskar  ""]
Cool fail safe defense for thread bro
[Feb 22,2012 10:23am - punk potenza  ""]
no gods no masters. thats they olny way to live. also KILL YOUR FUCKIN IDOLS AND PISS ON YOUR HEROS

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