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Now Find a show to go to!

Jul 7 (Fri) - Sacreligion, Smite The Righteous, Zircon, Ashes of the Lost, Coffin Birth, Dreaded Silence : All Ages : $8 : 7PM - Club Aurora(391 West Water St. Taunton, MA) +

July 7 @ Aurora(Taunton) - Sacreligion, Smite the Righteous, Ashes of the Lost, Zircon, Coffin Birth, Dreaded Silence

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jun 15,2006 4:55pm - sinistas ""]
I hate it when bands don't have printable logos.
[Jun 15,2006 5:58pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
readable logos also help as well
[Jun 15,2006 7:02pm - yeti ""]
i cant wait to see Zircon. i hope my soul leaks out of my eyes again.
[Jun 15,2006 11:06pm - sacreligion ""]
im goin to see em the night before at ralph's for metal thursday #3

i guess all the metallers in taunton hang out at this place at the band spaces...making promoting easier...all of the people in that place probably already know about the show

putting a club there was a brilliant idea now that i think about it
[Jun 18,2006 8:47pm - sinistas ""]
[Jun 18,2006 9:37pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
damn right bumpage

it's so damn hot...damn 3rd floor apartments
[Jun 18,2006 9:38pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Jun 27,2006 8:12pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
balls...eat them
[Jun 28,2006 9:02pm - pam nli  ""]
[Jun 28,2006 11:33pm - dreadkill ""]
this show is going to rule
[Jun 29,2006 1:45am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
yeah it is...i got an inside man working the taunton metalheads ;)
[Jun 29,2006 6:35am - sinistas ""]
only a little more than a week away. thank christ.
[Jul 4,2006 1:29pm - sacreligion ""]
time for car-bars and big wang chinese food
[Jul 4,2006 3:03pm - sinistas ""]


[Jul 4,2006 3:22pm - Aegathis nli  ""]
I never thought id be looking forward to seeing one of those as much as right now. its only a few days away
[Jul 4,2006 3:24pm - sacreligion ""]
if you aren't at this show you are clearly a homosexual
[Jul 5,2006 7:26am - sinistas ""]
hooray for 2 1/2 day workweeks.
[Jul 6,2006 1:22pm - sinistas ""]
[Jul 6,2006 1:25pm - sacreligion ""]
you bastard! i just spent like 10 minutes looking for this thread and when i got back to page 15 i gave up...only to find you bumped it while i was looking for it

[Jul 6,2006 1:35pm - sinistas ""]
my parents were married, sorry.
[Jul 6,2006 1:46pm - sacreligion ""]
*shakes fist*
[Jul 6,2006 2:02pm - sinistas ""]
that's right.

I might defend my SAWF North American Heavyweight (you got that right) Title in the parking lot. We'll see.
[Jul 6,2006 2:03pm - RichHorror ""]
Come watch me do a run-in.
[Jul 6,2006 2:06pm - sacreligion ""]
i'll bring the barb wire!
[Jul 6,2006 2:14pm - sinistas ""]
Two Ton Toad Splash comin' at ya!
[Jul 6,2006 2:51pm - sacreligion ""]
i must warn you...m3 can't be stopped
[Jul 6,2006 4:10pm - dreadkill ""]
this will rule
[Jul 6,2006 4:16pm - sinistas ""]
[Jul 6,2006 9:37pm - Phillip ""]
well my buddy backed out, I guess Im going to another show alone
god that sucks
[Jul 7,2006 8:29am - sinistas ""]
If by some miracle we all get there, this will rock.

[Jul 7,2006 10:14am - RichHorror ""]
I won't be paying eight bucks to saee bands I've seen a milion times before AND that I can see in a relatively short time from now for less. Plus, none of you jerkoffs ever go out of your way to see my band. Have a good show.
[Jul 7,2006 12:12pm - sacreligion ""]
richhorror sucks
[Jul 7,2006 12:15pm - sinistas ""]
and is a liar, since I've went out of my not-having-a-car way to see IWEIPH on a couple of occassions. nyar.
[Jul 7,2006 12:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I could buy you, you disgusting poor person.
[Jul 7,2006 12:16pm - RichHorror ""]
I will only go to this if every other band besides Dreaded Silence drops off.
[Jul 7,2006 12:23pm - sacreligion ""]
so i guess i'll see ya there rich
[Jul 7,2006 12:25pm - RichHorror ""]
I will be busy swimming in my Scrooge McDuck-esque money vault.

Seriously, I'd go if I didn't have a ton of Doom & Grind Fest-related business to take care of. Have a good time guys and gal.
[Jul 7,2006 12:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RichHorror said:I will be busy swimming in my Scrooge McDuck-esque money vault.

Seriously, I'd go if I didn't have a ton of Doom & Grind Fest-related business to take care of. Have a good time guys and gal.

which means he'll be at sausage fest
[Jul 7,2006 12:37pm - sacreligion ""]
you callin me a pussy?
[Jul 7,2006 12:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Yes. Yes I am.

I'm probably not going to any shows at all tonight. Fuck music.
[Jul 7,2006 12:40pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
sacreligion said:you callin me a pussy?

well you havent been able to get shrooms since when, so yup i am
[Jul 7,2006 12:46pm - sacreligion ""]

i just don't feel like drivin to virginia to get the really good ones
[Jul 7,2006 3:48pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
on the bandstandlive myspace, it says the doors are at 6:30....there's gonna be crazy fucking traffic on the way down!
[Jul 7,2006 3:50pm - sacreligion ""]
ill be there early...do your best to make it there for that time...i still have a set list that works if it starts after 7

nobody's gonna be held accountable for being late due to traffic
[Jul 7,2006 3:52pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
maybe there'll be some sort of miracle and everyone has already left for their weekend getaways so it'll be smooth sailing for us
[Jul 7,2006 3:52pm - sacreligion ""]
maybe...it'll probably be easier for you gus than us worcester folk
[Jul 7,2006 4:11pm - dreadedsilence  ""]
just heard on the radio about random police checkpoints tonight in Bristol county (i.e. Taunton) figures...hey...let's be careful out there.
i'm going to get ready...
[Jul 7,2006 4:16pm - sinistas ""]
sacreligion said:ill be there early...do your best to make it there for that time...i still have a set list that works if it starts after 7

nobody's gonna be held accountable for being late due to traffic

hey, any chance that we could borrow a guitar and bass cab? we're having massive transportation issues today
[Jul 7,2006 4:29pm - sinistas ""]
scratch it, we're good
[Jul 7,2006 4:33pm - anonymous  ""]
i'll be there on time. i am in new beige right now. i looked at shitty apartments all day.

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