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The status of thrash metal in Boston.

[May 20,2010 1:22am - RichHorror ""]
[May 20,2010 8:05am - kingthrasher  ""]
yea it's funny how all you like dictating what thrash is and what thrash isn't. maybe there's all sorts of thrash and maybe some shit is overdone. keep dictating
[May 20,2010 9:10am - wheresyourcrownkingthrasher  ""]

kingthrasher said:yea it's funny how all you like dictating what thrash is and what thrash isn't. maybe there's all sorts of thrash and maybe some shit is overdone. keep dictating

[May 20,2010 10:09am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
The best trash metal band evar is Divine Penisy.
[May 20,2010 10:11am - dontlivefastjustdie ""]
personally i tend to dig the new bands that are mixing thrash with other genres rather than the straight up "thrash revival" type bands...unless it's done really well (see: razormaze).

i like humor in my metal so i like some of the less "evil" bands... most of the newer thrash bands (especially the evil/serious ones) just seem like a weak imitation of past greats. attn: warbringer... you are not demolition hammer, quit trying. but it's definitely become a trend that has spawned many shit bands (pizza thrash or not)...but then again so does any musical movement/genre so it's not surprising.
[May 20,2010 10:14am - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
I love pizza... this thread makes me hungry. Someone give me a True Speed Of Steel album. Time to n(m?)osh.

Also, since Powerstance was brought up, when's their demo coming out? I want to add them to Metal Archives, but can't seeing as they have nothing hard out yet.
[May 20,2010 10:19am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
unless i'm drunk and watching it live...straight thrash tends to bore me anyways.
[May 20,2010 10:57am - goatcatalyst ""]
Why has nobody mentioned Chester Cheetah thrash?
[Sep 30,2010 3:42pm - kingthrasher  ""]
yea so i went to one of the best shows of my life the other night and it was pure thrash. anyone who argues against it is a moron. thrash is thrash is thrash. fuck all you people calling this shit pizza thrash. anthrax was having fun in the 80s too when we were all in diapers watching sesame street. real thrash is alive and well in new england and anyone who argues doesn't know what they are talking about. YOU CAN'T DICTATE WHAT A GENRE IS
[Sep 30,2010 3:45pm - nekronautnli  ""]

kingthrasher said: YOU CAN'T DICTATE WHAT A GENRE IS

<big><big><big>YES WE CAN! :whipper:
[Sep 30,2010 4:01pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Anthrax were no less serious than other thrash bands of the time. And they are also bad ass so give them a fucking break. And what's wrong with new thrash? It's no more generic/uninspired/silly than Black Metal bands that wear corpse paint and steal Emperor riffs from 1995, or Death Metal bands that only sing about raping things and steal Cannibal Corpse Riffs from 1995. What's the problem? Wrong decade?
[Sep 30,2010 4:09pm - RichHorror ""]
This is the United States of America, and I got a right to hate who I want.
[Sep 30,2010 4:09pm - arilliusbm ""]
Originality is key within art. Music is art. Ergo, only original sounding metal bands are real. Goes for all genres. As time goes on, originality is harder to come by.
Not necessarily saying every unoriginal bands that "worship" other bands aren't good. Just stating the obvious, with fancy ass-talk.
[Sep 30,2010 4:11pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Hey man I agree with you totally, I'm just needlessly pointing out the rampant hypocrisy on internet forums.
[Sep 30,2010 4:36pm - Kadoog-a-go-go  ""]
Hot damn.

"Thrash" to me has always been the same as the word "punk". It's a feeling, a vibe, an overall THING that really is hard to nail down, less so, I think, than grind or death metal or what-have-you.

Watchmaker was one of the thrashiest bands that ever lived, but they sounded nothing like __________ or ___________ from your favorite 2-year-span of "thrash".

That said, I am not a fan of a lot of the "pizza thrash" or "party thrash" or whatever, mostly because they do seem very hipster/scenester-ish, in that they all gotta have the right retro clothing and be seen in the right faded Maiden t-shirts when they go to/play shows for their equally "metal-chic" friends, who, as Jawshy said, are probably REALLY there for the free keg beer, on top of scoring scene points.

Spend 'em wisely, kids.

BUT, fuck it all, 'cause there's almost as much posturing in every other little genre/scene/show/clique/venue/life.
[Sep 30,2010 4:39pm - SeanBlitzkrieg ""]
Hear hear! Sodom has done it all..
[Sep 30,2010 4:49pm - nekronaut ""]
pizza thrash makes a great soundtrack to spaghetti westerns
[Sep 30,2010 4:51pm - Czarnobog ""]
not totally my thing but i can appreciate a good, fast driving riff so i'm ok with alot of "retro thrash" bands on a musical level. i just can't get into the vocals. they're always either kinda whiny anthrax or megadeth style vocals (sorry alex!) or drunk homeless person (sorry jonah!). i like vocalists to sound like they just gargled with broken glass.
[Sep 30,2010 4:58pm - nekronaut ""]
hahaha drunk homeless person
[Sep 30,2010 5:07pm - arktouros ""]

RichHorror said:This is the United States of America, and I got a right to hate who I want.

[Sep 30,2010 10:36pm - quintessence_nli  ""]
Having a serious discussion about modern day thrash bands is like talking about what flavor of cheetos you like better.
[Sep 30,2010 10:50pm - nekronaut ""]
there is more than one flavor of cheetos?
[Sep 30,2010 11:03pm - RichHorror ""]
There's a white cheddar popcorn flavor now.
[Sep 30,2010 11:09pm - Fuck Logging In  ""]
is pizza thrash an actual term or some stupid meme made up on this board?
[Sep 30,2010 11:10pm - nekronaut ""]
i heard it before i even moved to boston and thats going on four and a half years ago
[Sep 30,2010 11:10pm - RichHorror ""]
A stupid meme, but it definitely reaches much farther than just this board.
[Sep 30,2010 11:51pm - dertoxia ""]
I don't know spit about Boston thrash and only read like the first dozen or so posts in this thread, but with that said....my favorite newer thrash band:


[Sep 30,2010 11:52pm - RichHorror ""]
Not new, but better than basically every other band mentioned ITT.
[Sep 30,2010 11:59pm - dertoxia ""]
well....new as in, from this decade. And not from decades of yore.
[Oct 1,2010 5:19am - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Oct 1,2010 7:48am - Yeti ""]
all music is now Bantha fodder.
[Oct 1,2010 8:07am - sir coughsalot  ""]
that song was fucking retarded. and an oxymoron in itself. i see more posers in the pit than anywhere else at a show. who's more concerned about "trying to look cool" than some dickhead trying to "rule tha pit yo yo dude guy"?
[Oct 1,2010 8:11am - dertoxnli  ""]
i think thats the point of the video, i guess youtube needs a sarcasm meter
[Oct 1,2010 8:12am - Randy_Marsh ""]
youtube is the internet.
[Oct 1,2010 8:14am - sir coughsalot  ""]
i listened to it twice and im pretty sure the song was referring to those of us who don't go to a show to have some sweaty bed bug ridden moron rub up against us. im no stranger to sarcasm.
[Oct 1,2010 8:16am - Randy_Marsh ""]
the internet dates back VERY FAR. get used to the internet...its here to stay.
[Oct 1,2010 8:17am - sir coughsalot  ""]
what in gods name are you babbling about mike?
[Oct 1,2010 8:50am - eddnlie  ""]
Its been the same faces at shows for the last 7 years(probably more, but i've only been going for 7 years). And in another 7 years it will probably be the same 20-30 people going to shows.

Point is fads come and go. This is a fad. remember numetal and metalcore? yeah same idea.

oh and FKU is over 10 years old.
[Oct 1,2010 8:51am - RichHorror ""]
uh huh, EST. 1997
[Oct 1,2010 9:30am - nekronaut ""]

sir%20coughsalot said:what in gods name are you babbling about mike?

kid has lost his mind
[Oct 1,2010 10:33am - Yeti ""]

hauptpflucker said:or Death Metal bands that only sing about raping things and steal Cannibal Corpse Riffs from 1995.

only singing about rape and stealing Morbid Angel riffs is real.
[Oct 1,2010 10:38am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 1,2010 10:40am - goatcatabisk  ""]

kingthrasher said:yea so i went to one of the best shows of my life the other night and it was pure thrash. anyone who argues against it is a moron. thrash is thrash is thrash. fuck all you people calling this shit pizza thrash. anthrax was having fun in the 80s too when we were all in diapers watching sesame street. real thrash is alive and well in new england and anyone who argues doesn't know what they are talking about. YOU CAN'T DICTATE WHAT A GENRE IS

Don't tell me how to live my life, buttdart.
[Oct 1,2010 10:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
ITT: thrash is thrash but my thrash is not your thrash because its less thrash than thrash.
[Oct 1,2010 10:53am - arilliusbm ""]
hahaha I've seen it all now.

[Oct 1,2010 10:56am - arilliusbm ""]

hahaha @ Calzone Kilzone

[Oct 1,2010 11:05am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i get free pizza at a work meeting today. i'm gonna bring a boombox and blast anthrax in my bosses face whilst enjoying.
[Oct 1,2010 11:08am - goatcatabisk  ""]
You should also do the toxic waltz, Tom.
[Oct 1,2010 11:12am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i'd rather do the herkey jerkey
[Oct 1,2010 11:56am - fagsonwheelz  ""]
Pizza Thrash = Kids with new razor shirts.

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