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The status of thrash metal in Boston.

[May 18,2010 3:19pm - arilliusbm ""]
Let us take some time and talk about the status of thrash metal around Boston. I don't live in the city so please enlighten me on what's going on with thrash metal around here.

There's the dawn of these "pizza thrash" bands which some love and some despise.
List reasons why these bands either a.) suck b.) are bad for thrash or c.) great.

Also list all non-"pizza" thrash bands around and provide links. basically, WHY are the thrash bands moving away towards a Sodom-esuqe sound and more towards a partyfuntime sound. Keep in mind I'm somewhat clueless on what constitutes these "pizza" bands. They're certainly cheesy.

Also, why aren't there many old school sounding thrash bands around anymore?

Help a brother out - it seems Boston thrash is evolving and ain't no body doin a damn thing about it.

a highly caffeinated aril
[May 18,2010 3:21pm - blessed offal  ""]
status: non-existent
[May 18,2010 3:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 18,2010 3:23pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
I love pizza. Esp a nice papa ginos pepperoni.
[May 18,2010 3:24pm - Yeti ""]
i don't even know what constitutes thrash anymore. bands like Mantic Ritual call themselves thrash and get to tour with bands like Marduk, yet when i hear them, i think "crap".
[May 18,2010 3:24pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I dunno about "moving away" from anything, it's not like there was this glut of amazing thrash bands around here that all of a sudden dried up.
[May 18,2010 3:24pm - sixstringcarnage ""]
Please define pizza thrash for me. Def sounds cheesy as a mother
[May 18,2010 3:25pm - arilliusbm ""]
DYA: yea.

I meant it in the sense as non-traditional.
[May 18,2010 3:25pm - gettinhungry  ""]
pizza thrash > burrito metal
[May 18,2010 3:26pm - Yeti ""]
to me, pizza thrash is a band like Municipal Waste. not really that good, but they like to party-hardy and have a following because of it.
[May 18,2010 3:28pm - blessed offal  ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Please define pizza thrash for me. Def sounds cheesy as a mother

the best description i can give you is exodus 'impact is imminent' and anthrax 'attack of the killer bs'
[May 18,2010 3:31pm - DreadKill ""]

sixstringcarnage said:Please define pizza thrash for me. Def sounds cheesy as a mother
not only does it sound cheesy, but it also sounds saucy, crusty, and pepperoni-y
[May 18,2010 3:32pm - Lich_King ""]
"pizza thrash"... for fuck's sake, man.
[May 18,2010 3:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
Who coined that term??
[May 18,2010 3:42pm - Spydre ""]
I prefer my thrash to be more like a calzone.
[May 18,2010 3:57pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Look upon your Col Parker, Boston:

[May 18,2010 4:06pm - narkybark ""]
I lot of old school thrash was cheesy too, you can't really say it was serious business
[May 18,2010 4:08pm - Alexecutioner ""]
pizza thrash, is that similar to pizza in hardcore?
[May 18,2010 4:11pm - arilliusbm ""]
Narkybark has a point. Thrash hasn't always been serious.
[May 18,2010 4:22pm - Snli  ""]
I have only heard the term "Pizza Thrash" on this board.
[May 18,2010 4:27pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Snli said:I have only heard the term "Pizza Thrash" on this board.

[May 18,2010 4:29pm - arilliusbm ""]
BSV coined it, ¿no?
[May 18,2010 5:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[May 18,2010 5:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[May 18,2010 5:38pm - ShadowSD ""]
What does pizza thrash sound like, Andrew WK raping CSDO?
[May 18,2010 5:50pm - blue ""]
the term 'pizza thrash' started getting thrown around in the area to describe specifically one band: ramming speed. im not digging on RS at all, great band and dudes. but they are pretty much the reason the term gets thrown around here.
[May 18,2010 6:09pm - RustyPS ""]
only "Pizza" thrash band I know/like: http://abovethecloudsbelowtheheavens.blogs...com/2010/04/menace-ii-sobriety.html
[May 18,2010 6:18pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

blue said:the term 'pizza thrash' started getting thrown around in the area to describe specifically one band: ramming speed. im not digging on RS at all, great band and dudes. but they are pretty much the reason the term gets thrown around here.

No wai, dude, that shit's been old news amongst yon punkers for years and years.
[May 18,2010 6:35pm - arilliusbm ""]
It will only make sense if one of these 'pizza' bands covers Pizzaman by Old Skull.
[May 18,2010 6:43pm - sever ""]
I am eating pizza right now. I am listening to thrash. Does that make pizza thrash?
[May 18,2010 6:45pm - RustyPS ""]
[May 18,2010 6:47pm - RichHorror ""]
ITT: intellectual dissertations on ironic hipster metal.
[May 18,2010 6:52pm - BSV  ""]
Boston hasn't had any good Thrash since Abhorred and Extinction Agenda.
All of the other bands nowadays I find really boring, corny, safe and dry.

Pizza Thrash is applied to any band that throws a show with a keg and somehow convinces themselves that everyone is there for them, because they are amazing. Only true alcholics and headbangers can see through this veil of insecurity. It's a mystical gift that many refer to as "negativity" or "being close minded" or the abominable "elitist" accusation.
[May 18,2010 6:53pm - sever ""]
I have two PhDs, a DVM and two Honorary Degrees in ironic hipster metal studies. Yes, a DVM.
[May 18,2010 6:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

sever said:I am eating pizza right now. I am listening to thrash. Does that make pizza thrash?

[May 18,2010 7:10pm - sever ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
sever said:I am eating pizza right now. I am listening to thrash. Does that make pizza thrash?



[May 18,2010 7:11pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
how the fuck do you eat that when it has wooded sticks in it?
[May 18,2010 7:13pm - sever ""]
It's okay, I can't compute it either.
[May 18,2010 7:14pm - quintessence ""]

arilliusbm said:Narkybark has a point. Thrash hasn't always been serious.

I dont really think any of it was every that "serioius" to begin with. Its these hipster faggot bands that take the easiest thing about old thrash there is to copy and run with it..
[May 18,2010 7:14pm - BSV  ""]
You play the Toxic Waltz and knock a PA onto Dave Davidson's amp on purpose, THAT'S HOW YOU EAT IT.

[May 18,2010 7:16pm - arilliusbm ""]
Perhaps this thread was a long-winded request to start a filfthy thrash band.
[May 18,2010 7:19pm - goatcatalyst ""]
and you can call it "Tawmentah"
[May 18,2010 7:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Cockmeat Sandwich
[May 18,2010 7:26pm - Lamp ""]
The thing about "pizza thrash" as some people like to put it, is that it isn't a purely metal genre. It's crossover. An equal parts punk and metal formula that to me has more to do with DRI than say, Slayer. The only reason it gets called "pizza thrash" rather than "crossover" is because of the lyrical content of the songs, which to me is pretty fucking stupid. So obviously if you like your thrash to be 100% metal then you're not going to dig the pizza bands.
[May 18,2010 7:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
Classic scene from Harold & Kumar II. Eagerly awaiting the 3rd one so I can find stupid stoner humor funny. Maybe I'll eat a pizza too.
[May 18,2010 7:27pm - BSV  ""]
come out to Uxbridge and jam.
[May 18,2010 7:29pm - BSV  ""]
I love crossover bands, just wish the Boston ones didn't have such a shitty attitude.
[May 18,2010 7:30pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
I'll just say that I love thrash. pizza thrash, calzone thrash, black thrash, serious thrash.
[May 18,2010 7:31pm - arilliusbm ""]

Lamp said: The only reason it gets called "pizza thrash" rather than "crossover" is because of the lyrical content of the songs, which to me is pretty fucking stupid.

blessed%20offal said:
its more referring to a sound and general vibe than lyrical content.

Explain plz
[May 18,2010 7:31pm - RustyPS ""]

bloblovesmusic said:I'll just say that I love thrash. pizza thrash, calzone thrash, black thrash, serious thrash.
what about stromboli thrash?

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