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[show listing]  ______________________________________
[Nov 16,2005 11:50pm - RustedAngel ""]
Dec 16th @ The Kave, Bucksport, ME
[Nov 17,2005 3:52pm - BSV  ""]
RustedAngel said:Dec 16th @ The Kave, Bucksport, ME

does that mean you guys are dropping off this show???
[Nov 17,2005 3:59pm - RustedAngel ""]
BSV said:RustedAngel said:Dec 16th @ The Kave, Bucksport, ME

does that mean you guys are dropping off this show???

naw, it means we're playing both dates.

[Nov 26,2005 1:46pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
here you go Josh foam over this haha

HIGH54CANCER: just seeing if there's still any open spots on the vital remains show at the kave
XReallyChaotic1X: are u a local band
HIGH54CANCER: local boston band
XReallyChaotic1X: ahhhhh well ken lanning is putting the show on here all i am doign is renting him the kave and putting on two local bands that can pre sell the tickets
[Nov 26,2005 3:10pm - Dankill  ""]
HA! Fuckin Kenny.
I heard something interesting the other day.
Anyone heard anything about that band The Worst suddently playing the show at the Palladium. Could be a mistake or bullshit, if not, thats about as funny as Skulltobogin playing.
[Nov 26,2005 3:21pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
shred said:j0e n0tc0mm0n is a fuckin pussy

What's wrong with your 'o' key?
[Nov 26,2005 3:30pm - the_reverend ""]
he got your number though.

and kathy still rules.
[Nov 29,2005 10:27am - RustedAngel ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:here you go Josh foam over this haha

HIGH54CANCER: just seeing if there's still any open spots on the vital remains show at the kave
XReallyChaotic1X: are u a local band
HIGH54CANCER: local boston band
XReallyChaotic1X: ahhhhh well ken lanning is putting the show on here all i am doign is renting him the kave and putting on two local bands that can pre sell the tickets

aren't you playing a show the same day in Natick, why would you ask about this?
[Nov 29,2005 10:28am - RustedAngel ""]

[Nov 29,2005 10:57am - succubus ""]
remember the ghost i captured on tom?
[Nov 29,2005 11:00am - RustedAngel ""]
succubus said:remember the ghost i captured on tom?

hahah yep!

[Nov 29,2005 11:05am - BornSoVile ""]
seriously, is kenny doing the ME date too??
Yes, the Worst is playing 12/17 too, I'm gonna be sure to have a talk with Mister Tomaz...
[Nov 29,2005 11:20am - succubus ""]
there it is!!
[Nov 29,2005 11:42am - brian_dc ""]
RustedAngel said:succubus said:remember the ghost i captured on tom?

hahah yep!


[Nov 29,2005 12:34pm - pam nli  ""]
gonna try and make that palladium date. I am seriously overdue to see Cannae.
[Nov 29,2005 4:27pm - RustedAngel ""]

[Nov 29,2005 4:30pm - pam nli  ""]
hahahahha so even THE ANTICHRIST (hah) has a myspace?

Glen's pretty awesome though, he's wicked funny.
[Nov 29,2005 6:47pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
pam nli said:gonna try and make that palladium date. I am seriously overdue to see Cannae.

Worst statement ever. It's wicked lame that metalcore bands always get added to Palladium shows.
[Dec 5,2005 4:23pm - RustedAngel ""]
http://www.myspace.com/vitalremains -- these shows have been posted on their myspace, we know know they are aware of these shows.
[Dec 5,2005 4:27pm - Spiced Rum Runners  ""]
I'm mezmerized. Any explanation for this?

[Dec 8,2005 11:31pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 12,2005 1:18pm - RustedAngel ""]
this weekend.
[Dec 12,2005 4:41pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
thats right..... this weekend.....
New BMR track 'Exhume the Fallen' at:
tell us how terrible it is on this thread:
[Dec 12,2005 6:54pm - rigor penis  ""]
this just in vital just got another new bald vocalist HOWIE MANDEL vocalist number 18!
[Dec 13,2005 3:08pm - RustedAngel ""]
rigor penis said:

rigor penis, exactly what rigor mortis sounds like live.

[Dec 13,2005 4:31pm - SPALDINO  ""]

[Dec 13,2005 9:01pm - ra  ""]
[Dec 13,2005 11:55pm - BornSoVile ""]
the worst is on this show too, not sure if you wanna add them to the flyer.
[Dec 14,2005 2:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend will be naked at this show.
[Dec 14,2005 2:39pm - RustedAngel ""]
I heard.
[Dec 14,2005 3:02pm - Todd NLI  ""]
I'm goin...I got a free ticket from a friend ,So I will be there,It has been 3 years since I seen Incantation,man time flies,don't seem that long ago. Can't wait for this show
[Dec 14,2005 4:56pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 15,2005 10:03am - RustedAngel ""]
[Dec 15,2005 10:09am - the_reverend ""]
tom. I will leave it to you to tell kenny that I'm coming and to have a ticket for me to get in.
Is this upstairs? I'm guessing it is.
[Dec 15,2005 10:54am - that guy  ""]
Hey nice file delete Tom also I will let the toothless agressor know rev as well.
[Dec 15,2005 11:13am - hungta‘bleed  ""]
has anyone ever taken a shit at the palladium? I coped out last time I was there and I just held it in. What can I say...I didn't want to get aids
[Dec 15,2005 11:26am - RustedAngel ""]
the_reverend said:tom. I will leave it to you to tell kenny that I'm coming and to have a ticket for me to get in.
Is this upstairs? I'm guessing it is.

I'm sure you'll be fine, if you aren't find one of us or someone in a band. If all that fails for some gay reason we'll pay for you to get in. Though I doubt it will come to that. :spineyes:
[Dec 15,2005 7:21pm - hungta‘bleed  ""]
[Dec 17,2005 12:25am - hungta‘bleed  ""]
BMR actually has fucking shirts. I know, I know..we don't even have a cd, but what the fuck do you expect from a bunch of fuckin stoners. Here is the design.
We also have the same logo available, but with our band name filled in solid white.
Check out our new shit 'Exhume the Fallen' @ http://www.myspace.com/burnmyremains
...... I know it's got nothing on the new Burn in Silence.... but it's not that fucking bad.
[Dec 17,2005 2:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
skeet skeet
[Dec 17,2005 4:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm leaving in like an 1:30.
I will assume that some one will tell kenny that I'm coming.

at the mall now. this shit stucks.
[Dec 17,2005 4:10pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BornSoVile said:Skulltoboggin...young band

yeah they're older than like everyone on here
[Dec 17,2005 4:18pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
also, i understand everyone's argument against kenny

but how bad can he really fuck over a band if you're not expecting to get paid...basically you're just using him to play a show at the palladium with some top notch bands in the area
[Dec 17,2005 4:48pm - CarrotsandSticks ""]
I was at the mall today too. I want to die now, but instead I'm leaving in an hour for this show.
[Dec 17,2005 5:20pm - todayistheday  ""]
ugggh still deciding if i want to go
[Dec 17,2005 5:32pm - the_reverend ""]
leaving in 5 minutes
[Dec 17,2005 5:35pm - dftg  ""]
todayistheday said:ugggh still deciding if i want to go

same here
[Dec 17,2005 5:35pm - dftg  ""]
somebody gimme money when i get there, otherwise I can't really afford it
[Dec 17,2005 5:51pm - succubus ""]
aaron left and i know he won't be ok..but the old skool staff will let him in
[Dec 17,2005 6:30pm - todayistheday  ""]
FUCK i guess im not going

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