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top five overated and underated metal bands

[Aug 8,2005 3:39pm - BornSoVile ""]
dyingmuse said:overrated

Dan, please clarify this.
[Aug 8,2005 4:01pm - BornSoVile ""]
Oh and one local band that is greatly overlooked who pratically started the wave of melodic metal in MA/NE, The Year of Our Lord.
[Aug 8,2005 4:39pm - babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in  ""]
Dissector said:babyshakedoesnt feel like loggin in said:lol agnostic front is horrible

Early Agnostic Front is amazing.

only really heard the knew shit off of somthings gotta give so you might just be right
[Aug 8,2005 4:43pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
dimmu rocks

i don't know how you can say they changed to be more profitable...did they ever say that to you? do you know them personally? it may seem that way but what if they just wrote the music they felt like writing?
[Aug 8,2005 4:48pm - BornSoVile ""]
it's obvious just listen to their records. analog vs. digital. no colours to sony. the proof is in the pudding, just taste it. i know how you can say they havn't changed to be more profitable. they're too big rockstars for me to talk to or know personally. if they just felt like writing the music they felt like writing, it's crystal clear that they're overrated.
[Aug 8,2005 4:54pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
well i'd like to think that a genre of a music doesn't have borders of success

they're all still really fucking talented and i personally think they write damn good music...granted Death Cult Armageddon isn't straight black metal but no band should have to write the same thing over and over just because some people like nothing that isn't "underground"
[Aug 8,2005 4:56pm - Hooker ;laskjfoiwje  ""]
cradle is overrated.
dimmu is just big. i think they put out some solid albums.
their kvltness notwithstanding.
[Aug 8,2005 4:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]
iron maiden
craddle or poop

Ancient rites

[Aug 8,2005 5:00pm - cdan ""]
xmikex said:overrated:
Children of Bodom
Arch Enemy
Carnal Forge

good work
[Aug 8,2005 5:07pm - intricateprocess ""]
since when is HIM metal? I must have missed the bulletin

i have to disagree with the Motorhead being overrated. i just dont see it.
[Aug 8,2005 5:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
I don't think there's a conflict staying underground and writing innovative music. I mean, Deathspell Omega's Kénôse is anything but straight old school black metal but you couldn't accuse them of courting the mainstream. My problem with Dimmu(and a other bands) is that they take innovation to mean "more synths and clean vocals" Which hasn't been innovative for over a decade.
[Aug 8,2005 5:10pm - cdan ""]
swamplorddvm said:Overrated:
iron maiden
craddle or poop

Ancient rites

fuck yeah! somebody here actually appreciates Falconer?! one of my fav bands. ever get in to Mythotin? their prior Viking metal band, even sicker.
[Aug 8,2005 5:13pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Really!? I'll check them out when I can. I'm glad to see some else like Falconer too. They friggin rock!
[Aug 8,2005 5:14pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Oh yeah, I also think opeth is overrated.
[Aug 8,2005 5:37pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
opeth > dimmu

neither are overrated...they're barely rated outside of us metalheads
[Aug 8,2005 5:39pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BobNOMAAMRooney nli said:I don't think there's a conflict staying underground and writing innovative music. I mean, Deathspell Omega's Kénôse is anything but straight old school black metal but you couldn't accuse them of courting the mainstream. My problem with Dimmu(and a other bands) is that they take innovation to mean "more synths and clean vocals" Which hasn't been innovative for over a decade.

their guitar and drum work is pretty innovative...every song has memorable melodies and the drums(puritanical and death cult in particular due to the uber-ness of nick barker) are usually not what you'd expect for the part it's being played behind besides the standard double bass stuff
[Aug 8,2005 6:03pm - BornSoVile ""]
my bible of dimmu borgir reviews,

for all tid,
"Built into this fusion is one of the oldest collaborations in rock music, between folk singsong and rhythmic speed in the style of amplified music from the industrial centers of humanity. The expressive rhythms are the interaction between strumming and the snare/bass heartbeat that blasts along behind the music's tonal avalanche. Vocals stagger the overall speed by holding rhythm or rejecting it, goading the surge or carefully denying it.

The positive side to the heavily emotional and over-expressed style of neo-opera that Dimmu Borgir offer is a compositional variation and thematic tension to each song, but the downside is that some of the judgement used to apply this principle results in staggeringly obvious musical exaggerations that will annoy the contemplative listener. The concept behind its power is the concept of atmosphere, whereby it launches into strobing riffs and alternating drumbeats very slowly while building mood with vocals and guitar melodies. "

"The more concrete elements of these songs are some amazing rhythms and tangibly powerful guitar lines that, although simple, bring the metal into this music as fundamental logic. Overall structuring while simple and frequently repetitive, brings suprises in continuity and expectations, and the pattern-level structuring of this conception provides a simple lexicon of phrase attributes which are manipulated here for ambient effect, breaking the idea of the whole through each incarnation of the many subelements (in this case, the sample of time between beat(s)).

It would be foolish not to recognize the cheese factor here, however; this can be portrayed as sappy material without damaging its essential character, but even in the language of emotional retards these individuals have managed to express something vaguely sublime in their musical meanderings. I enjoy this release and recommend it with the filter attribute of overemotionalism."

enthroned darkness triumphant,
"Veering away from the neoclassical orchestration that made Stormblåst brilliant, Dimmu Borgir instead fill a pop album with heavy metal riffs and bouncy melodies trailing happily irrelevant keyboards and black metal trappings behind. There is no sense of theme, only of rock-based song form, and all previous passion has been directed into raw speed thrills and pointless pseudo-blasphemy. With most other albums in metal being better than this one, it is impossible to imagine buying it."

godless savage garden,
"On this EP of mostly rehashed material Dimmu Borgir merge raw versions of their older music with stripped down takes from their newer style, coming up with a handy method of ripping off black metal in sound without discovering any of the musicality it once had. Although all of us "true" underground heads are in theory going to rush out and buy the "raw" Dimmu Borgir, there is nothing contributed over their first two albums and no new innovation to correct their last disaster."

spritual black dimensions,
"Everything that made later Emperor terrible and allowed Cradle of Filth to rise above worthier bands is here in this album, a rock-n-roll tour of symphonic black metal as crafted in either 1) wandering phrases that touch dissonance but spend time in consonant, pentatonic variations or 2) sudden blasting power chord riffs of meaningless, random intervals. Like other postmodern blackmetallers Satyricon, this band seem to believe that making music without sense from a collage of the past is innovation and are willing to take you along for the ride if you let them."

puritanical euphoric misanthrope,"The cheesewagon returns with this pointless detour into black metal appearance with the heart of Christian radio in making sappy, overindulgent, rehashed randomness within a rock format to convince suburban "normals" that they, too, can get into black metal. Sure there are changes in style, but for the most part, these are surface only and obscure the fact that nothing has changed throughout the Dimmu Borgir albums after Stormblåst - when mediocre artists are out of new ideas, they head for the cheese factory and ripoff their influences. This album is a great example of what not to do unless you care about nothing but money, in which case, future Marilyn Mansons of the world, feast!"


I still love this debate.

[Aug 8,2005 6:30pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
I'm pretty sure DIMMU announced their commercial intentions in dozens of interviews in the EDT/GSG era, track some down if you want to see how they admittedly decided to abandon singing in Norwegian, go to Abyss studios and hone their music to be more commercially viable. It's not like it's a secret or anything.
[Aug 8,2005 6:35pm - BestialOnslaught ""]


[Aug 8,2005 6:51pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:if you want to see how they admittedly decided to abandon singing in Norwegian

Vredesbyrd, Allehelgens Dod I Helveds Rike
[Aug 8,2005 6:53pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
to BSV: it's understandable why they'd say all that but that's just an interpretation...a lot of those statements are circumstantial to the opinion of the listener

to each his own though
[Aug 8,2005 6:56pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
That's 2 songs in Norwegian... Between the first 2 albums and the 7" there were what, 20?
[Aug 8,2005 7:35pm - DeOdiumMortis ""]
"Alive in Torment" is like wicked awesome dude! Shaped CDs are the coolest!!!

I really only listen to Spiritual, Stormblåst, and Tid anymore. Death Cult was terribly watered down and rehashed from the one before it.

Arch Enemy
Children of Bodom
whoever else is being "jocked" this week
the word "jock"

The Berzerker
[Aug 8,2005 7:45pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Yeah, SIGH is ridiculously underrated... Fucking genius.
[Aug 8,2005 7:47pm - Christraper ""]
here here! sigh rock the cock! long live sigh!
[Aug 8,2005 7:55pm - dyingmuse ""]
BornSoVile said:dyingmuse said:overrated

Dan, please clarify this.

too be quite honest, i am sick of hearing their name, yes they are freaking fast as hell, but kinda lame. yeah we played with them, but i am and never was a fan of theirs. firstly they have no hooks, and are just un interesting to me. not to say that i am better than them, or that they are bad musicians....just not my thing i guess. i would rather listen to suffocation all day long, because quite honestly they are the kings of deathmetal! and i have been a suffo fan since the early 90's.

...and it really has nothing to do with them saying anything about my band. we are on different planets musically. and i never even heard that. fags!
[Aug 8,2005 8:28pm - Distrust-Kevin ""]
cdan said:


Mythotin >>

good stuff that. ya me likes.
[Aug 8,2005 8:44pm - RavenousDestruction ""]
Cradle of Filth

Blut Aus Nord
The Great Kat
[Aug 8,2005 9:13pm - cav  ""]
saxon, fuck yea
[Aug 8,2005 9:19pm - cav  ""]
underrated bands:

misery signals
despised icon
shai hulud
nodes of ranvier (due to the fact that they are a christian band i assume no one on here will know them)
deadwater drowning
dour cursiva (hehe)
your mommy sweet pink
[Aug 8,2005 9:20pm - lil_jackie ""]
cradle of filth
cannibal corpse

beneath the massacre
the taste of silver
suicide silence
human bone bicycle science industries
[Aug 8,2005 9:21pm - cav  ""]
and we all know who the overrated bands are. but as far as im concerned slipknot doesnt even have a record deal without the masks and shit. and really any other gimmiky band that gets 14 year old kids to like them because of the way they look. as well as any band that used to kick as but now sounds exactly like killswitch.
[Aug 8,2005 10:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
BestialOnslaught said:Yeah, SIGH is ridiculously underrated... Fucking genius.

Sigh and every fucking band from Japan is underrated!!!
[Aug 8,2005 10:29pm - BornSoVile ""]
I must say there Mr. Sac,
You're the only person I've met on the internet or even in the history of me going to shows, that has argued in favor of Dimmu, you got some balls kid.
[Aug 8,2005 11:19pm - malettey ""]
i don't care what anyone says, i always liked dimmu borgir. i know they aren't "true" black metal, their influence on the scene is minimal and their image is pretty lame but i think they are good at what they do. i actually like "death cult armageddon" more than some of their other albums, it's a little heavier than "spiritual..." or "enthrone..." and i think the orchestra in there sounds great with the material on that one. and i'm not even going to compare their early material ("for all tid", "storm blast") with the newer because the feeling in the music between those two eras is totally different. the band certainly is moving into a higher level of commercial success, but i think the progression is natural; they don't strike me as amatuer musicians who care only about getting rich with half-assed material and a "bad boy" image.
[Aug 8,2005 11:26pm - greggdeadface ""]
the fuzz
sin of angels

one band takes the cake on this
[Aug 9,2005 12:00am - xmikex ""]
Amen to crappy Daughters being overrated.

As far as Dimmu Borgir "Enthrone Darkness..." goes, I had that cd for a while because some magazine named it one of the top 5 most essential black metal albums. I hated it from first note to last. I ended up giving it to a friend of mine who's a lesbian, art major because the whole thing just sounded like a giant soundtrack to anything and everything that ever happened at Manray. boooo urns.
[Aug 9,2005 12:01am - BestialOnslaught ""]
xmikex said:some magazine named it one of the top 5 most essential black metal albums.

That's one shitty zine...
[Aug 9,2005 12:36am - brian_dc ""]
Daughters aren't even overrated...I write off all reviews and just adhere to the fact that Daughters are fucking annoying
[Aug 9,2005 12:38am - eddienli  ""]
malettey said:i don't care what anyone says, i always liked dimmu borgir. i know they aren't "true" black metal, their influence on the scene is minimal and their image is pretty lame but i think they are good at what they do. i actually like "death cult armageddon" more than some of their other albums, it's a little heavier than "spiritual..." or "enthrone..." and i think the orchestra in there sounds great with the material on that one. and i'm not even going to compare their early material ("for all tid", "storm blast") with the newer because the feeling in the music between those two eras is totally different. the band certainly is moving into a higher level of commercial success, but i think the progression is natural; they don't strike me as amatuer musicians who care only about getting rich with half-assed material and a "bad boy" image.

who cares if they're true or not they suck. The only thing i ever liked by them was that twisted sister cover
[Aug 9,2005 1:06am - attendmyrequiem ""]
cdan said:xmikex said:overrated:
Children of Bodom
Arch Enemy
Carnal Forge

good work

chris you're suprising me lately. you didn't like johan era arch enemy? i thought the ammotts where at their peak durring that period.
[Aug 9,2005 1:53am - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
xmikex said: I ended up giving it to a friend of mine who's a lesbian, art major because the whole thing just sounded like a giant soundtrack to anything and everything that ever happened at Manray. boooo urns.

This is clearly the funniest thing I have ever read anywhere.

[Aug 9,2005 9:22am - yodaslab  ""]
dimmu rocks, this whole talk involving profits is stupid. They rock, end of story.
[Aug 9,2005 9:36am - anonymous  ""]
yodaslab said:dimmu rocks, this whole talk involving profits is stupid. They rock, end of story.

yeah rock gay cock!
[Aug 9,2005 1:13pm - Abbath ""]
overrated: Dimmu Borgir
Dark Funeral

I admit when i first got into the metals these bands (besides Dark Funeral) were great. But then again i was getting into them when they were in their early years... Dimmu Borgir is a joke now come on people, they were in it for the money since the early years. They are black metal lite if anything, but i do enjoy their first 3 albums. The same can be said about COF, i mean last night i turned on the tv and they were on Viva La Bam, ugh, i've never seen a band like them before where with each album they release gets worse and worse.
And there's the "Mighty Opeth," I was an Opeth fan... then i decided to grow up. Opeth is the perfect opener metal band for kids who want to start to get into metal. After Black Water Park i knew it was the end for them.

Underrated: Gorgoroth
Carpathian Forest/Nattefrost
My Dying Bride

Whenever i talk to black metal people i never hear a word about these two bands, which is a big shame. Gorgoroth and Carpathian Forest deserve some respect. Gorgoroth, to me, has never released a horrible album, i think they're still trying to find themselves and are not afraid to take chances. They stay within the rules of black metal but add a little twist.
[Aug 9,2005 1:25pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i always thought of gorgoroth as one of the big black metal bands that everyone knows, mostly because of the burzum split. but they havent put out a bad album, in fact they have put out 2 of the best bm albums ever, imo
i agree with CF/nattefrost, i cant believe everyone in the world isnt up their ass.
my dying bride seems like they get enough credit...but great band none the less...

i dont really understand how dark funeral is over rated. i never knew too many people who were into them. but secret of the black arts, vobiscum satanas and the first record are all fucking awesome. i personally love diabolis, but i could see how some people might not be into them... i wouldnt put them anywhere near cof/dimmu..they sound nothing alike and arent on the same level or decline at all.

but thats just my 2 cents
[Aug 9,2005 1:29pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
Nattefrost's "Terrorist" is a fucking great album.
[Aug 9,2005 1:31pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i would put dark funeral with marduk as good bands that arent doing anything ground breaking but always have solid albums and wicked sweet merch ha
[Aug 9,2005 2:17pm - Abbath ""]
I just have a hard time getting into Dark Funeral, all i hear is that they're so great, just don't do it for me

Nattefrost's "Terrorist" album is brilliant
[Aug 9,2005 2:29pm - timma nli  ""]
Cradle of Filth
As I Lay Dying/Mechuggah (no thats not a spelling error, dick)
Dimmu Borgir
It Dies Today

Despised Icon
With Dead Hands Rising
Cryptic Warning

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