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northern elite = NOPE

[Jan 8,2011 4:24pm - Ron gravesideservice  ""]
I dont care what anyone says about the weird interpretive dance boot wearing sexual maneuvering bald man, he still was better than the northern elite. At least he enjoyed himself to the fullest I guess. The northern elite didnt because they had to spend the entire night showing everyone how elite they were so they didnt get to spend much time enjoying themselves.
[Jan 8,2011 4:25pm - Ron gravesideservice  ""]
Okay, so now its time to rip northern elite a new one. Go ahead...
[Jan 8,2011 4:49pm - BSV  ""]
I could care less. They support quality shows and know about cool bands. Most of those dudes have been around longer than people bitching about them.
[Jan 8,2011 4:58pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Little Laura wanted to fuck the shit out of you guys.
[Jan 8,2011 5:00pm - nekronaut ""]
I support the Northern Elite. Good friends on mine
[Jan 8,2011 5:02pm - aril  ""]
Only Southern Elite is real.
[Jan 8,2011 5:05pm - aril  ""]
PS: I've only seen a few of them before. They don't look more than 25, cant be around that long. Either way, CAN I JOIN?? I WANT THAT BACK PATCH!!1!1!1
[Jan 8,2011 5:12pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Jim, Its Matt Grinrod, Jordan, Tully, D (swamplord)...and a bunch of tools.

the 4 i named I like though and are all solid guys/headbangers.
[Jan 8,2011 5:14pm - aril  ""]
The only one I really know/remember is the one I was talking about that Canadain thrash band Voor with. Seemed legit.
[Jan 8,2011 5:15pm - aril  ""]
Dee (Swamplord) stopped posting here. :'(
[Jan 8,2011 5:15pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
maybe Josh dahne too? I like him.

a couple of the others that I dont know come across as over-night thrash dorks but whatever...everybodys gotta start somewhere. I just like the idea of earning your stripes as opposed to diving right in with your patches like you've been die hard for years.
[Jan 8,2011 5:15pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Jan 8,2011 5:16pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Jan 8,2011 5:16pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
tully lookin sexy
[Jan 8,2011 5:16pm - aril  ""]
Hey if they're not overnighters than theyre cool.
[Jan 8,2011 5:17pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
and jordan
[Jan 8,2011 5:17pm - aril  ""]
Then again I took more than a 3 year break from going to shows and stuff so I don't really know or remember anyone
[Jan 8,2011 5:19pm - Boozegood ""]
[Jan 8,2011 5:21pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

aril said:Then again I took more than a 3 year break from going to shows and stuff so I don't really know or remember anyone

[Jan 8,2011 5:22pm - Woah!_NLI!  ""]
Their spikes hurt.
[Jan 8,2011 5:25pm - aril  ""]

AndrewBastard said:
aril said:Then again I took more than a 3 year break from going to shows and stuff so I don't really know or remember anyone


[Jan 8,2011 5:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
Keith and are getting patched in soon...
[Jan 8,2011 5:28pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
keith and I*
[Jan 8,2011 5:29pm - aril  ""]
Cold Northern Elite.
[Jan 8,2011 5:40pm - josh_hates_you ""]
i like bands.
[Jan 8,2011 5:44pm - NuclearWinter ""]

Ten years later, still making faces, weird noises and trying to be Dead from Mayhem.
[Jan 8,2011 5:47pm - Boozegood ""]
Ohhhhhh Matthew, to be young again:

[Jan 8,2011 5:49pm - NuclearWinter ""]
I love me some Genesee Cream Ale.
[Jan 8,2011 6:02pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]
This is stupid, the dude who started this shit doesn't even know who we are. We we're all having an awesome time in the front headbanging, and everyone in standing in the back is talking shit about us. We're no different than we've ever been, just wear a different back patch. I'm proud to call these people my friends, they're some of the best people I've ever met. So fuck off and eat my shit.
[Jan 8,2011 6:03pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]
We were I mean*
[Jan 8,2011 6:09pm - Boozegood ""]

[Jan 8,2011 6:10pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
D's in it?? You can't get much more Southern than that dude!
[Jan 8,2011 6:12pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]
[Jan 8,2011 6:25pm - STLUCIFUREVA ""]
i think getting "dressed up " for a show , especially a great/important show like last night is a fun way to celebrate the music . I wore a full length cotton cloak . (should have worn the wool one , it was still a bit cold out back smoking). and yes i got weird looks and smirks - who cares ! those northern elite dudes are just doing it for the music they enjoy .
[Jan 8,2011 6:33pm - Boozegood ""]

STLUCIFUREVA said: those northern elite dudes are just doing it for the music they enjoy .

[Jan 8,2011 7:02pm - frankofhell  ""]
Way to come off sounding like catty teenage girls over some fellow metal heads you silly gayside boys.

Northern elite dudes are awesome. Nothing fake about them.
[Jan 8,2011 7:14pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]
Why? Because we were having a good time and no one else cares except you?
[Jan 8,2011 7:16pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]
(To the second post)
[Jan 8,2011 7:19pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Use the quote button, son.
[Jan 8,2011 7:20pm - Boozegood ""]
You are the worst in the world Josh, but I love you anyways.
[Jan 8,2011 7:24pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]
I'm bad a forums you nahtzee's
[Jan 8,2011 7:40pm - frankofhell  ""]
Too much Electric Wizard and bong hits for you Josh!
[Jan 8,2011 7:44pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]

frankofhell said:Too much Electric Wizard and bong hits for you Josh!

Fuck yeah dude, I haven't seen you in like 666 years man
[Jan 8,2011 7:45pm - the_reverend ""]

AndrewBastard said:a couple of the others that I dont know come across as over-night thrash dorks but whatever...everybodys gotta start somewhere. I just like the idea of earning your stripes as opposed to diving right in with your patches like you've been die hard for years.
QFT but this is cause this is the least tr00 thing you have posted since lost went off the air.
[Jan 8,2011 7:49pm - Boozegood ""]

the_reverend said:
AndrewBastard said:a couple of the others that I dont know come across as over-night thrash dorks but whatever...everybodys gotta start somewhere. I just like the idea of earning your stripes as opposed to diving right in with your patches like you've been die hard for years.
QFT but this is cause this is the least tr00 thing you have posted since lost went off the air.

Andrew was mistaken about some of the fellahs he thought where NEH.

What he said about earning your stripes is of course true.
[Jan 8,2011 8:39pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, it sucks when wild motherfuckers come out and rage hard. Y'all niggaz is goofy.
[Jan 8,2011 9:09pm - dreadkill ""]
why's everyone getting pissed off about a motorcycle gang? shut the fuck up, get a bike (or ride-on lawnmower), and start your own motorcycle gang called the hell's satans if you don't like it.
[Jan 8,2011 9:10pm - the_reverend ""]
ken, you will hear from my lawyers.
[Jan 8,2011 9:13pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
From here on, every metal show is now a re-enactment of The Warriors.
[Jan 8,2011 9:56pm - the_reverend ""]
Northern Elite is the friggin funniest thing ever. Love it.
live free or die. all others fuck off.
[Jan 8,2011 10:10pm - Ron gravesideservice  ""]
I was simply following a previous joke thread. I wasnt making fun of these guys for being overnighters, just for having matching backpatches. It just reminds me of driving down 95 and seeing billboards for every commercialized item for sale possible but all in one place. Its like a webpage border loaded with advertisements. All in all I actually enjoy seeing people show up and be themselves and have fun. But still no one murdered anyone so the night was a total failure.
[Jan 8,2011 10:17pm - ralf  ""]
[Jan 8,2011 10:39pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
quilting bee gossip ist krieg
[Jan 8,2011 10:43pm - aril  ""]
Needz moar swastikas
[Jan 9,2011 2:08am - swamplorddvm ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:D's in it?? You can't get much more Southern than that dude!
*diplomacy*. Anyways... See, it's not about nationality or ethnic backround. It's about where we grew up. -New england-. I was born in Berkeley CA. So I guess that makes me a poser being from the West central part of the US.
This whole thread is just damn silly shit balls really.

Heretics forever, dude guy bro kid!
[Jan 9,2011 2:16am - BSV  ""]

AndrewBastard said:Matt Grindrod, Jordan, Tully, D (swamplord)

These men deserve a beer for being righteous patriots, old tyme headbangers and rowdy merry men.
Elitism is the most effective way to banish posers.
[Jan 9,2011 2:50am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Attn Gayside: Dee likes Krohm, your opinion is irrelevant
[Jan 9,2011 2:53am - TARDY BUTLER  ""]

STLUCIFUREVA said:i think getting "dressed up " for a show , especially a great/important show like last night is a fun way to celebrate the music . I wore a full length cotton cloak . (should have worn the wool one , it was still a bit cold out back smoking). and yes i got weird looks and smirks - who cares ! those northern elite dudes are just doing it for the music they enjoy .

[Jan 9,2011 4:08am - Randy_Marsh ""]
only marsi and her cat is real.
[Jan 9,2011 4:10am - Randy_Marsh ""]
oh yeah...tully is pretty real too. that dude kills people.
[Jan 9,2011 7:34am - SkinSandwich ""]
I like taking dumps.
[Jan 9,2011 9:11am - reimroc ""]

SkinSandwich said:I like taking dumps.

my dumps are way more elite than yours
[Jan 9,2011 9:28am - RichHorror ""]
I can talk with Tully about 40K over a miniumum of 12,000 beers. Northern Elite is endorsed so hard.
[Jan 9,2011 10:10am - SkinSandwich ""]

reimroc said:
SkinSandwich said:I like taking dumps.

my dumps are way more elite than yours

Yours may be elite, but mine are epic, Story telling kind.
[Jan 9,2011 10:28am - mike pile  ""]
I saw tully steal one of those pre-made burgers wrapped in plastic from a 7-11 one night. I begged him to listen to reason but he just pushed me over and then rode off on two skateboards. one on each foot? maybe one stacked on another? Time has made my memories uncertain.

I chased him into the street and I said "Tully, what is it like to have been to the other side and conversed with shapeless horrors and alien ghosts?" By this time he now had three skateboards. He said "young dingus, this is a day you shall never forget. but for me, it was Tuesday."

[Jan 9,2011 10:29am - RichHorror ""]
He's a bounder and a cad.
[Jan 9,2011 10:35am - mike pile  ""]
destroy all porches, destroy all bathtubs, urinate
[Jan 9,2011 11:19am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Thread went places.
[Jan 9,2011 11:25am - Jake Bernabi  ""]
it must feel good to be part of a wannabe metal gang. must make their parents proud of something that they are part of a club of elite individuals who really are more important then everyone else because they all have something in common and have no real lives!
[Jan 9,2011 11:27am - NuclearWinter ""]
I concur, young gentleman.
[Jan 9,2011 11:30am - Jake Bernabi  ""]
it must be nice to meet in a treehouse every saturday morning to smoke cigs and look at dirty mags while making fun of all metalheads who dont patch up
[Jan 9,2011 11:30am - bobnomaamrooney ""]

mike%20pile said:"young dingus, this is a day you shall never forget. but for me, it was Tuesday."

Colonel, have you lost your mind?
No! You've lost your balls
[Jan 9,2011 11:42am - Nostromo ""]

Jake%20Bernabi said:it must be nice to meet in a treehouse every saturday morning to smoke cigs and look at dirty mags while making fun of all metalheads who dont patch up

I wish we had a fucking tree house. We sell this book of epic tre houses at Borders. Things are nicer than my house. :satancross:
[Jan 9,2011 12:20pm - swamplorddvm ""]
That's it. I'm taking down my patch and making my own that reads "<3 National inclusive diversity <3"

BTW, NEH. I rented the VFW hall in JP for out next HNPWP "Hatred for all Non Patch Wearing Pos3rz" meeting next week.

Bring cookies and remember to wear something tr00.
[Jan 9,2011 12:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
this thread is now about bake sales.
[Jan 9,2011 12:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Jan 9,2011 12:28pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Well, we need to raise money for NEH thongs, refrigerator magnets and official secret decoder rings (for keeping the elite way secret from those who are not true).
[Jan 9,2011 12:29pm - NuclearWinter ""]
A bake sale was definitely discussed earlier this week.
[Jan 9,2011 1:38pm - Kevord ""]
Getting pissed off about patches could be what takes RTTP to a new level of moronic. Congrats gentlemen.
[Jan 9,2011 3:34pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
i'm gonna start wearing an embroidered the true)Mayhem eye patch to out metal you all.
[Jan 9,2011 3:42pm - JOSH_DAHNE  ""]

AndrewBastard said:i'm gonna start wearing an embroidered the true)Mayhem eye patch to out metal you all.

Stop trying to be Dead from Mayhem
[Jan 9,2011 3:48pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
northern elite = http://www.behindthepizza.com
[Jan 9,2011 3:50pm - steveycapri  ""]
Northern Elite aren't bad dudes.
[Jan 9,2011 3:54pm - steveycapri  ""]
Just because you've had a bad experience with one of the members doesn't mean you need to judge the group as a whole.
[Jan 9,2011 5:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
IDK what OP it talkin 'bout Willis; these guys are awesome:

[Jan 9,2011 6:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
lulz @ these northern elite threads.
[Jan 9,2011 6:43pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Only BobNOMAAMRooney's Fat Chick Elite is real.
[Jan 9,2011 6:51pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Whalearms Deluxe.
[Jan 9,2011 7:10pm - bleesed offal  ""]
who gives a shit about graveside service? Id take grinrod any fucking day.
[Jan 9,2011 7:11pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Thanks for the hickey, beautiful.
[Jan 11,2011 4:09pm - Rob_The_Duke ""]
I bet those who are talking shit,just are doing it cause they want to be part of it and have a bad-ass Backpatch too.
[Jan 11,2011 4:15pm - aril  ""]
only individualism is real
[Jan 11,2011 4:16pm - swamplorddvm ""]

aril said:only individualism is real

The thing is no one human is a true, complete individual.
[Jan 11,2011 4:18pm - blessed offal  ""]
so i take it jim isnt a fan of my new band Explosion of Conformity?
[Jan 11,2011 4:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

NuclearWinter said:I love me some Genesee Cream Ale.

[Jan 11,2011 4:24pm - NuclearWinter ""]

aril said:only individualism is real

Captain of the debate team.
[Jan 11,2011 4:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Construction of conformity?
[Jan 11,2011 4:31pm - aril  ""]
Conform or GTFO NIGGOR
[Jan 11,2011 4:39pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
i thought the matching patch vests looked ridiculous and i wanted to ask them what northern elite meant but was quickly distracted by beer and went on with my life.
[Jan 11,2011 4:40pm - aril  ""]

swamplorddvm said:
aril said:only individualism is real

The thing is no one human is a true, complete individual.

100% True to some extent. I've just always preferred isolationism and existentialism over collective groups. Then again, there's zero metalhead where I'm from. Middle-of-nowhere-boro.
Im not knocking Northern Elite by any means, I just don't understand exactly what you guys are? A group of friends? A gang? Or just an elite group of metalheads? I'm hoping you guys are an organized crime unit. That'd be kvlt.
[Jan 11,2011 4:42pm - aril  ""]
It could of course be just a means of lifting egos and feeling special. Then again, collectivism at its finest.
[Jan 11,2011 4:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck patches only pins are real
[Jan 11,2011 4:43pm - NuclearWinter ""]
For clarity: It's not NORTHERN ELITE, it's NORTHERN ELITE HEADBANGERS. That's where the confusion stems from.
[Jan 11,2011 4:46pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Jan 11,2011 4:47pm - NuclearWinter ""]
"Metal Until Grave"
[Jan 11,2011 4:48pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Jan 11,2011 4:48pm - aril  ""]
So what justifies joining the ranks?
[Jan 11,2011 4:50pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Having an over night patched vest from eBay.
[Jan 11,2011 4:55pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 11,2011 4:58pm - aril  ""]

I know you know what's up. Just curious what NEH exactly is, other than friends. I was hoping it was a white power group honestly.
[Jan 11,2011 4:59pm - swamplorddvm ""]

NuclearWinter said:Having an over night patched vest from eBay.

And wearing Hightops 20 years after they were actually cool.
[Jan 11,2011 5:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]

aril said:lol.

I know you know what's up. Just curious what NEH exactly is, other than friends. I was hoping it was a white power group honestly.

We are Newengland folk so we're more of a Clam chowda group. I don't mind some black peppa in my chowda though.
[Jan 11,2011 5:05pm - aril  ""]
Good analogy haha
[Jan 11,2011 5:10pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
the hessian patch look is bound to get haters to hate. but elite headbanging gets my vote, anytime. i am kinda disappointed they aren't some prepubescent fascists.
[Jan 11,2011 5:12pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

swamplorddvm said:
NuclearWinter said:Having an over night patched vest from eBay.

And wearing Hightops 20 years after they were actually cool.

[Jan 11,2011 5:19pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
[Jan 11,2011 5:19pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
the asses of NEH
[Jan 11,2011 5:21pm - aril  ""]
[Jan 11,2011 5:32pm - BSV  ""]
I want one now. I'm a fucking headbanger. Need to make my first vest, proper.
[Jan 11,2011 5:34pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

BSV said:I want one now. I'm a fucking headbanger. Need to make my first vest, proper.


[Jan 11,2011 5:45pm - AndrewBastard  ""]
One of us
Can't erase the past to change who he would be
One of us
On a whim would act, then look for sympathy
Not from me
[Jan 11,2011 5:49pm - swamplorddvm ""]

BSV said:I want one now. I'm a fucking headbanger. Need to make my first vest, proper.

You'll have to fill out a 60 page personality test and draw a rough draft of what your NEH vest will look like and make a list of patches you'll sew on. +$50 joining fee and write a 500+ words essay on why you want to join.
[Jan 11,2011 6:24pm - Mark_R ""]

aril said:lol.

I know you know what's up. Just curious what NEH exactly is, other than friends. I was hoping it was a white power group honestly.

Was a little curious about this too because at Immolation a few months ago there was a Northern Elite wearing guy hanging out with some NEWP gear wearing/Swastika tattoo-having guys.

To be clear, I'm just thinking a NE guy was friends with a NEWP guy, not necessarily that the two are "officially" affiliated.
[Jan 11,2011 6:31pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Clearly D is merely the camouflage for one of the most insidious racist plots in Massachusetts Metal since Helvete!
[Jan 11,2011 6:32pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Also, only Masshole Metal Patrol is real! We don't need patches, we have Middlesex County and VENOM branded on our fucking souls...
[Jan 11,2011 6:33pm - NuclearWinter ""]
[Jan 11,2011 6:40pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Helvete will riiiiise again!

[Jan 11,2011 6:48pm - aril  ""]

swamplorddvm said:Helvete will riiiiise again!

Let's hope!
[Jan 11,2011 6:50pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Absolutely, Helvete night was great. That's where I first met D.
[Jan 11,2011 6:51pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jan 11,2011 6:54pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Only CBP is real!

[Jan 11,2011 6:57pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:Only CBP is real!


That closed a few weeks before I turned 21. I'm glad the midway cafe is more active now.
[Jan 11,2011 6:58pm - swamplorddvm ""]

[Jan 11,2011 7:00pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Here's a classic pic of Northern Elite on the way to see SLIPKNOT while MMP and Co. were getting fucked up in the alley behind the Choppin' Block:

[Jan 11,2011 7:01pm - blessed offal  ""]

swamplorddvm said:Helvete will riiiiise again!

start a band with euronymous' long dead rotting corpse or chinatown.
[Jan 11,2011 7:03pm - swamplorddvm ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:Here's a classic pic of Northern Elite on the way to see SLIPKNOT while MMP and Co. were getting fucked up in the alley behind the Choppin' Block:


See the brown kids in the bus? We're not racist!
[Jan 11,2011 7:05pm - Headbanging Man  ""]
Yeah, but you made that little black 'Banger sit in the back of the bus!

Love that bow in Tully's hair though...
[Jan 11,2011 7:15pm - Boozegood ""]

Headbanging%20Man said:Yeah, but you made that little black 'Banger sit in the back of the bus!

Love that bow in Tully's hair though...

Ughhh, I wish I had enough hair for a bow =(.
[Jan 11,2011 7:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[Jan 11,2011 7:46pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

[Jan 11,2011 7:49pm - Nostromo ""]
Headbanging front row like a maniac to Pentagram in June with a Nifelheim back patch = cool.

Headbanging front row like a maniac to Pentagram in January with a Northern Elite Headbangers back patch = Complete asshole.

This logic amuses me, gentlemen.
[Jan 11,2011 8:00pm - BSV  ""]
i wonder if it's the dude from that Blistered Earth show who made his girlfriend pull my hair, cause "headbanging is sooooo obnoxious".
[Jan 12,2011 9:51am - Boozegood ""]

arkquimanthorn said:i am kinda disappointed they aren't some prepubescent fascists.

Me to =(.
[Jan 12,2011 10:24am - Boozegood ""]
EDIT: Removed for editing. Nigga.
[Jan 12,2011 10:37am - AndrewBastard  ""]
if any of you were actually kuly...you'd have been at the Demoncy/Forest of Impaled show at the chopping block.
[Jan 12,2011 10:37am - AndrewBastard  ""]

still drunk
[Jan 12,2011 10:41am - largefreakatzero ""]

BSV said:i wonder if it's the dude from that Blistered Earth show who made his girlfriend pull my hair, cause "headbanging is sooooo obnoxious".

She was obviously telling you in grade-school fashion that she wanted you to violate her turd-cutter forcefully.
[Jan 12,2011 1:22pm - BSV  ""]

AndrewBastard said:if any of you were actually kuly...you'd have been at the Demoncy/Forest of Impaled show at the chopping block.

ughhh, I had a show that night. the one single chopping block show I missed.
[Jan 12,2011 2:28pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

AndrewBastard said:if any of you were actually kuly...you'd have been at the Demoncy/Forest of Impaled show at the chopping block.

I don't know if I was at that show, but I booked Basilissk(sp?) there! Kult I AM!!
I bought a t shirt for that place and then it closed a week later.
We played with Cattle Decapitation and Bongzilla there, Watchmaker, Adolf Satan, Anal Cunt. Place was the fucking BOMB
[Jan 12,2011 2:36pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Only Hang em and Bang em shirts are real.
[Jan 12,2011 2:43pm - aril  ""]
i might have got the FoI shirt there, cant remember
[Jan 12,2011 3:38pm - BSV  ""]
I lost my "Blue Eyed Staples" Hang Em and Bang Em shirt, Dwyer probably pawned it on ebay.
[Jan 12,2011 3:51pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
I was organizing my closet the other day and found the following old shirts. Abhorred-Wallowing in Utter Chaos, Horn of Valere-Blood of the Heathen Ancients, some Conifer shirt, Porphyria-NHDM, the blue Hang 'Em and Bang 'Em shirt, some Solidification shirt I threw out because I never wore it when I knew where it was.
[Jan 12,2011 3:55pm - BSV  ""]
those were the days!
[Jan 12,2011 3:58pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Jan 12,2011 7:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Used to drink there totally legally.
[Jan 12,2011 8:02pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

IllinoisEnemaBradness said:
AndrewBastard said:if any of you were actually kuly...you'd have been at the Demoncy/Forest of Impaled show at the chopping block.

I don't know if I was at that show, but I booked Basilissk(sp?) there! Kult I AM!!

indeed you are. superb taste, my friend

bobnomaamrooney said:Horn of Valere-Blood of the Heathen Ancients

totaL KULT!

[Jan 12,2011 8:10pm - aril  ""]

only ...of pure blood was real
[Jan 12,2011 8:25pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
only not buying black moon eternal because you didn't have a bank account at the time is real.
[Jan 12,2011 8:30pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

Kinslayer said:

bobnomaamrooney said:Horn of Valere-Blood of the Heathen Ancients

totaL KULT!

For extra KULT points you complemented the worn aesthetic of it at Starlab on Saturday.

[Jan 12,2011 8:30pm - Boozegood ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:only not buying black moon eternal because you didn't have a bank account at the time is real.

The L/S shirt is keeping me warm right now, like a never-ending hug from Andrew. <3.
[Jan 12,2011 9:11pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

new HoV material coming in 2011
[Jan 12,2011 9:25pm - aril  ""]
reunion show with abaroth needs to happen
[Jan 12,2011 10:15pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Do a Frozen Forest about it
[Jan 12,2011 10:22pm - arilliusbm ""]
I'd love to see the frozen forest guys get back together. I barely see them anymore, anyone know of any news on that band?
[Jan 12,2011 10:33pm - ancient master  ""]
northern elite: yup
[Jan 12,2011 10:37pm - AndrewBastard  ""]

aril said:reunion show with abaroth needs to happen

ill keep ya posted
[Jan 12,2011 10:48pm - Boozegood ""]

If these where real I'd give one to all who showed love in this thread.

[Jan 13,2011 1:37am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Could you put that design on a Gucci loafer?
[Jan 13,2011 1:52am - Boozegood ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:Could you put that design on a Gucci loafer?

NEH house shoes? A winning idea!
[Jan 13,2011 1:58am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Jan 13,2011 2:03am - blessed offal  ""]
[May 27,2011 1:43pm - FSU617  ""]
You wouldn't stand a chance in the bean.
[May 27,2011 1:51pm - DYA is USING TEXT MODE, DERRRRP  ""]

FSU617 said:You wouldn't stand a chance in the bean.

Coffee Bean Express? True dat, son, competition in dem espresso lines is TIGHT.
[May 29,2011 6:33pm - Boozegood ""]
[May 29,2011 6:35pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
I'm at work. Party time, excellent.
[May 29,2011 6:36pm - Boozegood ""]
I'm eating piles of pulled pork BBQ and it rules.
[May 29,2011 6:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
[May 29,2011 6:43pm - Boozegood ""]
SPLENDID IDEA FOR REAL, must go gather some soft-drinks in fact. Root-beer and Moxie, or GTFO.
[May 29,2011 6:51pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Am I the only person who reads this thread title as Mean Gene asking Macho Man "Northern Elite?" and Macho Man giving a resounding "NOPE!"

Because it makes the thread for me.
[May 29,2011 6:56pm - Boozegood ""]
Let's go get a VIP table and blow money on champagne and strippers and than drop a G on red at the roulette table and fuckin' make some memories, faggots.
[May 30,2011 7:47pm - fucknugget  ""]

Boozegood said:I'm eating piles of pulled pork BBQ and it rules.

How's your diarrhea?
[May 31,2011 7:31am - Scatluver420  ""]
[May 31,2011 8:59am - xmikex ""]
Thought this was a thread about the 212 Storm Elite. Taking my boner and going home.
[May 31,2011 9:06am - pam ""]

xmikex said:Thought this was a thread about the 212 Storm Elite. Taking my boner and going home.

I thought they were the same thing.

[Nov 1,2011 2:02pm - NYDM Michipicoten Secretary to the Assistant Executive Vice Presi  ""]
Don't see nobody reppin the NE back patches no more. What happened?
[Nov 1,2011 2:51pm - HPV  ""]

NYDM%20Michipicoten%20Secretary%20to%20the%20Assistant%20Executive%20Vice%20Presi said:What halpened?
[May 9,2013 1:10am - FAGGIT CULT  ""]
Bump for the legion

[Jun 19,2013 12:53pm - King Thūndérstøòl  ""]

[Jun 19,2013 1:15pm - Yeti ""]
[Jun 21,2013 2:31am - Eddie Money  ""]

[Dec 8,2017 2:04am - rebecca  ""]

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