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god do i hate shitting at work

[Jun 6,2008 10:41am - Yeti ""]
it was roughly the size of a Pringles can.
[Jun 6,2008 10:42am - oscarct ""]
happens at my work non stop. dudes fucking power shitting, and yelling like there in a shitty metal core band

Yeti said:i hate when people feel the need to be vocal about what they are doing. grunting, groaning, straining, and whatever other weird noises they make. if you have to strain that much, you need to eat a bowl of fiber and call a doctor.
[Jun 6,2008 10:43am - Yeti ""]
[Jun 6,2008 10:44am - aril  ""]
the worst thing is (and this usually happens at the mall or something) is when PEOPLE DON'T FLUSH.

[Jun 6,2008 11:06am - aril  ""]
i just threw down a fistfull of rabbit turds
[Jun 6,2008 12:03pm - brad weymouth  ""]

DYA%20/%20NLI said:This thread got awesomer.
good glavin
[Jun 6,2008 2:21pm - Conservationist ""]
The big lie here is that when you shit at work, you shit in the toilet.

Every office has out of the way spaces, or a parking lot with a shady zone. Grab the TP and blow poocarnage out there.

It's more relaxing, and you get to see it decompose forweeks.
[Jun 6,2008 3:22pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Conservationist said:The big lie here is that when you shit at work, you shit in the toilet.

Every office has out of the way spaces, or a parking lot with a shady zone. Grab the TP and blow poocarnage out there.

It's more relaxing, and you get to see it decompose forweeks.

This has merit.
[Jun 6,2008 3:23pm - oscarct ""]
theres assholes at my work that take the middle of the 3 urinals, when im at the one on the far right or left.
[Jun 6,2008 4:16pm - Conservationist ""]
That's nothing. I shit in the middle urinal.
[Jun 6,2008 4:18pm - aril  ""]
if one is to take a snickers bar and insert it in a urinal, the chocolate eventually melts and ends up looking exactly like a piece of shit. highly recommended.
[Jun 6,2008 4:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i shit 6 times yesterday. that cant be healthy.
[Jun 16,2008 11:48am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

I just pooped out maybe a liter of green mud. Like, really really green. I haven't eaten anything even remotely green in days and days.

[Jun 16,2008 12:48pm - Yeti ""]
i didn't shit yesterday for some reason, so the morning farts today were unbelievably disgusting. i stunk out a part of the train. it was magnificent.
[Jun 16,2008 1:00pm - aril  ""]
hahaha, I stink out the trian all the time.
Specailly if you rest your knees up on the back of the seat in front of you (on the commuter rail). It's the perfect angle for a SBD far.
[Jun 16,2008 1:01pm - Yeti ""]
hahahaha i am well trained in that art.
[Dec 12,2008 2:40pm - arilliusbm ""]
So I went to take a dump in the stall here. I open up the door and there's at least 4-5 different bodily fluids floating around the toilet and on the seat. Who the FUCK does this in an office? There's something which resembles some sort of semen, something that looks like puke, snots, shit, and piss. WTF? I showed some of my co-workers here and they ran out of the bathroom as fast as they could.
[Dec 12,2008 3:04pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
a guy i work with shits at least 8 times a day, and it always looks like sand is at the bottom of the toilet after he's flushed and left the room.
[Dec 12,2008 6:01pm - donald trump  ""]
I went to take a shit at the office the other day and found a big bowl of sliced fruit on the floor directly next to the shitter. Melon, pineapple & strawberries. Looked delicious.
[Dec 13,2008 1:57am - orgymaggotfeast ""]
shitting at work rules!
you are getting paid to take a dump!
i fail to see the problem
[Dec 30,2008 1:23pm - ScmFck  ""]
christmas eve one of the was boys at my work was taking a massive dump and being our slow season we could not let this go unpunished. We ended up taking buckets full of snow and absolutely covering the kid up to his knees over the walls of the stall.
[Dec 30,2008 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Dec 30,2008 1:32pm - ScmFck  ""]
and thats supposed to be one of the wash boys, i'm just retarted and can't type
[Dec 30,2008 1:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
you retart
[Dec 30,2008 2:53pm - c.DeAD  ""]
I don't like to shit at work, but much like shitting at shows, shitting at reh. spaces (from my experiance) is the worst. So I have a girls room key if I have no choice, but last night it wasn't working because I was to drunk to get the key in the hole. I ended up blowing brown batter all over the men's room toilet whilst hovering and covered the the entire toilet. The seat was up, so it even hit the wall.
[Dec 30,2008 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
you hate shitting at work, but like shitting at shows? i'm the total opposite. i dread shitting at shows, especially any time i'm at the Palladium. i thankfully have not had to shit at any show i've been to or played at, but the fear is always there haha.
[Dec 30,2008 3:33pm - c.DeAD  ""]
No no, I meant MUCH like shows, I hate shitting at reh. spaces. I never in my life shit at a show. If it ever came down to it, I would shit in an alley and find some form of wipe like a leaf or perhaps my own hand before cutting a turd in some of the horrible dumps I've been in over the years.
[Dec 30,2008 3:34pm - Yeti ""]
ah, gotcha. i read that wrong.
[Oct 25,2011 1:15am - Alx_Casket ""]
Android users: make bank while you shit.
[Oct 25,2011 12:33pm - arktouros ""]

ellesarusrex said:i work a couple days a week in a salon in hanover renting a chair.. basically this allows me ot have zero responsibiltiy other than hair... about a week or so ago i was stuck behind my hcaier for 3 hours straight and felt like my insides were going to erupt a blast of urine like a time bomb.. when i finally had the chance i ran to the bathroom with a quickness.... low and behold there was a massive quantity of tp in the hole.. fucking christ! so i flush.. not thinking.. the water starts rushing the the surface as if it were pouring from a faucet.. i dont even know where a plunger is so i get the assistant.. she comes in and starts to do her thing... but unaware to the naked eye there was a little suprise awaiting her underneath the wet blankets of tp. apparently one of pur clients shit out the redwood forest and failed to ask for a plunger when she realized the timber was too tall to budge. soooooooooooo marybeth the 45 yr old shampoo assistant and mother of two decides shes never seen a duty before in her life that didnt belong to her and projectile vomits into the bowl... causing just enough liquid to over flow this soupy delight onto the floor.. i am in the doorway witnessing the incredible horror scene and laughing with such intensity that pee was just about to squeeze into my panties. i use the men rooms which is much cleaner anyways because the only one ever in there is a gay ocd man named chris with a purple rat tail. when i came back out to scope the scene.. there was about 8 or so people standing around complaingin about the lady that shit and someone else was cleaning the mess....... after all of this trauma went down.. i noticed a woman sitting in the corner under the hair dryer unaware of the entire esapade... she had to be about 90.. i decided to be a helping hand and combed out her cotton ball coiffure and tell her about what was going on because she seemed curious at this point about the caca congregation.. i clearly sugar coated the whole thing for the ears of a crypt creeper and paying client... whatev.. so she leaves.. days go by.. blah blah.. hair solution recieves a letter in the mail.. from who? that elderly bitch with the george washington do.. it was an apology for clogging the toilet and not informing anyone due to the sheer embarassment of teh size of her load. HAHAHAHAHAH god you think you'd have no shame by the age of 106.. best poop story i have ever been a part of..

[Oct 25,2011 1:02pm - Yeti ""]
someone left a shit smear on the wall in our bathroom. good lord people.
[Oct 25,2011 2:15pm - Ancient_Master ""]
god loves skidmarx
[Oct 25,2011 3:01pm - tits flavored ice cream sundae  ""]
shITtiNg at WOrk is A trADitIon ThaT TakeS plAcE boTH inSiDE anD OUT OF THE FUCKING CUBICLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! moST rEpOrtS yoY haND to YOur bOss aRe NothIng MoRE trHan utTeR sHt cloGGing up thE wOrk PLace and INdeeD mUCh of The rEAL wORLD wITH yOUR eFF ORTS To Make It A GOD DAMN MOTHER FUCK TITSCREW WALT'S ROAST BEEF BETTER GOD DAMN ASS FUCK PLACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thAt rePOrt yOu wERe trAinEd tO dO is NotHinG moRE thAN a DefEcaTiOn oN SOCIETY'S ZIT COVERED FUCKING ASSHOLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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