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Jan 28th @ the living room PVD, RI- Vital Remains, Grief, Sin Of Angels, I destroyer, Teratism

the Living Room (Providence, RI) - [grief][i_destroyer][randomshots][sin_of_angels][teratism][vital_remains]
[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Jan 29,2006 5:19pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
great show! Thanks to everyone who came out, bands, Aaron, Ray, the sound guys.... My liver hurts..... literally.
[Jan 29,2006 6:16pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Thank me for the 151!
[Jan 29,2006 7:07pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
and john for the 151... sorry john. I haven't drank any yet.
[Jan 29,2006 7:38pm - lady_c  ""]

[Jan 29,2006 7:45pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Nice shirt.
[Jan 29,2006 8:08pm - BornSoVile ""]
oh man that shirt IS awesome!!
is it me or did Vital play way to short? 4 or 5 songs off Dechristianize...the Deicide cover was cool though.
[Jan 29,2006 10:12pm - DEATH2ALL ""]
It was short for Vital, but their songs are long anyways. I thought it was just right. they didn't over do it.
[Jan 29,2006 10:43pm - rigor penis  ""]
vital sucked and benton did a horrible job at vocals, the pa sounded like horseshit and I want my 20$ back!
[Jan 30,2006 12:58am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I am also disappointed that Glen is doing the vocals on the next CD, I wanted to hear Anthony's vocals recorded and on CD.

In the latest issue of Decibel they review the VITAL REMAINS Horrors of Hell CD and they write "Alas, the band has joined unholy forces with everyone's favorite Metal clown of late, Glen Benton - all the more reason to treasure these grinds from the past."

[Jan 30,2006 1:00am - brian_dc ""]
Century Media ruining a good thing. Sounds about right.
[Jan 30,2006 2:01am - fly on the wall  ""]
none of the bands got a dime either..even after Vital raised the door to $20.
[Jan 30,2006 2:45am - DEATH2ALL ""]
whoa! I didn't know it got raised to $20.00!

That's about $4000.

And I had to borrow gas money to get there.
[Jan 30,2006 2:52am - DEATH2ALL ""]
I shoulda been sellin shots of 151 in the parkin lot!
[Jan 30,2006 8:14am - SuperFly ""]
good times were had. thanks raymond for the beers. smoked so much weed that night. thanks to everyone who came out, I know $20 is a bit much. too rich for my blood. grief finally has some shirts, I think we have about 15 left if anyone is interested. they are 2-sided, $10.
[Jan 30,2006 8:38am - sinofangels-ray ""]
yes good times the Grief, Sin of Angels, Drunkorama Continues.......my liver needs a break
[Jan 30,2006 9:32am - falsecathedrals ""]
i'm in love with that girl in that slayer shirt up front.

she needs to be my bride.

if you are that girl, and you read this.

be my bride.

love forever, brendan mcvay.
[Jan 30,2006 1:36pm - eric harrison  ""]
i went there with no supplies and my brain was like oatmeal in a ziplock bag by the time we played

thanks to anyone who helped destroy my brain

i needed it

and thanks for the shirt ray. i wore it to work and got a somewhat dirty but more just odd, look from someone within 24 hours

and that guy did look like tom savini

i was waiting for humungous from the road warrior to do a guest guitar solo, without Mel Gibson that band is nothing

[Jan 30,2006 3:22pm - sinofangels-ray ""]
[Jan 30,2006 3:32pm - SuperFly ""]
haha, i was wrecked by the end of the night.
[Jan 30,2006 4:47pm - BobDead  ""]
I'm still cleaning the puke outta my shoes....
[Jan 30,2006 4:48pm - BobDead  ""]
it was totally surreal smoking fatties with Benton and talking about his divorce and favorite cartoons...
[Jan 30,2006 11:26pm - the_reverend ""]
heh, they copied something I posted almost word for word.
nice to be up there.
[Jan 31,2006 12:43am - BornSoVile ""]
Dude, some people REALLY ripped into Vital on there...wow!
[Jan 31,2006 12:47am - brian_dc ""]
yeah, I wanted to say something but didn't feel like signing up at blabbermouth
[Jan 31,2006 3:38am - demon dave  ""]
I really enjoyed that grief set. Does anyone know what songs they played? I'm thinking of getting into them.
[Jan 31,2006 5:10am - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
what songs and deicide cover did vital play????
[Jan 31,2006 5:15am - bowelskinfacecloth ""]
why dosent tony play anymore?
[Jan 31,2006 6:25am - bent on glenn  ""]
what songs and deicide cover did vital play????

they played 'lunatic of god's creation', and only new vital....:yawns:
[Jan 31,2006 8:31am - eric harrison  ""]
"grief set. Does anyone know what songs they played? I'm thinking of getting into them. "

i dont know about the order but i think i remember these songs;

no escape
fucked upstairs
one of those days
i hate the human race
world of hurt

[Jan 31,2006 11:37pm - contagion ""]
let the killing begin, dechristianize, infidel, devoured elysium, savior to none failure for all, at war with god, lunatic of gods creation.
[Feb 2,2006 2:16am - the_reverend ""]
Vital Remains: so dave was on drums for them. I haven't seen that for 4 years! They got guy from iced earth to play with them it was funny cause during sound check, he played part of a dying fetus song (i think it was justifiable homicide). Tony and dave mostly set up the sound on the stage. During the set up, it was just them on stage. I've never seen tony's hands move so fast.So eventually, glenn benton finally came out on the stage and they started in to the normal vitalcide songs that they do with glenn. granted dechristianize is an awesome album, but I wish they could have played older tracks like they did with anthony. they played a really short set, that was kind of disappointing too. oh well. they ended after we found out that glenn will be recording the new CD with them.
[Feb 3,2006 8:47am - eric harrison  ""]
i was disappointed when they kicked all the other bands out of "the little room" so that they could put on their postapocalyptic activeware and get ready to rumble

and over the fact that they jacked up the already overpriced show as the night went on

i''d wager that the place would have been twice as filled if the price wasn't so high
[Feb 3,2006 9:26am - Robdeadskin ""]
anyone find a leather jacket that with a teratism patch there?..i left it an gettin a hold of the club is impossible!

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