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Candy Striper Death Orgy

[Jul 9,2005 11:53pm - anonymous  ""]
Here's a recent interview with the local thrashers:

[Jul 10,2005 1:33pm - Kalopsia ""]
“I actually like how quiet it is around here,” he said, before adding with his trademark cackle, “Of course, once we start playing it gets not so quiet in a real hurry.”

not outside the club it doesn't
[Jul 10,2005 3:09pm - anonymous  ""]
This band NEVER drew crowds of more than 1,000 to their shows, nor more than a hundred at best. What a crock of shit. I've been to their shows in the late 80s, some in the 90s. Not even shows with big headliners!
[Jul 10,2005 3:23pm - silky ""]
wow. I'd really like to know what's on their minds.
[Jul 10,2005 7:48pm - Al_Ravage ""]
A little hyperbolic hype never hurt anyone
[Jul 12,2005 2:26am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Keep talking you fags....... We play shows everywhere...... Not just in New England like most of you losers. I've got video's to prove our draw. Don't forget, clubs advertised on the radio all the time several years ago. Plus, the scene exploding. Now it's like, what scene? I've been to many local shows in MA., NH., CONN., ME, VT., and RI., The crowds range from 50 to a 100 people.

The guy Shawn who wrote that article will tell you how the scene was.... He was there!!
[Jul 12,2005 2:42am - anonymous  ""]
Oh, I was there too man. 'The Scene'. Local metal fan since about 1982. Yes, that is before your band existed. Salisbury Beach, NH, the whole lot of them. Atomicaust, Demise, Formicide, Subjugator, Deslok, Cardinal Syn, etc, etc. I'm not talking shit about CSDO, I have nothing but respect for Eric and a band who keeps it true for so many years. Just pointing out the glaring exaggeration in that article. Current CSDO draws are rarely above a few dozen at best, and some of those old shows with the bigger bands were around 300-500. I'm not even saying you didn't play at shows with maybe 1,000 people, but you weren't the band that drew them, the headliners did.

But I wouldn't go calling the other bands around here losers either, from what I gather it's been about 2 decades now and you've never even gotten a record deal (except Screaming Ferret, right?). Many current bands draw a fuckload more than CSDO, I know, I've booked your shows So if you're going to start comparing to them, who is the 'fag' now?
[Jul 12,2005 7:19am - Kalopsia ""]
keep in mind anonymous, eric hates every other band in the new england area because every other band in the new england area hates him
[Jul 12,2005 4:54pm - dyingmuse ""]
ha ha ha haha!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[Jul 12,2005 4:56pm - iBone  ""]
Screaming Ferret Records is a fucking joke.
[Jul 12,2005 5:10pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
have they ever put out a cd every show since 1980 the guy says between songs ''the new cd coming out soon'' yeah ok guy!
[Jul 12,2005 7:49pm - Human Boner  ""]
Eric is someone of immense talent. Instead of trying to score changing his music or joining a "chic" band to make the fast buck, he stuck with what he beleives in. Stayed the course. He someone to be commended. Not many people like him with his talent would have done the same thing.
[Jul 12,2005 8:34pm - silky ""]
Human Boner said:Eric is someone of immense talent. Instead of trying to score changing his music or joining a "chic" band to make the fast buck, he stuck with what he beleives in. Stayed the course. He someone to be commended. Not many people like him with his talent would have done the same thing.

that may be true, but it doesn't change the fact that csdo sucks. always have, always will.
[Jul 13,2005 2:28am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
What's up faggots????? Hey anonymous...... Hiding behind the keyboard like everybody else. Who are you? Let me tell you something about the local scene......... Most of the bands don't do anywork to get people into shows (stop blaming the clubs). Every local band on the scene can't draw more than 50 people........ Sure, we're struggling right now. 'Cause, our product isn't in the stores yet!!

The biggest problem today with most of you is...... You're friends with each other but you turn around and stab each other in the back.

The other thing is....... You need to promote yourselves!! E-mail isn't going to get people to your shows. I need to work together and put fliers everywhere. Even I've been slacking with my fliers lately 'cause I'm too busy with my stores!!
[Jul 13,2005 2:51am - anonymous  ""]
First off, you IMMEDIATELY ruin any chance of anyone taking you seriously when you say 'What's up faggots?'

Secondly, I am not hiding from you. This board allows anonymous posting, and I choose to use it. I am not afraid of the wrath of CSDO! Oh no!

Thirdly, I don't need you to tell me about the local scene. I've been in it just as long, if not longer than you. I thought that was clear from my last post. You can choose to believe that or not, I know the truth so it doesn't matter.

Fourth, PLENTY of bands do work to get people to their shows. Otherwise they wouldn't have a damn person at their shows. And I have seen many local bands here draw FAR more than 50 people. Email can actually be very effective if the people actually want to see the band. Again this is a generalization you have made, I do not know where it comes from.

Lastly, I was not insulting you in my original post, I have no beef with CSDO. I was just pointing out that article had some rather glaring exaggerations, and defending the other local bands you were mocking when I was discussing your lack of a record deal for a very long time. As an honest person loyal to the scene and his roots, you would probably concur when such an exaggeration takes place.

Here is a productive suggestion for your band. Take it or leave it. For the past two decades, CSDO has lacked anything resembling a real band logo. Why not pay someone to design a decent logo, or do it yourself? Even the bands you worship had decent (if simple) logos that are very recognizable and have stood the test of time. 'Candy Striper Death Orgy' is a recognizable name already, just think what you can do with this if you get a decent logo. But take a look at the 'logos' on your website. Is that befitting a thrash band? I think not.

Take a look at the other, younger extreme metal bands around here. Look at the logos for Terminally Your Aborted Ghost (who also have a 4-word long name like yourselves and have an excellent logo for it). Or fuck, look at that band Extinction Agenda, look at their logo. They are a pure speed/thrash band and have an excellent logo. Why haven't you done this yet, man? Are you eternally rebelling against the medium of the metal band logo?

I know some of the guys here are pretty damn harsh on your band, you play a very oldschool type of metal and there is nothing wrong with that. But you cannot remain static for eternity. Some progressions are required at some point, right?

[Jul 13,2005 7:22am - anonymous  ""]
CSDO kicks ass, pure and simple. Greatest band ever from Newton NH.
[Jul 13,2005 9:07am - Scoracrasia ""]
anonymous said:CSDO kicks ass, pure and simple. Greatest band ever from Newton NH.

That is saying alot.
[Jul 13,2005 10:08am - Sargent Shlep  ""]
Yeah, I know Newton NH, AKA East Bum Fuck.
[Jul 13,2005 10:29am - metal_church101 ""]
CSDO kicks ass!!!!!
[Jul 13,2005 5:21pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
just get rib of the candy striper part that realy gay! from now on DEATH ORGY!
[Jul 13,2005 10:36pm - silky ""]
I love old school thrash. fucking love it. I grew up on that shit. csdo sucks. they played at the first show I ever went to back in '90 or '91 with delusion and nuclear assult. csdo was fucking horrible. every time I've had the misfortune of seeing them since I've always felt this mixture of pity and revulsion. normaly, when I don't like a band I'll keep it to myself. but, since they're a bunch of shit talking douchebags, I will always go out of my way to let the world know what a fucking joke they are.
[Jul 14,2005 12:19am - Arrik_  ""]
No "Mike " has EVER booked a CSDO show..!!

this guy is obvioulsy willfully putting out mis-information and slander to belittle a succesful licsend band...that is grounds for lawsuit should somone wish to purse.. no wonder this faggot is staying "annonymous. hahahah
[Jul 14,2005 12:22am - Arrik_  ""]
Like moths to the flame, bands that change themselves to fit the times are almost invariably destroyed. Evolution is not without exception a positive occurrence, especially when driven by greed rather than artistry. Or, to place a finer point on it: spinelessness rather than self-confidence.

Legendary Newton thrash metallers Candy Striper Death Orgy – who perform this evening with MOD at The Bomb Shelter in Manchester – understand the path of perseverance and remaining true better than most. The band has been keeping the torch of New England heavy metal burning for close to 20 years now while lesser bands chased trends holding up matches.

For CSDO ringleader Eric Paone, “Death to False Metal” is more than a slogan on hipster T-shirts.

“I’ve had people saying for years, ‘Oh, when are you going to grow up and mellow out,’ ” the 34-year-old vocalist/guitarist said. “But I’m not going to write an acoustic song so I can fit someone else’s definition of ‘growth.’ If I ever want to write an acoustic song, I’ll do it. But no one should hold their breath waiting for it. In a lot of ways, I’m angrier now than ever before.

“I came out of the womb listening to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, and I’ve been banging my head to Metallica since 1983,” Paone added. “I don’t do nice.”

Now with heavy metal music experiencing its first bona fide resurgence since the late ’80s, CSDO is poised to finally break through later this summer with its upcoming slab of high-energy classic thrash, “Nitromethane.”

“Nitromethane is the fuel drag racers use,” Paone explained. “It seems to fit our music. We try to come at our songs fast and furious. We hope people feel that sort of power when we play.”

The band sees the upcoming record as a souped-up version of what it has been banging away at for the better part of the last two decades.

“It’s the same old death and destruction,” Paone laughed. “The music hasn’t changed that much. Playing out for so many years, we’ve nurtured the sound and gotten really comfortable with it, but the basics haven’t been altered much. We’re actually really proud of that.”

Candy Striper first began in 1987 while Paone was still in high school. After a couple false starts, the band got serious in 1988, debuting at the Salem Rock Wars with a set so brutally blistering the organizers tried to pull the plug halfway through.

The powers that be may have hated CSDO, but the kids loved them.

Before long, the band was drawing crowds of more than 1,000 to its shows as one of the mainstays of an East Coast thrash scene that also included Formacide, Wargasm, Subjugated and Nuclear Assault.

Everything changed in the ’90s, however, with the sudden explosion of grunge.

“A lot of metal bands suddenly started changing into alternative bands to try to get signed,” Paone said. “ ‘All aboard the gravy train!’ Nobody wanted to stand up for metal. Bands used to go to each other’s shows and help each other out. But in the ’90s everyone got greedy and started looking out for Number 1. The scene fell apart.”

Still, Paone doesn’t have any regrets about when he came into the scene.

“We came in on the tail end of big thing,” he said. “If we had showed up a year earlier, we probably would have been signed to a crappy label and gotten screwed.

“It doesn’t matter,” Paone continued. “We always played for the people in the pit, no one else. Those people are always there, whether the metal is huge or hibernating. We were happy to stick around and keep the scene alive.”

Sort of like Yoda, Paone always knew metal would return triumphant one day.

“It was too powerful to stay underground forever,” he explained. “This is an exciting time. All these older bands like Testament and Meliah Rage are coming back now. More and more kids are getting into metal at the same time older people in their 30s and even 40s are coming back to it. It’s all just building again. Hopefully, it will all turn out better than last time.”

However, instead of all the subgenres currently floating around – metalcore, power metal, etc. – he’d like to see more diversity and less categorization.

“Too many metal bands sound the same these days,” Paone said. “There’s this trend that’s sort of based on playing 10 million blast beats, ripping off some Slayer and Metallica riffs, then going into white noise. They build up to one highlight and the rest of the song blows. It’s all style, no substance. That’s the one thing that could kill this new scene.”

It’s also what creates the need for a tough band with songwriting prowess like CSDO, Paone conceded.

“It’s true,” he said. “I’m not grunting my brain out like I’m being stabbed. We don’t have any gimmicks or fancy, tight clothes. We prefer to just get onstage and let the music do the talking. I always like this music because it made you lose it and forget all your problems. I don’t want to ruin that by being dishonest and making us into a fashionable band.”

In return, the band only seeks honesty from its fans as well, part and parcel of a relationship Paone sees as necessarily equitable.

“The coolest part for me has always been to see people in the audience feeling our songs the same way I feel watching the bands I love,” Paone said. “I still go off in the pit. That energy shared between band and fan builds on itself and creates a bigger experience for everyone.”

As for being New Hampshire-based, Paone said it doesn’t bother him one bit.

“I actually like how quiet it is around here,” he said, before adding with his trademark cackle, “Of course, once we start playing it gets not so quiet in a real hurry.”

For more information, visit www.csdo.net or e-mail csdoband@aol.com.

[Jul 14,2005 12:53am - IcedEarth77  ""]
Arrik_ said:No "Mike " has EVER booked a CSDO show..!!

this guy is obvioulsy willfully putting out mis-information and slander to belittle a succesful licsend band...that is grounds for lawsuit should somone wish to purse.. no wonder this faggot is staying "annonymous. hahahah

Hahahha. Shut the fuck up dude. CSDO is NOT a successful band. They are a complete failure. 20 years and no record deal until one of their friend's gracefully offered to help them. How do they even know if someone named Mike ever worked at a club where they were booked? How do we know that you're not even lying and that you know very well a Mike booked shows for you!

Give me a fucking break. You are full of shit, and you are probably Eric Paone posting in multiple names to make himself look good. Guess what Arrik_ Your posts are just as 'anonymous' as that other 'anonymous'. Don't tell people you're going to bust them for slander or misinformation when you're fucking lying and spreading propaganda yourself!

Your band fuckin sucks man, that is the reality. You can try and dress it up as they've been true and loyal for so many years. Who fucking cares? YOUR BAND SUCKS. GIVE UP AND MOVE ON! The only people that 'like' your band are your fucking friends who are lying to be nice to you! I just saw you not long ago with Crisis and MOD. YOU SUCKED! Everyone there thought so, and that was playing WITH another oldschool thrash band!

COMPLETE FAILURE, Candy Striper Death Orgy! Kicking a dead horse, over and over again. Bye now! Enjoy your eternal mediocrity!
[Jul 14,2005 2:37am - God of Logos  ""]
Here is a productive suggestion for your band. Take it or leave it. For the past two decades, CSDO has lacked anything resembling a real band logo. Why not pay someone to design a decent logo, or do it yourself? Even the bands you worship had decent (if simple) logos that are very recognizable and have stood the test of time. 'Candy Striper Death Orgy' is a recognizable name already, just think what you can do with this if you get a decent logo. But take a look at the 'logos' on your website. Is that befitting a thrash band? I think not.

Take a look at the other, younger extreme metal bands around here. Look at the logos for Terminally Your Aborted Ghost (who also have a 4-word long name like yourselves and have an excellent logo for it). Or fuck, look at that band Extinction Agenda, look at their logo. They are a pure speed/thrash band and have an excellent logo. Why haven't you done this yet, man? Are you eternally rebelling against the medium of the metal band logo?

Alas, they hath tried, but they suck so hard that none of my logos would have them. Poor little lost band, without a real logo. But they'll have none of mine!
[Jul 14,2005 3:02am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Keep it up!! You guys have got nothing better to do....... First off : I don't go around posting under different names (like most of you)!! Second : I don't need to make myself or CSDO look good for you....... We've been here for 17 years and we'll be here for another 17 years........ Most of your bands will be broken up in a year or so........ Hey IcedEarth77 you're a pussy!!
[Jul 14,2005 8:44am - Sargent Shlep  ""]
I don't think I can have any respect for a person who works/owns a porno shop for a living. I like porn as much as the next guy, just making it your life is pretty sad.
[Jul 14,2005 9:02am - RustedAngel ""]
It's funny how Eric has to pay Mike (unearth) to play a show with CSDO, he get's paid like a $1000 to do it. hahaha.

Thrash is pretty much dead, there's only so many thrash riffs you can conjur up that don't sound exactly like slayer/exodus/overkill. CSDO is basically a slayer cover band at best.

Screaming Ferret is gay.
[Jul 14,2005 9:04am - RustedAngel ""]
Sargent Shlep said:I don't think I can have any respect for a person who works/owns a porno shop for a living. I like porn as much as the next guy, just making it your life is pretty sad.

especially using porn in attempt to make butt buddies. yes, Eric gives out free porn to people he wants to do in the butt.
[Jul 14,2005 9:18am - Sargent Shlep  ""]

Pervayers of Porn. Father and Son team up.
[Jul 14,2005 9:29am - Scoracrasia ""]
just because you have been in the "scene" for 20 years or whatever does not give you the right to be all fucking high and mighty. I have been listening to metal and the like since 1983, and before that my brothers got me into Sabbath in 1978, but I don't act like I am anything special due to the time factor. I love the "new" shit that comes out, and alot of it from around here like Goratory, leukorrhea, Teratism, etc...
Who cares about draws to shows. The people that show up are cool as fuck and are there to support that band. Big fucking deal. And yeah, tons of local bands have played out of state. Have you been hiding under and fucking rock? Shit, Leukorrhea has toured the whole USA coast to coast with international bands, and from what I recall Goratory went to Japan among other places around the globe. CSDO= asshole "elisist".
[Jul 14,2005 9:45am - powerkok ""]
Mullet, Mullet, mullet mullet.....mullet.

Mullet, mullet........MULLET.

[Jul 14,2005 10:32am - eddienli  ""]
RustedAngel said:
Thrash is pretty much dead, there's only so many thrash riffs you can conjur up that don't sound exactly like slayer/exodus/overkill.

you can say that about these generas and their inspirations also.

death metal. black metal. metalcore is the most obvious. punk. hardcore. folk music. hiphop. rap. and oh yeah every other genera of music.

whats your point?
[Jul 14,2005 10:42am - paganmegan ""]
eddienli said:RustedAngel said:
Thrash is pretty much dead, there's only so many thrash riffs you can conjur up that don't sound exactly like slayer/exodus/overkill.

you can say that about these generas and their inspirations also.

death metal. black metal. metalcore is the most obvious. punk. hardcore. folk music. hiphop. rap. and oh yeah every other genera of music.

whats your point?

I agree with that. Yeah, every genre can stagnate. Such as death metal and eighty million suffocation rip offs. Or the 6788899.9 million at the gates wannabes. Doesn't mean every band is that way, nor does it mean thrash is in any way more stagnant than any other form of metal. I actually think there are plenty of bands out there that keep it sounding fresh and new. Thrash is far from dead

[Jul 14,2005 10:47am - Messerschmitt ""]
[Jul 14,2005 10:48am - Christraper ""]
thrash til death
[Jul 14,2005 11:06am - anonymous  ""]
IcedEarth77 takes it in the ass.
[Jul 14,2005 11:25am - Sargent Shlep  ""]
Thrash equals no talent or lazy. My left testicle can play thrash metal.
[Jul 14,2005 11:27am - dan_bloodblister ""]
Sargent Shlep said:I don't think I can have any respect for a person who works/owns a porno shop for a living. I like porn as much as the next guy, just making it your life is pretty sad.

Sargent Shlep said:Thrash equals no talent or lazy. My left testicle can play thrash metal.

[Jul 14,2005 11:31am - Anthony nli  ""]
Sargent Shlep said:Thrash equals no talent or lazy. My left testicle can play thrash metal.

shut up

[Jul 14,2005 11:31am - Anthony nli  ""]
Christraper said:thrash til death

[Jul 14,2005 11:36am - dan_bloodblister ""]
thrash is pretty much the only thing better than porn
[Jul 14,2005 11:47am - IcedEarth77  ""]
Weeee! I'm a pussy, maybe I can take it up the ass from Eric himself!

I'm not sure I can agree with Rusted Angel...I think thrash is pretty far from dead. It created black and death metal, metalcore and melodeath, so it lives on through those, and if you don't believe me, go ask the bands who created those genres. Not only that, but Slayer, Kreator, Destruction, all those bands are huge fucking draws to this day, even larger in other countries, those are some of the most popular metal bands in the world, and can actually live off their music! I won't even get into the Swedish melodeath/thrash scene, which is all influenced by thrash or actually playing thrash and outsells just about any other genre of metal...fuck, I'm not saying I like them, but thrash-influenced 'metalcore' bands like Shadows Fall and Unearth have been on the fucking Billboard charts, some of them quite high up! How many death metal bands can claim that?

Also, the whole 'thrash' is easy to play? I can name dozens of records that beg to differ, but I'm hoping Shlep was just kidding. What 'talented', non-'lazy' band is he in?

Exodus, Slayer, and Overkill are only a few of the more popular US thrash bands, they didn't create the genre and they are not the most musically talented. Overkill hasn't been good in a very long time. Many other bands predated them and many used far different riff structures, vocals, subject material, etc.
[Jul 14,2005 12:08pm - metal_church101 ""]
IcedEarth77 said:I think thrash is pretty far from dead. It created black and death metal, metalcore and melodeath, so it lives on through those, and if you don't believe me, go ask the bands who created those genres. Not only that, but Slayer, Kreator, Destruction, all those bands are huge fucking draws to this day, even larger in other countries, those are some of the most popular metal bands in the world, and can actually live off their music! I won't even get into the Swedish melodeath/thrash scene, which is all influenced by thrash or actually playing thrash and outsells just about any other genre of metal...fuck, I'm not saying I like them, but thrash-influenced 'metalcore' bands like Shadows Fall and Unearth have been on the fucking Billboard charts, some of them quite high up! How many death metal bands can claim that?

Also, the whole 'thrash' is easy to play? I can name dozens of records that beg to differ, but I'm hoping Shlep was just kidding. What 'talented', non-'lazy' band is he in?

Exodus, Slayer, and Overkill are only a few of the more popular US thrash bands, they didn't create the genre and they are not the most musically talented. Overkill hasn't been good in a very long time. Many other bands predated them and many used far different riff structures, vocals, subject material, etc.

Well put.
[Jul 14,2005 12:13pm - Sargent Shlep  ""]
I was just being a dick....sarcasm.
[Jul 14,2005 12:17pm - RustedAngel ""]
eddienli said:RustedAngel said:
Thrash is pretty much dead, there's only so many thrash riffs you can conjur up that don't sound exactly like slayer/exodus/overkill.

you can say that about these generas and their inspirations also.

death metal. black metal. metalcore is the most obvious. punk. hardcore. folk music. hiphop. rap. and oh yeah every other genera of music.

whats your point?

death metal can die out and come back...you can do a lot more with death metal, than with thrash metal.
[Jul 14,2005 12:21pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
Christraper said:thrash til death

[Jul 14,2005 12:25pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
I really don't think so. I hear a lot more diversity in various thrash bands than in death metal. The difference between, say, Slayer and Watchtower or Exodus and Death Angel is far greater than the difference between Cannibal Corpse and Suffocation or Carcass and Impaled...not to mention death metal is DERIVED directly from thrash metal, so when you hear death metal, you are hearing the evolution of thrash, with gruffer vocals and gorier lyrics, and maybe some different tunings and 'groovier' riffs. Sorry, but that is a fact, and you can go and ask any of your favorite death metal bands where it comes from.

You know something though, thrash and death metal both kick ass, and you can actually do a lot with both of them, so arguing about it is almost pointless. Why don't we just enjoy both of them?!?!
[Jul 14,2005 12:34pm - RustedAngel ""]
how many bands that sound exactly like exodus/overkill are touring right now? not very fuckin many. because nobody wants to here any old school thrash ripoff bands. *cough* csdo

as a guitarist, you can do a lot more with death metal, thrash you sort of have some rules you have to follow with certain beats, ect. if you're too exerimental with thrash, you won't be considered thrash anymore.
[Jul 14,2005 12:39pm - metal_church101 ""]
What rules does thrash guitar have to follow?
[Jul 14,2005 1:10pm - hoser ""]
Well Rule #1 for example:

You MUST wear shorts that are wayyy too short at all times. There is no questioning the short shorts.

#2: Your T-shirt must look like it was put into a blender on HIGH for at least 20 minutes before you wear it.

#3: You ABSOLUTELY MUST wear high top sneakers with bunged up socks near the bottom....or you guessed it....not thrash.

#4: The hair....in no way shape of form are you allowed to have hair that is shorter than your guitar.

#5: THE GRAND POO-BAH OF ALL THRASH RULES. YOU MUST END EVERY VOCAL SENTENCE WITH "-AYYAAAHHHHH!!!" The average song sentence must sound something like this "Through the wicked nights I runn-nnnaaaahhhhh!!" or something like this, ""And then the sky turned grayyy-ayyaaaahhhh!!"

These are the rules. Follow them or be banished from the thrash underworld.
[Jul 14,2005 1:12pm - metal_church101 ""]
[Jul 14,2005 1:20pm - paganmegan ""]
RustedAngel said:how many bands that sound exactly like exodus/overkill are touring right now? not very fuckin many. because nobody wants to here any old school thrash ripoff bands. *cough* csdo

as a guitarist, you can do a lot more with death metal, thrash you sort of have some rules you have to follow with certain beats, ect. if you're too exerimental with thrash, you won't be considered thrash anymore.

I dunno, bands like aura noir are distinctly not thrash in the typical sense of it, they combine black metal with it effectively (hence the term black thrash) without losing the element of thrash.
Also, anyone who has heard destruction can vouch for the technical (but without being overly masturbatory with the technicality of it) aspect of their thrash. Coroner is another good example of excellent thrash with amazing guitar work, also whiplash falls along those lines. Anyone who is familiar with possessed is aware of the ties thrash and death inextricably have
[Jul 14,2005 1:25pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
CSDO is NOT a 'pristine' example of oldschool thrash, man. That's not really a fair assessment. We don't like them any more than you do (original point of the post) hahah.

I never said there were more thrash bands touring than death metal bands. Death metal is far more recent and thus obviously a more widespread form of music. Also, you have just disproven your own point: no thrash bands sounding like Exodus/Overkill are touring right now, BECAUSE THEY ALL SOUND DIFFERENT than those two bands!

The Haunted, Slayer, Kreator, Destruction, God Forbid, Shadows Fall, In Flames, these are all bands either 'rooted' in thrash or actually playing oldschool thrash, love them or hate them. They are all either touring or have come off tours recently.

People don't want to hear oldschool thrash? I beg to differ, the latest Kreator tour was more successful than any other Kreator tour in history! Their record also soundscanned just as many copies as ANY death metal band in the past year (possible exception of Nile).

I play guitar and I can do just as much with thrash as death metal. I have no idea what you are talking about, again you have only named three thrash bands, ALL US thrash bands that started in a certain time period. (Overkill, Exodus, and Slayer). There are so many others out there that sound different...

Not to mention, your own screen name is a thrash album (with thrash vocals!) by Darkane!!! CLEARLY thrash metal. So why the hell are we debating this? Are you just biased because you are in a death metal band? Just how old are you? Were you even alive when thrash birthed death metal?

You don't think the 250,000 death/gore/grind bands who all sing the same subjects and play the same double-bass, chug-chug, palm mutes on lowest four frets with harmonized 5ths are following rules? Give me a break! How many death metal bands have created an original vocal style over the past 17-18 years of its existence? Carcass, Death, Morbid Angel, Demilich/Incantation, Entombed. That's it...

Now compare vocals from Death Angel, Exodus, Overkill, Slayer, Artillery, Venom, Holy Moses, early Metallica...Megadeth. All pretty fucking different! And the list could go on. Have you heard Watchtower? Tell me just what rules that band was following. Bullshit.

Here is an example. I ENJOY Porphyria, don't get me wrong, I like the music alot and I think it kicks ass! But please back up your statement that you are not following rules yourself? Tell me what guitar techniques you are using that Decapitated, Suffocation, and countless other brutal death bands haven't already used? Absolutely none. So how can you think all 'thrash' follows rules and death metal is 'experimental' when death metal is CLEARLY doing the same thing. That is not fair!
[Jul 14,2005 1:44pm - hoser ""]
Listen, let me make this CRYSTAL CLEAR.

Does CSDO follow my rules of thrash??

If you answered "yes", then they are thrash. Period.
[Jul 14,2005 1:48pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
Noone ever said CSDO wasn't a thrash band, Hoser, and your rules totally apply to them. We just said they weren't a great example (as in, not a good thrash band).
[Jul 14,2005 1:53pm - RustedAngel ""]
IcedEarth77 said:
The Haunted, God Forbid, Shadows Fall, In Flames

are not thrash bands...this isn't about bands with thrash 'roots in thrash'...roots don't necessarily mean you're that genre. I'm talking about there really being no NEW thrash bands that people want to hear that sound exactly like old school thrash. Other than the regular's that still tour like Kreator.
[Jul 14,2005 2:00pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
The Haunted is TOTALLY a thrash band...you can ask them yourself. What do you think they are, death metal? Black metal?

This argument is completely pointless. A few clicks showed me your profile, and that you too listen to thrash and have good taste in music, so there is no reason for us to argue. You will start to see more thrash come back, it's already happening...bigger bands like Aura Noir, Audiopain, even some local bands around here. Maybe they will even tour, but what I just meant to say is the music is clearly not 'dead'. You never said it was completely dead though, so no reason to huff anymore. Take it easy bro.
[Jul 14,2005 2:33pm - Dissector ""]
RustedAngel said:eddienli said:RustedAngel said:
Thrash is pretty much dead, there's only so many thrash riffs you can conjur up that don't sound exactly like slayer/exodus/overkill.

you can say that about these generas and their inspirations also.

death metal. black metal. metalcore is the most obvious. punk. hardcore. folk music. hiphop. rap. and oh yeah every other genera of music.

whats your point?

death metal can die out and come back...you can do a lot more with death metal, than with thrash metal.

Most death metal is boring.

[Jul 14,2005 2:40pm - RustedAngel ""]
Dissector said:
Most death metal is boring.

you are boring.
[Jul 14,2005 2:43pm - Dissector ""]
RustedAngel said:Dissector said:
Most death metal is boring.

you are boring.

Psh you don't knoooow me.
[Jul 14,2005 2:56pm - Scoracrasia ""]
[Jul 14,2005 3:24pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
man some of you people need lives or jobs. is it really necessary to write a thesis paper on the essence of thrash metal? first and foremost, who really cares, but secondly who are you? president of the thrash metal club for men? this makes for useless threads. how many people are going to explain the history of metal genres that we are all either plenty educated in, or could care less about? its way more interesting to read about Christrapers gas or if someone prefers heroin or sex. well feel free to lambaste and berate me over this.
[Jul 14,2005 3:30pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
I don't see any thesis papers here. You're just making one of those 'I art holier than thou because I don't fucking care about anything so I'm here to make you look like children!' posts. We'll talk about whatever the fuck we want.

[Jul 14,2005 3:38pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
(Sorry mang, just berating and lambasting)

I'm only the Treasurer of the Thrash Metal Club for Men. And no, you are not all educated in metal genres.
[Jul 14,2005 3:41pm - paganmegan ""]
I just like to talk about metal, as a metalhead, it's what I do
[Jul 14,2005 3:43pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
done best when drunk off da beer
[Jul 14,2005 3:46pm - ninkaszi  ""]
i like csdo. good band. i wish they would finally release a cd though.

lots of people care about new thrash bands. toxic holocaust and municipal waste draw good crowds and seem to be getting more interest every day from all sorts of "scenes".

hirax just sold out a show at the middle east.
[Jul 14,2005 3:53pm - paganmegan ""]
I really don't understand all the controversy around csdo
[Jul 14,2005 3:56pm - Dissector ""]
Dissector said:

death metal can die out and come back...you can do a lot more with death metal, than with thrash metal.

Most death metal is boring.

For the record I like death metal. I'm jsut stating that most of these new death metal bands are getting stale.
[Jul 14,2005 3:57pm - dan_bloodblister ""]
i was in that guys porn store and was wearing a brutal truth shirt or something and we ended up talking for like a half hour. he seemed cool, just an old metal head. i havent even heard the band before but i cant imagine there as bad as everyone makes them seem if theyve been around so long. such is the internet
[Jul 14,2005 4:04pm - Anthony nli  ""]
ninkaszi said:i like csdo. good band. i wish they would finally release a cd though.

lots of people care about new thrash bands. toxic holocaust and municipal waste draw good crowds and seem to be getting more interest every day from all sorts of "scenes".

hirax just sold out a show at the middle east.

yeah, i'm not putting myself on one side or the other here on this while csdo feud thing but the file I heard from the band sounded good.
[Jul 14,2005 4:04pm - Christraper ""]
My bowel movements are always interesting
[Jul 14,2005 4:06pm - Anthony nli  ""]
Anthony nli said:ninkaszi said:i like csdo. good band. i wish they would finally release a cd though.

lots of people care about new thrash bands. toxic holocaust and municipal waste draw good crowds and seem to be getting more interest every day from all sorts of "scenes".

hirax just sold out a show at the middle east.

and yeah, it seemed like the old school thrash sound that MW and Hirax represent brought a whole lot of younger kids to that Middle East show and everyone was going nuts.

[Jul 14,2005 4:45pm - KillerKadoogan ""]
there is not a single form of music that will ever die out. it may not have an audience, but it'll be there.

but rusted angel's opinion is far superior to the rest of ours, so i guess i shouldn't have stated mine.
[Jul 14,2005 5:36pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
The fact that he compared CSDO to SLAYER should have made it quite clear that he doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

I like CSDO, they're a decent band with some good songs... I do think Eric exaggerates their success, but that's neither here nor there. I'd much rather listen to a catchy NUCLEAR ASSAULT "clone" than a shitty unmemorable slam death band any day of the week.
[Jul 14,2005 5:37pm - BestialOnslaught ""]
Jesus_Slaves said:man some of you people need lives or jobs. is it really necessary to write a thesis paper on the essence of thrash metal? first and foremost, who really cares, but secondly who are you? president of the thrash metal club for men? this makes for useless threads. how many people are going to explain the history of metal genres that we are all either plenty educated in, or could care less about? its way more interesting to read about Christrapers gas or if someone prefers heroin or sex. well feel free to lambaste and berate me over this.

You're in Sacreligion...
[Jul 14,2005 5:57pm - dwellingsickness ""]
I like pop tarts
[Jul 14,2005 6:23pm - eddienli  ""]
RustedAngel said:eddienli said:RustedAngel said:
Thrash is pretty much dead, there's only so many thrash riffs you can conjur up that don't sound exactly like slayer/exodus/overkill.

you can say that about these generas and their inspirations also.

death metal. black metal. metalcore is the most obvious. punk. hardcore. folk music. hiphop. rap. and oh yeah every other genera of music.

whats your point?

death metal can die out and come back...you can do a lot more with death metal, than with thrash metal.

i guess you've never heard of ghoul or funerot
[Jul 14,2005 6:25pm - eddienli  ""]
paganmegan said:I just like to talk about metal, as a metalhead, it's what I do

well said
[Jul 14,2005 7:36pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
don't forget you must smell, fuck skank metal sluts only! must own and old slayer shirt from 1987/ no higher than a 10 grade education
[Jul 14,2005 7:59pm - dwellingsickness ""]
eddienli said:>>
i guess you've never heard of ghoul or funerot

[Jul 14,2005 8:49pm - anonymous  ""]
BestialOnslaught said:

You're in Sacreligion...

you're name is alex and you run a shitty website.
[Jul 14,2005 8:50pm - Dissector ""]
anonymous said:BestialOnslaught said:

You're in Sacreligion...

you're name is alex and you run a shitty website.

But he runs a kick ass label.
[Jul 14,2005 11:50pm - anonymous  ""]
actually his label is just as shitty!
[Jul 14,2005 11:55pm - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
anonymous said:This band NEVER drew crowds of more than 1,000 to their shows, nor more than a hundred at best. What a crock of shit. I've been to their shows in the late 80s, some in the 90s. Not even shows with big headliners!

I remember seeing CSDO in the early nineties and the show was packed. I still have an old video of them where a bouncer picks up a kid from the stage lifts him over his head and throws him into the crowd...
[Jul 15,2005 12:03am - Dissector ""]
anonymous said:actually his label is just as shitty!

Nah not really. Not at all.
[Jul 15,2005 12:38am - ninkaszi  ""]
bestial onslaught is an awesome label. every release has been nothing but honest, quality underground metal.
[Jul 15,2005 12:49am - BornSoVile ""]
Bestial Onslaught is by far one of the most professional labels run in the North East. Bashing thrash is really gay.
[Jul 15,2005 12:49am - Anthony nli  ""]
ninkaszi said:bestial onslaught is an awesome label. every release has been nothing but honest, quality underground metal.

[Jul 15,2005 12:52am - anonymous  ""]
ninkaszi said:bestial onslaught is an awesome label. every release has been nothing but honest, quality underground metal.

shitty label, shitty bands, shitty person. you're a minority.
[Jul 15,2005 12:54am - BornSoVile ""]
anonymous said:ninkaszi said:bestial onslaught is an awesome label. every release has been nothing but honest, quality underground metal.

shitty label, shitty bands, shitty person. you're a minority.

shitty handle, shitty attitude, shitty taste in music, anonymous crusaders lose.
[Jul 15,2005 1:09am - Dissector ""]
anonymous said:ninkaszi said:bestial onslaught is an awesome label. every release has been nothing but honest, quality underground metal.

shitty label, shitty bands, shitty person. you're a minority.

Somebody is sour Alex didn't sign his band.
[Jul 15,2005 1:12am - BornSoVile ""]
The whole CSDO thing is blown over. This all happen cause of last year when they opened for Cannibal Corpse, right!? Was Eric a dick about it, Yes. DON'T LET IF FUCKING RUIN YOU'RE LIFE. SHUT THE FUCK UP. RUN YOUR MOUTH ABOUT HIM WHEN YOUR HIS AGE AND HAD A BAND FOR 20 YEARS.
[Jul 15,2005 1:38am - BestialOnslaught ""]
Haha all this just because I pointed out what band some dude was in...
[Jul 15,2005 1:39am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Bestial Onslaught is a great label, it's one I was actually hoping to work with some day with Extinction Agenda. The bands are all pretty interesting, and also diverse.

I think he's just selective about what he wants, and there is nothing wrong with that, in fact it's the hallmark of a good record label to sign what you believe in. Abigal, Adolf Satan, Cryostasium, Superchrist, this is all interesting material.
[Jul 15,2005 1:42am - ninkaszi  ""]
anonymous said:ninkaszi said:bestial onslaught is an awesome label. every release has been nothing but honest, quality underground metal.

shitty label, shitty bands, shitty person. you're a minority.

and you sir are a gay shitpipe.
[Jul 15,2005 1:46am - abhorred ""]
Dissector said:

Somebody is sour Alex didn't sign his band.

[Jul 15,2005 10:43am - Jesus_Slaves ""]
um....yes i am in Sacreligion, i dont get what that means. does it denote lambasting and berating?
[Jul 15,2005 10:45am - Jesus_Slaves ""]
i wasnt insulting anyone, or CSDO. those guys have been cool as hell to us when we have played together. just commenting.
[Jul 15,2005 11:42am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Never heard Sacrilegion. Samples anywhere?
[Jul 15,2005 12:42pm - Jesus_Slaves ""]
www.sacreligion.net has a link to myspace stuff. thats where our music lurks. check out Demise and Destined to Crawl. they are off of our new cd, not mixed or mastered, just a taste. hope you like it.
[Jul 15,2005 5:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
best of luck to the csdo
[Jul 16,2005 1:30pm - HearingImpaired  ""]
I find it most humorous to see some of you arguing about thrash metal credentials...alot of you here were still watching the muppets while people like Eric were already thrashing in clubs throughout NE. Respect your elders, whether you like their music or not; they helped pave the way for what you're doing. Besides, the only band worth a damn out of this area in a long time is Abhorred. And I remember seeing CSDO at Northern Essex Community College back in the late '80's and it was mobbed. I'm simply giving props where they're due; "workboot mosh, workboot mosh, moshing with your workboots on, workboot mosh, workboot mosh, WHEN THRASH IS DEAD YOU'LL BE GONE", but Eric has stayed the course through good times and bad.
[Jul 16,2005 1:51pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
Oh stuff it, there are tons of bands around here who kicks CSDO's ass despite their relatively short existence. I can name at least 30 off the top of my head, and yes, despite only a few years, some of them have even gotten record deals and outdrawn CSDO (easily). They're not even the best THRASH band around here: Kevorkian's Angels, RAOV, Extinction Agenda, Cryptic Warning, already hand that band their asses, and I'm not sure any of those bands have even been around more than a few years!

See my birthyear? That's right, I was not watching the Muppets when Eric's band was already 'thrashing in clubs'. I'm sure many others are old enough too, so don't try and call others for arguing about 'credentials' when you just basically tried to tell most of us we have none. Hypocrite.
[Jul 16,2005 1:52pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
Oh stuff it, there are tons of bands around here who kicks CSDO's ass despite their relatively short existence. I can name at least 30 off the top of my head, and yes, despite only a few years, some of them have even gotten record deals and outdrawn CSDO (easily). They're not even the best THRASH band around here: Kevorkian's Angels, RAOV, Extinction Agenda, Cryptic Warning, already hand that band their asses, and I'm not sure any of those bands have even been around more than a few years!

See my birthyear? That's right, I was not watching the Muppets when Eric's band was already 'thrashing in clubs'. I'm sure many others are old enough too, so don't try and call others for arguing about 'credentials' when you just basically tried to tell most of us we have none. Hypocrite.
[Jul 16,2005 1:53pm - IcedEarth77  ""]
Sorry for the double post Rev and everyone.
[Jul 16,2005 4:19pm - eddienli  ""]
IcedEarth77 said:Sorry for the double post Rev and everyone.

[Jul 16,2005 4:41pm - HearingImpaired  ""]
IcedEarth77 said:"Oh stuff it"

there are tons of bands around here who kicks CSDO's ass

See my birthyear? That's right, I was not watching the Muppets when Eric's band was already 'thrashing in clubs'. I'm sure many others are old enough too, so don't try and call others for arguing about 'credentials' when you just basically tried to tell most of us we have none. Hypocrite.

1-YOU stuff it; was I unkind to you, jerkface?
2-I agree w/ you so chill...I was never a big CSDO fan, and there have been tons of better bands out of the area. Not the point. Longevity is the point, and integrity. I've always respected Eric for those qualities even if not a fan.
3-was '77 your birth year? If so, you're still a relative newcomer...plenty of us here were already seeing Slayer at the Channel in '88 and Metallica at the Rat the same year roughly. Were you going to those shows when you were 10??? If so, I'm impressed. If not, then don't call me a hypocrite as I was supporting the extreme music underground (had a radio show on WJUL, "Rotten to the 'Core" from 87-93) while you were still shedding baby teeth. Hypocrite my ass.

[Jul 16,2005 5:06pm - eddienli  ""]
what's this? a battle of who's more old school?

i'm leaving for the grind/doom fest. you two should go. or else you'll lose old school points.
[Jul 16,2005 8:03pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Is this really the guy from 'Rotten to the Core'? I remember that show. You first turned me on to Napalm Death, 'Missing Link' was the track if I remember correctly.

Thank you for that. Your show was on WJUL and followed 'Metallic Mayhem', right? I listened to those both for awhile. I remember it was like 5 hours solid of heavy music, way back when it all mattered. You could hear so much new shit there. Voivod, Soundgarden, Faith No more, remember Trish? She played them all before they were popular.

Come to think of it, I've seen your band too if it was Hearing Impaired and had the demo.
[Jul 17,2005 12:49pm - Ichabod ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Is this really the guy from 'Rotten to the Core'? Yep, it's really me! I signed in as "Hearing Impaired" yesterday because I couldn't remember my damn login. Plus I figured that was more oldschool(!).

I remember that show. You first turned me on to Napalm Death, 'Missing Link' was the track if I remember correctly. I'm flattered you remember AND used to listen! The highlight of my time on the air was my interview with GG Allin...I got suspended for a month for that one!

Thank you for that. No problem duder, that's why I was there!!! That was the original pressing of "Scum" I used to play on my show, I recently sold it on Ebay 'cause I haven't had a record player in years. Gotta get one again someday.

Your show was on WJUL and followed 'Metallic Mayhem', right? That was one of the time slots I had over the years, yes. My show was more grind/hardcore/punk than Trish's, but there was alot of overlap.

I listened to those both for awhile. I remember it was like 5 hours solid of heavy music, way back when it all mattered. It still matters, but these new jacks don't have any idea how marginalized you were if you were into extreme stuff back then. There's no "hardcore/metal gold card", so I'm not proclaiming superiority or whatever, but don't spout off about how old school you are/were if you had a ready made "scene" for you when you started going to shows. That was my point here..Eric and CSDO were around back then when metal was actually still underground. (You'd get beat up by sportos back then if you wore a studded belt and shit, and now they sell them at the fucking mall!!!!!!!!) I give him/them respect for perservering alone, even though I was never a huge fan (probably because I only liked Nuclear Assault on a lukewarm level, and CDSO are pure NA worship).

You could hear so much new shit there. Voivod, Soundgarden, Faith No more, remember Trish? I was good friends with her, and we both used to mix early Seattle shit into the mix with all the metal and 'core stuff. God damn, stuff like Tad used to fit in nicely between Extreme Noise Terror, the Cro-Mags, Broken Bones, Bolt Thrower, Hallow's Eve, etc. !

She played them all before they were popular. It was our intent to MAKE good bands popular!!!

Come to think of it, I've seen your band too if it was Hearing Impaired and had the demo. NICE! I play in a band called Ichabod now, come on out to a show and I'll try to remember to bring some HI stuff for you (other demo, unreleased, and t-shirts and crap)...

[Jul 17,2005 12:50pm - Ichabod ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Is this really the guy from 'Rotten to the Core'? Yep, it's really me! I signed in as "Hearing Impaired" yesterday because I couldn't remember my damn login. Plus I figured that was more oldschool(!).

I remember that show. You first turned me on to Napalm Death, 'Missing Link' was the track if I remember correctly. I'm flattered you remember AND used to listen! The highlight of my time on the air was my interview with GG Allin...I got suspended for a month for that one!

Thank you for that. No problem duder, that's why I was there!!! That was the original pressing of "Scum" I used to play on my show, I recently sold it on Ebay 'cause I haven't had a record player in years. Gotta get one again someday.

Your show was on WJUL and followed 'Metallic Mayhem', right? That was one of the time slots I had over the years, yes. My show was more grind/hardcore/punk than Trish's, but there was alot of overlap.

I listened to those both for awhile. I remember it was like 5 hours solid of heavy music, way back when it all mattered. It still matters, but these new jacks don't have any idea how marginalized you were if you were into extreme stuff back then. There's no "hardcore/metal gold card", so I'm not proclaiming superiority or whatever, but don't spout off about how old school you are/were if you had a ready made "scene" for you when you started going to shows. That was my point here..Eric and CSDO were around back then when metal was actually still underground. (You'd get beat up by sportos back then if you wore a studded belt and shit, and now they sell them at the fucking mall!!!!!!!!) I give him/them respect for perservering alone, even though I was never a huge fan (probably because I only liked Nuclear Assault on a lukewarm level, and CDSO are pure NA worship).

You could hear so much new shit there. Voivod, Soundgarden, Faith No more, remember Trish? I was good friends with her, and we both used to mix early Seattle shit into the mix with all the metal and 'core stuff. God damn, stuff like Tad used to fit in nicely between Extreme Noise Terror, the Cro-Mags, Broken Bones, Bolt Thrower, Hallow's Eve, etc. !

She played them all before they were popular. It was our intent to MAKE good bands popular!!!

Come to think of it, I've seen your band too if it was Hearing Impaired and had the demo. NICE! I play in a band called Ichabod now, come on out to a show and I'll try to remember to bring some HI stuff for you (other demo, unreleased, and t-shirts and crap)...

[Jul 17,2005 3:10pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
BESTIAL ONSLAUGHT is the best label in new emgland! but superchrist is gay though, it sounds like bad religon trying to play motorhead songs
[Jul 17,2005 8:23pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Bestial Onslaught kicks ass. I'll check out Ichabod, man, I've heard of the band and maybe heard a few tracks. That kicks ass that you did that radio show...
[Jul 20,2005 1:07am - Arrik_  ""]
Hey Eric, I noticed that wimp Rusted Angel just wrote some shit about you. hahah funny...When ever you are around him in person his eyes get really big and he gets frozen in fear..... It's so funny how the three subhuman "CSDO shit talkers" can hide behind the internet and write real tough, but in person they are totally spineless....all this negetive attention because of the awesome article written up about your art.. Keep on thrashing bro !!!
[Jul 20,2005 7:46am - Kalopsia ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said:We've been here for 17 years and we'll be here for another 17 years........

and you'll still be nothing more than an opening band without a full length album to your name

[Jul 21,2005 11:35pm - Arrik_  ""]
No "Mike " has EVER booked a CSDO show..!! ..

this guy is obvioulsy willfully putting out mis-information and slander to belittle a succesful licsend band...that is grounds for lawsuit should somone wish to purse.. no wonder this faggot is staying "annonymous. hahahah..

[Jul 21,2005 11:35pm - Arrik_  ""]
Arrik_ said:Like moths to the flame, bands that change themselves to fit the times are almost invariably destroyed. Evolution is not without exception a positive occurrence, especially when driven by greed rather than artistry. Or, to place a finer point on it: spinelessness rather than self-confidence.

Legendary Newton thrash metallers Candy Striper Death Orgy – who perform this evening with MOD at The Bomb Shelter in Manchester – understand the path of perseverance and remaining true better than most. The band has been keeping the torch of New England heavy metal burning for close to 20 years now while lesser bands chased trends holding up matches.

For CSDO ringleader Eric Paone, “Death to False Metal” is more than a slogan on hipster T-shirts.

“I’ve had people saying for years, ‘Oh, when are you going to grow up and mellow out,’ ” the 34-year-old vocalist/guitarist said. “But I’m not going to write an acoustic song so I can fit someone else’s definition of ‘growth.’ If I ever want to write an acoustic song, I’ll do it. But no one should hold their breath waiting for it. In a lot of ways, I’m angrier now than ever before.

“I came out of the womb listening to Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin, and I’ve been banging my head to Metallica since 1983,” Paone added. “I don’t do nice.”

Now with heavy metal music experiencing its first bona fide resurgence since the late ’80s, CSDO is poised to finally break through later this summer with its upcoming slab of high-energy classic thrash, “Nitromethane.”

“Nitromethane is the fuel drag racers use,” Paone explained. “It seems to fit our music. We try to come at our songs fast and furious. We hope people feel that sort of power when we play.”

The band sees the upcoming record as a souped-up version of what it has been banging away at for the better part of the last two decades.

“It’s the same old death and destruction,” Paone laughed. “The music hasn’t changed that much. Playing out for so many years, we’ve nurtured the sound and gotten really comfortable with it, but the basics haven’t been altered much. We’re actually really proud of that.”

Candy Striper first began in 1987 while Paone was still in high school. After a couple false starts, the band got serious in 1988, debuting at the Salem Rock Wars with a set so brutally blistering the organizers tried to pull the plug halfway through.

The powers that be may have hated CSDO, but the kids loved them.

Before long, the band was drawing crowds of more than 1,000 to its shows as one of the mainstays of an East Coast thrash scene that also included Formacide, Wargasm, Subjugated and Nuclear Assault.

Everything changed in the ’90s, however, with the sudden explosion of grunge.

“A lot of metal bands suddenly started changing into alternative bands to try to get signed,” Paone said. “ ‘All aboard the gravy train!’ Nobody wanted to stand up for metal. Bands used to go to each other’s shows and help each other out. But in the ’90s everyone got greedy and started looking out for Number 1. The scene fell apart.”

Still, Paone doesn’t have any regrets about when he came into the scene.

“We came in on the tail end of big thing,” he said. “If we had showed up a year earlier, we probably would have been signed to a crappy label and gotten screwed.

“It doesn’t matter,” Paone continued. “We always played for the people in the pit, no one else. Those people are always there, whether the metal is huge or hibernating. We were happy to stick around and keep the scene alive.”

Sort of like Yoda, Paone always knew metal would return triumphant one day.

“It was too powerful to stay underground forever,” he explained. “This is an exciting time. All these older bands like Testament and Meliah Rage are coming back now. More and more kids are getting into metal at the same time older people in their 30s and even 40s are coming back to it. It’s all just building again. Hopefully, it will all turn out better than last time.”

However, instead of all the subgenres currently floating around – metalcore, power metal, etc. – he’d like to see more diversity and less categorization.

“Too many metal bands sound the same these days,” Paone said. “There’s this trend that’s sort of based on playing 10 million blast beats, ripping off some Slayer and Metallica riffs, then going into white noise. They build up to one highlight and the rest of the song blows. It’s all style, no substance. That’s the one thing that could kill this new scene.”

It’s also what creates the need for a tough band with songwriting prowess like CSDO, Paone conceded.

“It’s true,” he said. “I’m not grunting my brain out like I’m being stabbed. We don’t have any gimmicks or fancy, tight clothes. We prefer to just get onstage and let the music do the talking. I always like this music because it made you lose it and forget all your problems. I don’t want to ruin that by being dishonest and making us into a fashionable band.”

In return, the band only seeks honesty from its fans as well, part and parcel of a relationship Paone sees as necessarily equitable.

“The coolest part for me has always been to see people in the audience feeling our songs the same way I feel watching the bands I love,” Paone said. “I still go off in the pit. That energy shared between band and fan builds on itself and creates a bigger experience for everyone.”

As for being New Hampshire-based, Paone said it doesn’t bother him one bit.

“I actually like how quiet it is around here,” he said, before adding with his trademark cackle, “Of course, once we start playing it gets not so quiet in a real hurry.”

For more information, visit www.csdo.net or e-mail csdoband@aol.com.

[Jul 21,2005 11:36pm - Arrik_  ""]
Hey Eric, I noticed that wimp Rusted Angel just wrote some shit about you. hahah funny...When ever you are around him in person his eyes get really big and he gets frozen in fear..... It's so funny how the three subhuman "CSDO shit talkers" can hide behind the internet and write real tough, but in person they are totally spineless....all this negetive attention because of the awesome article written up about your art..
[Jul 21,2005 11:41pm - blue ""]
wah wah wah, our old drummer was waaaaaaay better than me, wah wah wah.
[Jul 22,2005 1:07am - the Crippler  ""]
Hey Blue you fag...... Brother Mike is still in CSDO...... Keep talking shit. It's o.k. by me
[Jul 22,2005 1:11am - blue ""]
hahahahahah. ok.

come check out the next show from CSDO, the band that sometimes has the drummer from unearth playing for them! WOWOMGLOLZ
[Jul 22,2005 1:15am - bestial onsluts  ""]
1000 people came to csdo shows nigger please
[Jul 22,2005 1:23am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
That's right Crippler. Brother Mike still plays drums in CSDO. He hasn't left nor will he be leaving. He's just a little busy right now.

We'll be at the PALLADIUM on July 29th doing a benefit show for Concerts4charity (www.Concerts4charity.org) if any of you "too hot for the scene" people want to come down and hang out.
[Jul 22,2005 1:30am - blue ""]
a little busy? touring 11 months out of the year is just a little? i guess if the drummer from unearth played for my band for 2-3 shows out of the year, id use it to try to get people to come out to the shows, too. the only problem is that unearth fans want to hear one thing: generic metalcore. good thing you guys got that going for you......wait. nevermind.

ill stop the busting of the balls now.
[Jul 22,2005 1:33am - blue ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said:We'll be at the PALLADIUM on July 29th doing a benefit show for Concerts4charity (www.Concerts4charity.org) if any of you "too hot for the scene" people want to come down and hang out.

well be there next day, playing a non 'mixed bag of mediocre bands for charity' show. no offense to the cause or anything, but this lineup will not get you much of an anything:


man, im in asshole mood tonight.
[Jul 22,2005 1:37am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
bestial onsluts -- I guess you weren't around back when the metal scene was big in the northeast. Yes, we've brought in 1000 people twice to the Escape Club (our old hometown club). You want proof? I've got the video's and you can ask a few of the old bouncers that used to work there. They still hang out at Club 125.

Our main draw most of the time was 200 to 500 people at all of these places : the Channel, the Rat, the Livingroom, the Campus Club, Club Confetti's, the Vertex, the Empire Theater, CBGB's, Saratoga Winners, Club 125, the Granite Rock (Bahama Beach Club), the Palace and many high school's and college's in MA. and NH.

We've even played at Great Woods (the Tweeter Center) in 1992 at the "Big Gig".
[Jul 22,2005 1:43am - blue ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said:bestial onsluts -- I guess you weren't around back when the metal scene was big in the northeast. Yes, we've brought in 1000 people twice to the Escape Club (our old hometown club). You want proof? I've got the video's and you can ask a few of the old bouncers that used to work there. They still hang out at Club 125.

Our main draw most of the time was 200 to 500 people at all of these places : the Channel, the Rat, the Livingroom, the Campus Club, Club Confetti's, the Vertex, the Empire Theater, CBGB's, Saratoga Winners, Club 125, the Granite Rock (Bahama Beach Club), the Palace and many high school's and college's in MA. and NH.

We've even played at Great Woods (the Tweeter Center) in 1992 at the "Big Gig".

just letting you know, its over 10 years later. bands who rely on what they used to do go nowhere pretty fast.
[Jul 22,2005 2:20am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Were are you going to be an a couple of years Blue? When our cd finally comes out (the record company said very soon I'll have a release date), it'll be in not only metal mags everywhere but drag racing mags, also... I've spent many years in the Drag Racing business working on deals. This stuff just doesn't happen over night. We've got our logo going on many top cars in the NHRA & the IHRA. This kind of promo will help hit a different crowd to sell our cd. I talked to Zakk from Black Label Society several times on how racing helped him sell to a "new crowd". Ratt and Meatloaf did the same thing a while back. This is how I received the name "Nitro Ric".
[Jul 22,2005 2:35am - Dissector ""]
Good you can appeal to hicks and white trash. I hope that works out for oyu, I really do.
[Jul 22,2005 3:58am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said: I guess you weren't around back when the metal scene was big in the northeast. Yes, we've brought in 1000 people twice to the Escape Club (our old hometown club). You want proof? I've got the video's and you can ask a few of the old bouncers that used to work there. They still hang out at Club 125.

Just to make a point here, I am not on either side of this whole CSDO thing, but...

I find it strange that I went to just about every metal show at the Escape Club/Sneakers/etc. during those years, and played at many with Death, Sick of It All, Mercyful Fate and other bands when I was in an earlier band (ALERT/later SWIVEL). I do not remember the capacity for the club ever reaching 1000 even in the 90s, certainly not for a local group, I have seen the Grind Crusher tour there, Nuclear Assault/Coroner, the death festivals, and many many more, and never were there 1000 people. I could have sworn that the former owner (Colin? or someone) told me the record show there was a glam band, Danger Danger, and that had a crowd of about 1000 many of which who weren't let in?!?

Every CSDO show I saw there (with other bands playing) had nigh a few hundred people, maybe less. I have never seen a local show there where CSDO was the headlining band, but I'm sure I could have missed a few!

So I'm calling you out a bit. Please post the video online of a show, where the RTTP forumers here can clearly see a capacity of 1000 heads there solely to see Candy Striper Death Orgy HEADLINING show. Any shows with other headliners do not count. Any band that can draw 1000 people to a club in the late 80s would clearly have been picked up by a record label, yet your discography as per METAL ARCHIVES shows nothing but demos and only a recent signing to a local label...is this correct?!?

Again, I am not taking sides here, anonymous CSDO members, I am just checking my own reality which I pretty clearly remember (unless I have gone insane). Please post an .avi or other readily accessible video file where my fellow RTTP forumers can see a crowd of 1000 CSDO fans at a show to see CSDO. If you're telling the truth and there are shows where 1000 CSDO fans showed up, then all your naysayers can eat a bag of dicks, right? If people see the proof, then they'll have nothing to argue over, n'est pas?

[Jul 22,2005 7:48am - eddienli  ""]
Dissector said:Good you can appeal to hicks and white trash. I hope that works out for oyu, I really do.


thats probably why i like them
[Jul 22,2005 3:16pm - blue ""]
where will i be in a couple of years? still supporting heavy music, and not giving a damn about how many nascar fans listen to csdo. nascar is a hick sport. and black label society blows, a lot. i would never want black label fans liking my band. god, the thought of that makes me vomit.
[Jul 22,2005 3:19pm - RustedAngel ""]
blue said:where will i be in a couple of years? still supporting heavy music, and not giving a damn about how many nascar fans listen to csdo. nascar is a hick sport. and black label society blows, a lot. i would never want black label fans liking my band. god, the thought of that makes me vomit.

at least Eric and Zack Wylde have something in common; they're both shitty vocalists.
[Jul 22,2005 3:22pm - blue ""]

-lots of pentatonics-
[Jul 22,2005 4:32pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
csdo is def better than bls to there credit
[Jul 22,2005 4:39pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
bestial onsluts said:csdo is def better than bls to there credit

I'll actually drink to that.
[Jul 22,2005 11:40pm - Kalopsia ""]
bestial onsluts said:csdo is def better than bls to there credit

that still doesn't say alot
[Jul 23,2005 1:17am - Ozzfest  ""]
It took 13 years,, but Black Label Society grew on me. I just met Zakk at the 7/17 fest. A good guy.
[Jul 23,2005 11:29pm - anonymous  ""]
It's taken 20 years, but CSDO doesn't seem to have grown on anyone...
[Jul 24,2005 4:44am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Hey Blue...... It's not NASCAR...... I'm not into that roundy round stuff. It's DRAG RACING.......... Hey Drink Hard Thrash fan. You were in Alert huh? You don't remember too well. I think you opened with us on a national show back in 1991 or 1992. You guys didn't last too long (Like most bands who played at the Escape Club). Don't forget, I was the one who helped Colin and Merritt put a lot of the shows on there. That club by "fire code" held 900. We squeezed in almost 1500 at the all day show we co-headlined with WARGASM, MUCKY PUP and GWAR. Another show we did with MELIAH RAGE, DEMOLITION HAMMER, CORONER and NUCLEAR ASSAULT had just a cunt hair over 1000 people. Us and NUCLEAR ASSAULT headlining in spring of 1992 had 850. We also did very well with OVER KILL there doing around 600 the first time and 800 the second time. We did a headlining show (with 4 bands opening) there two months later. We had around 600...... I think the worst show we played there was back on New Year's Eve 1989 (when it was called Sneakers) with WARGASM. We had around 200 people. Oh, almost forgot about the Battle Of The Bands we did........ We were the winners with 700 votes out of 850 people!! The SICK OF IT ALL show we played had only like 350 to 400. The BIOHAZARD show we did had around 600.

I'll see if I can get some shows burned onto dvd (I don't have a burner). If any of you want, I'll record them for ya onto a vhs tape.

I'll have to dig around and see if I've got the big show we did at the old Livingroom (Providence, RI.) when we headlined with SELF DESTRUCT. RITUAL SACRIFICE and VITAL REMAINS opened the show!! That was when VITAL wore druid costumes.

I've got a shit load of stuff to get put onto dvd............ I can show you guys how slam pits were when the whole floor lost it!!
[Jul 24,2005 6:55am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Hey Blue...... It's not NASCAR...... I'm not into that roundy round stuff. It's DRAG RACING.......... Hey Drink Hard Thrash fan. You were in Alert huh? You don't remember too well. I think you opened with us on a national show back in 1991 or 1992. You guys didn't last too long (Like most bands who played at the Escape Club). Don't forget, I was the one who helped Colin and Merritt put a lot of the shows on there. That club by "fire code" held 900. We squeezed in almost 1500 at the all day show we co-headlined with WARGASM, MUCKY PUP and GWAR. Another show we did with MELIAH RAGE, DEMOLITION HAMMER, CORONER and NUCLEAR ASSAULT had just a cunt hair over 1000 people. Us and NUCLEAR ASSAULT headlining in spring of 1992 had 850. We also did very well with OVER KILL there doing around 600 the first time and 800 the second time. We did a headlining show (with 4 bands opening) there two months later. We had around 600...... I think the worst show we played there was back on New Year's Eve 1989 (when it was called Sneakers) with WARGASM. We had around 200 people. Oh, almost forgot about the Battle Of The Bands we did........ We were the winners with 700 votes out of 850 people!! The SICK OF IT ALL show we played had only like 350 to 400. The BIOHAZARD show we did had around 600.

I'll see if I can get some shows burned onto dvd (I don't have a burner). If any of you want, I'll record them for ya onto a vhs tape.

I'll have to dig around and see if I've got the big show we did at the old Livingroom (Providence, RI.) when we headlined with SELF DESTRUCT. RITUAL SACRIFICE and VITAL REMAINS opened the show!! That was when VITAL wore druid costumes.

I've got a shit load of stuff to get put onto dvd............ I can show you guys how slam pits were when the whole floor lost it!!

See, you keep saying it was 'we' who squeezed this many people in or drew this many people to shows...when in fact it was the headlining acts on any of those shows...proving my original point. NUCLEAR ASSAULT, OVERKILL, etc, etc, those are the bands that brought in 100s of people, not CSDO. As a standalone act, HEADLINING a bill, I'd like to see your videos of CSDO drawing in 1000 heads. We're going to count them. I remember plenty well, sir, and went to metal shows for about 5 years prior to even joining Alert.

And as for the jab about Alert, I'd rather be in a band for 3 years and go away to university than be in a band for 20 years with not much to show for it...what a waste of time. And I don't see Alert being harangued and loathed on these message boards, do you? Vital Remains opened a show for you, eh? Funny how that turned out, with them releasing multiple albums on various labels in half your band's longevity, and you not releasing any...

Let's see the streaming video of 1000 raving CSDO fans at a show you headlined.

Scotter ExAgenda
[Jul 24,2005 11:37am - SUBJUGATE ""]
I'll see if I can get some shows burned onto dvd (I don't have a burner). If any of you want, I'll record them for ya onto a vhs tape.

I'll have to dig around and see if I've got the big show we did at the old Livingroom (Providence, RI.) when we headlined with SELF DESTRUCT. RITUAL SACRIFICE and VITAL REMAINS opened the show!! That was when VITAL wore druid costumes.

I've got a shit load of stuff to get put onto dvd............ I can show you guys how slam pits were when the whole floor lost it!!

i will take whatever you have on VHS any csdo,wargasm, meliah rage and whatever else that you wanna include

j of existence
[Jul 24,2005 5:02pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Hey dipshit Drink Faggot................. If it wasn't for CANDY STRIPER that club in Salisbury wouldn't have done anything!! When it first opened as Sneakers in 1989..... I was the guy that had them start bringing in bands. At that time, they only wanted to do dance and hip hop!! Frank Mederas ran the club and had me book most of the unsigned acts into the club. I set up bands like TEMPORARY INSANITY, ATOMICAUST, MELIAH RAGE, WARGASM, SUBJUGATOR, DISRUPT, YOUTH WITH BATS, CARDINAL SIN and all my RI. connections TIPPER GORE, RITUAL SACRIFICE, PHLEGM and many others. We built up a scene!! Around that time we were bringing in 300 people headling.

When Colin Barns took over the club (turned it into the Escape Club) he tried to keep us to himself. He was starting up a record label and trying to manage us without us saying yes or no. It was because, we brought in lots of people!! I hooked him up with the Don Law Agency and Merritt Moraski to book in the nationals. Colin would always give us first pick over everybody 'cause he know we would sell 100 to 200 tickets and get fliers out all over the place (He didn't want to spend money on radio advertising or newspapers. But, he did a monthly mailing list from the club.). Most bands back then and today can't even sell 30 tickets!!!!! He knew if we were doing the show.... everything will be fine.

Why do you think the BOMBSHELTER isn't doing that great...... 'Cause, the bands aren't selling their tickets!! Not counting the CANNIBAL CORPSE show, the biggest show we did at the Bombshelter was co-headling with Joey Belladonna 250 people. But when Joey came on, more than half the crowd left. The same thing happened at M.O.D. almost 4 weeks ago. People left when JACKNIFE hit the stage. At the CANNIBAL CORPSE show most of the people left half way through THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER. What the fuck kind of metal scene is this? People stayed for every band years ago!! Most bands today leave when they get off stage.........

At JARROD's, the two times Jarrod did radio advertising on WAAF was with us and OVER KILL headlining...... None of the other bands were mentioned. The first time it sold out!! Over 800 people crammed into Jarrod's!! Go ahead and ask him!! Oh yeah, most of you don't care for him and his club. We haven't done a headling show there yet. We will after the cd comes out. I just got off the phone with Ben from Screaming Ferret yesterday...... He said that he's going to finally mix and master our stuff!! When you got just two guys running a label and a recording studio.... It takes a while to get shit done.
[Jul 24,2005 5:07pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]

Get in contact with me at 603-382-8041. Let's meet up and get some of my stuff burned onto dvd. I'd like to show a few of these people how the scene should be if everybody did something.
[Jul 24,2005 5:31pm - the_reverend ""]
1) everyone (except fag0t comments) in this thread has something to this posts
2) if eric gets me a DVD of something like this, I will post a stream of it just to
3) in highschool, I'm assuming alert was part of the swivel/state of alert? dave scrod was suppose to get me some tapes/CDs of that.. but then he took off. I would love to get some (loved that shit)
4) DHTH: send me a cd of extinction agenda for my radio show
[Jul 24,2005 5:54pm - SUBJUGATE ""]

Get in contact with me at 603-382-8041. Let's meet up and get some of my stuff burned onto dvd. I'd like to show a few of these people how the scene should be if everybody did something.

i have no way to transfer VHS to DVD i wish i did cause i'd love to see some of those shows
[Jul 24,2005 6:40pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
the_reverend said:1) everyone (except fag0t comments) in this thread has something to this posts
2) if eric gets me a DVD of something like this, I will post a stream of it just to
3) in highschool, I'm assuming alert was part of the swivel/state of alert? dave scrod was suppose to get me some tapes/CDs of that.. but then he took off. I would love to get some (loved that shit)
4) DHTH: send me a cd of extinction agenda for my radio show

Will do, Reverend. I think I have Swivel/Alert demos you can have also, some even in the package, I'll send you those and an ExAgenda demo this week. Scrod's actually moving back to the area next month if I am not mistaken.

Scotter ExAgenda
[Jul 24,2005 6:40pm - the_reverend ""]
it cost about $50 for a unit to do it and then $50-ish for a DVD burner (cheaper if you get a deal).
discs are under $.50 each
[Jul 24,2005 6:58pm - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY said:Hey dipshit Drink Faggot................. If it wasn't for CANDY STRIPER that club in Salisbury wouldn't have done anything!! When it first opened as Sneakers in 1989..... I was the guy that had them start bringing in bands. At that time, they only wanted to do dance and hip hop!! Frank Mederas ran the club and had me book most of the unsigned acts into the club. I set up bands like TEMPORARY INSANITY, ATOMICAUST, MELIAH RAGE, WARGASM, SUBJUGATOR, DISRUPT, YOUTH WITH BATS, CARDINAL SIN and all my RI. connections TIPPER GORE, RITUAL SACRIFICE, PHLEGM and many others. We built up a scene!! Around that time we were bringing in 300 people headling.

You really crack me up, and I honestly think you've lost all grasp on reality.

Please note that I never said anything about you not helping the scene or setting up connections with other local bands, why you are ranting to ME about this is beyond all comprehension. I don't believe this argument (or this thread, for that matter) had anything to do with you booking bands or not. Talking about red herring fallacies...

And since I'm a 'dipshit faggot' as you claim, I'm having nothing more to do with this. That's what I get for suggesting that you post some evidence to hush your naysayers...but apparently they are all correct in their criticisms of your band, your bullshit, and the attitude of a 6-year old you espouse.

Happy revelling in your infinite obscurity, bitterness, and delusions of grandeur. It's not 1988 anymore, genius. It's two thousand and fucking five. Complain all you want about our 'scene' today, yet this is the scene that produced bands such as Killswitch Engage, Converge, Red Chord, Cave In, Shadows Fall, Unearth, etc, whether people love them or hate them, they are all bands who have been infinitessimally more successful than you. So you'll have to forgive me if I don't think you're the proper person to be criticizing ANYone or ANYthing, and forgive me if I completely ignore you from here on out.

Scotter ExAgenda
[Jul 24,2005 9:08pm - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
O.k. DrinkHardThrashHard........... Whatever................ You just wish you did something with your shitty band.

Hey Jim,

You got some of my shows on vhs from several years ago. Go back and check 'em out. I think Timmy at the record label has or can get to a dvd burner. Glenn from Nuclear Assault has one. But, I'm not going to send a shit load of vhs tapes to Florida.
[Jul 24,2005 9:15pm - bestial onsluts  ""]
will this thread ever die? I'll listen to csdo anytime before any of the gay bands listed above CSDO NIGGA!
[Jul 25,2005 8:50am - DEADBOY ""]
Well I have been Into the scene for a LifeTime now,,,..I cut my Teeth on KISS, and Sabbath, and AC/DC when most of you were A stain on the sheets. And After reading this Thread.. I am ready to Puke.... I could care less how many people were at those Shows in Sailsbury, back 15 years ago.. I was there to See C.S.D.O... As well as most of the people I went with....
And what is this shit Some Loser is saying about .. "cant have respect for someone that makes a living off Porn" ...?????? Dude Are you a Metalhead or a Puritan? Uhmm news flash its a metal site..And you Have no respect for someone that sells sex books???.. I wish your parents were More Liberal maybe you would have gotten the coat hanger treatment years ago and we would not be subjected to your brand of insane Hippocracy...
With all that said, You guys need to just shut Up and Listen to the Music .. And furthermore,... Who the fuck care's where a Band is from, If the music is good? As usual most of the people in these forums Need to get there head out of there arse.. Sorry If you Are hurt.. I'll get a tissue..
[Jul 25,2005 9:52am - coldnorthernvengeance ""]
Eric is kind of arrogant, but hey, hes been in it a long time, and has proposed alot for the metal scene. Im sure hes just put down that not alot of people conduct as much work as him. Nuclear Thrash Metal!
[Jul 25,2005 10:58am - Josh-Martin ""]
I love CSDO, I want to suck Eric's tiny dick so fucking bad.
[Jul 25,2005 11:27am - anonymous  ""]
Is this the record for the longest running thread on this board?
[Jul 25,2005 12:21pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
anonymous said:Is this the record for the longest running thread on this board?


[Jul 25,2005 12:24pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Not even fucking close!
[Jul 25,2005 2:56pm - eddienli  ""]
anonymous said:Is this the record for the longest running thread on this board?

never ending thread of death
[Jul 25,2005 10:02pm - the dude  ""]
csdo is a decent thrash band, I just don't like the vocals that much. but 1000's of people don't go to there shows. I did catch them playing live at an old foks home once, man that show was killer! anyone have pics of that?
[Jul 25,2005 10:13pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm going to play a CSDO surprise tonight!
[Jul 26,2005 1:36am - CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY  ""]
Hey Rev.....

What tune did ya play?

I love these comments.... "old folks home" that was great
[Jul 26,2005 2:39am - Cecchini ""]
blue said:where will i be in a couple of years? still supporting heavy music, and not giving a damn about how many nascar fans listen to csdo. nascar is a hick sport. and black label society blows, a lot. i would never want black label fans liking my band. god, the thought of that makes me vomit.

Hahaha I'm quite the BLS fan and I like RK quite a bit to.

Please don't puke over me.... :-(

As for this whole CSDO thing, well... having that much of an ego is stupid, regardless of what you've done... even though it does sound most of the things you've done have just been to help the scene, but the attitude tarnishes that.
[Aug 25,2005 3:47pm - anonymous  ""]
I heard a candy striper death orgy albulm about 10 years ago in college...it was cool then but would it stand up today against Meshuggah, fear Factory or even Bio
[Aug 30,2005 10:35pm - anonymoose  ""]
this will never go away!!!!ever
[Aug 31,2005 12:19am - anonymoose  ""]
anonymoose said:this will never go away!!!!ever

[Aug 31,2005 12:53am - anonymoose  ""]
anonymoose said:anonymoose said:this will never go away!!!!ever

[Aug 31,2005 1:11am - anonymoose  ""]
anonymoose said:anonymoose said:anonymoose said:this will never go away!!!!ever

[Aug 31,2005 1:40am - anonymoose  ""]
iBone said:Screaming Ferret Records is a fucking joke.

[Aug 31,2005 11:13am - babyshaker ""]
bump just casue my tiny exsistence needs this thread to live on
[Aug 31,2005 5:06pm - VOMITING KERMIT  ""]
this thread should live on forever because of the ''thousands'' of csdo fans out there supporting them
[Aug 31,2005 7:45pm - anonymous  ""]
ive gone and done it again!
[Aug 31,2005 9:47pm - anonymous  ""]
anonymoose said:anonymoose said:anonymoose said:anonymoose said:this will never go away!!!!ever

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