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Feb 24 (Fri) - SMITE THE RIGHTEOUS / GOREALITY / FEED US FETUS / SACRELIGION / ASHES OF THE LOST - 21+ show, 8pm, $5.00 cover - The New Wave Cafe (New Bedford, MA) +

Friday February 24 @ The New Wave Cafe - Sacreligion, Smite The Righteous, Goreality, Feed us Fetus, Ashes of the Lost

[show listing]  _____________________________________
[Feb 10,2006 1:30am - sacreligion ""]

that about explains it all...with cool woods in the background!
[Feb 10,2006 2:59am - fishcakes ""]
kool fucken flyer dude!:satancross:
[Feb 10,2006 12:57pm - sacreligion ""]

[Feb 10,2006 1:25pm - pam nli  ""]
woods are metal.
[Feb 10,2006 1:31pm - pam nli  ""]
I though I did a thread for this already? Who knows.

I wish Tim would let us know the playing order and shit, I haven't heard a thing. I should email him...I'll do that now.
[Feb 10,2006 9:49pm - Phillip  ""]
maybe Ill go out to this
[Feb 12,2006 9:54am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
hahah everyone should be thinking that
[Feb 12,2006 1:35pm - pam nli  ""]
Tim got back to me but totally didn't answer my question, I made a second attempt.

You best be going Phillip! You best...
[Feb 12,2006 2:01pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
what's with you booking shows on nights that I have tattoo appointments? I want to see smite the righteous and feed us fetus.
[Feb 12,2006 4:01pm - anonymous  ""]
feed us fetus sux
[Feb 12,2006 4:03pm - jayfetus ""]
i said it feed us fetus sux i dont need to be annonymous. esp. the singer he bangs every chick that walks by and he stole fetus from me
[Feb 12,2006 4:59pm - Big Bo Dallas  ""]
Yeah, and what's up with those faggots they share a practice space with anyway? It Will End In Pure Sodomy is the gayest name ever.
[Feb 12,2006 6:01pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Big Bo Dallas said:It Will End In Pure Sodomy is the gayest name ever.

there's definitely some truthiness behind that...damn IWEIPS
[Feb 12,2006 6:02pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
Josh_hates_you said:what's with you booking shows on nights that I have tattoo appointments? I want to see smite the righteous and feed us fetus.

what's with you having tattoo appointments everytime there's a show?

[Feb 13,2006 11:10pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i've spent maybe 10 minutes of my life in new bedford

i sure hope no juggalos show up thinking the new wave is a gay bar

ooooh...too soon?
[Feb 13,2006 11:26pm - fishcakes ""]
dude! there is a gay bar right across the fucking street from the new wave.
[Feb 14,2006 3:15pm - pam nli  ""]
Josh_hates_you said:what's with you booking shows on nights that I have tattoo appointments? I want to see smite the righteous and feed us fetus.

Stop having tattoo appointments on the weekends, weirdo. That's just asking for a conflict of schedualing!

We're playing New Bedford again on March 4th at Marshall's Pub, if you're not getting inked that night, too!:spineyes:
[Feb 14,2006 3:16pm - RichHorror ""]
fishcakes said:dude! there is a gay bar right across the fucking street from the new wave.

I thought the New Wave was the gay bar.
[Feb 14,2006 3:17pm - pam nli  ""]
SacreligionNLI said:i've spent maybe 10 minutes of my life in new bedford

i sure hope no juggalos show up thinking the new wave is a gay bar

ooooh...too soon?

Well just to be safe, let's beat up every juggalo that walks in the door before he has a chance to hatchet us in the face.
[Feb 14,2006 4:21pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
fuckin juggalos
[Feb 15,2006 2:14pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bumpin it
[Feb 15,2006 3:05pm - fishcakes ""]
any body know the order?
[Feb 15,2006 3:35pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
go for the entire thing and watch everybody
[Feb 15,2006 6:50pm - fishcakes ""]
will do.
[Feb 15,2006 7:44pm - pam nli  ""]
NO I don't know the order because Tim didn't answer my question...I guess we'll find out when we get there.

But yeah, go for the whole thing.
[Feb 16,2006 12:52am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
[Feb 17,2006 8:10am - fishcakes ""]
8:00 am still drunk!
[Feb 18,2006 1:49pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
2pm...waiting to get drunk
[Feb 19,2006 12:23pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
12:30pm...........still drunk
[Feb 19,2006 12:28pm - thedeparted ""]
I wanna see smite the righteous, and feed us fetus again. im gonna try to make it, havent been to the new wave in a year
[Feb 19,2006 2:36pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
that whole weekend is going to be a trip,
thursday - sonata arctica
friday - this show
saturday - opeth/dark tranquility
sunday - green carnation/beyond the embrace
I'm gunna be so fucking broke!
[Feb 19,2006 5:14pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that's a lot of drinking
[Feb 19,2006 5:42pm - fishcakes ""]
and the problem is?
[Feb 19,2006 7:40pm - pam ""]
Nearing 8pm and I am finally feeling better. I still however have a headache.

God damn whiskey. God dammit.

This show's gonna be sweet, looking forward to it. Who the hell is Ashes of the Lost? Anyone?
[Feb 19,2006 8:08pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
not a clue...i'm gonna assume metalcore since the word ash is involved in a prepositional phrase
[Feb 19,2006 8:09pm - pam ""]
hehe I'm a fan of you, sir.
[Feb 19,2006 8:10pm - pam ""]
If that's the case, they're opening! Ron loves me and will change the band order if I ask him nicely.

I will also sweet talk Fishcakes into have Goreality headline cause nobody likes us and I don't want to suffer the embarrassment.
[Feb 19,2006 8:11pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i have fans?!?! oh man i better start acting like an elitist :whipper:
[Feb 19,2006 8:14pm - SacreligionNLI  ""]
what embarrassment do you speak of?
[Feb 19,2006 10:39pm - fishcakes ""]
oh! stop it
[Feb 19,2006 10:42pm - fishcakes ""]
I like you guys and so duz every body I talk to so just stop it! I'll be shure and bye you another drink too
[Feb 20,2006 1:34am - pam ""]
no fuckin whiskey!
[Feb 20,2006 1:59am - fishcakes ""]
ahhh! fuckin whisky
[Feb 20,2006 8:45pm - pam ""]
bump for whiskey
[Feb 21,2006 12:05am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bump for TEQUILA!
[Feb 21,2006 12:43am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I'm drinking whiskey now, yum.
[Feb 21,2006 12:44am - brian_dc ""]
that Goreality logo is way more legible on this flyer than the thing Dwyer posted. I like it a lot more. i think it was the insane green color that made it hard to look at/focus on.
[Feb 21,2006 1:00am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
[Feb 21,2006 1:02am - RichHorror ""]
Two rabbits fighting over a tuna casserole.

Oh, sorry. I thought it was a rorschach test.
[Feb 21,2006 1:53am - fishcakes ""]

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