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Attn: Aaron

[Dec 23,2006 12:13pm - KeithMutiny ""]
yea, the fact i stopped drinking made me kind of upset, being that it was open bar last night.
[Dec 23,2006 12:15pm - pam ""]
I saw you for like 4 seconds and then I don't remember anything else.
[Dec 23,2006 12:16pm - KeithMutiny ""]
that happens a lot there, hahaha...

well at least it used too, too me.
[Dec 23,2006 12:18pm - pam ""]
I got phone numbers from girls. I might be the only one in that club able to do that.
[Dec 23,2006 12:20pm - KeithMutiny ""]
Beth got hit on by 5 or 6 different broads last night, she was getting a little nervous, i spent the entire night crossing my fingers that hope would just wind up and punch someone.
[Dec 23,2006 12:21pm - pam ""]
I can't wait for the day I get to watch Hope knock a bitch out.
[Dec 23,2006 12:22pm - KeithMutiny ""]
came close last night, but not close enough
[Dec 23,2006 12:26pm - pam ""]
She came close when she was dancing with me and my new girl friends and some schlub with a stupid hat was trying to grind her. It was funny.
[Dec 23,2006 5:30pm - davefromthegrave ""]
KeithMutiny said:pam you missed all the lovely rttp fun last night, haha

yeah, I found out that I'm oriental.
[Dec 23,2006 5:37pm - pam ""]
davefromthegrave said:KeithMutiny said:pam you missed all the lovely rttp fun last night, haha

yeah, I found out that I'm oriental.

I know! How about that?
[Dec 23,2006 8:56pm - Murph nli  ""]
BlackMetalLady said:My 9th great grandfather led a horse troop (not kidding) in the Puritan army under Oliver Cromwell... I'm pure blue blood. White Anglo Saxon Protestin.... and my great-great-great Grandfather, DR Benjamin Rush signed the Declaration of Independece...more pure than the posers of Anul Cunt. More pure than you Rich Horror

ok, can we all learn a little history, please? The word is PROTESTANT. Jesus FUCKING Christ, think about what it means and what they did. God, you're toting your great heritage here about Declaration signers and Generals, and if they saw your approach to their native tongue, I'm sure they'd dispute that YOU were spawned from THEM.

Time to poop

[Dec 23,2006 9:08pm - brian_dc ""]
this thread is horrible.
[Dec 24,2006 11:34am - pam nli  ""]
Protestin...HAHAHAHAHAH. Fucking moron.
[Dec 24,2006 11:52am - the_reverend ""]
I'm in canada and don't really have internet access.
but I must say that posting leigh's phone number is retarded and I have no idea why you guys care so much to keep this up.
I guess TEH H8Z gives you guys something to do or something.
[Dec 24,2006 4:09pm - PAM IS A FUCKING WHORE  ""]
PAM YOU FUCKING SUCK... why dont you go blown AJ or some other death among thieves snotty prick! cause i heard thats all you do anyways! im sure they'd impregnate your yeast infected pussy!
[Nov 27,2011 6:22pm - white anglo saxon progesterone  ""]
[Nov 27,2011 6:39pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]

blackmetallady said:

PS- you will not believe what I have coming this late spring at a 3,000 seat venue. Will tell you when it's confirmed. Everyone else can fuck off!

any idea what show this is referencing?
[Nov 27,2011 6:51pm - douchebag_patrol ""]

pam said:207-807-0009


[Nov 27,2011 7:09pm - The_reverend ""]
Are you going to call her and ask her to come back? She its married more to the stinger from trouble
[Nov 27,2011 10:48pm - aliensvszombies  ""]
yall been [img]

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