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Jan 31st @ The AShland Fish and game club... Ed Gein, In Dire Need, Through the eyes of the dead, despised icon, $10

Ashland Fish and Game Club (Ashland, Ma) - [cassius][despised_icon][ed_gein][in_dire_need][mortencia][porphyria][randomshots][through_the_eyes_of_the_dead][war_on_our_shores]
[Feb 3,2006 9:18am - the_reverend ""]
Porphyria: so I've seen these guys like a billion times. by this point, I know what to expect. and I thought the vocals were terrible. the reason why? well, the PA as stated above was a lot louder than everything else. I think all the guitars were almost completely lost. sucks cause I was watching them and they were playing probably the tightest set that I have seen this line up do. There just wasn't the juice in their set up to compensate for the PA. I could actually hear all the words that tim was cookie monstering and nobody wants that in a death metal song.
[Feb 3,2006 10:55am - the_reverend ""]
cassius: they had way too much equipment and took way too long to set up. but this was the first band that had the stacks for all their equipment that put out the balls to cover the PA. they were the first band that actually rattled your clothing a little. I thought that the singer was trying to be a bit too much like tommy giles, but they were pretty good. at one point the singer slipped on the water in the middle of the floor and ended up on his back. then one of the guitar players ended up on his ass after tripping over the kick mic.

in dire need: after a little "fuse changing" which was actually a broken string, they got started and played better than the cabot st show. the crowd was most of the same kids from the "reunion" show. I loved the enya tracks before hand. kids started dancing very hard for this band and then closing pile up had me almost imapled on TTEOTD's drum kit. over all good set, but I still want joey's voice to come back to it's insane levels like it was before hand. I'm hoping that this comes out during their recording session which they are starting right away after this first bit of shows.
[Feb 3,2006 11:11am - anonymous  ""]
mortencia is gay
[Feb 3,2006 12:37pm - cav  ""]
i dunno rev, i thought the sound was damn good at this show. maybe it was the sound up in front that was screwy. in the back it sounded great. eh who knows, it doesnt matter.
[Feb 3,2006 12:39pm - Joshtruction ""]
anonymous said:mortencia is gay

definitly not....

Yeah Rev, Joey is definitly rusty. I am rusty too. Joey has not done any vocals since the band split up so he is trying to get back in the swing of things now. He is progressing really fast and I am sure he will be the same ol joey in no time

I think despised Icon was my fav band of the night. All the guys and girls from all the bands were really cool, and it was good talking to them all!
[Feb 3,2006 1:14pm - the_reverend ""]
despised icon: they sounded awesome. I think they got the longest set out of anyone else. Which makes sense cause that was the band that 99% of the crowd really came to see. it's awesome that a band like this exists that can have hardcore, metalcore, and deathmetal kids all there at once jumping around and enjoying the show.

ed gein: they had some guitar troubles. this had then pausing for a while fixing it. because of that, their really short set was even shorter. I think they were up there for 20 minutes and ended up playing for less than 15 minutes. these guys are really good though I dont think they were "feeling" this show. they sort of seemed distracted by the lack of time and the breaking guitar. though the other 2 members kept playing through most of the technical difficulties.

through the eyes of the dead: they set up really quickly, but only got 15 minutes to play. I really like their CD. I think the guitar work on the CD is awesome. unfortuately, I think only a little of that came out when they played. there were barely any of the rich harmonic guitar parts that make the CD so good. the people who stayed moved around a lot for them. I hope that I can see them again, but this time play a full set.
[Dec 21,2006 10:34am - anonymous  ""]
ummm ok i still am rather upset that i had no idea about this show even though it was almost a year ago but it was right down the street from my fucking house in the smallest place ive ever been to?
[Dec 21,2006 1:31pm - cav ""]
ya this show was fuckin amazing
[Apr 15,2007 8:22pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Apr 15,2007 8:37pm - blue ""]
[Apr 15,2007 8:55pm - the_reverend ""]
such a good show. ed gein is awesome.
[Apr 15,2007 10:40pm - brian_dc ""]
I see long haired me in there!
[Apr 15,2007 11:10pm - Joshtruction ""]
yeah that rules! Anything from IDN or porphyria there?
[Apr 15,2007 11:11pm - xanonymousx ""]
in dire need is but no porphyria.
[Apr 15,2007 11:13pm - xanonymousx ""]
didn't work.
[Apr 15,2007 11:14pm - Joshtruction ""]
my B, I noticed the other bands later. I thaught it was jsut ed geins set. Bad ass! Who uploaded this so I can thank them haha.
[Apr 15,2007 11:15pm - xanonymousx ""]
Ryan Connelly he upped the last guns up show as well

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