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Jan 31st @ The AShland Fish and game club... Ed Gein, In Dire Need, Through the eyes of the dead, despised icon, $10

Ashland Fish and Game Club (Ashland, Ma) - [cassius][despised_icon][ed_gein][in_dire_need][mortencia][porphyria][randomshots][through_the_eyes_of_the_dead][war_on_our_shores]
[Jan 25,2006 12:55am - Joshtruction ""]
Blue said:the best part is, aaron im sure will have it fully documented.

I hope so. I heard he is going. Is that true????
[Jan 25,2006 12:58am - the_reverend ""]
possibly... I'm like an enigma wrapped in a donut.
[Jan 26,2006 2:30am - anonymous  ""]
[Jan 26,2006 2:40am - ChuckNorrisNLI  ""]
the_reverend said:possibly... I'm like an enigma wrapped in a donut.

wrapped in an rttp hoodie

did people really chant "fuck kenny" and throw beer at him? that would make my night
[Jan 26,2006 2:41am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
bah nuts
[Jan 26,2006 8:37am - RustedAngel ""]
what are the settimes/lineup going to be?
[Jan 26,2006 1:01pm - Joshtruction ""]
I am not sure. I beleive ed gein/through the eyes of the dead/dispised icon are all going on last since they are on tour.
[Jan 26,2006 3:23pm - jared_the_zompire ""]
This is going to be such a great time.
[Jan 26,2006 6:36pm - anonymous  ""]
jared_the_zompire said:This is going to be such a great time.

sure is!!!!

[Jan 26,2006 8:32pm - anonymous  ""]
Just so everyone is perfectly clear about this, although it has already been said, Kenny Lanning had nothing to do with this show. The bands were dealt with by myself, and Joe Fealy aka Joey Newbury. The hall was booked by myself and IDN. We are funding this with our own money, and I don't want people to base whether or not they are going to the show on if this guy had something to do with it, when he didn't. thanks for reading, hope to see you there.

[Jan 26,2006 11:22pm - Joshtruction ""]
anonymous said:Just so everyone is perfectly clear about this, although it has already been said, Kenny Lanning had nothing to do with this show. The bands were dealt with by myself, and Joe Fealy aka Joey Newbury. The hall was booked by myself and IDN. We are funding this with our own money, and I don't want people to base whether or not they are going to the show on if this guy had something to do with it, when he didn't. thanks for reading, hope to see you there.


stop being lazy and register!
[Jan 27,2006 12:21am - BornSoVile ""]
you guys rule!
[Jan 27,2006 12:32am - JoeyCobra ""]
and ryan spelt my last name wrong...ryan how could you do that!!
[Jan 27,2006 9:47am - Jared_The_Zompire ""]
I have no idea how to spell your last name either.
[Jan 27,2006 11:03am - cdan nli  ""]
i cant freakin wait for this
[Jan 27,2006 11:12am - the_reverend ""]
I didn't think joey had a last name...
[Jan 27,2006 11:56am - MarkFuckingRichards ""]
i'm hoping i can be there for at least half of the show; we'll see how it pans out i guess
[Jan 27,2006 4:23pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jan 27,2006 4:43pm - brian_dc ""]
considering that my last class gets out at 5PM and Providene is an hour from Ashland (factoring in potential horrible traffic) I probably won't get there until about 6:30.....what am I missing?
[Jan 27,2006 7:38pm - mOe nli  ""]
Porphyria and Mortencia most likely
[Jan 29,2006 6:24pm - anthropophagic ""]
four words:

mutherfucking traffic..
[Jan 29,2006 6:31pm - BornSoVile ""]
Kenny stopped by our room on friday and gave us a flyer for the show...
What time is DI going on?
[Jan 30,2006 1:11am - joeycobra ""]
ryan has the time sch. done out. Doors are at 5pm i know that much. show will prob end around 10pm. DI goes on third to last.
[Jan 30,2006 11:59am - mOe in Amherst  ""]
holy crap, guy
[Jan 30,2006 7:49pm - brian_dc ""]
[Jan 30,2006 7:51pm - BornSoVile ""]
again, does anyone know when DI is going on. I know they are 3rd from last, but what time will that be?
[Jan 30,2006 7:57pm - anonymous  ""]
around 7
[Jan 30,2006 8:17pm - BornSoVile ""]
[Jan 30,2006 8:26pm - anonymous  ""]
rev, i think you're a little confused... joeycobra is NOT joey from IDN, two totally different people!
[Jan 30,2006 11:06pm - mOe nli  ""]
i could be terribly mistaken, but there IS a T stop literally a 5 minute walk from this place. The Ashland T stop.
so if there are any Boston peeps without cars who wanna come, "hop on the train for a second..."
[Jan 31,2006 1:42am - i_am_not_me ""]
Yeah, the walk's nothing.
[Jan 31,2006 1:45am - nahh_keed ""]
Joe I want my 50 dollars you ass grabber
[Jan 31,2006 2:21am - anonymous  ""]
bump, this shit is tomorrow.
[Jan 31,2006 12:33pm - kessaris nli  ""]
[Jan 31,2006 12:34pm - mOe nli  ""]
[Jan 31,2006 12:36pm - mOe nli  ""]
fuck that, i'm not goin
[Jan 31,2006 12:38pm - kessaris ""]
he did book this show? fuck, blue lied
[Jan 31,2006 12:41pm - kessaris ""]
I think there is a pic of Kenny and Michael Jackson hugging
[Jan 31,2006 1:40pm - jared_the_zompire ""]
Kenny did not book this show. Joe F. and Ryan IDN did.
[Jan 31,2006 1:42pm - the_reverend ""]
"...and bob.. the cowboy" - homer
"oh papa homer, how did you get so lear-ned?"
"that's learned papi, learned"
[Jan 31,2006 1:45pm - succubus ""]
Jan 30,2006 11:06pm - mOe nli ]
i could be terribly mistaken, but there IS a T stop literally a 5 minute walk from this place. The Ashland T stop.
so if there are any Boston peeps without cars who wanna come, "hop on the train for a second..."
~~yep the stop is there...but make sure it hasn't stopped running when the show ends...
[Jan 31,2006 1:48pm - Anthony nli  ""]
since this is T accessible, I very well may go.
[Jan 31,2006 1:49pm - jared_the_zompire ""]
the_reverend said:"...and bob.. the cowboy" - homer
"oh papa homer, how did you get so lear-ned?"
"that's learned papi, learned"

It's funny how you can reference almost anything to The Simpsons.
[Jan 31,2006 1:58pm - brian_dc ""]
show ends at 10...so I don't think the T would have stopped running by then
[Jan 31,2006 2:03pm - the_reverend ""]
jared_the_zompire said:It's funny how you can reference almost anything to The Simpsons.

not really, you sit there and talk non-stop for 16 seasons and see what topics there are that you didn't possibly cover.
[Jan 31,2006 2:52pm - cdan nli  ""]

the commuter rail coming back sucks, it runs at like 8:15 and then 12:15, so there is a huge window.

I'm renting a zip car for this, if anyone in Boston wants in on the ride, aim me at: cdanecek
[Jan 31,2006 2:53pm - cav  ""]
cant wait!
[Jan 31,2006 3:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm still going to this, but people are leaving work early (in andover mass) cause of icy rain.
[Jan 31,2006 3:10pm - Hungta‘Bleed  ""]
BornSoVile said:A Kenny Lanning Production

He is still alive? I thought he offed himself not too long after the Vital show....guess I was wrong.
[Jan 31,2006 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
becareful on the roads out there.

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