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If you go to that stupid RPM fest this year, you gay and dumb

[Aug 28,2015 10:04am - Jim Foley  ""]
I want to go but have no ride, can someone give me a ride to this?
[Aug 28,2015 10:08am - real_shutup_fagget ""]

Jim%20Foley said:I want to go but have no ride, can someone give me a ride to this?

shutup fagget
[Aug 28,2015 10:32am - Jim Foley  ""]
Hey fuck you buddy. This is the best fest in new england.
[Aug 28,2015 11:14am - BG Al  ""]
Where do i thsign up!!

[Aug 28,2015 11:46am - real_shutup_fagget ""]

Jim%20Foley said:Hey fuck you buddy. This is the best fest in new england.


But shutup fagget anyway!
[Aug 28,2015 4:17pm - WUTT UP FAGGET  ""]
[Aug 29,2015 6:58pm - No One Is Coming Fest  ""]
Hey guys, what's that big empty space between the stage and the sound board?
[Aug 29,2015 7:00pm - Photosensitive Fagget  ""]
I was there with 500 of my friends we were hiding because THE SUN IS BRIGHT but we were definitely there and this fest is not of for and by faggots at all.
[Aug 29,2015 7:04pm - RTTPADMIN_4Real  ""]
Due to lack of attendance at this fest this thread is planned for deletion under RTTP Relevancy Standards.
[Aug 29,2015 7:06pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Duncan is hiding from me in the woods! He has my $18 and he's running from me!
[Aug 29,2015 7:10pm - NH Brufaggotry  ""]
Get back here you fucking idiot!
[Aug 29,2015 9:35pm - No One Is Coming Fest  ""]
What's that giant patch of dead grass surrounding the 20 people by the stage?
I think it's your faggot fest still.

Props to Motley Crue cape fagget on the far left. Has the dignity to stand there and stare at an empty patch of wilderness rather than watch the band. Respect.
[Aug 29,2015 9:59pm - Kraazey Kätey's Roseart Markers  ""]
Hey guys,sorry we couldn't draw more than 20 tickets for this year's fest before we ran out of ink. But it looks like you're in luck and won't be needing 20 tickets after all.

Roseart:For the starving artist on a budget
[Aug 29,2015 10:35pm - real_shutup_fagget ""]

NH%20Brufaggotry said:Duncan is hiding from me in the woods! He has my $18 and he's running from me!

shutup fagget
[Aug 30,2015 3:36am - RTTPADMIN_4Real  ""]
This thread has been moved to the Marked for Deletion forum due to lack of relevancy. If you would like to discuss the RPM Festival please do so on this thread's Talk Page.
[Aug 30,2015 3:38am - Moonlight Graham  ""]
If you build it, they won't come.
[Aug 30,2015 4:26pm - xmikex ""]
Ya know... I can't tell anyone they didn't have fun at this show. That's not how the world works. I have friends who actually played this bullshit, and I hope they had a great time. But I'll never not love watching things like this fail. It's the brainchild of a bunch of Motherboy dingleberries that grew up going to Mayhem Fest once a year and think that they're part of the underground and want to do Waynestock cosplay. I couldn't have any respect for it if I wanted to.
[Aug 30,2015 4:28pm - xmikex ""]
And yes, the Motley Crue cape guy is without a doubt the only respectable thing going on here. Hold the throne, dude. Fuck bands get capes.
[Aug 30,2015 8:13pm - the truth about trolls  ""]

RTTP%20DEPARTMENT%20OF%20FREE%20PROMOTION said:Keep up the good work, you bunch of haters! You must feel so great about yourselves, sitting at home in your mom's basement eating Cheetos, getting more corpulent than you already are, and complaining about a metal fest as if someone's holding a gun to your head to go.

Haven't you figured out that most of the trolls here almost never go to shows? They're nerds.
[Aug 30,2015 9:03pm - xmikex ""]
If we're basing that assumption off RPM Fest's attendance then that's a whoooole lot of trolls.
[Aug 31,2015 6:41am - Nerds  ""]
People who didn't go to RPM Fest=Nerds

Guys who wear capes, Carmine and Ghastly Gregory Gallagher=Robert Redford

Makes sense
[Aug 31,2015 6:57am - Cape Wearing Man  ""]
Hey stop the violent comments against capes. Heroes wear capes. Shut up faggite.
[Aug 31,2015 8:15am - The reality of it  ""]
The reality of it is that this fest was a massive success again and everyone had fun. You guys are bashing it for no reason at all. You didn't go. So shut the fuck up and let rest. This is better than everything else going on last weekend and if you disagree then you are the fool.
[Aug 31,2015 8:44am - ParahSalin  ""]
Yeah, it was a great time. There were plenty of people, it was well organized and well run. It's a free show where you can bring your own beer, party, and camp. What's not to like? I'll definitely go next year, because I actually like having a good time.
[Aug 31,2015 9:42am - The reality of it  ""]
And not to mention Vector was fucking awesome. Anyone that missed them isn't a real fan of metal because they were the best band I've seen since
[Aug 31,2015 9:43am - The reality of it  ""]
Fen at the first winters coming fest. And if you think your too cool for that then shut the fuck up
[Aug 31,2015 9:51am - NH Brufaggotry  ""]

The%20reality%20of%20it said:Fen at the first winters coming fest. And if you think your too cool for that then shut the fuck up

No the reality of it is that Duncan owes me $18!
[Aug 31,2015 9:54am - NBA DRAFT  ""]
[Aug 31,2015 10:37am - FIMS  ""]

xmikex said:Ya know... I can't tell anyone they didn't have fun at this show. That's not how the world works. I have friends who actually played this bullshit, and I hope they had a great time. But I'll never not love watching things like this fail. It's the brainchild of a bunch of Motherboy dingleberries that grew up going to Mayhem Fest once a year and think that they're part of the underground and want to do Waynestock cosplay. I couldn't have any respect for it if I wanted to.

This was an awesome time.

The fact that you shit all over something like this is amusing to me because you are basing it all on a bunch of pictures rather than any personal experience. Thats on par with giving a full movie review based on the poster you saw on the wall.

What this "failed"show did have was great sound from killer bands, good vibes, keg stands on stage and in the crowd, vendors with cheap delicious food, a chill dog that played whiffle ball and a fuck load of other fun stuff that was worth drive.

Now, why exactly is that considered bullshit? Because the same amount of crowd attendence(or less) were not crammed into a small dingy club in Allston and paid $7 at the door to get in? There were easily 200-300 people at this show over the course of the weekend they all got to share their music with new fans and have a good time doing it. It just baffling to me that in this day in age, with all the pay to play and garbage promotors with rip off clubs that you consider THAT to be a failure.

That's my two cents.
[Aug 31,2015 11:14am - A Small Dingy Basement in Allston  ""]
You could get the same attendance for 30 terrible townie bands standing around in a clearing for an entire weekend. Or you could get the same attendance for 4 mediocre-decent bands 2 of which are touring in me and only have to make a 2 hour time commitment.

[Aug 31,2015 11:33am - xmikex ""]

FIMS said:This was an awesome time.

Good for you.

The fact that you shit all over something like this is amusing to me

Me too.

a bunch of pictures rather than any personal experience.

You get how pictures work, right?

Thats on par with giving a full movie review based on the poster you saw on the wall.

A poster that gives me the entire plot of the movie and and every scene is a bunch of dorks standing in an empty dirt field watching terrible bands. Yes.

I'm sorry I missed the wiffle ball dog but if you guys wanted this judged as a rad BBQ then book a rad BBQ. Don't book a pool party and tell me it's a metal show and get mad when people point out what a shitty metal show your pool party is.
[Aug 31,2015 11:38am - A Small Dingy Basement in Allston  ""]
We also have dogs and they wear bandanas like really cool guys. Allston Basement Dogs are more chill than Western Mass Wiffle Ball Dogs, it's a fact.
[Aug 31,2015 11:41am - The reality of it  ""]
Vektor and Fen suck
[Aug 31,2015 11:45am - NBA DRAFT  ""]
[Aug 31,2015 11:48am - FIMS  ""]

xmikex said:
FIMS said:This was an awesome time.

Good for you.

The fact that you shit all over something like this is amusing to me

Me too.

a bunch of pictures rather than any personal experience.

You get how pictures work, right?

Thats on par with giving a full movie review based on the poster you saw on the wall.

A poster that gives me the entire plot of the movie and and every scene is a bunch of dorks standing in an empty dirt field watching terrible bands. Yes.

I'm sorry I missed the wiffle ball dog but if you guys wanted this judged as a rad BBQ then book a rad BBQ. Don't book a pool party and tell me it's a metal show and get mad when people point out what a shitty metal show your pool party is.

If you had went, you would have known there was no pool. But that would have been fun too.

[Aug 31,2015 11:50am - Sacreligion ""]
Silly me. Going to this and having a fucking awesome time instead of sitting at home and bitching about something on the internet that has no effect on me whatsoever. I really missed out.
[Aug 31,2015 12:01pm - the_reverend ""]
I probably should hae photographed part of this.
[Aug 31,2015 12:07pm - RPM FEST OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHER  ""]

the_reverend said:I probably should hae photographed part of this.

I got this one for you, my good man.

[Aug 31,2015 12:07pm - xmikex ""]

Sacreligion said:Silly me. Going to this and having a fucking awesome time instead of sitting at home and bitching about something on the internet that has no effect on me whatsoever. I really missed out.

I'm glad you see it my way.
[Aug 31,2015 12:09pm - The reality of it  ""]
Seriously do these guys just sit here all day and try to find something to make fun of? How many of these fests are going on around here? And they were all professionally video taped. And if you don't like keg stands then the jokes on you.
[Aug 31,2015 12:09pm - DickIsMySucknature  ""]
Are my services need in this thread?
[Aug 31,2015 12:15pm - xmikex ""]
If anyone wants to play wiffle ball and grill burgers I'm there. No thank you on the rest.
[Aug 31,2015 12:44pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Have another fest in the winter and I'm there.
[Aug 31,2015 12:45pm - sjlbxcaj  ""]

xmikex said:If anyone wants to play wiffle ball and grill burgers I'm there. No thank you on the rest.

didnt you get kicked out of intheshit? why exact;y are you running your mouth?
[Aug 31,2015 1:23pm - xmikex ""]
I left ITS. I have a good relationship with everyone I was in the band with, and I think they've done great work since I left. Any other questions?
[Aug 31,2015 1:40pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Do you even cape, bro?
[Aug 31,2015 1:42pm - Cape Rear  ""]
[Aug 31,2015 1:48pm - Bruins Logo fag band  ""]
In the shit was the worst band to play
[Aug 31,2015 1:49pm - Voivod Logo Fag Band  ""]
Don't kid yourself
[Aug 31,2015 7:03pm - Not Fake  ""]
Definitely the worst band name at least

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