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Age of End CD RELEASE PARTY at the Worcester Palladium!

[show listing]  ___________________________________
[Jan 13,2010 12:28pm - Rocko‘s  ""]
It's all good.
[Jan 13,2010 12:32pm - NateTheWar ""]
The whole "never getting anywhere" part of the pay-to-play thing is ridiculous. I've done more than my fair share of extraordinary things with music without ever selling tickets before a show.

If your band is fucking sweet, then people will want to come out based on that alone. Putting other sweet bands on a bill only increases the chances of the show being killer. Sorry to say, some people have diluted opinions of what bands actually matter locally, especially promoters. Just because a band is willing to stroke 50 people for 10 bucks doesnt mean the band actually has potential. It could just mean they have 50 sucker friends who probably won't even go to the show.

I understand there's overhead and everything else that go into the venue and other costs, but if promoters did homework and knew which bands people actually came to see, then they wouldnt have to bother making bands sell tickets. Just make fliers and advertise, and be confident you booked a good show.

If nobody is at the show, then nobody knew about it, cared about it, or there's a better show somewhere else.

[Jan 13,2010 12:35pm - Sacreligion ""]
"Promoters" love bands with tons of drinking buddies that have nothing better to do with their time. Kultur was a prime example of this. I don't think anyone actually enjoyed their music but everytime I would go to one of their shows it was guaranteed that there'd be 50 people there that I knew and had a good time with. I'd actually spend most of my time outside with them hahaha.

My point is, they would get booked all the time for the opposite reason of why a band should get booked on a show.
[Jan 13,2010 12:54pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

NateTheWar said:

1.) if promoters did homework and knew which bands people actually came to see, then they wouldnt have to bother making bands sell tickets.

2.) If nobody is at the show, then nobody knew about it, cared about it, or there's a better show somewhere else.

this and that.
[Jan 13,2010 5:28pm - BlackoutRick ""]

NateTheWar said:The whole "never getting anywhere" part of the pay-to-play thing is ridiculous. I've done more than my fair share of extraordinary things with music without ever selling tickets before a show.

If your band is fucking sweet, then people will want to come out based on that alone. Putting other sweet bands on a bill only increases the chances of the show being killer. Sorry to say, some people have diluted opinions of what bands actually matter locally, especially promoters. Just because a band is willing to stroke 50 people for 10 bucks doesnt mean the band actually has potential. It could just mean they have 50 sucker friends who probably won't even go to the show.

I understand there's overhead and everything else that go into the venue and other costs, but if promoters did homework and knew which bands people actually came to see, then they wouldnt have to bother making bands sell tickets. Just make fliers and advertise, and be confident you booked a good show.

If nobody is at the show, then nobody knew about it, cared about it, or there's a better show somewhere else.

Truth. Win. End thread.
[Jan 14,2010 12:43am - Archaeon ""]
It's funny how some people can talk themselves into thinking PTP is a good thing. This is exactly why CSDO has never gone anywhere.
[Jan 14,2010 12:46am - Doomkid ""]

Archaeon said:This is exactly why CSDO has never gone anywhere.

This can best be explained by The Pinkerton Thugs:
"20 years on but whats really changed?"
[Jan 14,2010 12:48am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Selling tickets puts people in the venue. The upstairs at the Palladium the other night was packed!! It wasn't sold out... But, every band on the bill sold tickets and we all had a great turn out. Not just good... but great.

Because we've worked with New England Concerts and did what we had to do (sell tickets), we just got put on the huge indoor beach party that they're putting on in March... We'll be playing with Prong, Soulfly and others in front of 5000 people!! Nothing wrong with that
[Jan 14,2010 12:52am - Doomkid ""]
Except that you're playing with Soulfly.
[Jan 14,2010 1:25am - ryann_  ""]
i would much rather get on a "big" show because my band was working hard deserved to be on a "big" show.

its very dishonest to me to pay to play. it says nothing of the quality of your music, but only of your willingness to shell out cash.

if you can sleep at night knowing that the only worthwhile accomplishments you made, were because you bought your way on to a show, then thats great for you. Its crazy to me how disillusioned some people are.

No one needs to say anything more than nate though.
[Jan 14,2010 2:19am - g2g  ""]
all those bands are terrible. 4 realz age of end needs new singer
[Jan 14,2010 7:13am - josh_hates_you ""]
did revocation sell any tickets before getting signed to relapse?
[Jan 14,2010 7:15am - josh_hates_you ""]
prefect example of "play better music"
[Jan 14,2010 10:17am - xmikex ""]

[Jan 14,2010 12:10pm - NateTheWar ""]

ryann_ said:i would much rather get on a "big" show because my band was working hard deserved to be on a "big" show.

its very dishonest to me to pay to play. it says nothing of the quality of your music, but only of your willingness to shell out cash.

if you can sleep at night knowing that the only worthwhile accomplishments you made, were because you bought your way on to a show, then thats great for you. Its crazy to me how disillusioned some people are.

Exactly. I always go into bands hoping there is some ultimate payoff. Whether that be having having a great time with my friends, creating some killer tunes, or just not giving a fuck about anything in general. Rarely would I ever consider being on the biggest stage or the biggest paycheck the payoff, and I have a hard time being in bands with people who are looking for the big buck. It takes away from why you originally got into the band in the first place. I walked away from getting close to $2K or more after tours because I wasn't into it.

Being in a serious band is hard work, and it definitely sucks sometimes, but when it pays off it feels great, especially when the bigger shows go in your favor. Anyone who expects overnight success because they think their shit is sweet is fucked. There's lots of great local bands that deserve to open for a national tour without having to sell tickets. How many times have you seen a flier and thought "Why the fuck is that band on the show?"

A proper national tour show shouldn't require bands to sell presale tickets. The package alone, with proper advertising, should sell the tickets themselves, unless the tour itself is garbage from the get go.

[Jan 14,2010 12:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i consider a band to be a financial success when payment from shows and from merch can support/cover all expenses required for a band to continuing improving their music and gaining a larger fan base. i'm fortunate to currently be in 2 bands that are living up to that... it took like 10 years or so to get to that point however. its nearly impossible to accomplish that participating in pay to play type scenarios imho
[Jan 14,2010 12:54pm - Yeti ""]
the worst shows i've ever been a part of were pay to play. and guess where those were? MARK'S, YAY! yet some of the best shows i've ever played were ones put on by hard workers in the local scene. i'd rather play for 25 people who are interested in what i do instead of 5000 who won't remember my name after i leave the stage.
[Jan 14,2010 2:15pm - xmikex ""]
I refuse to post a rant. But I will say this.

Sworn Enemy, Since the Flood, Full Blown Chaos, Death Before Dishonor

All these bands made their marks touring as unknowns, and playing DIY shows for years and not LOWERING themselves to bush league battle of the bands pay to play poser shows.
[Jan 15,2010 1:36am - ryann_  ""]

NateTheWar said:
ryann_ said:i would much rather get on a "big" show because my band was working hard deserved to be on a "big" show.

its very dishonest to me to pay to play. it says nothing of the quality of your music, but only of your willingness to shell out cash.

if you can sleep at night knowing that the only worthwhile accomplishments you made, were because you bought your way on to a show, then thats great for you. Its crazy to me how disillusioned some people are.

A proper national tour show shouldn't require bands to sell presale tickets. The package alone, with proper advertising, should sell the tickets themselves, unless the tour itself is garbage from the get go.

Could not agree more.

a tour package with bands who are doing well and people give a fuck about do not need any local openers for support. hundreds of people will show up because of the tour, not because of some jamoke band thats opening. and if you need a jamoke band to open and sell tickets to break even, dont take a lousy tour package.
[Jan 15,2010 2:25am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
I guess it's pay to play for you guys... 'Cause you'd never be able to sell any tickets. You'd have to buy them... That's pay to play. Selling tickets means that you are working to play. Lets see what happens when you guys call up Scott at the Palladium, the people at Mass Concerts or Bernie at New England Concerts to ask to get on a wicked cool show. Yes, sometimes we have to sell tickets. Other times we get asked to get on something big. And may'be we get paid...

It depends on the area... we'll get a $150.00 to $500.00 to play. When we don't get paid, we kind of make it up in merch sales. It depends on the show... we can make $100.00 to $600.00 selling shirts, cd's and other stuff.
[Jan 15,2010 2:46am - Alx_Casket ""]
Dunno about anyone else, but I'm still going to therapy to get over the rape that my last band endured at the spiked cat cock of the notorious Bernie (NE Concerts). My pleasant night has been ruined by reading his name; that which has been seen cannot be unseen.

In a positive light, distasteful past dealings such as this have inspired me to book shows with a non-profit mentality. I book bands that I like and I know people dig, and I refuse to take home any money in my wallet from the show. I don't want to. For me, it's good enough to see people enjoying a show and watching my hard work come together for a night of memorable times. I wonder how much Bernie enjoys the musical bills he puts together... cause I know he enjoys those dollar bills.

[Jan 15,2010 2:55am - Sacreligion ""]

CandyStriperDeathOrgy said:I guess it's pay to play for you guys... 'Cause you'd never be able to sell any tickets. You'd have to buy them... That's pay to play. Selling tickets means that you are working to play. Lets see what happens when you guys call up Scott at the Palladium, the people at Mass Concerts or Bernie at New England Concerts to ask to get on a wicked cool show. Yes, sometimes we have to sell tickets. Other times we get asked to get on something big. And may'be we get paid...

It depends on the area... we'll get a $150.00 to $500.00 to play. When we don't get paid, we kind of make it up in merch sales. It depends on the show... we can make $100.00 to $600.00 selling shirts, cd's and other stuff.

Your band that hasn't done anything in 20 years has to sell tickets to get on a show that isn't even worth playing. Congratufuckinglations. As long as you can keep telling yourself you aren't busting your ass so a promoter can jam a cock in it, I suppose it's all good.
[Jan 15,2010 10:23am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

CandyStriperDeathOrgy said: Lets see what happens when you guys call up Scott at the Palladium

i'd rather never play the palladium ever in my life again than have to ask Scott to put is on a show (even if it wasnt pay to play.) fuck that fat douchebag.
[Jan 15,2010 10:47am - goatcatalyst ""]
This thread makes me smile.
[Jan 15,2010 10:51am - arktouros ""]

xmikex said:I refuse to post a rant. But I will say this.

Sworn Enemy, Since the Flood, Full Blown Chaos, Death Before Dishonor

All these bands made their marks touring as unknowns, and playing DIY shows for years and not LOWERING themselves to bush league battle of the bands pay to play poser shows.

[Jan 15,2010 6:16pm - immortal13 ""]


[Jan 16,2010 1:33am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Ballsacreligion,

CSDO has never done anything? We've toured, we've played at the Comcast Center when it was called Great Woods (on the mainstage), we've done the Milwaukee Metal Fest & the New Jersey Metal Fests over the years... Plus, we've played with so many big name bands (which most of you will never get a chance to play with)...You guys have never done anything. No wonder why you broke up... Remember Theresa tried helping you out? But you were too lazy to do anything...

In fact, we just got asked yesterday to open up for ANVIL at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston!! I turned it down 'cause we're going to see and hang out with D.R.I. at the Starland Ballroom in NJ... I gave the show to MELIAH RAGE
[Jan 16,2010 1:34am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Ballsacreligion,

CSDO has never done anything? We've toured, we've played at the Comcast Center when it was called Great Woods (on the mainstage), we've done the Milwaukee Metal Fest & the New Jersey Metal Fests over the years... Plus, we've played with so many big name bands (which most of you will never get a chance to play with)...You guys have never done anything. No wonder why you broke up... Remember Theresa tried helping you out? But you were too lazy to do anything...

In fact, we just got asked yesterday to open up for ANVIL at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston!! I turned it down 'cause we're going to see and hang out with D.R.I. at the Starland Ballroom in NJ... I gave the show to MELIAH RAGE
[Jan 16,2010 1:37am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey Ballsacreligion,

CSDO has never done anything? We've toured, we've played at the Comcast Center when it was called Great Woods (on the mainstage), we've done the Milwaukee Metal Fest & the New Jersey Metal Fests over the years... Plus, we've played with so many big name bands (which most of you will never get a chance to play with)...You guys have never done anything. No wonder why you broke up... Remember Theresa tried helping you out? But you were too lazy to do anything...

In fact, we just got asked yesterday to open up for ANVIL at the HOUSE OF BLUES in Boston!! I turned it down 'cause we're going to see and hang out with D.R.I. at the Starland Ballroom in NJ... I gave the show to MELIAH RAGE
[Jan 16,2010 3:16am - Sacreligion ""]
Was Theresa the girl that booked the joke wrestling/metal shows at Goodtimes? I hope neither she nor your band are the barometer for success with which you measure. I can never be accused of laziness when it came to booking shows or promotion. The reason Sac broke up was a combination of a lackadaisical drummer and infighting between us about the direction of the band combined with a natural process of separate age groups and disagreements between all of us. We can get in this argument all fuckin day, but in the end it still took you 20 years of ripping off Slayer to play with a nu-metal band at the Palladium, and Sac broke up after 5 years when we realized that we weren't going to be able to fully commit to the level of potential we could reach. Nothing you can say will ever amount to any form of jealousy in my mind.

Do you really think anyone at that Palladium show remembers or gives a shit about who you are(aside from who had to buy "discount" tickets from you)?
[Jan 16,2010 3:34am - Sacreligion ""]
As harsh as that last post may seem, my main point is that pay-to-play is a waste of any legitimate band's time and money. Call the repost police.
[Jan 16,2010 10:41am - Dr. Sphincto  ""]
Pay to play i dont agree with. Bands that play big shows should get compensated by the venue somehow.

Oh and look at bands as Revocation, Ramming Speed, Ravage, Howl, Swashbuckle, and CNV, they never did the whole PTP thing and are on labels and Revocation has played all over the US and will be touring Europe and Japan in a few months

CSDO, youv'e been around since the late 80s you've never toured outside the US and don't even have a full length. Sure you've toured and opened up for some big acts but what do you have to show for it?

CSDO your music is fun and i respect you guys, but its funny that the only time I see you guys at shows other then the ones you play are shows where you were supposed to play but either dropped or cancelled, or shows where Dan Lilker is around and playing.
[Jan 23,2010 2:08am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
We only go to good shows... Most of the bands around here sound the same... We'll be at Kreator, Over Kill, Joe Perry Project, D.R.I. (We just went down to NJ to see and hang out with them for two days) and we'll see what else comes around.

We've never put out a full length 'cause we've been screwed over by a couple of labels in the past. And with Screaming Ferret, a lot of things kept getting put off with distro. Two of the distro deals (Locomotive & Navarro) fucked up quite a few bands. I'm glad we didn't put out our stuff at that time. If we have anymore problems we might go with Hold True with Ethan to put our stuff out... We'll see...
[Jan 23,2010 2:18am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
What do we have to show for what we have done? We've never broke up... We've never gave up... We don't play trendy crap... We're always getting asked to play (shows, party's, etc). We're usually on guest lists to get into shows, racing events, sporting events, etc... We've got asked several times to do tours across the world over the years. But, we can't... We all need our jobs. Two summers ago we asked to go on tour with Harley's War to do the European summer festivals.
[Jan 23,2010 2:24am - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
Hey ballsac-religion...

It's not pay to play you dope! It's only pay to play if you can't sell the tickets... We've never had to pay to play. When you sell tickets you can also make money. At the Testament show we did in Southbridge we made $500.00 after selling the amount that we had to sell. Plus, we made another $600 to $700 in merch.

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