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Here's the Dwyer/Pathos + Staples/SEXCREMENT story so far...

[May 27,2008 10:41am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Here's the Dwyer/Pathos + Staples/SEXCREMENT story so far...

Josh Staples = biggest prick I've ever met.

I got SEXCREMENT on a killer show with MORTAL DECAY, GOREALITY, DYSENTERY and ABNORMALITY back in November...


The guy booking the show wasn't sure about who would snag that last open slot and Josh started begging on a local messageboard:

"post by BornSoVile Oct 8,2007 3:48pm
*whine* icanttakeit *whine*
"mortal decay is collectively one of our biggest influences. we're down to play, please call me back"

So I convinced the guy booking the show to put them on it, since SEXCREMENT rules, even though their bass player is a douche-nozzle.

So, that week I had show banners made for GOREALITY and DYSENTERY...



I basically do it at cost (for friends) but Josh wanted to work out some deal where he would trade CDs for the banner in exchange for an amount of CDs that we agreed upon.

4 months later, March rolls around and I finally get the file to have the banner made and my friend does it and brings it over, but it isn't laminated since the laminating machine was broken and being fixed. So, not wanting to rush something and give it to them and have it fall apart in a few months, I waited until the machine was fixed and made a special trip out of my way to go have it laminated properly.

So, the banner is done and he starts telling me that I have to "do this and do that" when I'm doing a favor for his band, not him, I hate the kid. So instead of him working something out he starts telling people that I ripped off DEHUMANIZED and ETERNAL SUFFERING (which is far from true) and posting on message boards that I am raping the scene by trying to make a profit.

Okay, long enough story, can't wait to hear Josh's twisted side of it.

[May 27,2008 10:59am - BSV  ""]
No twisted side of the story here. Your account is accurate.
I apologize for any confusion and or for any hurt feelings.
John Dwyer is a stand up guy who really contributes something vital to the scene.
[May 27,2008 11:07am - BSV  ""]
Nice try. Dwyer is the biggest rip off artist ever! Everyone knows this.
[May 27,2008 11:07am - the_reverend ""]
I heard he was a hobby rocker.
[May 27,2008 11:17am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
i heard he does drugs and posts pictures of girls he hangs out with on the internet
[May 27,2008 11:17am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
and something about shirts
[May 27,2008 11:18am - brian_dc ""]
holy shit, who cares
[May 27,2008 11:28am - BSV  ""]
Death to Pathos!
[May 27,2008 11:28am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

SacreligionNLI said:i heard he does drugs

Only weed, wanna buy some?

[May 27,2008 11:32am - SacreligionNLI  ""]
that would require i come out to NB, whereas i can get the bomb diggity in woosta. maybe this summer when i'm working at umass dartmouth, though
[May 27,2008 11:37am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

BSV said:Your account is accurate.
John Dwyer is a stand up guy

How is it not true?
[May 27,2008 11:47am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

BSV said:I apologize for any confusion and or for any hurt feelings.

You said "Scene" - haha.

[May 27,2008 11:52am - corpus_colostomy ""]
all bullshit talk aside, who do you think would win the fight?

Dwyah vs. Jawsh
[May 27,2008 12:24pm - RichHorror ""]
[May 27,2008 12:25pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
Richard you old sycophant you...
[May 27,2008 12:37pm - W3 nli  ""]
id fly home to see Dwyer and Satples fight that shit would be too funny but my money would be on Dwyer.
[May 27,2008 12:42pm - sacreligion ""]

RichHorror said:THE FANS
[May 27,2008 12:46pm - Joshtruction ""]

corpus_colostomy said:all bullshit talk aside, who do you think would win the fight?

Dwyah vs. Jawsh

After meeting them both I think if I was a betting man I'd go with dwyer.
[May 27,2008 12:47pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Don't know this Josh fellow, but MetalMerchant and I go back like 13 years and he's always been a great dude even if Fatty McCrippleJew thinks he owes him twenty bucks... but that's cool cuz Jamey Jasta still owes him fifty. Joking aside, I back Dwyer.
[May 27,2008 12:52pm - RichHorror ""]
He sells weed shirt women heads.
[May 27,2008 12:55pm - brian_dc ""]
our descendants will spend centuries decoding rich's last post
[May 27,2008 1:05pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

GoatCatalyst said:Fatty McCrippleJew thinks he owes him twenty bucks... Joking aside, I back Dwyer.

I thought it was $30! I have been waiting for him to email me that mailing address to send him a check since that James Murphy Benefest in MI like 5 years ago!

Tell him I want to buy all his CROTCHDUSTER merch and CDs wholesale too, he should be in touch! PathosProd@hotmail.com

[May 27,2008 1:09pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
Haha upping it to $30 and giving him an opportunity to make further loot -you old Jewbaiter! Frealz dude - if shit came to it, I would like the opportunity to be your manager a la Mr. Fuji or Slick and covertly toss you foreign objects.
[May 27,2008 1:20pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
on tha supa-rill tip tho - Turdsley is probably too busy having his accountant consolidate his Victoryrunnerbuxx into a hedge fund for Teenage Male Bisexuality and Awkward Hair to bother with such trivial (ie- real metal) matters. Send him a picture of one of your sozzles with an "i chat with cripple perverts" caption for guaranteed response.
[May 27,2008 1:21pm - brian_dc ""]
[May 27,2008 1:23pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
And then the midget done shit himself?
[May 27,2008 1:31pm - KadoogaNaturalBall  ""]
Dwyer is balding and Jawsh listens to Madonna. I think everything evens out in the end.
[May 27,2008 1:44pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
I rule and he is a fucking dolt with crusty teeth.
[May 27,2008 1:57pm - the_reverend ""]
it's pretty obvious that the real winner of this thread is jamey jasta.
[May 27,2008 2:01pm - brian_dc ""]
[May 27,2008 2:03pm - Joshtruction ""]


[May 27,2008 2:04pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
If you mention my name to Jamey Jasta he would at least know who I was, we used to work together all the time in the mid 90-ies, not that that even has anything to do with anything and means shit.

Jawsh = nobody important.
[May 27,2008 3:07pm - archaeon ""]
You realize that probably most of the BSV postings are not him right?
[May 27,2008 3:12pm - RichHorror ""]
And also that Hatebreed is queer and Jamey Jasta is a midget.
[May 27,2008 3:21pm - Yeti ""]
and also that this thread is gay.
[May 27,2008 3:26pm - dreadkill ""]
where's the news article about this? is there a picture of josh and dwyer on the front page of the boston harold?
[May 27,2008 3:27pm - RichHorror ""]
[May 27,2008 3:30pm - RichHorror ""]
haha Dwyer is such a homofagjew for putting this as a news article. ME AND OTHER GUY HAVE PISSING CONTEST, MORE AT 11
[May 27,2008 3:32pm - RichHorror ""]

[May 27,2008 4:17pm - DYA / NLI  ""]


[May 27,2008 4:20pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
[May 27,2008 4:22pm - GRANDPA  ""]
[May 27,2008 4:24pm - blue ""]
i call fake posts on a lot of those.
[May 27,2008 4:25pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

archaeon said:You realize that probably most of the BSV postings are not him right?

Wrong, we text each other too.

He crossed the line, he deserved the beating he is gonna get.
[May 27,2008 4:25pm - GRANDPA  ""]

ConquerTheBaphomet said:*yawn*

About me:
My name is Brandon Phinney. Reject Religion. Embrace Christ. If there are any questions about what I believe in, ask me about it!
Music is my life. I love metal in all its shapes and forms. I have had the opportunity to be the frontman for bands such as My First Death, Apsiody, Hraesvelgr and The Cadaveric Manifesto. I do growls, screams, and power singing. Being a vocalist is something I specialize in. I am also a drummer. I play for Oni-Waka.

I love to attend shows because showing love to the local bands is a passion of mine. Promotion is also something I enjoy. I like exposing the bands I love to other people and getting them to support them at shows as well.

I am a huge sports fan as well. Go RED SOX AND PATRIOTS!

I am with the most amazing woman I have ever been with. Her name is Sarah. She completes me. She is everything to me. I have many plans for my life but we shall see where I am led. There are many, many details to The Phinstah but feel free to get to know me. P.S. Beards are awesome. Every man should have one.

Screen name: TheLatterRain777

[May 27,2008 4:26pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

RichHorror said:haha Dwyer is such a homofagjew

Ahaha, you care?!

Maybe spend less time on the board and more time having a life.
[May 27,2008 4:26pm - RichHorror ""]
[May 27,2008 4:26pm - RichHorror ""]

AUTOPSY_666 said:
RichHorror said:haha Dwyer is such a homofagjew

Ahaha, you care?!

Maybe spend less time on the board and more time having a life.

I don't care, I'm laughing at you.
[May 27,2008 4:27pm - corpus_colostomy ""]
this is the stuff of genius..
[May 27,2008 4:31pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

blue said:i call fake posts on a lot of those.

Nope, no one is saving him from what he earned.

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