Dear New Hampshire[views:17444][posts:163]_________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:45pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] sigh said:Yep, (R) Lamar Smith is a good and recent example. He just tried claiming that the points made by the opposition to SOPA are entirely hypothetical and that the opposition's opinions don't matter. Yeah cause the creators of google and facebook have no idea how the internet works or anything like that...*FACEPALM*. There has been this shift in politics that intellectualism is unpatriotic and ignorance yields good policy. The U.S. needs to form it's own "pirate" party like they did in Sweden. going on record here that I would fully vote for a pirate if one were available to vote for. |
_________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:47pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] [img] |
_____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:47pm - Alx_Casket ""] Somali pirates = real pirate talk |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:47pm - ben ""] ben%20nli said:I love ron paul i cant wait till he comes to nashua and helps me start the race war im surrounded by spics gooks and niggers i go to the chinese resteraunt next to me every day for lunch and the lady there is wicked nice but she will die in a rain of hellfire when i can get enough of my gay-nazi friends to commit to starting the white inserrectuio...uprising. your a real pussy for hiding behind the name of BEN NLI. afraid i might kick your shit bag head in? who are you? |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:48pm - ben ""] ben said: ben%20nli said:I love ron paul i cant wait till he comes to nashua and helps me start the race war im surrounded by spics gooks and niggers i go to the chinese resteraunt next to me every day for lunch and the lady there is wicked nice but she will die in a rain of hellfire when i can get enough of my gay-nazi friends to commit to starting the white inserrectuio...uprising. your a real pussy for hiding behind the name of BEN NLI. afraid i might kick your shit bag head in? who are you? |
_____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:51pm - Alx_Casket ""] leave the trolls alone and gtfo |
___________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:52pm - largefreakatzero ""] sigh said: the_reverend said: largefreakatzero said:Whether he intends to stick to his promises or not, he (or anyone else) will get nothing done if Congress decides to block them. Country is broken and can't be fixed, too much money being made by these buttdarts with the current move? Where? U.S. Policies have an effect on practically every country these days. Yeah, I'll just stockpile ammo and wait. |
_____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:52pm - Alx_Casket ""] lol isn't that your answer to everything |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:52pm - ben ""] Alx_Casket said:Somali pirates = real pirate talk somalis give real pirates a bad name. at the end of the day its just a bunch of dumb niggers in a boat that white man invented with guns the the white man invented. how could you possibly Romanticize about them like you could with Euro Pirates? dont say whites werent the only ones to invent boats. we crossed the sea's before anyone else. so we inveted the best ones easily. but lets not recognize that fact because that would be racist. |
_____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 12:56pm - Alx_Casket ""] How dare you lecture me about what I can and can't romanticize about, I'd like to see you take on a Somali convoy with just your boreta! |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:02pm - Lamp ""] Alx_Casket said:Sorry nicc, but lots of practices have changed in over 50 years since he was in Duke med school. He of all people knows the current gynecologic practices, which is why I'm certain he's using that to justify his stance as I've said above. I also think he's a false Christian, just doing it for political reasons. MillenialKingdom, please weigh in. lol @ assuming Brandon has put even a cent of thought into any of the topics being discussed in this thread |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:03pm - Alx_Casket ""] I guess it's something I romanticize about. |
__________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:04pm - posbleak ""] LOL @ "a boat that white man invented" LOL Africa had boats before the white man existed Tanks, on the other hand... |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:08pm - Yeti ""] them dumb naggers can't even spell boat ne'ermine oar one hyuck hyuck |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:12pm - ben ""] Alx_Casket said:I guess it's something I romanticize about. no offense meant. i wasn't referring to what you think of them. i just had a thought and had my say about them. i honestly didnt get what you meant by that this eqauls that remark. care to share ALX? never did care what people thought of my take on life. |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:14pm - ben ""] Alx_Casket said:How dare you lecture me about what I can and can't romanticize about, I'd like to see you take on a Somali convoy with just your boreta! anyone is dangerous with a big gun. especially a primitive violent race that should never have had access to our weapons. |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:18pm - Alx_Casket ""] I think it's romantic when you talk primitive about your big little gun and ask me for my opinion. Say my name in caps. Say it again. I need to read it, like, so hard. |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:21pm - ben ""] posbleak said:LOL @ "a boat that white man invented" LOL Africa had boats before the white man existed Tanks, on the other hand... what boats did they have? the bloated lips on the negros doesnt count. just because they can act as a flotation device, doesnt mean they invented them. the poor saps were born with those blubbery things hanging from their faces. no wonder language didnt develop until we got the hell out of there. how can you expect to say anything more then "ALBA JALBAH!" with two water balloons for a mouth? they put plates in the lips so they wouldnt flap so damn much when they tried to speak. if someone only taught them how to make kitchen cabinets. they may have had a better place to put those plates. race bating is fun. |
________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] ben said: Alx_Casket said:Somali pirates = real pirate talk somalis give real pirates a bad name. at the end of the day its just a bunch of dumb niggers in a boat that white man invented with guns the the white man invented. how could you possibly Romanticize about them like you could with Euro Pirates? dont say whites werent the only ones to invent boats. we crossed the sea's before anyone else. because greek = white lol |
________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:25pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] YOUR%20HISTORY%20PROFESSOR said:SON, I AM DISAPPOINT [img] |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:25pm - ben ""] Alx_Casket said:I think it's romantic when you talk primitive about your big little gun and ask me for my opinion. Say my name in caps. Say it again. I need to read it, like, so hard. hey ALX , welcome to the I HATE BEN club. didnt take much of my lip to turn you against me did it. seems like you were just itching to go that direction. damn it , i'm just losing friends on this site quicker then a brooklyn car jacking. i feel so lonely. yet i keep coming back. one day i will win you all over , then i am gonna give you the cold shoulder. i will too. |
________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:26pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] posbleak said:LOL @ "a boat that white man invented" LOL Africa had boats before the white man existed on the other hand... sorry, the last line of that got cut off. come again? |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:27pm - ben ""] DestroyYouAlot said: ben said: Alx_Casket said:Somali pirates = real pirate talk somalis give real pirates a bad name. at the end of the day its just a bunch of dumb niggers in a boat that white man invented with guns the the white man invented. how could you possibly Romanticize about them like you could with Euro Pirates? dont say whites werent the only ones to invent boats. we crossed the sea's before anyone else. because greek = white lol yes it does in fact. not the whitest of the white but as a none Greek i can respect them. because they contributed a great deal to civilization. can you really say that about the darkies? |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:28pm - Lamp ""] White pride bands with drums = the ultimate hypocrite |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:28pm - Alx_Casket ""] I never said anything bad about you... you being a little preemptive with that cold shoulder to me, pal? |
___________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] wtf happened to this thread haha |
________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""] Lamp said:White pride bands with drums = the ultimate hypocrite "Guitars? Sounds like Moorish mischief to me." [img] |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:30pm - Alx_Casket ""] I dunno, but I like it when ben says my name in caps. Oooh, the warm shivers it brings! |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:32pm - Alx_Casket ""] Back on topic, you know who I'd like to see on the ballot? [img] |
________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:34pm - burnsy ""] DestroyYouAlot said: "Moorish mischief." Get out of my head. |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:37pm - ben ""] Alx_Casket said:I never said anything bad about you... you being a little preemptive with that cold shoulder to me, pal? no i rather not, i like and support local musicians. but i dont try to win them over once they turned on me. can we agree on disagreeing about blacks? i dunno. i can. i gave up trying to convince people of black inferiority a long time a go. now i just express my opinion of it freely. but i dont fool myself into thinking i am going to change a leftists mind. not saying you are one. but many are. to many. gotta exercise my rights as an American to voice my unpopular opinion while i still have them yah know. |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:39pm - Alx_Casket ""] Yeah, we're cool man. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Isn't that what black metal, internet message boards, and Top 10 lists are all about? Right? |
______________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:45pm - frankovhell ""] bennyhillifier bennyhillifier |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:45pm - ben ""] Alx_Casket said:Yeah, we're cool man. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Isn't that what black metal, internet message boards, and Top 10 lists are all about? Right? got that right, but be warned this is going on record Alx. you have now chosen to be alright with me. hope you dont mind what damage that will do to your "return to the shit" cred. but at least i will back you up! ;) |
___________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:50pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] ben said: Alx_Casket said:Yeah, we're cool man. Everyone's entitled to their own opinions. Isn't that what black metal, internet message boards, and Top 10 lists are all about? Right? be warned this is going on record Alx. you have now chosen to be alright with me. hope you dont mind what damage that will do to your "return to the shit" cred. [img] |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 1:53pm - Alx_Casket ""] SUPPORT! |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 2:00pm - ben ""] SUPPORT!!! |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 2:08pm - ben ""] SORRY, LETS GET BACK TO WHAT MATTERS for AMERICA! I love Ron but i dont have faith for him winning the presidency. so keep an eye out for this bright young face. he was well raised and will be just as good as Ron Paul! sadly by then it may be to late for this country to be saved. thats when real revolution takes place. the ugly kind folks.[img] |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 2:12pm - ben ""] [img] |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 2:22pm - ben ""] OOOOOOOAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Metal headz for Ron Paul! now Ron is pissed!!!![img] |
_________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 2:52pm - bobnomaamrooney ""] ITT: Shitty tattoo artist looks down upon darkies from the lofty seat of American culture and intellectualism, that city on a hill, the ivory tower dotted skyline of Nashua. |
__________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 2:59pm - largefreakatzero ""] Alx_Casket said:lol isn't that your answer to everything And a great answer it is. *waits* |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:09pm - Alx_Casket ""] [img] I found this picture to reply with, then realized that I have the gun she's holding XD |
__________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:11pm - largefreakatzero ""] Haha, that thing looks slick, is it a 9mm? I was thinking .45 at first, but doesn't seem bulky enough. |
____________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:17pm - Alx_Casket ""] Yeah, it's a 9mm prop. I bought mine from Kmart years ago for $10 before they took it off the shelf. The toy looked so realistic that people were using them to rob convenience stores. It didn't have that orange tip that toy guns typically do, and it has a metal frame construction and cocks just like a real gun. |
______________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:17pm - Yeti ""] FuckIsMySignature said:wtf happened to this site haha |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:18pm - ben ""] bobnomaamrooney said:ITT: Shitty tattoo artist looks down upon darkies from the lofty seat of American culture and intellectualism, that city on a hill, the ivory tower dotted skyline of Nashua. it was an impressive city once, like so many others built on Aryan blood sweat and tears. but guess who made it the shit hole you are making fun of now. blacks and hispanics. go through the ghettos if you dont believe me. look around and tell me what race you see , what races fucked that town up. the Greeks and french built it up. blacks and hispanics tore it down. just because you didnt exist in the better times , doesnt mean they didnt exist. down town still rocks and thats where i am pushing some of the finest ink in NewEngland. come say hi fag boy. |
___________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:20pm - FuckIsMySignature ""] only the gun aisle at Toy's R Us is real. |
_____________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:31pm - ben ""] FuckIsMySignature said:only the gun aisle at Toy's R Us is real. you haven't been fucked until it has been by the long cold barrel of my Winchester. |
_________________________________________ [Jan 12,2012 3:35pm - bobnomaamrooney ""] ben said: bobnomaamrooney said:ITT: Shitty tattoo artist looks down upon darkies from the lofty seat of American culture and intellectualism, that city on a hill, the ivory tower dotted skyline of Nashua. it was an impressive city once, like so many others built on Aryan blood sweat and tears. but guess who made it the shit hole you are making fun of now. blacks and hispanics. go through the ghettos if you dont believe me. look around and tell me what race you see , what races fucked that town up. the Greeks and french built it up. blacks and hispanics tore it down. just because you didnt exist in the better times , doesnt mean they didnt exist. down town still rocks and thats where i am pushing some of the finest ink in NewEngland. come say hi fag boy. Yeah I've looked around Nashua, it's full of 40 something burnouts who never did shit with their lives and try to convince themselves that doodling shitty portraits on some cheap bastard is a contribution to society. What a hole. |