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{2011} Best Albums of - in no particular order

[Dec 20,2011 10:27pm - CurlyRed ""]

demondave said:
that Ravencult is awesome. No word of a lie, I had it on today.

Good to know someone is in agreement with me
[Jan 2,2012 4:55pm - burnsy ""]

BSV said:Midnight Odyssey - Funeral from the Astral Sphere

Backed so hard. This album is incredible.
[Jan 2,2012 7:58pm - Manowarrior  ""]
Portrait and In Solitude put out decent albums. In Solitude are a little suspect, but they at least play real metal.

Manilla Road's newest is stellar. Argus is pretty decent.

Autopsy was disappointing and shitty despite all the hip young types being all about it. Listen to Mental Kingdom, faggots. This new shit sucked.

Deceased and Disma rendered all other death metal releases from 2011 irrelevant, but I still deleted them after two listens and never bought them, as all of those dudes are clearly past their creative peaks. Not bad, just old and weak sounding.

Everything else can fuck off. Too much shit metal being released. 60 albums in a month? Why the fuck bother, plenty of metal albums released when metal was still metal and not the hipster crap you faggots listen to.

Here's to less hip and shit metal coming out in 2012, and everything pre 1995 still ruling everything that will come out this year.

[Jan 2,2012 8:15pm - amorok666 ""]
Mental kingdom? You mean mental funeral right?
[Jan 2,2012 8:18pm - Blessed_Offal ""]

Manowarrior said:

Autopsy was disappointing and shitty despite all the hip young types being all about it. Listen to Mental Kingdom, faggots. This new shit sucked.

HAHA what a POSER.

Also, Macabre Eternal was killer, you NUMB FUCKIN BROAD.
[Jan 2,2012 8:19pm - amorok666 ""]
Dudes closet newfag
[Jan 2,2012 9:15pm - demondave ""]

Manowarrior said:
Deceased and Disma rendered all other death metal releases from 2011 irrelevant, but I still deleted them after two listens and never bought them, as all of those dudes are clearly past their creative peaks. Not bad, just old and weak sounding.

Disma have only released stuff since 2009.

The troll acknowledges that the Deceased have one of the best of the year, but then dislikes it because they are old and might not be considered hip.

[Jan 2,2012 9:18pm - amorok666 ""]
Disma had 3 releases this year one of which was a full length. God who are you people.
[Jan 2,2012 9:19pm - KEVORD ""]

demondave said:

Disma have only released stuff since 2009.

I assume he's connecting Disma to Incantation.
[Jan 2,2012 9:32pm - BSV  ""]
[Jan 3,2012 9:38pm - Woah!_NLI!  ""]

goatcatalyst said:also... fucking XIBALBA!


Not a 2011 release, but I feel the need to make everyone aware of the Mayheecan Black Metal Xibalba.

[Jan 3,2012 9:40pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
Manowarrior you arent chill bro
[Jan 3,2012 11:18pm - Manowarrior  ""]

demondave said:
Manowarrior said:
Deceased and Disma rendered all other death metal releases from 2011 irrelevant, but I still deleted them after two listens and never bought them, as all of those dudes are clearly past their creative peaks. Not bad, just old and weak sounding.

Disma have only released stuff since 2009.

The troll acknowledges that the Deceased have one of the best of the year, but then dislikes it because they are old and might not be considered hip.

No, just death metal is always a joke compared to real metal, Nancy. Best of the year isn't saying much when you're talking about death metal, and that has always been made best by kids barely out of puberty. All of you are either too young or too stupid to understand the very basics of metal 101.

If you are going to be a trend jumping faggot and listen to death metal, at least listen to the older stuff when these dudes were young and not a bunch of watered down garbage made by aging losers almost as sad as yourselves.

Ain't my cup of joe, but at least I can respect people who use their ears and not what the hype says. Making year end lists is for those who want to suck critic cock.

Some of that new Autopsy sounded as gay as My Dying Bride. Just go full faggot already and buy a Nightwish album.

If you're into finding new soundtracks to your nightly jerk off sessions with your autographed picture of Gaahl, keep it off of metal forums and go have a bakesale, you fucking women.

[Jan 3,2012 11:48pm - KEVORD ""]


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