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Dissection vocalist killed himslef. Jon Nödtveidt 1975-2006

[Aug 18,2006 4:46pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt has committed suicide, informed sources have told BLABBERMOUTH.NET. Nödtveidt's death was confirmed by the Swedish distributor Sound Pollution, whose staff has worked with DISSECTION throughout the band's career. A posting on the Sound Pollution web site, www.soundpollution.se, reads: "RIP Jon Nödtveidt 1975-2006. Condolences from Sound Pollution & Black Lodge."

Nödtveidt formed DISSECTION in 1989 and released two full-length albums with the group — "The Somberlain" (1993) and "Storm of the Light's Bane" (1995) — before he was convicted in Sweden of felony murder of 37-year-old homosexual Algerian Josef Ben Maddour in 1997. He was released from prison in 2004, at which point he restarted DISSECTION.

DISSECTION announced in May that it would split up imediately following its final performances in support of its recently released CD, "Reinkaos". The band was subsequently forced to cancel its two previously announced appearances in North America (Sept. 1 at the House of Blues in West Hollywood, CA and Sept. 6 at B.B. King Blues Club in New York City) after Nödtveidt was denied legal entry into the United States as a result of his conviction.

DISSECTION's most recent album, "Reinkaos", was released in May on The End Records.
[Aug 18,2006 4:55pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
REPOST!!! Right above ya!!!
[Aug 18,2006 4:56pm - pam ""]
Only because I bumped the other one.
[Aug 18,2006 5:02pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
pam said:Only because I bumped the other one.

Thank you. Oh shit, i just fucked it up again.

[Aug 18,2006 5:07pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
this fucking sucks a lot
[Aug 18,2006 5:11pm - DreamingInExile ""]
so it is true? I'm still skeptical...
[Aug 18,2006 6:30pm - ConquerTheBaphomet ""]
Who cares, that's what I say.
[Aug 18,2006 6:33pm - anonymous  ""]
[Aug 18,2006 9:50pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
The End Records has issued the following statement regarding the passing of DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt:

"The End Records is saddened to hear of the passing of DISSECTION's Jon Nödtveidt.

"It was a pleasure for us at the label to deal with such a talented musician. He was always professional and we admired his passion for the music he created. We were proud to have the opportunity to work with him on 'Reinkaos' and the recent reissues of their classic albums 'Storm of the Light's Bane' and 'The Somberlain'.

"He will be missed."
[Aug 18,2006 9:52pm - Abbath ""]
holy fucking shit!
anyone know how he ended it?
[Aug 18,2006 9:57pm - CNV  ""]
I wonder if there was a suicide note

Maybe there was some foul Play involved

[Aug 18,2006 9:58pm - Abbath ""]
either way i think i'd end it too if i made such a shitty new album
[Aug 19,2006 4:08am - Necromorbus  ""]
So I can really stop pretending that I liked Rheinkaos now, right?
[Aug 19,2006 8:31am - BornSoVile ""]
Hailed be the heroes! R.I.P.
Where Dead Angels Lie
[Aug 19,2006 11:53am - Ryan_M ""]
why is it surprising to people when a black metal band member kills himself?
[Aug 19,2006 12:05pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
Swedish heavy metal musician Jon Nödtveidt, 31, was found dead on Wednesday, August 16 at his apartment in Hässelby, a suburb of Stockholm. He shot himself in the head and was surrounded by lit candles, Expressen reports. Shortly before the ritual suicide, he had sent farewell letters to his father and his girlfriend and explained to a friend, "I'm going away for a long, long time. I'm going to Transylvania."

Sometime between Monday (Aug. 14) and Wednesday, Nödveidt, vocalist and guitarist in the popular Swedish black metal band DISSECTION, chose to take his own life.

At 7:21 p.m. CET on Wednesday, a police patrol reported to the police communication center in Stockholm that a man had been found dead, the apparent victim of a self-inflicted gunshot wound. According to several of Expressen's sources, the singer had placed an open copy of "The Satanic Bible" in front of him before pulling the trigger.

"He shot himself in the head and lay dead in a ring of lit candles," says a police source.

At 5:44 p.m. on Wednesday, the police received a 911 call from Jon Nödtveidt's family who hadn't been able to establish contact with him for a couple of days.

"They were very concerned," says his legal representative and manager, Per Nordqvist. "His girlfriend and his family called after their fears that something terrible had happened had been bolstered."

The reason for their concern was a farewell letter that Jon Nödveidt had sent to his girlfriend in Germany. His father, Anders Nödtveidt, had also received a postcard asking him to contact a number of people and thank them for everything.

"What it said is personal. I want to keep it to myself," Jon's father says of the postcard's contents.

"I met him in Stockholm just a week and a half ago. Everything seemed great then. I've always had good contact with Jon during his upbringing and throughout his adult life. I don't understand what has happened to make things turn out this way. This weighs even more heavily on us considering everything that has happened. This is very difficult for the entire family."

Jon Nödveidt's father likes the photo in which his son wears a black leather jacket and has asked for that picture to be published.

"It's a good photo. Jon thought so as well," says Anders Nödtveidt.

The suicide is believed to have been planned for a long time.

"At the scene there was also a will and a suicide note," a police source tells Expressen.

In December 1997, Jon Nödveidt was arrested for the murder of Josef Ben Meddaour and served seven years for accessory to murder and possession of an illegal firearm. The highly publicized murder in Gothenburg is depicted in the movie "Keillers Park". What has come to be known as "the Satanic murder" in Sweden has led to both a movie and a book.

"It affected me immensely," the movie's director, Susanna Edwards, tells Aftonbladet.

"Keillers Park", which is named after the park in Gothenburg where the murder took place, opened in theaters in Sweden in March 2006.

"Josef Ben Meddaour was a naive and open person with a big heart," says Edwards. "He was a victim of a grotesque act of homophobia."

The murder was also the basis for last year's "No Tears For Queers", a book about hate crimes by Swedish journalist and author Johan Hilton.

In 1997, at the time of the murder, Jon Nödtveidt explained that he lived in a world where Satan was God and that they drank blood and sacrificed animals. On DISSECTION's web site he revealed that he was a member of MLO — Misanthropic Luciferian Order.

On September 22, 2004, two weeks after his release from prison, Jon Nödveidt talked to Expressen about the murder and his time in prison.

"I want to put the murder behind me and move forward," he told the newspaper. "It feels like I'm a new person after my time in prison. The time before the incarceration feels like another life. I've been through so much since. I've become more mature, older and look at life and death in a totally new way."

When asked about the crimes he was convicted of, Nödtveidt said, "No matter how you twist and turn it, it can't be undone. What happened happened and I must move forward with my life. I have taken responsibility for my actions by having served my time in prison. I'm not proud of the fact that I have to watch my mother cry, but I'm working with new strength and look ahead."

When asked if he regrets what happened, Nödtveidt said, "Out of respect to the victim's family, I don't want to discuss what happened. The only thing I want to say is that I'm not proud of it."

Josef Ben Meddaour was a 37-year-old Algerian homosexual man who was killed by a shotgun blast to the head and the back.

"I'm absolutely not a racist," Jon Nödtveidt told the newspaper. "There's nothing that makes me more sad and upset than people who say things like that. These are people who know nothing about me. Everyone who knows me knows that I have friends, brothers and sisters from all over the world."

"Jon was an open person who enjoyed life," explains his manager, Per Nordqvist, to Expressen. "He was easy to get along with and very accomodating. Still, what happened happened and that is something you always carry with you one way or another. All people have baggage."

Per Nordqvist tells Aftonbladet that the suicide of his friend has left him feeling totally empty and that it's terribly saddening.

"I've spent the last few years collecting the rights to his music," Nordqvist tells Aftonbladet. "Jon felt that he was losing everything during the time he was incarcerated."

Johan Hargeby at the Swedish distribution company Sound Pollution worked closely with Jon Nödveidt for 15 years.

"I met him as late as Monday (Aug. 14) when he was here for a short meeting," Hargeby tells Expressen. "I am shocked and dismayed."

Check out Swedish media reports on Jon Nödtveidt's suicide:

[Aug 19,2006 12:15pm - CNV  ""]
That is funny he was sitting with a copy of The Satanic Bible being that this book does not acknowledge any sort of life after death

[Aug 19,2006 12:15pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
DISSECTION frontman Jon Nödtveidt, who took his own life earlier in the week less than three months after announcing the band's split, spoke to Norwegian magazine Slayer in 2003 on the topic of suicide. Asked how he views the matters of suicide and whether taking your life is "worth it," Nödtveidt responded, "The Satanist decides over his own life and death and prefers to go with a smile on his lips when he has reached his peak in life, when he has accomplished everything, and aim to transcend this earthly existence. But it is completely un-Satanic to end ones own life because one is sad or miserable. The Satanist dies strong, not by age, disease or depression, and he chooses death before dishonor! Death is the orgasm of life! So live life accordingly, as intense as possible!"
[Aug 19,2006 12:16pm - pam nli  ""]
I maintain this is the direct result of him actually HEARING that last album.
[Aug 19,2006 12:16pm - CNV  ""]
In fact it says- Life is the great indulgence

Death is the great abstinence
[Aug 19,2006 12:18pm - theaccursedvokillist ""]
"According to several of Expressen's sources, the singer had placed an open copy of "The Satanic Bible" in front of him before pulling the trigger."

sources = I made this crap up and want to cover me ass
[Aug 19,2006 12:44pm - retzam ""]
This is a shame. Killing yourself for pretty much any reason is kind of silly.
[Aug 19,2006 1:44pm - whatever  ""]
What a fag, he thinks he's going to be regarded as highly as Euronymous or Dead or whatever, whereas he's actually just fucking dead.
[Aug 19,2006 1:49pm - the_reverend ""]
oh shnit.. I was born in 75 and this is 06. I need to magic 8-ball this shizzle.
[Aug 19,2006 2:02pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
this is why i think black metal/satanism/odinism is for the most part fucking stupid ....they spawn a few good bands but other than that its silly and the people involved take themselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously...give it up theres no satan or odin or any of that bullshit...so to kill yourself according to that stuff makes you a dickface
[Aug 19,2006 2:09pm - BobNOMAAMRooney nli  ""]
In his suicide note: "Mom, Dad...I'M GAY!"
[Aug 19,2006 4:09pm - CNV  ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:this is why i think black metal/satanism/odinism is for the most part fucking stupid ....they spawn a few good bands but other than that its silly and the people involved take themselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously...give it up theres no satan or odin or any of that bullshit...so to kill yourself according to that stuff makes you a dickface

This is a very biased and one sided statement

Have you ever actually read the Satanic bible ?

It is based on rock bottom common sense and how to attain goals

[Aug 19,2006 4:22pm - pam nli  ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:this is why i think black metal/satanism/odinism is for the most part fucking stupid ....they spawn a few good bands but other than that its silly and the people involved take themselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously...give it up theres no satan or odin or any of that bullshit...so to kill yourself according to that stuff makes you a dickface

I agree and I HAVE read the Satanic Bible.
[Aug 19,2006 4:29pm - pam nli  ""]
CNV said:babyshaker not logged in said:this is why i think black metal/satanism/odinism is for the most part fucking stupid ....they spawn a few good bands but other than that its silly and the people involved take themselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously...give it up theres no satan or odin or any of that bullshit...so to kill yourself according to that stuff makes you a dickface

This is a very biased and one sided statement

Have you ever actually read the Satanic bible ?

It is based on rock bottom common sense and how to attain goals

I think being in the black metal band, you are not without bias here, either. There's a lot of really sensible stuff in the Satanic Bible, stuff I read and thought made a lot of sense and still do. HOWEVER, there are also a lot of silly rituals and nonesense about white witches in there too.

Killing yourself is a faggot pussy thing to do, I don't care what belief you follow. You shoot yourself in the head, you're a fucking moron.
[Aug 19,2006 4:42pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
Killing yourself takes guts, you choose to end it your way, I respect suicide.

Might just do it myself someday, cross your fingers.
[Aug 19,2006 4:57pm - dyingmuse ""]
i agree with dwyer.
I would not have the balls to take my own life. F that!
[Aug 19,2006 5:15pm - the_reverend ""]
no jesus no beast.

killing youself can be a "brave" act, but typically, it's do our of utter despiration when it's the easiest way out of depression/mental illness/parental revenge. usually the people that do have the balls to call their own end are the ones strong enough not to. and the ones that do are the real coward.
just my 0.02.
like Dead, when he offed himself it was from depression.
[Aug 19,2006 5:20pm - dyingmuse ""]
a very senseless act, i must say.

[Aug 19,2006 5:23pm - the_reverend ""]
the only thing that came of it was an album cover.
[Aug 19,2006 5:24pm - kevord ""]
I'm sure this had nothing to do with Reinchaos sucking and the U.S. shows being canceled. I heared they sounded horrible at the shows they played in Europe. I'm sure Jon just realized his career was over and there was nothing left for him or else he would have killed himself in prison.
[Aug 19,2006 5:27pm - dyingmuse ""]
i think the new album was awesome, in no way in the same plane as the other albums, but a great album none the less.
[Aug 19,2006 5:31pm - powerkok ""]
AUTOPSY_666 said:Killing yourself takes guts, you choose to end it your way, I respect suicide.

Might just do it myself someday, cross your fingers.

Sooner than later, please.

Suicide is the pussy way out.
You feel no pain (by gunshot to the melon), and leave any family, friends in disarray for your own selfishness.

Ive read the satanic bible, and, woo hoo, big deal, Anton LeVey says....blah blah blah.
who is he to say this is the way satanists are to think.
Fuck that shit.
Fuck this guy.
[Aug 19,2006 5:36pm - dwellingsickness ""]
powerkok said:AUTOPSY_666 said:Killing yourself takes guts, you choose to end it your way, I respect suicide.

Might just do it myself someday, cross your fingers.

Sooner than later, please.

Suicide is the pussy way out.
You feel no pain (by gunshot to the melon), and leave any family, friends in disarray for your own selfishness.

Ive read the satanic bible, and, woo hoo, big deal, Anton LeVey says....blah blah blah.
who is he to say this is the way satanists are to think.
Fuck that shit.
Fuck this guy.

Watch out man, I got a bashin from Josh" I am in AC,worship me" Martin , In the other thread for saying suicide is the pussy way out. haha

[Aug 19,2006 5:43pm - powerkok ""]
Fuck Josh Martin in his filthy cunt, and anyone like him.
I beg Josh to say shit to my face.
[Aug 19,2006 6:17pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
fuck respect how bout the people left that get to go into post death depression over you.....or the insane amount debt it puts a family member in to bury the selfish fuck....your a fucking idiot if you think that satanic bible shit is somthing to live by....i have read it and its just a book that spews common sense at you and tries to say there the beliefs of a satanist....i fucking hate that satanism shit its for like 12 year old kids trying to feel spooky and black metal kids trying in vain to justify there silly ass take on music...u dont need a book someone else wrote to make your own value system and your weak if you do
[Aug 19,2006 6:19pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
p.s another reason this shit pisses me off is i have a cousin fighting for her Normal life everyday against cycstic fibrosis...she would love to live a full normal life but she wont...and shitty people like this take there own lives on pourpose
[Aug 19,2006 6:20pm - succubus ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:this is why i think black metal/satanism/odinism is for the most part fucking stupid ....they spawn a few good bands but other than that its silly and the people involved take themselves waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay to seriously...give it up theres no satan or odin or any of that bullshit...so to kill yourself according to that stuff makes you a dickface

for you
[Aug 19,2006 6:21pm - CNV  ""]
well, the thing I like about the Satanic bible is that it pretty much says to do whatever YOU want to do

It does not subvert your natural instinct

It tells you to embrace it

I think you need to read it again dipshit
[Aug 19,2006 6:22pm - kevord ""]
I thought Black Metal elitists hated the satanic bible cause it's weak satanism.
[Aug 19,2006 6:22pm - succubus ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:p.s another reason this shit pisses me off is i have a cousin fighting for her Normal life everyday against cycstic fibrosis...she would love to live a full normal life but she wont...and shitty people like this take there own lives on pourpose

this shit pisses me the fuck off as well
i've known some people who've kille themselves what a selfish thing to do an fuck over those who survive that care about you and what about the people/person who finds you after you've off'ed yourself? sick shit

i'm sorry to hear about your cousin...
[Aug 19,2006 6:23pm - succubus ""]
powerkok said:
Suicide is the pussy way out.
You feel no pain (by gunshot to the melon), and leave any family, friends in disarray for your own selfishness..
Fuck this guy.

+1111111111111111 for you too
i agree 100%
[Aug 19,2006 6:25pm - CNV  ""]
and as far as suicide being a cowardly act or not - who fucking cares

Jim Jones is my hero
[Aug 19,2006 6:31pm - babyshaker not logged in  ""]
CNV said:well, the thing I like about the Satanic bible is that it pretty much says to do whatever YOU want to do

It does not subvert your natural instinct

It tells you to embrace it

I think you need to read it again dipshit

i already embraced my natural instincts I on the other hand didn't need a book to tell me to do so dipshit
[Aug 19,2006 6:38pm - powerkok ""]
I will agree that the satanic bible is about one general thing:
Looking out for #1.

I also will agree that this whole theory is thrown out the window, once you become a responsible parent.
Its not about selling out, being weakend, or succumbing to the rigors of everyday parenthood/life.

Although it may be my own fault for this, I do not look back or regret anything.

Hence, satanism, again, so.....there you have a full cycle.

Which raises the question......what exactly is worship?
[Aug 19,2006 6:44pm - CNV  ""]
babyshaker not logged in said:CNV said:well, the thing I like about the Satanic bible is that it pretty much says to do whatever YOU want to do

It does not subvert your natural instinct

It tells you to embrace it

I think you need to read it again dipshit

i already embraced my natural instincts I on the other hand didn't need a book to tell me to do so dipshit

Nor did I

all I am saying is that you are pigeon holing everything into a box

You are trying to say every satanist is an idiot and this is surely not the case


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