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Sounds of the Underground @ the Tsongas Arena today!

Tsongas Arena (Lowell, Ma) - [all_that_remains][a_life_once_lost][chimaira][clutch][devildriver][every_time_i_die][from_autumn_to_ashes][gwar][lamb_of_god][norma_jean][opeth][poison_the_well][randomshots][strapping_young_lad][the_red_chord][throwdown][unearth]
[show listing]  _________________________________________________
[Jun 27,2005 11:25am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
RustedAngel said:I think clutch's lyrics are horrible. I realize they aren't metal, I listen to some shit that's not metal I just can't get into clutch, it annoys me having to listen to it when someone puts it on. All I can picture is jocks/hicks driving camaro's and having bonfires while fighting eachother.

sorry but way off.
[Jun 27,2005 11:40am - Hooker ""]
Jocks and hicks loving Clutch? There's nothing off about that statement.
[Jun 27,2005 11:43am - RustedAngel ""]
Clutch are also friends with Bam Margera now! omg! I have to like them!
[Jun 27,2005 12:04pm - Hooker ""]
That dude's got a great voice and stuff. I could never really get into them though. It's odd the demographic they've won over. They are a basic blues rock band. I figured they'd be playing with like... I don't know.. Gov't Mule or something.
[Jun 27,2005 12:52pm - Sinistas ""]
these photos have a headline on blabbermouth
[Jun 27,2005 1:07pm - the_reverend ""]

that's very cool of both sites!
[Jun 27,2005 1:53pm - anonymous  ""]
the singer of FATA reminded me of Jack Black
[Jun 27,2005 1:55pm - dneirflrigruoydeliani not logged in  ""]

that was me
[Jun 27,2005 3:21pm - Ol_No.7 ""]
"hicks driving camaro's and having bonfires while fighting eachother".....sounds good to me. GOD BLESS CLUTCH!
[Jun 27,2005 4:24pm - OPETH  ""]
what songs did opeth play/??
[Jun 27,2005 4:26pm - the_reverend ""]
if you read, its in there.
[Jun 27,2005 4:36pm - dreadkill nli  ""]
OPETH said:what songs did opeth play/??

you apparently are opeth. were you too drunk during your set to remember what you played?
[Jun 27,2005 5:08pm - OPETH  ""]
wow you are a moron...
[Jun 27,2005 5:17pm - Sinistas ""]
no, he's just calling you out on your anonymous nature

if you'd bothered to read the thread:

drapery falls
demon of the fall
[Jun 27,2005 5:19pm - Sinistas ""]
retzam said: I went to Pink Voyd in Sutton instead

damnit, I need to see them
[Jun 27,2005 5:26pm - dreadkill ""]
OPETH said:wow you are a moron...

you are obviously a moron for not reading the thread. the songs they played were posted a few times. you're also a moron for not detecting my sarcasm. i was just joking around, dude. i thought the guys from opeth were nice when i talked ot them at the show, but you guys are apparently jerks if this is how you react to a little joke.
[Jun 27,2005 5:27pm - dreadkill ""]
you're probably the same anonymous douche who asked about devildriver's set.
[Jun 27,2005 5:28pm - Hooker ""]



Jesus, don't scare me like that.
[Jun 27,2005 5:41pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Hooker said:Jocks and hicks loving Clutch? There's nothing off about that statement.

see i understand the hicks part but i dont see how jocks could get into them. i mean they're not pantera.
[Jun 27,2005 6:35pm - BogusRendition ""]
the_reverend said:to justin: the security was fine over all, but they definitely had some buttholes. there was a girl there that was really nice to carina and I. also, in the photo pit was a guy, Bruce, who is super nice and talked to us about blowing his hearing seeing pink floyd and the stones. I think that they were a little bit overwelmed by the crowd surfers... I think they normally do lower key shows. I saw you backing them up.

to mark (mmmp): it's awesome that the lineup changes since the same line up every night would be lame. I hope that the set-lists change every night too. the sound scan ordering is semi-lame, but whatever. I just hope that kids pay attention so they don't miss the bands they are going to see.

Yeah, the guys in the photo pit were really cool. Especially that black dude, the dude with the mustach and their superviser in the blue shirt, black hair and with the head set. Thats why I felt weird about catagorizing them as a whole. This one dude in particular really pissed me off though. He was on the side corner between the sound stuff and photo pit and he looked like Dustin Hoofman (the acter) mixed with some other actor who sorta looks like Dustin Hoofman and plays the crooked cop in the movie Money Talks with Chris Tucker and Charly Sheen. This dude looked like that only with glasses and had a red shirt and head set. He gave me shit a few times, first was when I didn't have my pass stuck on my shirt (which I never do anyways cause they always peel off) and started screaming at me about which shirt I was going to put it on ( I had a long sleeve on as well at the time and started to put it on my other shirt and he flips out). Then he gave me shit later when I came threw a different time and had a few pins stuck in the pass holding it to my fucking shirt claiming that it obstructed the veiw (that one I really didn't get). I sorta just laughed at him and I guess he didn't like that but a bunch of other people started laughing at him and he let it go. Then during the Unearth set when all the crowd surfers were coming over at once and the guys up front were hopelessly under staffed (well not hopelessly, but understaffed still) and of course given that there I was, as Ive done at the Palladium numerous times, I grabed a couple of kids that were about to fly over the barrier onto the floor, or helped the guys down off the barricade if there wasn't anyone else to back them up. The amount of kids crowd surfing all at once simply wasn't something that happens at every single concert, especially ones of that size. And the guys on surfer duty up front and saw this and thanked me profusely. I guess as soon as this guy (the one that looks like Dustin Hoofman) saw that I was still up front after the 3 song for photos and that I wasnt taking pictures anymore, he made his way over and started screaming at me to "get the hell outta here!" and I know I shouldn't have offered cause I knew the answer due to the fact that Im not insured and could sue then if I got hurt, but I asked if they "wanted and extra body to help out," and as he was replying with something like "thats not you're fucking job" and starts getting in my face like he's just dieing for the cue to kick the shit out of me (all the while he has his back to the crowd) along comes a kid of the barrier and a guess I should have just stood there and let the kid fall on this guys head, but I shoved him out of the way and held the kid from coming over till 2 other guys got there to bring him over. Then I kinda storm off, pissed and annoyed. Plenty of people saw this happen, security guys, kids up front, people on side stage, but I guess the guy figured I was "attacking" him or it could be the excuse to be able to claim I'd attacked him and flies after me with some other dude and they tackle me and slam me up against the wall screaming at me not to ever EVER do that again. As they loosened their grip and actually listened to what I had to say, their only responce was about the legal issues that could entail, which of course make sense, but damn, not even a shred of a "thanks anyways." In the heat of the moment I guess I really just should have let the kid fall on the guys head. I told the "other guy" given that the Dustin Hoofman dude refused to even have a "friendly chat from across the baricade" that it was simply a shame that what I felt like was an act that was in pretty damn good faith was taken as an attack. Then his response was more bullshit about legal issues. All I got was a mute face in return when I asked him if it made sense of me to save that guy given that there just wasnt anyone else there. I know they know they were the ones that were wrong, but how they acted during and after was very frustrating. Even when I took my leave from the photo pit after LOG's 3 songs and gave the Dustin Hoofman dude a salute and a smile, he still stared blankly throuough me. I guess if there'd been a little history between the 2 of us, maybe him being so aggresive from the first second he saw me might make more sense, but I'd never seen the bastard till then. Guess to him I'm nothing more then some "hippy" with dreds that doesn't contribute to his society, which if you wanna call it "his" society, I unfortunaly most certinaly do contribute. Oh well. Life must be pretty miserable for him indeed.

The other dude who pissed me off was the short bald italian looking guy with the big chin who seems to be the head of SMG security. He has one of those ex-cop looks to the way he struts around, and other people working for him folow him like he's the tough kid with the tree house and if they do anything wrong they wont get to be in his club. I didn't have any conflicts with him myself, but I saw him just being a complete asshole to kids on Saturday and at the other time I was there which was the Slip, log, shads show a few months ago. Stuff I really wish I had the balls to get close to with my camera. Anyways, I think I just wrote a whole book.

Anyone who needs a person to go throw rocks at, Im sure those 2 live in the Lowell area, and in my opinion, they deserve it. It'd be one of those times where indeed the pen is more powerful then the sword, but fuck it anyways.
[Jun 27,2005 7:27pm - OPETH  ""]
haha sry.. i was just in a bad mood.. but i dont think i should have to read all of that to just find out one thing
[Jun 27,2005 7:28pm - OPETH  ""]
dreadkill said:you're probably the same anonymous douche who asked about devildriver's set.

oh and no that wasnt me sorry to disappoint you
[Jun 27,2005 7:35pm - anonymous  ""]
BogusRendition said:the_reverend said:to justin: the security was fine over all, but they definitely had some buttholes. there was a girl there that was really nice to carina and I. also, in the photo pit was a guy, Bruce, who is super nice and talked to us about blowing his hearing seeing pink floyd and the stones. I think that they were a little bit overwelmed by the crowd surfers... I think they normally do lower key shows. I saw you backing them up.

to mark (mmmp): it's awesome that the lineup changes since the same line up every night would be lame. I hope that the set-lists change every night too. the sound scan ordering is semi-lame, but whatever. I just hope that kids pay attention so they don't miss the bands they are going to see.

Yeah, the guys in the photo pit were really cool. Especially that black dude, the dude with the mustach and their superviser in the blue shirt, black hair and with the head set. Thats why I felt weird about catagorizing them as a whole. This one dude in particular really pissed me off though. He was on the side corner between the sound stuff and photo pit and he looked like Dustin Hoofman (the acter) mixed with some other actor who sorta looks like Dustin Hoofman and plays the crooked cop in the movie Money Talks with Chris Tucker and Charly Sheen. This dude looked like that only with glasses and had a red shirt and head set. He gave me shit a few times, first was when I didn't have my pass stuck on my shirt (which I never do anyways cause they always peel off) and started screaming at me about which shirt I was going to put it on ( I had a long sleeve on as well at the time and started to put it on my other shirt and he flips out). Then he gave me shit later when I came threw a different time and had a few pins stuck in the pass holding it to my fucking shirt claiming that it obstructed the veiw (that one I really didn't get). I sorta just laughed at him and I guess he didn't like that but a bunch of other people started laughing at him and he let it go. Then during the Unearth set when all the crowd surfers were coming over at once and the guys up front were hopelessly under staffed (well not hopelessly, but understaffed still) and of course given that there I was, as Ive done at the Palladium numerous times, I grabed a couple of kids that were about to fly over the barrier onto the floor, or helped the guys down off the barricade if there wasn't anyone else to back them up. The amount of kids crowd surfing all at once simply wasn't something that happens at every single concert, especially ones of that size. And the guys on surfer duty up front and saw this and thanked me profusely. I guess as soon as this guy (the one that looks like Dustin Hoofman) saw that I was still up front after the 3 song for photos and that I wasnt taking pictures anymore, he made his way over and started screaming at me to "get the hell outta here!" and I know I shouldn't have offered cause I knew the answer due to the fact that Im not insured and could sue then if I got hurt, but I asked if they "wanted and extra body to help out," and as he was replying with something like "thats not you're fucking job" and starts getting in my face like he's just dieing for the cue to kick the shit out of me (all the while he has his back to the crowd) along comes a kid of the barrier and a guess I should have just stood there and let the kid fall on this guys head, but I shoved him out of the way and held the kid from coming over till 2 other guys got there to bring him over. Then I kinda storm off, pissed and annoyed. Plenty of people saw this happen, security guys, kids up front, people on side stage, but I guess the guy figured I was "attacking" him or it could be the excuse to be able to claim I'd attacked him and flies after me with some other dude and they tackle me and slam me up against the wall screaming at me not to ever EVER do that again. As they loosened their grip and actually listened to what I had to say, their only responce was about the legal issues that could entail, which of course make sense, but damn, not even a shred of a "thanks anyways." In the heat of the moment I guess I really just should have let the kid fall on the guys head. I told the "other guy" given that the Dustin Hoofman dude refused to even have a "friendly chat from across the baricade" that it was simply a shame that what I felt like was an act that was in pretty damn good faith was taken as an attack. Then his response was more bullshit about legal issues. All I got was a mute face in return when I asked him if it made sense of me to save that guy given that there just wasnt anyone else there. I know they know they were the ones that were wrong, but how they acted during and after was very frustrating. Even when I took my leave from the photo pit after LOG's 3 songs and gave the Dustin Hoofman dude a salute and a smile, he still stared blankly throuough me. I guess if there'd been a little history between the 2 of us, maybe him being so aggresive from the first second he saw me might make more sense, but I'd never seen the bastard till then. Guess to him I'm nothing more then some "hippy" with dreds that doesn't contribute to his society, which if you wanna call it "his" society, I unfortunaly most certinaly do contribute. Oh well. Life must be pretty miserable for him indeed.

The other dude who pissed me off was the short bald italian looking guy with the big chin who seems to be the head of SMG security. He has one of those ex-cop looks to the way he struts around, and other people working for him folow him like he's the tough kid with the tree house and if they do anything wrong they wont get to be in his club. I didn't have any conflicts with him myself, but I saw him just being a complete asshole to kids on Saturday and at the other time I was there which was the Slip, log, shads show a few months ago. Stuff I really wish I had the balls to get close to with my camera. Anyways, I think I just wrote a whole book.

Anyone who needs a person to go throw rocks at, Im sure those 2 live in the Lowell area, and in my opinion, they deserve it. It'd be one of those times where indeed the pen is more powerful then the sword, but fuck it anyways.

sounds like the cunt who works a lot at the palladium, guarding the entrance to the photo pit on the left. not him obviously but similar in the bizarre fixation on seemingly random personal grudges.

good for a laff.

[Jun 27,2005 9:24pm - LtdEc-1000 ""]
Did anyone else notice that the crowrdsurfers, after being brought down, were shoved, not helped to the left or right? I saw one kid 3 feet away from his shoe, and security wouldnt let him grab it. they just pushed him away and screamed at him to get movin. This was after the gwar set, when the floor was covered in a half inch of fake blood. I feel bad for that kid.
[Jun 27,2005 11:08pm - wade ""]
security fags are funny.
[Jun 27,2005 11:27pm - dreadkill ""]
i never feel bad for crowd surfers.
[Jun 28,2005 12:01am - LtdEc-1000 ""]
I pulled out a good tuft of someones hair after being kicked in the head with his size 11.
[Jun 28,2005 12:01pm - RustedAngel ""]
wow, all that remains is having shitty luck.

from a review of the Philly show...

"Next up was All That Remains. Always a strong live band & today was no different. Their bass player, though only 3 weeks old, was not there. After talking with Phil, he snapped, went home w/o telling anybody & he had to call the guy’s moms house to try to convince him to come to the show today & he didn’t. So sub bass players were Ken Susi & John of Unearth, some black dude named Nate & one of the chicks that run the Prosthetic booth. So odds are they will try and get another bassist."
[Jun 28,2005 12:20pm - BogusRendition ""]
Damn, I was talking to some of the dudes from All that Remains way after the show and some of the buses had even left and I went over cause I thought they were just a couple dudes that'd locked their keys out of the car and they were like "well actually we can't find our bass player. He's missing."
[Jun 28,2005 12:26pm - the_reverend ""]
the guy by the sound board with the red shirt and head set we called "the photopit nazi".
[Jun 28,2005 12:30pm - anonymous  ""]
yeah justin that guy is the ass that aaron and i were talking about

i have more stories about him but it's not even worth the type

feck him
he HATES me
[Jun 28,2005 12:31pm - anonymous  ""]
that was me carina
[Jun 28,2005 12:32pm - anonymous  ""]
i got major satisfaction due to the fact that he saw me come from backstage into the photo pit a bunch of times when he didn't allow me back there

[Jun 28,2005 4:35pm - anonymous  ""]
[Jun 28,2005 5:36pm - anonymous  ""]
i think everyone has forgot to realize that crowd surfing is fucking gay unless youre 13 and at a new found glory show...
[Jun 28,2005 7:08pm - dreadkill ""]
anonymous said:i think everyone has forgot to realize that crowd surfing is fucking gay unless youre 13 and at a new found glory show...

i agree with you there. crowd surfing is the gayest thing you can do at a show, unless you're devildriver, then playing is.
[Jun 28,2005 8:29pm - succubus ""]
if anyone wants to check out my pics...
[Jun 28,2005 8:53pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought you had a closer image of him jumping.
[Jun 28,2005 9:20pm - succubus ""]

A Life Once Lost,

All That Remains,



Devil Driver,

Everytime I Die,

From Autumn To Ashes,


Lamb of God,

Norma Jean,


Poison the Well,

Strapping Young Lad,

gene smiling for me (and yes for ME because i talked to him after his set and i guess i was the only one shooting him)

The Red Chord,



[Jun 28,2005 9:28pm - RustedAngel ""]
man it's like a crowd full of 15 year olds.
[Jun 28,2005 11:29pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
succubus said:

I can't be the only one laughing at this pic
[Jun 28,2005 11:30pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought that was funny too.
[Jun 28,2005 11:32pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
i quoted the wrong one
[Jun 28,2005 11:36pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
[Jun 28,2005 11:38pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
am i the only one that sees it?



[IMG] http://www.esorn.ag.state.oh.us/OffenderInfo/Photos/0027/13753/13753_current.jpg[/IMG]
[Jun 28,2005 11:39pm - GoatCatalyst ""]
[Jun 29,2005 8:09am - succubus ""]
[Jun 29,2005 8:14am - Messerschmitt ""]
what's the story behind that guy again?
[Jun 29,2005 8:42am - the_reverend ""]
chomo I think
[Jun 29,2005 1:08pm - vowsinashes ""]
This was about as commercialized as hardcore gets. This is the "hardcore" Ozzfest (despite the fact that the recent lineups are starting to look like this one). I left after Opeth, because they were the only reason I really went to this in the first place. There were times where I was even skeptical about going for them, but then I found out about the Meet & Greet and I figured if I could get some stuff signed by Opeth and Gwar that everything would be okay.

I felt horrible for A Life Once Lost because they work very hard at what they do, tour their asses off and never really get appreciated. Although I am not a huge fan of them, I have no problem watching them because they are such a chaotic band with a lot to offer.
Norma Jean put on a good show playing The Entire World is Counting on Me and They Don't Even Know it Yet, Bayonetwork, Face:Face, Memphis Will Be Laid to Waste.
Strapping Young Lad was funny as hell, excellent as always. "You're lucky we're playing this next song because your all fucking ugly. Buy our t-shirts, and pick up a million copies of our CDs then hand them out to your ugly friends." Ah, good times.
Gwar kicked ass, as always. They set was far too short (it took twenty minutes to put up their stage, twenty minutes to take it down and the band was only on for a half hour).
The whole half-hour set thing is a real joke. I mean, that means three songs for a band like Opeth. Whoever did Opeth's sound is a horrible human being. Martin's left bass drum was inaudible so all double bass was cut in half. The guitars were basically non-existent in The Drapery Falls. The vocals were very, very low. Of course as a band, they were spot on. The last song was Demon of the Fall as always and when asked "We are going to end with a song we normally end with. It is off of the My Arms, Your Hearse album...what's it called?" "DEMON OF THE FALL!" "You're god damn right" I love that band.

I am glad I got a chance to meet the bands, but the day was very long for something not that great. The sound was about as bad as the Palladium. Gwar is much better on their own, as with Opeth. But oh well, will see them again when they come around.

And for the record, Devil Driver sucks.

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