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MassUnderground.com's "Top 5 Local Bands"

[Nov 5,2009 9:16am - arktouros ""]

hamburgler said:leave REAL metal to europeons
[Nov 5,2009 9:58am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Cryptic%20Warning said:1. Random Acts of Violence
2. Goratory
3. Ravage
4. Terminally Your Aborted Ghost
5. Phantom Limb

still agree with this list... not so much on Ravage though.
[Nov 8,2009 8:22am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]

menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:I think I'm going to kill and rape Hilary Duff. No one will ever know what happened to her until the authorities keep finding trash bags full of her washing ashore. It's the perfect plan.

Bravo, Mike from 6 years ago. Bravo.
[Nov 8,2009 9:57am - Pires ""]
Kill then rape? Or rape then kill? I think I know the answer but I'm just looking for a little clarity.
[Nov 8,2009 10:08am - sinistas ""]
Phantom Limb was fucking awesome.

And for all the discussion on here, Ravage ends up on Metal Blade.
[Nov 8,2009 3:32pm - dreadkill ""]
phantom limb ruled.
[Nov 8,2009 3:53pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
it's funny what 6 years can do to people.
[Nov 8,2009 4:11pm - aaron_michaelNLI  ""]
To elaborate a little further, the days of Ascendency and Bane of Existence are gone(which is a shame) and the "fag" stylings of yesterday are now more prominent. Pants that fit(not tight or girly), sneakers, hats(not flatbrimmed, but practical), and the occassional breakdown thrown in with neckwork that's celebrated instead of shunned or sneered at. All these people are mixed with the Joe/NotCommon's Uniformed idea of metal listeners and there's little to no conflict.

6 years later and everyone who listens to Dark Angel to Devourment to As The Sun Sets to Belphagor to Therion all seem to have a say.

It's cute.
[Nov 8,2009 5:27pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
The only difference is that Hilary Duff is not hot anymore. Fuck that old bitch.
[Nov 8,2009 9:19pm - trioxin_245 ""]

dreadkill said:phantom limb ruled.

didnt alex beat up phantom limbs mom?
[Nov 8,2009 10:54pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

trioxin_245 said:
dreadkill said:phantom limb ruled.

didnt alex beat up phantom limbs mom?

he called her a cunt at a Chopping Block show
[Nov 9,2009 3:37am - douchebag_patrol ""]

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