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MassUnderground.com's "Top 5 Local Bands"

[Apr 26,2003 4:26pm - the_reverend ""]
the funny thing is... I thought you said "pitchshifter" as in the band.
pitchshifter's CD industrial got me "into" metal beyond heavy metal when it came out in 91.
[Apr 26,2003 5:27pm - Ninkaszi187  ""]
Yeah hardcore gore heavy rock grind!

Psychosadistic Haterapist/Decomposing Serenity split seven inch ot soon on Fudgeworthy.
[Apr 26,2003 5:40pm - tyagxgrind ""]
Hey Ninkaszi187, whats your AIM, mine is SevenDeadlySins1, our bands should play shows eventhough mine is wicked crappy. Were hoping to go down to RI sometime. I'm definatly going to see Sublime Cadaveric Decomposition when they play there in a few months with Brodequin and Suffering Bastard maybe too (I gotta talk to Chris though first see if they are playing that) haha Devon (TYAG)
[Apr 26,2003 6:43pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
suffering bastard is awesome, and i dont even know your band, so dont assume i was talking about you.

hirudinea is cool, i saw them a few of times, unfortunately missed their last show with watchmaker and some other bands.

[Apr 26,2003 8:34pm - Ninkaszi187  ""]
My SN is Ninkaszi187. I haven't heard your band but I will check it out soon when I can get to a good comp. I didn't call you a poser, nor do I think the bands that I dont like are. We'd be up for any show, we don't care who we play with. Hirudinea will be playing the SCD show in RI. I can't wait for that.

[Apr 28,2003 9:42pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Hamburgler: You are a douche, why dont you walk up to one of the accursed and tell them they're gay...go ahead. And The Accursed have been around for about a year and are talking to a label now. So next time you wanna flap that useless slit in your face, check your facts. Next.

xmikex: The fact that you think The Red Chord and In Dire Need are metal is probably the funniest thing I have ever heard in my entire life. People take you so seriously because you spend 9/10ths of your life talking shit about hard working bands you know nothing about. Weren't you in Letters From The Dead?? You have NO place to say a goddamn thing about anyones musical talents. The list says top 5 METAL bands, not top 5 grind/hardcore/screamo bands. Tim was speaking of real metal when he made that list, there are no sideways hats, double zero plugs and gay flock of seagulls haircuts in metal, stick to your hall shows junior. In the meantime you and AIDS should get aquainted.

Ravage are a hard working band, and I've never heard anything but compliments about Al and the rest of the guys from friends. They're a band playing Power Metal, which is virtually unheard of around here and you fashioncore cunts can say whatever you want, they're going to keep right on doing what they're doing. You dont like it, go write another shitty song.

So go ahead, post whatever you want about me, cause I know none of it will ever be said to my face. Hail True Metal!
[Apr 29,2003 2:07am - A_Cold_Reality ""]
goddamn thats one pissed off chick
[Apr 29,2003 11:16am - XmikeX ""]
Since when is metal not open to subjectivity?? If you want to call what bands like Ravage do "true metal" thats fine, you all can have "true metal". I've always referred to it as power metal, and I don't like power metal, I never have and I never will. Talent's one thing, but when the music just sounds like a gay pride parade marching through my ears I don't exactly feel an overwhelming need to listen to it. I'm nobodys mother here, I don't have to like anything, get it straight. Funny thing about opinions; everyone supports the right to have them until theirs get stepped on.

the red chord and in dire need are most certainly metal. their roots are in metal, they play metal, they are metal. The fact that they don't have long hair or leather pants shouldn't disqualify them from it. Neither should the fact that they have breakdowns and presumably target what you might call "hardcore kids". Probably because they don't have the ambition to dick around playing bar shows in front of 10 people trying to scrap together something called a "metal scene."

I grew up on the same "metal" that most of the kids in the "metal scene" did. Hell, Slayer has been my favorite band since I was 13, and still is. But if metal is about hanging out at bars watching "true metal" bands try and pull off iron maiden covers, and looking down on other people for not having guitar solos then metal can blow me. I've been in metal bands before, I've seen what the so called "true metal" scene is capable of....a whole lot of talk, backed up by a whole lot of sitting around. not to mention a whole lot of whining that even makes emo kids look half respectable.

you can have your top list, i'll have mine. you can have your taste in music, i'll have mine. if you don't like it, well then who's problem is that?....not mine.
way to get mad about me saying ridiculous shit (once again)
way to dig up a thread that no one cared about anymore
way to take music way too seriously
way to cry because i didn't like your friends band
all in all way to go

i have absolutely nothing to prove to any of you.
[Apr 29,2003 2:49pm - the_reverend ""]
this thread is such a downer...
xxxdarkknightxxx come in and tell everyone to hug and smoke the dank
[Apr 29,2003 5:27pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Scum Bitch is awesome... Wayne should write greeting cards for Hallmark.

"Going into the Kindergarten and making the little whores get naked and jerk me off while I fist them and then cut off their tits"

I'd buy one.
[Apr 29,2003 9:47pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
...Im actually a very nice person..hahaha

xmikex- Does it hurt with your head that far up your ass?

First of all: The Red Chord...not metal. Their roots...lets see, Ictus...HARDCORE BAND. Blow.

In Dire Need: The furthest thing from metal ever, also the most over rated band in this state. I'm glad they're having success, They're very nice guys but you know what? I'm not going to swing from their nuts like every fashioncore kid in MA. Sorry. They're not metal, you fail.

Old Mans Child....metal
Impaled Nazarene....metal
Dragonlord, Soilwork, Darkane, Immolation, God Dethroned, Carnal Forge, Kreator, Destruction, Carcass, Death, Arch Enemy, Immortal, Gorelord, Nile, Morbid Angel, The Haunted, At The Gates....all metal
In Dire Need....fucking HARDCORE

Class Dismissed.

And before you run your mouth about bands like The Accursed sitting on their ass why dont you check your facts first. They only play in bars with 3 people? Oh yeah, thats why they had a huge crowd banging their heads at the NJ MetalFest last month right? Thats why they're playing Milwaukee MetalFest this year right? They sit on their ass? Thats why they havent stopped writing, playing out, and mailing press kits since they formed right? I guess Metal Maniacs had no idea what they were doing when they featured The Accursed last month huh? Yeah they play to small crowds at some shows, thats what happens to bands. Not every show is packed. How about I go fetch you some quotes of Guy talking about playing to virtually empty venues, it happens to every band. You dont have to like anyone, theres a difference between saying "I dont like this band" and "Your band sucks you have no talent and because youre metal that must mean you sit on your ass."

So basically what your stupid ass is trying to say is that metal can "blow you" if it means not having a huge crowd at every show? You know what that makes you...a scenester. You're saying that bands should stop playing the music they love to play because little faggots that look like Good Charlotte don't go to their shows and spin kick girls in the face? Yeah...you suck. You. AIDS. Get going.

And saying "Oh Im metal because Slayer has been my favorite band since blah blah blah" is about the most trendy defense on earth. Pick something else, you sir, are not metal.

And you get something straight, I dont give a fuck if you like my friends band, or any other band. Frankly we'd rather you dont. Stay in your hall shows where you belong, but if you dont want people calling you out maybe you should stop saying bands that could play circles around you and any band you've been in have no talent. You wanna say something, try being able to back it up instead of talking out of your ass. Or maybe you should say it to their face instead of hiding behind message boards? I simply enjoy making chumps like yourself look like a bitch, I wont be losing any sleep over what you think.

Im done now Aaron, bring on the sunshine and hugs. See you this sunday. \m/
[Apr 29,2003 9:59pm - jesus ""]
[Apr 29,2003 10:16pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
...ok, heres my 2 cents on this whole thing that should've ended 60 cents ago. now i love you all. some of you less then others, some more. some of you i don't know yet. but for the love of everything bands work hard for. shut the fuck up.! please. nothing but constant shit talk in all directions in this fucking state makes me wanna go soft rock. its been endless, all the way back to when i was in my first band here. people shit talk about shit talking. its ridiculous. as a member of the metal community, group of local musicians, "scene" or whatever the fuck its called these days, just please give it a fucking rest. now i usually say positive things here. but i too can be corrupted. so, yeah. fuck! :gun:
[Apr 29,2003 10:44pm - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Now Dave, You've know me for what? 9 years? You know no one can shut me up when it comes to metal arguments...hehe. I love ya :satancross: Hail UCW!
[Apr 29,2003 10:48pm - XmikeX ""]
haha there is is again in my head...that image of people stamping out some little message to me about how much of an asshole I am because I don't like what they like, with their mad face on....hilarious.

lets see shall we:
A. speaking of getting facts straight, I never said anything about the Accursed. They're obviously a very talented band, their drummer (from my understanding) taught Eric IDN to play drums. I'm hardly a fan of their music, and if prompted to I'd make that known, but for the purpose of this argument I never said anything about the Accursed....oh shit, did that just ruin half your statement? my bad.

and for the record, any band willing to cough up enough money, or with a label willing to do the same can play milwakee metal fest. i know this, did you? coal chamber played milwakee too, i don't see you polishing their scene points.

B. in dire need most certainly got it's roots from metal. Ross (who founded the band) was in Vengence in Blood, and Beyond the Sixth Seal to name a few bands. Eric was in Thousands Shall Fall. Dave was in VIB too. What they play is death grind. May not be Deicide, but hey, here's a radical thought.....maybe every death band shouldn't sound like Deicide....maybe. and if there are any "fashioncore kids" in the IDN fanbase they are a minority.

C. the red chord drew alot of their influences from hardcore GIVEN, but a majority of their influences came from death metal. Old Red Chord was a much better example of their metal influences, but they're still very much there and they're far from being your a-typical ""metalcore"" band.

D. hardcore to me is madball, buried alive, strife, slapshot etc. Not a band with slam death breakdowns, grind riffs, blast beats and an 8 foot tall cape verdean kid screeching and growling (i.e. in dire need). They're a metal band that appeals to hardcore kids for the same reason Dying Fetus and Internal Bleeding do...they're fun. That seems to be the mysterious factor that has evaded people like you who think you're perpetuating some righteous cause by bashing other people in defense of "true metal"....i listen to what I listen to because it's fun. Talent is great. Talent is wonderful. Everyone can appreciate talent to some extent. But the bottom line is, if it's not fun to listen to, if the shows aren't fun to goto then why bother? Standing around banging my head and yelling "PANTERA" at some band at a bar isn't fun to me.

E. ""And you get something straight, I dont give a fuck if you like my friends band, or any other band. Frankly we'd rather you dont.""
Works for me dood, seems to me like you're the one having a hard time letting it go.

F. ""but if you dont want people calling you out maybe you should stop saying bands that could play circles around you and any band you've been in have no talent.""
Said it before, and i'll say it again. I love arguing with you people. I really do. It's actually pretty good warm ups for all the papers I have to write for school. Secondly, I never accused anyone of being talentless, If I said anything I said they sucked. because they do.....they suck. if i said so, then thats my opinion. if i didn't, don't put words in my mouth.

G.""Or maybe you should say it to their face instead of hiding behind message boards? ""
So now I have to register all of my opinions with bands personally? Pffft. Theres lots of bands that I think suck, and I don't owe them a thing. I don't owe it to them to take the time to find out who they are, approach them and then explain to them in critical detail the hows and whys of my feelings on their capacity to suck. If you'd like to pay for my airfare and expenses so I can travel to Sweden to personally inform Dimmu Borgir that they suck then I'm all for it. Otherwise you've got nothing. Or better yet how about you establish a metal complaint department for everyone to register and file their complaints?
Lemme ask you.....every time you've heard a band that sucks....do YOU goto their houses and tell them how awful they are? nope.

H. I've been going to metal shows since I was 14. I've got nothing to prove to you lady i don't even know. But once again, you can keep the title "metal" and wear it around like the burger king crown that it is, i don't need it. Maybe it's an alien concept to you, but I don't need a pile of Hammerfall cds to define myself.

I. you got wicked mad and sunk to my level, perhaps beneath it. i win. again.
[Apr 29,2003 11:06pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
:bartnormal::gun: i'll pull the fucking trigger. i'll do it. i'm a man on the edge. say goodnight to your world famous spiky haired raggamuffin. mwahahahaha
[Apr 29,2003 11:12pm - XmikeX ""]
I told ya I'd shoot....BUt ya didn't believe me....WHYYYYYYY DIDN'T YA BELIEVE ME
[Apr 29,2003 11:17pm - Dave Maggot  ""]
:duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer::duffbeer: i got a lot of beer, :gun: a gun. and susanne summers. i'm taking of to mexico. goodbye massachusetts. i shall be returning in 6 years as pedro the mexican cat salesman.
[Apr 30,2003 12:20am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Haha yeah whatever Kid. You've said The Accursed sucked before and I was only using them as an example of your attack on metal bands in general. And yes I know you pay to play the metal fests, which requires work to come up with the money for the show, on top of hotel rooms, transportation and food money for a whole weekend. Its called dedication.

And wow, I'd love to see you tell Dimmu they suck. If I had the money I'd fly you there just so I could watch them losen your grill. Please, drum better than Nik Barker...go on....oh wait, you cant. Thats right.

And hold on, I want to laugh at this again:

"and if there are any "fashioncore kids" in the IDN fanbase they are a minority"

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I passed that one around for lots of people to laugh at. I must have been so drunk I was imagining all those douche's when I saw IDN. (Who by the way I stood there and watched because unlike most ppl, I stick around for bands even when they're not the flavor of the month) Hmmm...mad face...nope I'm definatly laughing. I'm not sinking to your level, I'm enjoying making you say more stupid shit so me and my friends can make fun of you.

So when metalcore and hardcore go out of style and you leech onto something else, and the hard working metal bands are signed and touring doing what they love, you'll still be sitting at home pretending to write papers.

For the record I think you wont say it to peoples faces cause you know their crack yours open. Zing, later.
[Apr 30,2003 12:29am - jesus ""]
[Apr 30,2003 12:30am - XmikeX ""]
please direct me to the specific instance in which I said "The Accursed Sucks". If i remember correctly I said they fucked up on a cover of raining blood....and they did. it was still a fun time though, but obviously im a dispicable person for pointing it out. and obviously you'd be the authority on me and what I say because we're so very well acquainted.

and im definently afraid of guys i don't even know beating me up because i don't appreciate their band....definently. hypothetical situations rule.

to you i say:

hail satan
[Apr 30,2003 12:33am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
OK the gayness needs to stop, mike your right per usual, but death metal princess or whatever the hell your name is, you maam are simple. The accursed does suck, but why cant you look good and play metal at the same time hahahha. I dress well and litsen to bands like Neuro Visercal Exhumation, and feculent goretomb, and I also play in a death grind band. Dress has nothing to do with music, nor does spin kicking. So go home and continue to litsen to music that you believe is DEATH METAL!!!!!!!!!!:satancross::satancross::satancross:
[Apr 30,2003 12:39am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
By the way the only true metal person here i believe is the dude who Mentioned Gut. Amazing sewage porn grind band who pretty much started it all. Im gald to see more then a few people in mass know who bands like impetigo and gut are. Also props go out to you for respecting old carcass such as the ROP and SOS times. Hope to see you around. Keep it brutal :satancross:
[Apr 30,2003 12:45am - xPaulBLAHBLAHx ""]
And i forgot devon he knows his shit also, same with mike. ROAR!!!!!
[Apr 30,2003 12:47am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Wow...the douche's are multiplying. Turn your hat foward there Turkey and then talk to me.
[Apr 30,2003 12:50am - XmikeX ""]
top 5 most metal dooods on this board:

5. me cuz i rule.
4. The Rev.
3.Tom "RustedAngel"
2. Jim Ash BOE
[Apr 30,2003 12:55am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
By the way if A Cold Reality see's this, we got a spot for you guys at Jarrods on the 11th if you want it, I emailed whoever the site email goes to. Its with Anoxia, Ascendancy, The Accursed, and Despoilment.
[Apr 30,2003 1:02am - XmikeX ""]
see these kids now with "Jive" printed on their shirts.
Pftt... Now, I can teach you how you're supposed to say "jive".You jive turkey. See? You got to sass it. Quit jivin' me,
turkey. You got to sass it. A "turkey" is a bad person.

[Apr 30,2003 1:02am - Dave Maggot  ""]
i say a game of russian roulette can solve all of this. i'll go first. wait a second.
[Apr 30,2003 1:03am - Dave Maggot  ""]
i say a game of russian roulette can solve all of this. i'll go first. wait a second.
[Apr 30,2003 1:18am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
My bad: Turn your hat foward ya jive turkey, beeeitch.

Better? See I added the Beeeitch there for fun. :shocked:
[Apr 30,2003 1:18am - xmikex ""]
and i quote

post by xmikex at Feb 2,2003 1:36am

The Accursed: I'll give them credit, they certainly do have alot of enthusiasm for metal. They have a ton of energy unlike alot of bands that play the same kind of music. They butchered a Slayer cover but it was still fun. i'm not into this band at all. but they looked like they were having fun.

holy crap....look who was wrong.
[Apr 30,2003 1:21am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
And Dave Im just havin fun keep your pants on, have a hotdog and a hummer...
[Apr 30,2003 1:24am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Fine, I'll take that, I was wrong about that.

You're just wrong about everything else. I'll thumb wrestle you, seriously you dont want that...
[Apr 30,2003 1:24am - Dave Maggot  ""]
yeah yeah yeah
[Apr 30,2003 1:27am - Dave Maggot  ""]
when bickering like that breaks out between two people you know and are friends with, it sucks. i hate that situation. pisses me off more than, stuff that...pisses me off....yeah
[Apr 30,2003 1:29am - XmikeX ""]
i will thumb wrestle you into oblivion doood. my other thumb will totally come out of nowhere and smash your thumb with a minature steel chair. then i'll dress my pinky finger up as hulk hogan and atomic leg drop you.

whatcha gonna do brother?
[Apr 30,2003 1:37am - DeathMetalPriestess ""]
Dave...sugar...muffin...dollface...No one is launching missle attacks, neither of us are asking to chose a side, were just arguing metal on a message board, I can't think of anything better to do at 1:30 in the morning that doesn't involve a chainsaw and someones hot blonde nanny.

And your chair aint got shit on my poisionous snake, its gonna bite your ass....oh wait that was macho man. Fuckbeans.

Well my thumb will just dodge you until your yellow and moustache clad pinky dies of old age...how's that strike ya.

[Apr 30,2003 1:44am - XmikeX ""]
yeah dave no one's asking you to choose a side......but in case you were wondering my side has plenty of free snacks, decoder rings, and the family guy dvd.

your jake the snake thumb will totally OD on coke and die. to even it out my ravishing rick rude thumb will have a heart attack. we'll sell tickets. and rent out the frammingham civic league.

piledrivers everywhere.
[Apr 30,2003 2:03am - thegreatspaldino ""]
they are making new Ren and Stimpy episodes on TNN with the original cast and crew. its gonna fuckin rule :NEWHORNS:
[Apr 30,2003 2:26am - mark fucking richards  ""]
all my fingers, including thumbs, are doublejointed and flexible. hence, i will reign supreme over all y'all in thumb wrestling. i'm as badass as the ultimate warrior BEFORE the papa shango incident...

hey mike, how are those free snacks and decoder rings doing? family guy dvd is good stuff...
pam, you need to get some good gimmicks. like...naked girls and...hmm...i dunno, just a bunch of naked girls. or naked girls with snacks? there ya go!

haha. the internet is a fun time.

i think this whole thread has, or should have, proven to all of us that opinions are both a wonderful thing and a bad thing at the same time. there is no fucking way to come up with a definite list of the top 5 metal bands in mass.; there isn't a way to come up with the top 5 any kind of band, since everyone will think differently and it's a form of art. art is all in the eye of the beholder, much like all the stuff written on this messageboard. i feel like fucking jerry springer during the 'final thought' segment...what the fuck, i need sleep.

my top 5:
upon crimson wings. 5x over, go listen!!!! (yeah that's not shameless self promotion...)
[Apr 30,2003 8:52pm - necroprick  ""]
December Wolves
Cold Northern Vengeance
Scattered Remnants
Human Slaughter
[Apr 30,2003 9:17pm - XmikeX ""]
cold northern vengeance....hooray for nazis :bartmoon:
[May 1,2003 10:44am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
nazis are awesome, atleast they stand for something respectable, like slaughtering jews and bombing london.

not to mention Germans are the master race, who are we to question their motives?
[May 1,2003 10:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
and for the record, IN DIRE NEED is ultra gay
they look, sound and act gay
everything about them screams 'PUT A COCK IN ME'
i don't care who knows i dislike that band with all my heart and soul
and i dont care how many priority scene points I lose because none of those kids ever would help me or my friends, but always email me when I have a show coming together

[May 1,2003 10:50am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
and for the record, IN DIRE NEED is ultra gay
they look, sound and act gay
everything about them screams 'PUT A COCK IN ME'
i don't care who knows i dislike that band with all my heart and soul
and i dont care how many priority scene points I lose because none of those kids ever would help me or my friends, but always email me when I have a show coming together

[May 1,2003 12:37pm - hamburgler  ""]
joe notcommon exactly who are you trying to impress by saying how much you hate idn? i mean come on man grow up. hearing this from a moron that went to a sevenday curse reunion show when infact the little faggot(meaning you) hated everyband that played, don't deny that cause you said yourself everyband was gay. thus concluding exactly who's dumb and is one of the things that ruins this scene? ding ding ding joe notcommon! people like you who try to run shows with dumb bands that will never get anywhere and act like the most elitest metal kid ever is something that will never let you gain any respect at all....... p.s. ravage is still quite possibly the gayest band from massachusetts and is disgracing the name boston metal
[May 1,2003 2:03pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
i dont remember such a show, but i probably did say such a thing
and i am must have forgotten that in dire need was on their way to stardom, sorry for ruining your metal scene
in the meantime the metal scene i work in is doing great
but i better tell all the bands I know that they aren't going anywhere because in dire need is stealing all their fans and getting all their gigs

[May 1,2003 3:15pm - hamburgler  ""]
uhhh not just in dire need is attracting kids to GOOD music in mass, here's some names to go by.....the red chord, unearth, death before dishonor, on broken wings, shading the end, bury your dead, and a lot more bands. sorry if long haired dudes that dress up like the citizens of p-town or bands that do boring long epic solo's doesnt appeal to a good majority of kids in mass. if you're brutal and heavy kids will like you, if you're just dumb and gay...hopefully you get the point. leave REAL metal to europeons anyways and besides what's your deal against idn anyways? do you not like kids that dress well playing death metal or are you just a biggot? i think the number two question suites you well
[May 1,2003 5:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
everybody has their own opinion, who gives a shit.

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