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KILLFEST part II - This Saturday, Sept 4th - 3pm (COME ON TIME!!!)

Club Liquid (Leominster, Ma) - [bane_of_existence][diatribal_revenge][norseth][porphyria][puritys_demise][raising_kubrick][randomshots][skulltoboggan][the_taste_of_silver]
[Aug 30,2004 12:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

Saturday, September 4th
@ Club Liquid
54 Main St
Leominster, MA

18+ (so you don't have to ask when you meet someone nice ;) )
$1 Drafts (get fitshaced all day on the cheap!!!)
$10 (less than $1 a band for an all day affair)

Diatribal Revenge
Bane of Existense
It Will End in Pure Horror
Raising Kubrick
Systamatic Chaos
Purity's Demise
The Taste Of Silver

great metal - hot babes - cheap beer - all day fucking it up - cool merch for sale - tattoo people hanging out and telling you about their shops


please come early so you can see us. I think we're first, which is always the toughest spot to handle. There's plenty of "cold ones" for you, and I think there's eateries nearby, so you can eat if you get hungry, drink if you want drinky, meet new people, and have a blast on the cheap.
[Aug 30,2004 1:10pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I heard Earth Crisis, Jesus, and God are all playing this, too.
[Aug 30,2004 4:49pm - blue nli  ""]
fucking sweet nick. awesome to see you guys got on the show. ill definetly be there on time to see you guys.
[Aug 30,2004 4:51pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
earth crisis? SWEET. every band on this site stole their riffs and breakdowns then made fun of them cause apparently that is the metal thing to do.
[Aug 30,2004 5:03pm - RustedAngel ""]

would it be possible for our bass player to use your bassists amp for our set since you're going on right after us?
[Aug 30,2004 5:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
ps. I'll let you use my marshall if you want? HAUGH HAUGH HAUGH!
[Aug 30,2004 5:04pm - Hooker ""]
Earth Crisis are responsible for hardcore.
[Aug 30,2004 5:07pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
Hooker said:Earth Crisis are responsible for hardcore.

metal core. hardcore was around way before victory records changed the definaition of what hardcore was supposed to be. SSD. negative approach. cromags.

[Aug 30,2004 5:09pm - Hooker ""]
Thanks. Jesus christ how's everyone's grasp on sarcasm on this board?

Oh broken?

Get that checked out.
[Aug 30,2004 5:24pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
yeah I almost want to write Mike and be like: Hey can this be $8 for the first 35 people? so that way people show up early.

and make some prize that you get if you stick around till the end...like a contest or something?

let's advertise the shit out of this so the first two bands aren't playing for nobody, and so the last two bands have people stick around.

and RK rips.
[Aug 30,2004 8:54pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
That rules you guys got on this, Nick. me and the missus will be there early for you fockers.
[Aug 31,2004 8:33am - blue nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:ATTN: BLUE BABY

would it be possible for our bass player to use your bassists amp for our set since you're going on right after us?

im sure itll be ok. ill let him know the heads up.
[Aug 31,2004 8:34am - blue nli  ""]
RustedAngel said:ps. I'll let you use my marshall if you want? HAUGH HAUGH HAUGH!

hahahahaha. real funny.
[Aug 31,2004 8:58am - RustedAngel ""]
cool thanks dood, our bass player is like 12 years old and only has a tiny amp that's not even loud enough for practice. yay.
[Aug 31,2004 11:36am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
fun times for all. fun times! fun times!
[Aug 31,2004 8:01pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
IWEIPH isn't playing this now. Our drummer cowardly took his shit out of our space earlier today before practice. We aren't doing anything until September 30th at the New Wave with our new drummer, Justin.
[Aug 31,2004 8:47pm - dirteecrayon ""]
anyone from the boston area able to give me a ride?

love you long time!

plus it's my birthday!!!
[Aug 31,2004 10:02pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Aug 31,2004 10:04pm - blue nli  ""]
that means theres one more spot to be filled. we need another good band, now!

wheres the departed at?
[Sep 1,2004 12:56am - Josh_hates_you ""]
systematic chaos broke up as well...............
[Sep 1,2004 9:02am - blue nli  ""]
nice, all the bands are dropping off. this is gonna be a sweet show!
[Sep 1,2004 9:13am - succubus ""]
does that mean we get there on time and wait 3 hours for it to start?
[Sep 1,2004 9:16am - Siberia ""]
Isn't that usually how these things work Carina????

The first one didn't kick off 'til closer to 4:30.
[Sep 1,2004 9:19am - RustedAngel ""]
how gay is it that these bands got themselves on the bill and drop of less than a week before the show... How can they not play one last show? We're talkin like 3 or 4 bands that did this. W T F ?

[Sep 1,2004 9:21am - blue nli  ""]
play. play. play.
[Sep 1,2004 9:21am - succubus ""]
5 minutes hate should play again!!!
[Sep 1,2004 9:21am - blue nli  ""]
[Sep 1,2004 9:23am - succubus ""]
oh blue...i was talking to sarah last night and looks like my 17-55 is coming today! so i'll have it for saturday..we can do some more promo shots if you guys want...

[Sep 1,2004 9:39am - subjugate shn  ""]
the club holds 700

the guy called me last nite said the frirst one didn't have a good draw and if this one dosent there won't be more shows like this there
[Sep 1,2004 9:56am - Siberia ""]
Naw, if they promote this one like they promoted the first one there's no chance for us to drive all the way down there to play for all the bands again. Besides, you've all seen us before anyway. The funny thing, I saw someone hanging a flyer for this show outside the club last saturday. All the rest of the flyers at the club are for like Lynard Skynard cover bands, ACDC Cover bands, Country Bands, etc. Not the crowd that would attend a killfest.

It really bothers me that clubs feel like they're 'taking a chance' putting on these shows and then they do nothing to promote them other than post them on their site. Web promotion is such a tiny piece of getting people into shows. But what can you do? What can I do? I'm 3+ hours from these venues and I work 8 hours, 5 days a week with an hour commute each way (yeah work consumes a ton of my time). Not like I can take a day off to flyer Leominster/Worcester area for these shows.

I feel that any club putting on a show should do everything they can to get people in. Spend a little to make a lot. There are plenty of small newspapers, radio shows, print zines, etc.
[Sep 1,2004 10:28am - subjugate shn  ""]
i agree

he was telling me

if every band brings in at least 50 people it should be a decent show
[Sep 1,2004 11:42am - Siberia ""]
I'm surprised he didn't have us all sell tickets. He's a really nice guy though, I'm not bashing him, just clubs in general.
[Sep 1,2004 11:46am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
we've been promoting the huge dick and hairy ballls out of this.

I even went around flyering cambridge (the harvard area, anyway...I mean, there's always ManRay if someone wants to go there tonight and hand out flyers :D )
[Sep 1,2004 11:47am - subjugate shn  ""]
he said he dosen't wanna have to make bands do that cause he hates having to do that

yea he was pretty cool on the phone
[Sep 1,2004 11:47am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I agree, though, that promoters need to do their job, which is promoter. I can't speak on this situation, cause i don't know how much Mike or the club has done, but so many shows these days are under the freakin' radar.
[Sep 1,2004 12:09pm - Siberia ""]
So, you're flyering in Boston/Cambridge for a show in Leominster? Why not flyer Leominster/Fitchburg/Lowell/Worcester area instead. Isn't it a 45-60 minute drive to Leominster from Boston?
[Sep 1,2004 12:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
what's wrong with flyering boston?
[Sep 1,2004 12:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Siberia said:Isn't it a 45-60 minute drive to Leominster from Boston?

I think you just answered your own question :P

we can't drive for 2hrs round trip to flyer for something on less than a week's notice, with no compensation (no gas money for the show), but what we can do is try and get a crowd that is more homebase to us to go and work on this area because promoters and other bands probably are having trouble getting into boston to do what is easy for us to do. That's why it's vital that clubs and promoters do their fair share of the legwork, for situations as stated.

truth be told, at least 3 of the bands on the bill (though slightly off-tilt because IWEIPH dropped off and I have been pushing them, too) have a boston interest, and i can make use of that to get people from the area to schlep out to see them.

the trick is that if every band on that bill flyered their home area, this would be canvasing the eastern half of the state and part of NH. Even 100 flyers per band (or less...we did 2 up flyers, so we got 2 for every copy we made) is cheap and will get at least 20 people.

Plus elicitng a Leominster scene might, comparably, take more work than just getting bar-hopping Greater Boston people, with cars, to go.

Is Liquid on the T? That will help the club a good deal.
[Sep 1,2004 12:21pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
For our NH stuff, we have made a deal with ourselves we will now drive up to flyer, since it's not quite the same as an MA-proper show.
[Sep 1,2004 12:22pm - Siberia ""]
It just doesn't make sense for a show that's an hour away. But it doesn't appear that there's any shows in Boston that night so I guess it's not a completely lost cause. I don't know, I'm just offering my suggestions.
[Sep 1,2004 12:25pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
well like I said, I haven't read any scene reviews of Leominster but I question how big the metal scene is there.

the tactful flyerer learns to bring people to him, and the people that like metal are around Boston/Cambridge/Worcester.

I can't stake my claim in Worcester as even knowing where to flyer there, but I can say that I definitely know the Boston area well enough to do that.
[Sep 1,2004 12:36pm - Siberia ""]
Cool, like I said I'm just offering suggestions.
[Sep 1,2004 12:58pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
you were making fun of me!!! I COULD TELL!!!

But lucky for me I am so quick I picked up on it immediately and defeated you with one fell swoop!!

ah ha ha ha!!!

Try and swashbuckle me now, will yee?!?!?!

[Sep 1,2004 1:09pm - Siberia ""]
I still have yet to see any metal scene in Boston!

Will that work? My aims usually high and to the right so if I miss I'll likely hit whoever's sitting behind you!
[Sep 1,2004 1:14pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:I can't stake my claim in Worcester as even knowing where to flyer there, but I can say that I definitely know the Boston area well enough to do that.

i have seen a bunch of flyers in worcester and surrounding towns. there was one on the window of newbury comics in shrewsbury yesterday.
[Sep 1,2004 1:17pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
that is awesome, these are good things to know, especially cause i am trying to set some stuff up in Woostah

Siberia - There's a metal scene, and they are all either A) lazy pricks b) snobby c) goth d) under 21 e) only into "power metal" like maiden, manowar, etc. f) only into "metal" like FATA g)all of the above h) elitist
[Sep 1,2004 3:59pm - blue nli  ""]
im g and h.
[Sep 1,2004 4:00pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
I'm "c"
[Sep 1,2004 5:11pm - powerkok ""]
thats alot of fuckin bands! are they all still on the bill?
[Sep 1,2004 5:35pm - Rich Horror NLI  ""]
RustedAngel said:how gay is it that these bands got themselves on the bill and drop of less than a week before the show... How can they not play one last show? We're talkin like 3 or 4 bands that did this. W T F ?

It's hard to play one last show without a drummer.

[Sep 2,2004 7:53am - subjugate shn  ""]
[Sep 2,2004 7:56am - the_reverend ""]
so what's the line up now?
if you need bands to play.. I can give some suggestions...
[Sep 2,2004 5:23pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Sep 2,2004 7:10pm - Sinistas ""]
yeah, what's the lineup like?
[Sep 2,2004 9:15pm - Robteratism  ""]
be more than happy to play this if it needs a band last min.
[Sep 3,2004 9:55am - the_reverend ""]
If people want a RTTP hoodies, bring $30 extra $s so you can buy one (on top of buying band merch).

If you want to "make sure" I'll have a hoodie for you, you can always e-mail or AIM me for one. Oh, and if you want to paypal me the $$ before the show, I can give you my pp address and then give you the shirt at the show.
[Sep 3,2004 10:03am - subjugate shn  ""]
bring one for me man
[Sep 3,2004 12:14pm - shn  ""]
[Sep 3,2004 12:51pm - RustedAngel ""]
damn, those some nice tits.
[Sep 3,2004 3:17pm - anonymous  ""]
what good bands? i don't see any on the lineup
[Sep 3,2004 3:20pm - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
Raising Kubrick is really good
The Taste Of Silver is my band so I can't comment (www.thetasteofsilver.com)
Porphyria - this will be my first time seeing them - but I've heard good things.
I haven't seen BOE in a while but I heard they got good.

I can verify at least two bands on this bill will be worth it.

plus there's "adult" entertainment waitresses. Fuck yeah.
[Sep 3,2004 4:43pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Where did you hear this nasty rumor about BOE???
[Sep 4,2004 1:06am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Sep 4,2004 3:20am - RustedAngel ""]
nick is there any way you can find out the exact time you guys go on now that bands have dropped? we got some shit to do before the show I just want to make sure we can get there on time!
[Sep 4,2004 12:14pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
hey ra, I think we are still first
[Sep 4,2004 12:19pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
the taste of cigarettes said:I haven't seen BOE in a while but I heard they got good.

when were we exactly BAD?

[Sep 4,2004 12:20pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
[Sep 4,2004 12:24pm - honor4death ""]
the last time we played at the block...
[Sep 4,2004 12:29pm - RustedAngel ""]
but i figured since bands dropped he would start the show later but i don't know when.
[Sep 4,2004 12:38pm - dugoxistance  ""]
Yeah. BoE sucked in 1999/2000 real bad. So bad that they decided not to exist until 2001.
[Sep 4,2004 1:53pm - dugoxistance  ""]
did we really start in 2000? shit.
[Sep 4,2004 2:18pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
yep we did
our first show was

[Sep 4,2004 2:41pm - the_reverend ""]
carina and I are leaving now.
[Sep 5,2004 12:41am - Josh_hates_you ""]
um missed tos got there in time for norseth oh boy

norseth: pseudo black metal. first song was terrible got slightly better from there. each song a little better than that last. still didnt realy care all that much.

porphyria: realy fucking good. the mp3's definately not not do them justice. would like to hear a good recording of this band as is now. good things to come.

RK: good to see live finaly lots of energy, great band. the drummer effortlessly tooled through everything.

skulltobogan: someone or other paid attention to them i think. rttp bands owned.

boe: i dont think i should compare them to when i saw them at the mayhen convention but at that show they got off to a slow start and realy tore it up by the end. this time i dont think they quite got running on all cylinders so to speak, but still realy good.

dollar drafts are a good thing.
[Sep 5,2004 1:10am - the_reverend ""]
I'm just back.
working on pictures
[Sep 5,2004 1:47am - lady_czerach ""]
Today/tonight was so much fun!!!!
[Sep 5,2004 1:48am - honor4death ""]
i hate my guitar!
[Sep 5,2004 1:53am - succubus ""]
and josh hates you escapes the RTTP clan!

jess, aaron and i had pizza before the show and aaron and i are having it again now

[Sep 5,2004 1:56am - honor4death ""]
i hope it was from the papa johns, because that pizza is so good
[Sep 5,2004 1:58am - dugoxistance  ""]
Yo, Rev. I'm waiting . . .
[Sep 5,2004 1:58am - the_reverend ""]
pictures are uploading
[Sep 5,2004 1:59am - dugoxistance  ""]
not about the pictures silly. and, damn, you are quick with the replies.
[Sep 5,2004 2:06am - lady_czerach ""]
succubus said:
jess, aaron and i had pizza before the show and aaron and i are having it again now


I'm eating McDonald's french fries. Mmmm...

[Sep 5,2004 2:07am - dugoxistance  ""]
damn, now I want fries. or boobies.
[Sep 5,2004 2:10am - BornSoVile ""]
does the bass player for norseth have a boy friend?
[Sep 5,2004 2:11am - honor4death ""]
i think that was the question of the night
[Sep 5,2004 2:13am - lady_czerach ""]
[Sep 5,2004 2:14am - BornSoVile ""]
[Sep 5,2004 2:14am - BornSoVile ""]
i hate myself for not going to a show tonight.
[Sep 5,2004 2:15am - lady_czerach ""]
[Sep 5,2004 2:32am - Kalopsia ""]
how come when i tried to take a picture of reverend and succubus they turn the other way??? bastards
[Sep 5,2004 2:34am - the_reverend ""]
hippies get out of that fucking show
[Sep 5,2004 2:45am - the_reverend ""]
the taste of silver: small crowd, but some dancing. it was funny cause nick was shacking his booty.

puritys demise: nu-metaql from cap cod. cape cod bands confuse me since I think of that place as being so small yet I've heard a wide variety of bands from that area. they covered a cypress hill song, jump.

norseth: they used to be more 3rd wave black metal, but aren't any more. they got a new bass player who was a girl. I sort of agree with josh that they got better as they went on.

porphyria: sick as always. the mp3s are with tim on guitar and with a drum machine. hopefully the show tonight and the set on my show comes out good enough for them to put up as mp3s.

raising kubrick: even though they did look towards the crowd that much.. cool set. kris seemed to be fucking around a lot cause he was on the ground on his back like a whore a lot. it was hilarious that kids were yelling out requests. they had the largest crowd responds.

skulltoboggan: they were a bit too rocky for my taste, but they had a bunch of people up front that sung along with the songs. They played a scissorfight song.

bane of existence: I thought they played pretty good. though at one point, honor4death turned aroudn and walked off the stage. I was thinking he quit.. but he was just getting jims other axe cause his downtuned.

diatribal revenge: the usually 5 person band is now down to 3 persons. I can't believe how teratism boys went off for DR.
[Sep 5,2004 2:46am - succubus ""]
Kalopsia said:how come when i tried to take a picture of reverend and succubus they turn the other way??? bastards

actually we didn't know the pics were being taken
i was getting saliva all over me

[Sep 5,2004 10:04am - succubus ""]
i forgot to say that i am working on my pics
[Sep 5,2004 11:41am - Josh_hates_you ""]
succubus said:and josh hates you escapes the RTTP clan!

i told you i dont talk to people. i sat in the back drinking my dollar drafts. after boe if you recall the gentleman that came up to sarah kiurick to say goodbye as she was taking to you, that was I.
[Sep 5,2004 12:09pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
SUBJUGATE said:yep we did
our first show was

this may surprise you, but that's actually the show I was at which was the last time I saw you guys before this past evening. I knew it must be before 2001 cause I was still going to school in Lowell, which I was doing in 1999-2000.

I didn't realize that was your first show then...you weren't that great back then and that's what's been giving me this impression for so long. In retrospect, if I had known that was your first show, or remembered if it was, I'd probably have graded you on a far less-sharp curve.

You guys are really experienced sounding now...your drummer is tight as fucking hell. :stupidflanders:
[Sep 5,2004 12:11pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:...your drummer is tight as fucking hell. :stupidflanders:

he gets loser with KY
[Sep 5,2004 12:31pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
*the taste of silver: we were realistic enough to know there wouldn't be that many people there before 6pm, and there weren't. We took a stab and had fun with things. There is, in my mind, no good way to handle strings that detune by plucking them...and I wish there was. I'm going to tighten the gears in my tuning pegs and see what happens. I wore a rugby shirt to confuse everyone. Maybe it worked. It's a comfy shirt. Proof I put little thought into my wardrobe.

*puritys demise: People made fun of me cause I thought the singer's voice was one of the most appropriate nu metal voices I'd ever heard. Maybe you don't like nu-metal, and I might not like it that much either, but for what it was, this guy was very well suited. The music was boring (riff oriented) but the vocalist gets two slipknot fingerless gloved thumbs up. If you DO like Nu Metal, seriously give these guys a listen.

*norseth: I was impressed. The bassist (a mysterious, long-haired lady) had a really nice butt (said in a non-machismo sounding way). And a really nice bass. And a pretty interesting amp that wasn't turned up as loud as it could be. I like soilwork so I liked these guys' approach. Tons of fun harmonized guitar parts. The last breakdown was FUCKING killer.

*porphyria: first time seeing them. HIGH FIVE GUYS!!!!!!! really good. i want to get a bunch of kids that like to mosh to see them and we can karate kick and do back flips and shit, or at least pig piles to the lyrics. Tons of fun, can't wait to play with them in October.

*raising kubrick: Best all around crowd band. Lots of fun. You felt pretty comfortable with them and the songs and could just dance or hang out. The amount of energy they put out was Awesome. Chris, all bassists should do that shit man. Really. Sarah got into it which was also up to standards :D

*skulltoboggan: I did not like this band. Ask me why if you are really interested. I will not criticize them though, and I'm sure other people will like them. it also does not mean they were bad. They simply had nothing that appealed to me. Check em out, maybe you'll dig em. www.skulltoboggan.com, I think?

*bane of existence: For some reason, even though it's been like 4 years, I'm still not a BoE fan. But what I can say is this: Alex really liked you guys, your drummer is GREAT and his technique is tight as all fucking hell, you obviously have used the past few years wisely cause you have a following and people in other states seem to like you guys (I posted about Killfest on a bunch of sites and some people were like oh, I heard BoE is good). Your album cover art is rad. I think I just felt the music was too...monotonous? Please don't take that as offensive. I just think a few more tempo changes, a few more style changes (like some doomy parts, some fast parts, some other stuff) and maybe some changes in vocal approach here and there would do a world of good. I can almost guarantee that other people, especially people who refer to themselves as "TRUE METALHEADS" will be into what you do and I can honestly say the kind of metal you play has a niche that people really want someone to fill, which you guys can do.

I think I was just upset that you're not a grind band. I thought you'd become one now for some reason. You know, short songs, fast part fast part old school breakdown...

*diatribal revenge: we left before them, cause I was falling asleep. Not since like 1995 have I been able to handle 5+ band shows, and I still don't think I can. Chock it up to narcolepsy or something if you will. I'd like to hear these guys some day. if you're in the band, email thetasteofsilver@yahoo.com and tell me where I can find songs online. Sorry.

this show was great cause
1) I got to see new music
2) I got to hang out with some friends
3) I got to make new friends and meet interesting people
4) I got free passes to the "nudie bar" from a girl that called it a "nudie bar"

[Sep 5,2004 3:04pm - RustedAngel ""]
I'll admit the turnout wasn't what everyone expected, I'm not going to put the blame on anyone. The club advertised this, as well as all of the bands. The only reason I can think of is the manger told me he's been putting on 'rock/metal' shows for about a month now. People don't really know about this place yet, but if you get some larger metal touring acts into that place the more people will know about it. I don't anyone can expect there to be a good turnout there until people know about it.

Taste of Ciggarret, er I mean, Silver: heheh, we got there at around 5, I ran in to catch TOS half way through their set. Quite a bit of engergy on stage. Guitars didn't seem to be as 'tight' as the aviary show...

Puritys Demise: Usually I can bear certain bands that I don't like, but these guys were horrible, they walked around like they owned the place which was amusing. I don't understand how people could actually like this music. They had their 2 friends out front singing along to the repetative "go away" disturbed rappy bullshit. Who the fuck plays 'jump around' anymore, WTF? gaylords. My drummer informed me he saw/heard them talking shit about Raising Kubrick as they were playing.

Norseth: Came on with some pretty impressive melodic metal! I missed a little bit of the set because we were bringing our gear in unfortunately. Good guitar playing, first time I've seen a good girl bass player in a while. She had good stage presence as well. I talked to all the members of the band after and they were all really nice, how cool was it that the girls mom was there helping them moving all their gear, haha... I'd like to play another show with them!

Porphyria: man, I fucked up a lot, that's all I have to say about that, haha! We paid $50 to get the recording too, I'll let you all know how it comes out and throw it online. (Aaron, tim didn't play guitar on the demo, shawn did) Thanks again to RK for letting us use your bass rig. We've been ragging on him to upgrade his amp but he's a poor college kid.

Raising Kubrick: came on a tore it up, lots of awesome stage moves and faces. I finally found out what the earpiece mic was for, I've never seen him do backup vocals though? so weird! I'm going to watch his mouth the entire time the next time.. haha.. I wanted to get one of the old shirt designs but they had no smalls mediums, sheit!

Skulltoboggan?: Is it me or did the singer remind me of Dez of 'Devildriver' copycat. Was not into these guys at all, I was too busy eyeing the boobs on the hired stripper waitresses. Hey, I was bored okay.

Bane Of Existence: Kicked ass last night, soooo sos os os much better than at the choppin block. The guitars were a bit muddy during the faster parts, but when they did slammy stuff it sounded heavy as hell. Honor4death broke a string, I figured he was all done but he grabbed jim's backup.

After this we got carina to take some 'band' shots around the area... it was really fun!!!
after this we left, the rest of my band had a 5 hour drive ahead of them (because we rented a trailer for the weekend)...

we got a little sidetracked on the way back in leominster, what the fuck is up with all the 'NO TURNS' at intersections that clearly are not one ways. massachussetts is retahded.

Thanks to mike/postal for putting us on the bill, thanks to everyone who did show up including all the teratism guys \m/ soon motherfuckers we'll destroy some place . Thanks to aaron and carina for taking pictures, and jess for taking some rediculous pictures of aaron,carina and i. I hope my sw33t sharpie tatt was impressive!


[Sep 5,2004 3:15pm - the_reverend ""]
RustedAngel said:(Aaron, tim didn't play guitar on the demo, shawn did)

I thought in the original line up, tim & shawn played guitars, but then tim gave it up to sing leading to getting a sorry assed other guitarist.

RustedAngel said:Is it me or did the singer remind me of Dez of 'Devildriver' copycat.

carina said the same thing. I think it was the hair and not the style. plus, dez would have only been all about the b00bs if the girl was under 18 and willing to give him head.
[Sep 5,2004 4:04pm - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
I was by far the weakest link yesterday in our set.

I fucked up 2,000,000 times. I swear i forgot a part in What Strange Calories... up until right before I played it. Ah well, it's allergy season, and I lost my mind when that happens.

Whatever, we'll just call ourselves "punk" if that keeps happening. HA!

RA - you guys can either stay with us or in RI when you play on the 8th so you don't have to drive all the way back in one night.
[Sep 5,2004 4:07pm - BornSoVile ""]
i am in love.
[Sep 5,2004 4:32pm - dread_104 ""]
i called dibs yesterday afternoon
[Sep 5,2004 5:02pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:[QUOTE*bane of existence: For some reason, even though it's been like 4 years, I'm still not a BoE fan. But what I can say is this: Alex really liked you guys, your drummer is GREAT and his technique is tight as all fucking hell, you obviously have used the past few years wisely cause you have a following and people in other states seem to like you guys (I posted about Killfest on a bunch of sites and some people were like oh, I heard BoE is good). Your album cover art is rad. I think I just felt the music was too...monotonous? Please don't take that as offensive. I just think a few more tempo changes, a few more style changes (like some doomy parts, some fast parts, some other stuff) and maybe some changes in vocal approach here and there would do a world of good. I can almost guarantee that other people, especially people who refer to themselves as "TRUE METALHEADS" will be into what you do and I can honestly say the kind of metal you play has a niche that people really want someone to fill, which you guys can do.

I think I was just upset that you're not a grind band. I thought you'd become one now for some reason. You know, short songs, fast part fast part old school breakdown...

were not for everyone and i guess not you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . still after 4 years

for the record up till a month ago BOE only wrote for 4 people but now that we are a 5 piece band we now will be writing for 5 people we could care less what people think,like or want to here!!! as long as the 5 of us are into what we are playing it's all that really matters, everyone in this band has their own style and we try and use each others influences when we write a song but we never sit around going hmmmmm lets play like this cause people will like it . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IT AIN'T NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!!! the day we give a shit what people think will be the day BOE is laid to rest. . . . . . . . . . . . . thanks for your opinion man but were happy with what we are doing.

[Sep 5,2004 5:09pm - RustedAngel ""]
here are my pics, sorry for making people weed through a directory:

[Sep 5,2004 5:09pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
the_taste_of_cigarettes said:this may surprise you, but that's actually the show I was at which was the last time I saw you guys before this past evening. I knew it must be before 2001 cause I was still going to school in Lowell, which I was doing in 1999-2000.

I didn't realize that was your first show then...you weren't that great back then and that's what's been giving me this impression for so long. In retrospect, if I had known that was your first show, or remembered if it was, I'd probably have graded you on a far less-sharp curve.

You guys are really experienced sounding now...your drummer is tight as fucking hell. :stupidflanders:

haha that's too funny. And thanks for the compliments man.
[Sep 5,2004 5:11pm - RustedAngel ""]
the taste of cigarettes said:
RA - you guys can either stay with us or in RI when you play on the 8th so you don't have to drive all the way back in one night.

cool man, tom/ymer invited us to stay at his place as well... we'll see what's up! thanks for the offer man. We're trying to get a show october 9th somewhere too.

nice tour bus.
[Sep 5,2004 5:11pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
fun show. I wish the directions we had didn't suck so much so we could have gotten there earlier. doh.

Raising Kubrick was tight as usual and the drums sounded awesome thorugh that sound system. could hear all the crazy shit pete was doing. very tight.

Finially got a change to see porphyria. When I first heard the demo I was thinking it would be awesome with a sick drummer... and I'm glad they came through. awesome shtuff. I like. (I'm sorry joe... can we still be friends?)
[Sep 5,2004 5:12pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
nice pix man

who drew your tattoo
[Sep 5,2004 5:13pm - RustedAngel ""]
tim(singer) drew it on my arm on the way to the show, haha.
[Sep 5,2004 5:16pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
are you serious cause that was bad ass man i am way overdue for new ink
[Sep 5,2004 5:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
haha yeah, I was trying to make my drummer jealous cause he got a reaper on his arm from one of his friends... tim's been a tattooist before.. he hated everywhere he worked or tried working.
[Sep 5,2004 5:24pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
it was sweet man
[Sep 5,2004 5:26pm - RustedAngel ""]
[Sep 5,2004 5:33pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
i especially like the pentagram on the elbo i have wanted to get one on both my arms for a while now

he does great free hand marker work
[Sep 5,2004 5:38pm - sickfuckerrednecktrucker ""]
It was pretty obvious right from the begining that we didn't really fit on this bill, however, we had a great time at a great club. I really enjoyed the fact that I got to meet some cool people and hear some bands that I hadn't heard yet. Y'all rocked!

RTTP, killer job on the photos.


Craig Steven Gaumond
of Skulltoboggan

[Sep 5,2004 10:34pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
RustedAngel said:the taste of cigarettes said:
cool man, tom/ymer invited us to stay at his place as well... we'll see what's up! thanks for the offer man. We're trying to get a show october 9th somewhere too.

nice tour bus.

you are just jealous because your lives are not in perril every time you drive somewhere.

you really should get that tat inked in man, it looks hot. Seriously. If it were really I'd be mad envious.

we're looking to do something in MA on the 9th, too, since that NotCommon show got cancelled. Wanna work together to make something happen?

Bane Of Existence - Hey i hear that man. Glad what you do works for you. It is the fool that argues with a man that does something for himself, as you are the best judge if you succeeded or not. Either way I'm interested to see how things progress as a five piece, and who knows, I might get into it. Tell me more about your music, for my sake, so I can finally feel like I have some understanding of your band...like what are the songs about? Why do you write them? For what aspect of your life are you trying to work out or represent with the music? What is the goal of the band, or do you guys just jam for the sake of making music you like?
[Sep 5,2004 10:41pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]

she was pretty cute. not the cutest ever, but pretty cute.
[Sep 5,2004 10:45pm - lady_czerach ""]
I was in the bathroom with her while she was taking a shit. So, cute as she may be, she'll always be that girl who was taking a shit.
[Sep 5,2004 10:48pm - honor4death ""]
i had to take a shit the whole time i was there, but i didn't... i paid for it in the mourning when it took 20min to shit
[Sep 5,2004 10:51pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
When I went on tour with my old band, I had to learn to shit at the venue cause otherwise i wouldn't be able to go for quite a while (a whole wopping week!) so i learned to do it when I got there.

Now i have this thing where when i go to a show, my body tells me to go the bathroom since I had to train to do that. Weird, huh? Prior to that experience you couldn't pay me to shit withing 500 ft of a venue.
[Sep 6,2004 2:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
i took 2 monstrous shits yesterday.
[Sep 6,2004 3:11pm - dread_104 ""]
lady_czerach said:I was in the bathroom with her while she was taking a shit. So, cute as she may be, she'll always be that girl who was taking a shit.

my love knows no boundries
[Sep 6,2004 3:58pm - Kalopsia ""]

i'm in love
[Sep 6,2004 4:07pm - RustedAngel ""]
what a total sausage fest.

[Sep 6,2004 4:32pm - the_reverend ""]
man.. some day, that will be a sticker.
[Sep 6,2004 4:40pm - succubus ""]
or shirts
[Sep 6,2004 6:12pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
succubus said:i forgot to say that i am working on my pics

let me know when they are up i can't wait to see em
[Sep 6,2004 8:54pm - holmes ""]
Just wanted to thank everyone who stuck around till the end of the show saturday, and thanks to mike from postal for having us. special thanks to the two guys head banging for us, you guys rule.
[Sep 6,2004 9:16pm - succubus ""]
my photos will be up in a bit!
[Sep 6,2004 11:16pm - succubus ""]
yeah so "a bit" later

the pics are still copying =(
sooooooooooo slow!
[Sep 6,2004 11:46pm - succubus ""]
[Sep 6,2004 11:48pm - succubus ""]
yeah so my pics are up

but they are still copying...i'm sorry but it's sooo slow

if you are looking at your band and see RED X's..it's because they haven't copied yet...and just so you now, they copy alphabetically
[Sep 6,2004 11:49pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
1) you have idlewild photos. I have 1 album and it's so good, so catchy.
2) none of the photos or thumbs worked for me.
[Sep 6,2004 11:50pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
oh wait just saw that thing you wrote. nevermind.
[Sep 6,2004 11:52pm - succubus ""]
1. yeah but u didn't take them..there are also a couple of reviews (not by me)
2. yeah it's soooooooooo slow to copy, i'm sorry =(
[Sep 6,2004 11:54pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
succubus said:1. yeah but u didn't take them..there are also a couple of reviews (not by me)

oh wait I meant one album of music, not of photos.

my bad in wording.
[Sep 6,2004 11:58pm - succubus ""]
hahaha i meant I didn't take the photos



it's this kid that works for my site in the UK, but he usually only writes
[Sep 7,2004 12:00am - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
OOOOOOH ok now it's all sorted out.

you and aaron should come to CT to see us play with LickGoldenSky on Friday.

it promises to be an INSANE show.

we're most likely going to China Pan afterwards for Vegan Chinese Food. SOOOOO GOOOD and really cheap.
[Sep 7,2004 9:03am - subjugate shn  ""]
so was the show filmed for a dvd or what i didn't see anyone filming it from the club
[Sep 7,2004 10:20am - blue ""]
i was filming it. for my heart.
[Sep 7,2004 10:22am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I want to have Blue wear a headcam when he plays live, and stream it off my site as the WOPCAM
[Sep 7,2004 11:01am - RustedAngel ""]
i was filming for upskirts.com
[Sep 7,2004 11:04am - blue ""]
Joe/NotCommon said:I want to have Blue wear a headcam when he plays live, and stream it off my site as the WOPCAM

quite possibly the best idea since hot pockets.
[Sep 7,2004 11:16am - the taste of cigarettes  ""]
hot pockets?

like when you put a still-going lighter in your pants?

that game rules!
[Sep 13,2004 3:45pm - anonymous  ""]
Kalozer wrote: "Im in love"
.. For your information shitstab, Jen is Eric's ( CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY ) pal, and would be the bassist for CSDO had Cliff not auditioned..Ill make sure I let her know what a stupid little jerk you are,,teddy fucker.
[Sep 13,2004 3:47pm - anonymous  ""]
What Kalopsia does:
i masturbate stuffed animals while wearing a lobster suit filled with crabs. oh yea, and play bass guitar (still with the lobster suit on)
[Sep 13,2004 5:58pm - dugoxistance  ""]
[Sep 27,2004 3:44pm - anonymous  ""]
Norseth Is Awesome.
[Oct 6,2004 4:55pm - Arrik ""]
I just found out Norseth will be at the 10/9 fest..That will be cool...

and, Kalozer: Jen knows what a shmuck you are,,she has read your lame attempts to belittle her friend ,Eric Paone,scumbag., Now,go fuck a teddy.
[Oct 6,2004 4:56pm - arrik, die already.  ""]
seriously. give up.
[Oct 6,2004 4:58pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
the only good thing about norseth is their bass player, shes hot, the rest of the band sucks.
[Oct 6,2004 6:13pm - TOC NLI  ""]
she's a babe!
[Oct 19,2004 3:55pm - Causeof Death  ""]
Kalopsia: " Fuck Women! you backstabbing, lying, money grubbing, useless pieces of shit!!!!!!!! "
[Oct 19,2004 4:15pm - RustedAngel ""]
CongoogetalZobotomy said:the only good thing about norseth is their bass player, shes hot, the rest of the band sucks.

you're gay, shut up.

now go play some norweigan black metal.
[Oct 19,2004 4:54pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i hate black metal
[Oct 28,2004 12:52pm - anonymous  ""]
That bassist chick of Norseth does look like she's dry heeving when she attemps to headbang. A female wanna-be-Peter Steele. Maybe if she banged her head instead of just bouncing her back up and down, maybe she needs to learn how to give blow jobs, might help her to headbang better. RustedAngel, you should offer to teach her.
[Oct 28,2004 1:37pm - succubus ""]
[Dec 30,2004 8:39am - anonymous  ""]
anonymous said:Kalozer wrote: "Im in love"
.. For your information shitstab, Jen is Eric's ( CANDY STRIPER DEATH ORGY ) pal, and would be the bassist for CSDO had Cliff not auditioned..Ill make sure I let her know what a stupid little jerk you are,,teddy fucker.

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