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boy, I wish we actually had an opposition party in this country

[Feb 2,2006 2:10pm - Josh_Martin ""]
anonymous said:Reagan nominated Sandra Day O'Connor, who, in the Michigan University case favor of affirmative action, although pointed out that the country was fast approaching a time when affirmative action wouldn't be something that could be legal anymore, voted to bounce abortion decisions back to states and to NOT overturn Roe v. Wade. Of note, the republican nominated Alito just voted to NOT execute a man who Clarence Thomas, a democrat nominee (Bill Clinton) voted TO execute. What someone says up front, before appointment can be very different from how they actually vote. You see, once you are on there you can't be removed...so, you are actually free to vote however you feel is legally responsible, not how the party who nominated wants you to.

Uh, Clarnece Thomas was appointed by Bush Sr., not Clinton.

Do any of you people ever check your facts??
[Feb 2,2006 2:19pm - paganmegan ""]
What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

[Feb 2,2006 2:25pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
cause if they're too busy dealing with unwanted children then they wont have time to deal with whats actually going on.
[Feb 2,2006 2:30pm - paganmegan ""]
and they'll also work for pennies and drag the whole standard for jobs and pay down, down, down

the idiots are the ones breeding for the most part. And boy do politicians like idiots
[Feb 2,2006 2:30pm - anonymous  ""]
totally my mistake - I always get confused with him because of the whole Anita Hill thing - seems like a democrat scandal that one right there. But, the rest of the paragraph is indeed correct and taken right from O'Connor's record. And, of note, O'Connor, a Republican nominee was replaced by another Republican nominee, so, it is kind of an even exchange.
[Feb 2,2006 2:32pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
paganmegan said:and they'll also work for pennies and drag the whole standard for jobs and pay down, down, down

the idiots are the ones breeding for the most part. And boy do politicians like idiots

yup easy to throw up a flag and say things about freedom, helping the poor and how times were easier then and how that politician will make it their goal to bring it back to those times.

all pure bullshit, but its the cycle of the swamp we call our capital
[Feb 2,2006 2:34pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

I am completely in favor of abortion, but, you have some things wrong right here. Impoverished single mothers aren't the main faction getting abortions. It is upper middle class women with decent education and health insurance. As far as population control, go to the middle of the country and tell me our population is out of control. Thousands of acres of nothing but open land there for the developing. Our borders still open to anyone who wants to come here and further populate. I think we should shut that down before we worry about using abortion to keep American women from over populating.
[Feb 2,2006 2:37pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anonymous said:paganmegan said:What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

I am completely in favor of abortion, but, you have some things wrong right here. Impoverished single mothers aren't the main faction getting abortions. It is upper middle class women with decent education and health insurance. As far as population control, go to the middle of the country and tell me our population is out of control. Thousands of acres of nothing but open land there for the developing. Our borders still open to anyone who wants to come here and further populate. I think we should shut that down before we worry about using abortion to keep American women from over populating.

actually thats wrong and the middle of the country would still be being used today if it wasnt for reagan and bush sr. farmers lost everything in the 80 and early 90s. id say further but they had nothing left to lose after those two presidents. well continue to grow poor over the fact we export our biggest jobs to other countries for pennies.
[Feb 2,2006 2:42pm - paganmegan ""]
I think upper middle class women have every right to get abortions if they want to, and any other woman for that matter. I was arguing from the standpoint of why politicians would want to keep women breeding in large amounts. And the population is out of control, everywhere. The bottom line here, mr (or ms) anonymous, is abortions should be more readily available and encouraged. I never once stated which faction of the population was getting the most. Reading comprehension...

And the population is in fact expanding. just because there are select areas of land where there aren't tons of people means very little. Its a little thing known as "uneven distribution of the populace"
[Feb 2,2006 2:44pm - paganmegan ""]
Oh and it has very little to do with the border being open, because even if it was closed people would still immigrate illegaly. I think that is what needs to be cracked down on, not the people with legitimate papers who cross the borders
[Feb 2,2006 2:46pm - anonymous  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:anonymous said:paganmegan said:What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

I am completely in favor of abortion, but, you have some things wrong right here. Impoverished single mothers aren't the main faction getting abortions. It is upper middle class women with decent education and health insurance. As far as population control, go to the middle of the country and tell me our population is out of control. Thousands of acres of nothing but open land there for the developing. Our borders still open to anyone who wants to come here and further populate. I think we should shut that down before we worry about using abortion to keep American women from over populating.

actually thats wrong and the middle of the country would still be being used today if it wasnt for reagan and bush sr. farmers lost everything in the 80 and early 90s. id say further but they had nothing left to lose after those two presidents. well continue to grow poor over the fact we export our biggest jobs to other countries for pennies.

I blame the government for not cracking down and putting something in place to keep factory work here in this country. Penalties for going where it's cheaper that sort of thing. NAFTA went a long way toward fucking middle america in that respect, thank you Bill Clinton. My point is, we aren't overpopulates space wise, although perhaps we are job wise...again solidifying my view that it's time to close the borders. force Americans to take the shitty jobs they'll take, perhaps force the wages to come up, and get some of our people back to work.
[Feb 2,2006 2:47pm - eddie ""]
raising wages doesn't help anything, it just makes stuff cost more.
[Feb 2,2006 2:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the borders being open has nothing to do with the lack of jobs and closing them isnt going to do anything but have more illegal immigrates in the country who get more tax dollars spent on them then legal immigrates. also nafta would have been a good idea but it backfired on the government and instead of outside countries coming here to bring in work, our state side jobs well went overseas and south of the border. making it impossible to live in our own country. growing up my mother worked three jobs to support myself and two sibs, in this day and again that wouldnt have even supported her nevermind three kids.

this is a wage war, not a population control issue. people need to stop worrying about other people and look to the factors and companies that keep screwing them over.
[Feb 2,2006 2:51pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:I think upper middle class women have every right to get abortions if they want to, and any other woman for that matter. I was arguing from the standpoint of why politicians would want to keep women breeding in large amounts. And the population is out of control, everywhere. The bottom line here, mr (or ms) anonymous, is abortions should be more readily available and encouraged. I never once stated which faction of the population was getting the most. Reading comprehension...

And the population is in fact expanding. just because there are select areas of land where there aren't tons of people means very little. Its a little thing known as "uneven distribution of the populace"

I agree that any woman should be able to get an abortion when they want one. My point was, the crackwhore isn't the one getting knocked up and going for an abortion and unless it was completely free, and even then, I don't think she'd be the one getting the abortion. there is a lot of money to be made by having a child in this country. (a lot is not really true, but in the eyes of someone who doesn't want to work...you get the picture). Spanish speaking immigrants are far less likely to seek abortions...they are highly religious, catholic people (one of the reasons Republicans will never complain too loudly about their immigrating here - that and being able to use them basically as low wage slaves)
[Feb 2,2006 2:53pm - anonymous  ""]
eddie said:raising wages doesn't help anything, it just makes stuff cost more.

yeah, it certainly could make stuff cost more...if we continue to allow the corporate fat cats to profit as highly as they do while paying their people peanuts. most companies could pay their people more without ever raising prices, just by cutting some of the top salaries. not all companies are run like Ben and Jerry's where the highest paid person can't make more than 10 times the lowest....
[Feb 2,2006 2:56pm - anonymous  ""]
eddie said:raising wages doesn't help anything, it just makes stuff cost more.

I mean, notice that a pair of Nike's keep getting more expensive every year, but they are paying less for raw materials and their workforce than in the earliest years of the company. Sure everything has gone up...but to go from $30 a pair to $175 when you are paying 10 cents an hour as opposed to what was probably $4.00 an hour back in the day?
[Feb 2,2006 2:56pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
mmm ben and jerry's oh man that'd be so good right now
[Feb 2,2006 2:59pm - hungtabreed  ""]
paganmegan said:Oh and it has very little to do with the border being open, because even if it was closed people would still immigrate illegaly. I think that is what needs to be cracked down on, not the people with legitimate papers who cross the borders

we are not cracking down on legal immigrants. similarly, we are not cracking down on illegal immigrants either.
Also, contrary to popular belief, not everyone who is against abortion is a Jesus freak, or even religous in any way for that matter.
[Feb 2,2006 3:04pm - hungtabreed  ""]
They should raise the wages to our soldiers. My cousin estimates he makes about $3.33 an hour. He rationalizes that he gets free food, housing, and gets to unload thousands of rounds of ammo and blow shit up (all at our, the taxpayers, expense)
I'd say, maybe if we created incentives to get off welfare and stopped hiring illigals to do jobs "Americans refuse to take", the lazy bastads on welfare (not the genuinely poor and needy) will be forced to take them jobs now vacant by the lack of illegals.
[Feb 2,2006 3:06pm - eddie ""]
anonymous said:eddie said:raising wages doesn't help anything, it just makes stuff cost more.

I mean, notice that a pair of Nike's keep getting more expensive every year, but they are paying less for raw materials and their workforce than in the earliest years of the company. Sure everything has gone up...but to go from $30 a pair to $175 when you are paying 10 cents an hour as opposed to what was probably $4.00 an hour back in the day?

if thats how you feel don't buy nike, don't work for nike. thats not gonna change the fact that if wages are increased $ for bread will increase.
[Feb 2,2006 3:06pm - paganmegan ""]
hungtabreed said:paganmegan said:Oh and it has very little to do with the border being open, because even if it was closed people would still immigrate illegaly. I think that is what needs to be cracked down on, not the people with legitimate papers who cross the borders

we are not cracking down on legal immigrants. similarly, we are not cracking down on illegal immigrants either.
Also, contrary to popular belief, not everyone who is against abortion is a Jesus freak, or even religous in any way for that matter.

that may be true, but it is safe to say the majority of them tout religion and anti-abortion in the same breath. the people you see picketing outside planned parenthood are the ones holding crosses and kneeling on the sidewalk
[Feb 2,2006 3:07pm - eddie ""]
as you said:spineyes:
[Feb 2,2006 3:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
hungtabreed said:They should raise the wages to our soldiers. My cousin estimates he makes about $3.33 an hour. He rationalizes that he gets free food, housing, and gets to unload thousands of rounds of ammo and blow shit up (all at our, the taxpayers, expense)
I'd say, maybe if we created incentives to get off welfare and stopped hiring illigals to do jobs "Americans refuse to take", the lazy bastads on welfare (not the genuinely poor and needy) will be forced to take them jobs now vacant by the lack of illegals.

you couldnt be more completely wrong
[Feb 2,2006 3:10pm - paganmegan ""]
my whole point is politics in this country are fucked. fuck the liberals, fuck the conservatives, stop the illegals from fucking crossing the border, stop the catholics from fucking and just fucking wake the fuck up
[Feb 2,2006 3:12pm - anonymous  ""]
eddie said:anonymous said:eddie said:raising wages doesn't help anything, it just makes stuff cost more.

I mean, notice that a pair of Nike's keep getting more expensive every year, but they are paying less for raw materials and their workforce than in the earliest years of the company. Sure everything has gone up...but to go from $30 a pair to $175 when you are paying 10 cents an hour as opposed to what was probably $4.00 an hour back in the day?

if thats how you feel don't buy nike, don't work for nike. thats not gonna change the fact that if wages are increased $ for bread will increase.

I used Nike as an example. It's virtually the same for most all manufacturing companies and now a lot of high tech companies sending jobs to India. It's about profit to the company, they don't charge less for their services or give the consumer a break, but they certainly could pass on the savings. I think the government needs to step in with certain items and say you can't gouge like that. For necessary items, housing, food, etc.
[Feb 2,2006 3:13pm - hungtabreed  ""]
paganmegan said:
hat may be true, but it is safe to say the majority of them tout religion and anti-abortion in the same breath. the people you see picketing outside planned parenthood are the ones holding crosses and kneeling on the sidewalk

You right, undoubtedly many/most of them are. At the very least, the most vocal of the such are the indeed the religious right. I just think that it's pathetic that abortion is the means to cover up for a situation that someone could have avoided just only if they practiced an ounce of responcibility. That's just my opinion, and you know what they say about those don't you?
[Feb 2,2006 3:14pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:my whole point is politics in this country are fucked. fuck the liberals, fuck the conservatives, stop the illegals from fucking crossing the border, stop the catholics from fucking and just fucking wake the fuck up

I assure you, the majority of American Catholics are such shoddy Catholics that they have no problems with abortions for themselves or at the very least for others who choose to have them. Unfortunately, it's the squeaky wheel that gets the headlines, so all Catholics get painted into that corner.
[Feb 2,2006 3:21pm - paganmegan ""]
why be an idiotic christian if you can't even be a real iditotic christian? So they can whack bibles and tell others they will go to hell?
[Feb 2,2006 3:30pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:why be an idiotic christian if you can't even be a real iditotic christian? So they can whack bibles and tell others they will go to hell?

you can believe in some parts and not in others. not everything is so black and white. not all christians whack bibles and tell others they will burn in hell. you are probably sitting next to several right now who have never even mentioned what their faith and beliefs are. for some, religion is personal.
[Feb 2,2006 3:33pm - paganmegan ""]
the ones I have a problem are the aforementioned bible beaters. I don't give a rat's ass whether a person worships yaweh, jesus or a fucking cheddar cheese wheel. Just keep it away from me. Far far away from me
[Feb 2,2006 3:34pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
anonymous said:paganmegan said:why be an idiotic christian if you can't even be a real iditotic christian? So they can whack bibles and tell others they will go to hell?

you can believe in some parts and not in others. not everything is so black and white. not all christians whack bibles and tell others they will burn in hell. you are probably sitting next to several right now who have never even mentioned what their faith and beliefs are. for some, religion is personal.

sir, please do me a favor and go to virginia beach during the summer and down on the strip you will not only see middle aged folks thumbin bibles in their best white shirts and blue ties...but they also bring along their children dressed up in the same manner handing out flyers telling you to stop your sinning way or you'll burn in hell.

this might not be the majority of the population but dont for a second think those people are a joke or made up. its all very real and quite scary
[Feb 2,2006 3:38pm - anonymous  ""]
paganmegan said:the ones I have a problem are the aforementioned bible beaters. I don't give a rat's ass whether a person worships yaweh, jesus or a fucking cheddar cheese wheel. Just keep it away from me. Far far away from me

I agree completely and my parents raised me to not talk about religion or politics it doesn't really get you anywhere.
[Feb 2,2006 3:40pm - anonymous  ""]
whiskey_weed_and_women said:anonymous said:paganmegan said:why be an idiotic christian if you can't even be a real iditotic christian? So they can whack bibles and tell others they will go to hell?

you can believe in some parts and not in others. not everything is so black and white. not all christians whack bibles and tell others they will burn in hell. you are probably sitting next to several right now who have never even mentioned what their faith and beliefs are. for some, religion is personal.

sir, please do me a favor and go to virginia beach during the summer and down on the strip you will not only see middle aged folks thumbin bibles in their best white shirts and blue ties...but they also bring along their children dressed up in the same manner handing out flyers telling you to stop your sinning way or you'll burn in hell.

this might not be the majority of the population but dont for a second think those people are a joke or made up. its all very real and quite scary

I know it exists. I know it's not a joke - it's as scary to me as Muslim zealots, but, not all Muslims are zealots either. For every bible thumper in Virginia Beach with their kids, there are 50 families who believe in Jesus and look at these people for what they are, scary zealots who don't represent their views or their religion as they or their priests see it.
[Feb 2,2006 4:02pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
actually its sadly the opposite there, Vabeach is home to Pat Robertson and he doesnt try hiding that its his town.

those folks who go out are encouraged to from their churches, the churches down there are set up like a sports center is up here huge billboard out front and all. it is what people fear from these people the most.
[Feb 2,2006 4:03pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
paganmegan said:What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

The rich want poor people to have tons of kids so they have more people to enslave, enlist in the military, and pay taxes. What's really funny is how the pro-lifers support policies that take more lives away than abortions ever would. More babies die in this country from lack of sexual education, pre-natal care/healthcare than in several third world nations.
[Feb 2,2006 4:05pm - BSV@school  ""]
Best point in the thread so far.
[Feb 2,2006 4:14pm - HailTheLeaf ""]
anonymous said:
I know it exists. I know it's not a joke - it's as scary to me as Muslim zealots, but, not all Muslims are zealots either. For every bible thumper in Virginia Beach with their kids, there are 50 families who believe in Jesus and look at these people for what they are, scary zealots who don't represent their views or their religion as they or their priests see it.

They say they believe in Jesus, problem is, they completely ignore his teachings. You know, that whole part about not caring about material things and helping the poor...sharing food and shelter, accepting people and not judging. Fuck man, Mary was his favorite disciple and kept the whole religion alive and the catholic church painted her as a fucking prostitute because they didn't want women to have any power in the church!
[Feb 2,2006 4:44pm - anonymous  ""]
HailTheLeaf said:paganmegan said:What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

The rich want poor people to have tons of kids so they have more people to enslave, enlist in the military, and pay taxes. What's really funny is how the pro-lifers support policies that take more lives away than abortions ever would. More babies die in this country from lack of sexual education, pre-natal care/healthcare than in several third world nations.

the rich don't want the poor to have tons of kids because they don't want to have to support them with welfare/their dollars. I can't speak to what goes on (or doesn't) in the head of a pro lifer, but, I will say, I have nothing against someone being pro life as long as they aren't trying to force me to be pro life too, or looking to change legistation. Live and let live. But, I can speak to what a lot of wealthy people think about poor people having tons of kids, and in my experience it's not something they are looking for. again, poor people don't pay enough taxes to make a difference to someone with millions of dollars.
[Feb 2,2006 4:51pm - Josh_Martin ""]
"The rich have all of the money and do none of the work,
The middle class does all the work and pays all the taxes,
The poor are just there to scare the shit out of the middle class"

George Carlin
[Feb 2,2006 5:04pm - DomesticTerror ""]
"keep 'em showin' up to those jaahbs!"
[Feb 2,2006 5:34pm - eddie ""]
HailTheLeaf said:paganmegan said:What I don't get is why, with the population being so overblown (and not getting better) people wouldn't support abortion more avidly? I mean, anything to keep the population trimmed down can't be anything but beneficial. Oh wait, I forget, somehow, out of the millions of times the fucking bible has been translated they somehow deduced that god and jesus want as many babies born to impoverished single mothers, illegal aliens and welfare crack addicts as possible

complete morons

The rich want poor people to have tons of kids so they have more people to enslave, enlist in the military, and pay taxes.

wow you're paranoid. no seriously i can't believe there are people that think that.

What's really funny is how the pro-lifers support policies that take more lives away than abortions ever would. More babies die in this country from lack of sexual education, pre-natal care/healthcare than in several third world nations.

that could be true, but maybe thats because of where i live. I can name you at least 20 people without thinking too hard that have had abortions, i can't think of any babies that have died because they didn't get the care they needed.

[Feb 2,2006 7:41pm - BornSoVile ""]
eddie said:
wow you're paranoid. no seriously i can't believe there are people that think that.

no it makes perfect sense. rich people = republicans = christians = babies born to support the system.
come on now!
[Feb 2,2006 8:57pm - pam nli  ""]
This is the most intelligent political thread on a msg. board I've ever seen.

I think it's scary that people think Roe V Wade could NEVER be overturned. I'm not worried it will happen tomorrow, or next year, but to say "it'll never happen" is incredibly naive.

I don't really understand anyone that doesn't pay attention to shit like this, it affects everyone. Sticking your head in the sand is how this backdoor bullshit slips by in the first place.
[Feb 2,2006 8:59pm - pam nli  ""]
DomesticTerror said:pam nli said:
All I'm saying is I'd rather hear mass complaining and whining than silence.

one of the best statements in this thread.

[Feb 2,2006 9:27pm - infoterror ""]

[Feb 2,2006 9:36pm - brian_dc ""]
what is your opinion of the portrayal of nihilists in the media?

for example. The Big Lebowski.

or do you care?
[Feb 2,2006 9:50pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
brian_dc said:what is your opinion of the portrayal of nihilists in the media?

for example. The Big Lebowski.

or do you care?

brian, you leave good movies and characters alone or ill mosh up and down that two steppin' head of yours.

goddamn i love that movie, the dude abides !
[Feb 3,2006 11:02am - HailTheLeaf ""]
HailTheLeaf said:The rich want poor people to have tons of kids so they have more people to enslave, enlist in the military, and pay taxes.

eddie said:wow you're paranoid. no seriously i can't believe there are people that think that.

Riiight, with over 2 million Americans in the prision system, mostly poor and arrested for non-violent drug offenses (more than anywhere else in the world) and corporations (McDonald's, Kmart, JC Penney, Eddie Bauer, TWA) tripping over eachother to get in on the slave labor, (prisoners make between nothing and $1.50 per hour) you think I'm paraniod? wake the fuck up. Even the Defense Department tried to get in on it, but the bill was narrowly rejected.

What's really funny is how the pro-lifers support policies that take more lives away than abortions ever would. More babies die in this country from lack of sexual education, pre-natal care/healthcare than in several third world nations.

that could be true, but maybe thats because of where i live. I can name you at least 20 people without thinking too hard that have had abortions, i can't think of any babies that have died because they didn't get the care they needed.

It is true, you've just never heard about it. You know 20 people who've had an abortion? How many of them knew anything about birth control or had easy access to it? Nothing is 100% foolproof, and accidents happen, but I only know 3 people who've had an abortion, one was from lack of education, one had her boyfriend tell her was sterile, and the other just made several dumb decisions in high school.
[Feb 3,2006 11:07am - HailTheLeaf ""]
brian_dc said:what is your opinion of the portrayal of nihilists in the media?

for example. The Big Lebowski.

or do you care?

wow, really funny movies are now considered "the media"...it's gotten that bad already eh?
[Feb 3,2006 6:28pm - cmo  ""]
BornSoVile said:eddie said:
wow you're paranoid. no seriously i can't believe there are people that think that.

no it makes perfect sense. rich people = republicans = christians = babies born to support the system.
come on now!

Wow. I never knew that all rich people were Republicans and Christians...

George Soros = filthy rich = hard-line Liberal = not Chistian what-so-ever = supports abortion

What about this guy?

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