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Sindustrial Arts Presents: The Accursed, Goreality, Unhallowed (NJ),Revocation and Cythraul

[show listing]  _____________________________
[Sep 20,2006 2:48pm - pam ""]
YAY! Photobucket answered my prayers and revamped everything! These should be uploaded in no time.
[Sep 20,2006 5:51pm - pam ""]

There. All up.
[Sep 20,2006 5:57pm - Aegathis ""]
Good lord is that Fishcakes with out a hat?!
[Sep 20,2006 5:58pm - pam ""]
[Sep 20,2006 5:59pm - pam ""]
nah, Fish has the hat on, you just can't see it.
[Sep 20,2006 6:00pm - pam ""]
My favorite random shots:

[Sep 20,2006 6:59pm - dreadkill ""]
that picture of tom eating italian ice is awesome.
[Sep 20,2006 7:52pm - pam ""]
I know.
[Sep 20,2006 8:33pm - Anthony nli  ""]
damn Pam thank you for taking this pic... it is fucking hilarious.

[Sep 21,2006 9:29am - pam ""]
Anytime, darling. It's what I love to do.
[Sep 21,2006 9:35am - RichHorror ""]

That dude next to TJ has an AWESOME Down's face.
[Sep 21,2006 10:56am - Samantha ""]
RichHorror said:

That dude next to TJ has an AWESOME Down's face.

Ha ha! That would be Crazy Dan. I gave him a ride there.
[Sep 21,2006 2:25pm - pam ""]
Crazy Dan knocked my camera out of my hand twice.
[Sep 21,2006 2:41pm - Samantha ""]
pam said:Crazy Dan knocked my camera out of my hand twice.

That would be one of the many reasons why they call him Crazy Dan. :spineyes:
[Sep 21,2006 3:18pm - fishcakes ""]
john I found my mic. thanx.
[Sep 21,2006 6:39pm - Shannon ""]
If you can't take the heat,stay out of the pit!!! dan goes to every fucking show,he rules!!!
[Sep 22,2006 5:08pm - pam ""]
Shannon said:If you can't take the heat,stay out of the pit!!! dan goes to every fucking show,he rules!!!

Or maybe the pit should stay off everyone's pedal boards?
I'm sure Dan is fantastic. I also go to lots of shows and take photos for the bands.
[Sep 22,2006 5:11pm - RichHorror ""]
Yep. If some Pantera enthusiast fucked up my gear, I'd have him stay out of both the pit and the kitchen, and dwell only in the ER.
[Sep 22,2006 6:57pm - fishcakes ""]
boy do i hate pantera.
[Sep 22,2006 7:03pm - RichHorror ""]
I second that emotion.
[Sep 22,2006 7:31pm - Shannon ""]
wow here I thought shows were about having fun and going crazy,whoops my mistake! Maybe Marshall's should get a stage,then no ones pedals boards would get harmed. Bands love it when the crowd goes nuts,thats what metal is all about letting out agression. Bands love that shit! When scott plays he says it inspires him to keep playing shows just by the crowd getting into it. Suxs that you couldn't get any shots but thats not why the show was happening for picture purposes,it was so people can expirence the music. But don't worry,at metal thursday there is a stage,so I bet your pictures will come out great.
[Sep 22,2006 7:32pm - RichHorror ""]
That doesn't stop Pantera from being awful.
[Sep 22,2006 11:29pm - pam ""]
Nobody said the bands didn't love energy. Settle down. However an enthusiastic crowd is usually a moderately respectful one, one that listens after the 10th time the band says "woah, stop stomping on the peddle boards". Banners being ripped off the walls was also uncalled for. We are lucky to have Marshall's and shit like that could end that and that's one less place for bands to play. Fans of metal, supporters of local bands, should understand that.

And I'm not taking pictures at that show, so "mosh" away since that's all a show is all about.
[Sep 23,2006 12:43am - Shannon ""]
Shannon said:wow here I thought shows were about having fun and going crazy,whoops my mistake! Maybe Marshall's should get a stage,then no ones pedals boards would get harmed. Bands love it when the crowd goes nuts,thats what metal is all about letting out agression. Bands love that shit! When scott plays he says it inspires him to keep playing shows just by the crowd getting into it. Suxs that you couldn't get any shots but thats not why the show was happening for picture purposes,it was so people can expirence the music. But don't worry,at metal thursday there is a stage,so I bet your pictures will come out great.

Enough said.
[Sep 23,2006 1:41am - Kevord ""]
Moshing is gay. Nuff said.
[Sep 23,2006 7:16am - sinistas ""]
I'm in total agreement with Pam on this. If somebody fucked up my gear, I'd be totally bullshit.
[Sep 23,2006 8:23am - DrinkHardThrashHard ""]
Kevord said:Moshing is gay. Nuff said.

It's the truth.
[Sep 23,2006 9:47am - pam ""]
DrinkHardThrashHard said:Kevord said:Moshing is gay. Nuff said.

It's the truth.

Stopped being cool when I was 12.
[Sep 23,2006 9:50am - dreadkill ""]
sinistas said:I'm in total agreement with Pam on this. If somebody fucked up my gear, I'd be totally bullshit.

i'd be so fucking bullshit if someone cracked up my gear.
[Sep 23,2006 9:55am - pam ""]
So would I. Especially if I asked nicely a bunch of times to knock it off. Ken's been to Marshall's shows, they're always rowdy and we've never had shit pulled off the walls, gear fallen on, stomped on, and knocked around.

Then again we've also never had a fat broad with questionable dental hygiene flip a table over because I made her pay to get in, either.
[Sep 23,2006 10:43am - RichHorror ""]
Hearing about all this queerness going on really makes me upset we didn't play.
[Sep 23,2006 11:12am - CaptainCleanoff ""]
Shannon said:thats what metal is all about letting out agression.

Why do I find this statement retarded? Yeah, okay, that is what it is all about.:pukeface:

[Sep 23,2006 12:21pm - RichHorror ""]
CaptainCleanoff said:Why do I find this statement retarded?

Because a woman said it.
[Sep 23,2006 1:20pm - CaptainCleanoff ""]
RichHorror said:CaptainCleanoff said:Why do I find this statement retarded?

Because a woman said it.

Haha. Good call.
[Sep 23,2006 2:36pm - pam ""]
This one is just for you, Rich
[Sep 23,2006 5:15pm - RichHorror ""]
I'd like to see a mop somewhere in the mix there, but that'll do.
[Sep 23,2006 6:50pm - pam ""]
next time, Rich, next time.
[Sep 23,2006 6:56pm - Aegathis ""]
this made me hungry, for pancakes. Good thing I hop is up the street from me.
[Sep 23,2006 6:59pm - dreadkill ""]
you should hop over there and get a short stack.
[Sep 23,2006 7:01pm - Aegathis ""]
short stack?! Dude dont ya think some one that talks about food as much as i do would go for something alittle bigger.>:]
[Sep 23,2006 7:47pm - RichHorror ""]
Are we talking about cocks?
[Sep 23,2006 7:54pm - Aegathis ""]
No but you can keep talking to cocks all you want
[Sep 23,2006 7:55pm - RichHorror ""]
Mike's cock had some fascinating things to say about vacationing in Peru.
[Sep 23,2006 7:56pm - pam ""]
Hey...Mikey is a sexy man...hard to resist.
[Sep 23,2006 7:56pm - RichHorror ""]
Pam wants to rail Mike.
[Sep 23,2006 7:57pm - pam ""]
I don't generally share men with friends...you've soiled him.
[Sep 23,2006 7:58pm - RichHorror ""]
I was just making conversation.
[Sep 23,2006 8:02pm - pam ""]
It's OK...you merely answered to call of the cock.
[Sep 23,2006 8:06pm - RichHorror ""]

Ah, pills.
[Sep 23,2006 8:08pm - pam ""]
I could go for a perc right about now, my head and back are fucking killing me.

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