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Menstrual Sweatpants Disco's fucked up video corner. (definitely not work-safe) (no government officials please)

[Jan 22,2005 10:55am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha. mission accomplished
[Jan 24,2005 9:13am - aliciagrace ""]
that knee one wasnt good enough because the guy could still walk. it be better if his leg was ripped off at the knee. and then he ate it. yea,that be better.
[Jan 24,2005 9:14am - aliciagrace ""]
ps. more please
[Jan 24,2005 9:16am - the_reverend ""]
yes, this is one of the "best-of-the-best" threads.
[Jan 25,2005 6:23am - psychogirl ""]
i calmed down now... :-) fucking great stuff in here!
[Jan 26,2005 5:21pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #14 +++

Goats don't like it when they get their throats slit.

Crying, slapping, fucking, pissing, puking, ear fingering, eyeball licking, bukkake, nipple secretion, buckets of tomato sauce, nose hooks... basically a cross-section of Asian culture.
http://www.stilemedia.com/?v=jaja3.wmv (copy link and paste into new browser window)
(this video is over 80MB. If you actually want to jerk off to this, I'd recommend downloading it to your hard drive first.)

[Jan 27,2005 11:31am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jan 28,2005 9:34pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #15 +++

Old women are more attractive when they're eating used tampons.

Store clerk gets shot.

Skater breaks his arm... twice.

Mr. Oinky screams while his throat is slit. He looks delicious.

[Jan 29,2005 8:23pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
I'm awesome
[Jan 30,2005 10:14am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[Jan 30,2005 10:15am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
haha brilliant
[Feb 25,2005 4:59pm - menstrual_Sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #16 +++

Autopsy of a 7 year old girl.

[Mar 9,2005 6:12pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #17 +++

Apparently this women shoved an octopus up her cunt.

Cop shoots himself in the foot during a safety lecture.

Hydraulic machine that can instantly decapitate a pig.

The most disturbing video ever; John Stamos doing cabaret.

[Mar 10,2005 5:41pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #18 +++

Unnecessary eye surgery is all the rage.
http://www.stilemedia.com/?v=ouch.wmv (copy link and paste into new browser window)

[Mar 10,2005 6:15pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said: +++ Edition #18 +++

Unnecessary eye surgery is all the rage.
http://www.stilemedia.com/?v=ouch.wmv (copy link and paste into new browser window)

that is the most fucked up cosmetic surgery ever
[Mar 17,2005 7:22pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #19 +++

Dog yelping as it gets shot multiple times.

[Mar 17,2005 10:17pm - metalmatt666 ""]
best thread ever
[Mar 20,2005 11:30pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #20 +++

Never play with scissors.

A tasteful lesbian kiss.

[Mar 22,2005 10:27pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
bump for people who should know better !
[Mar 22,2005 11:33pm - metalmatt666 ""]
the shit kiss thing is just fucked up
[Mar 23,2005 5:38am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha... woo!
[Mar 25,2005 3:07pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #21 +++

Idiot pulls his teeth out with pliers.

Shitty version of an old video. The super wank.

[Mar 29,2005 3:33pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #22 +++

There's nothing hotter than a dog vomiting into a whore's mouth.

[Mar 30,2005 2:36pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
dog vomit-sex is the only thing that matters in life
[Mar 30,2005 3:09pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said:dog vomit-sex is the only thing that matters in life

that's the hottest thing I've ever seen
[Mar 30,2005 8:13pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
right on
[Mar 30,2005 8:23pm - skullet ""]
Damn, Mike...you never cease to amaze me.
[Mar 30,2005 8:43pm - KeithMutiny ""]
i just watched an anti vivisection video on some girls myspace page, and i seriously have never watched anything that has disturbed me as much as it did. I felt like i was gonna cry and puke at the same time, and it seriously got me pissed...
[Mar 30,2005 9:32pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
KeithMutiny said:i just watched an anti vivisection video on some girls myspace page, and i seriously have never watched anything that has disturbed me as much as it did. I felt like i was gonna cry and puke at the same time, and it seriously got me pissed...

what is an anti-vivisection? and more importantly, where is the link to that video?
[Mar 30,2005 9:44pm - danny_p ""]
show a link
[Mar 30,2005 9:48pm - KeithMutiny ""]

horrible, and this shit usually doesnt bother me...
[Mar 30,2005 9:51pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
that link isn't working for me
[Mar 30,2005 9:57pm - KeithMutiny ""]
try and just copy paste, when you click it it puts an http in front, and thats fuckin it up
[Mar 30,2005 10:05pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
ok it worked. That didn't bother me at all.
[Mar 30,2005 10:12pm - DaveFromTheGrave ""]
thanks by the way
[Mar 31,2005 8:49am - niccolai ""]
I need a decent quality video clip of someone hanging themself for a video piece I'm doing. I tried searching but I came up shortof anything good enough. I don't care if the video is real or fake but it hasto be decent quality. If you have one you should post it for me.
[Mar 31,2005 8:56am - Joe/NotCommon ""]
Haha, Mike are you taking requests?
[Mar 31,2005 9:02am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
KeithMutiny said:mms://a805.v9135e.c9135.g.vm.akamaistream.net/7/805/9135/0021/peta.download.akamai.com/9135/downloads/free_me_med.wmv

horrible, and this shit usually doesnt bother me...

hehe, I've seen that one before. I think it's the touchy music that's getting to you.
[Apr 27,2005 4:37pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #23 +++

Seven minute instructional video on how to castrate horses with power drills.

Apparently, this man can fit a basketball in his ass.
http://www.stilemedia.com/?v=zana29.wmv (copy link and paste into new browser window)

Full autopsy performed on some whore. Complete with dictation.

[Apr 27,2005 4:47pm - dug-a-hole  ""]
that basketball one curdled my blood. christ.
[Apr 27,2005 7:53pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
really? I thought one was the lesser of the evils.
[Apr 28,2005 5:37pm - J of Existence  ""]
s i c k
m a n
[Apr 29,2005 6:51pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
Anybody who doesn't like to watch videos of men shoving basketballs in their asses is gay.

...There, I said it.
[May 7,2005 2:10pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #24 +++

Surgery to remove a fishhook from some idiot's eye.

Cum snorting.

[May 10,2005 11:16am - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
+++ Edition #25 +++

Some whore being completely degraded for money.
http://rapidshare.de/files/1656902/max.wmv.html (Scroll to bottom and follow download instructions. There will be a 70 second queue for download.)

Mutilated baby dick.

[May 10,2005 1:49pm - davefromthegrave ""]
menstrual_sweatpants_disco said: +++ Edition #25 +++

Mutilated baby dick.

normally I think mutialting a baby's genitals is a bad thing, but when jesus wants you to do it, it's okay.
[May 10,2005 2:06pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
[May 10,2005 3:27pm - SUBJUGATE ""]
[Mar 29,2006 8:54pm - anonymous  ""]
honor4death said:A stallion's penis is approximately 20 inches long in the relaxed state with approximately six to eight inches lying in the prepuce. During erection the size increases about twofold. The penis is roughly divided into the head, body and glans. The glans, or free end of the penis, is bell shaped particularly during erection and ejaculation. The urethral process extends approximately one inch from the surface of the deep depression or fossa glands.

i did some research for you...thats gross still...

[Apr 9,2006 10:57am - anonymous  ""]

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