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Bill's Bar (Boston, Ma) - [agnosis][deadbird][fuck_the_facts][ghoul][ichabod][id][it_will_end_in_pure_horror][moonshine][orodruin][randomshots][sin_of_angels][village_of_dead_roads]
[Jul 24,2006 10:24pm - ichabod_ken  ""]
I saw some young drunk punks that came outta show at Axis kick a car on Landsdowne St. They were probably kicked outta the show. They seemed pretty drunk and pissed. They were a bunch of teenagers. The car I saw em boot was a newer Mini Cooper style car...when I came back from ATM down near McDonalds the same kids were down by train tracks behind all the clubs kicking the fences and throwing around anything they could get their hands on. Later on I saw a bunch of punks leaning on a new corvette at end of street near ATM/MCDonalds....that might be Van Ness street....its the street that runs behind McDonalds and where the Rat used to be. I was just waiting to see if whoever owned the corvette came by and saw a buncha kids sitting on there car. I bet these same buncha kids are the ones who vandalized cars in the area.
[Jul 24,2006 11:07pm - demondave ""]
the_reverend said:this is her yelling at the bouncers a few minutes before she was taken down

Hmmm ... probably the same girl that I was posting about. I give it a 80% chance. The picture is from some distance, so it is hard to tell. She was blonde and had a black sleeveless top on... but how many other bimbos at that place were dressed like that?

It was at the same time you described, and I went into the club right after so I would not have seen the commotion. It could have been her, crying, getting herself built up into a hissy fit. She was rude enough .....

Perhaps the video she just filmed will be available in VHS and Betamax... coming to a ruboff booth near you...

[Jul 24,2006 11:10pm - demondave ""]
RichHorror said:I only remember her being blonde. It's hard to say, since when I saw her she was face down on the pavement being handcuffed. Security guards can cuff people? Oh that's right... they can't. Apparently Lansdowne Street is the Wild West, but with faggots.

I am proud to be the skinny version of you.
[Jul 24,2006 11:25pm - RichHorror ""]
hahaha, thanks.
[Jul 24,2006 11:29pm - Granny_Monster ""]
ichabod_ken said:I saw some young drunk punks that came outta show at Axis kick a car on Landsdowne St. They were probably kicked outta the show. They seemed pretty drunk and pissed. They were a bunch of teenagers. The car I saw em boot was a newer Mini Cooper style car...when I came back from ATM down near McDonalds the same kids were down by train tracks behind all the clubs kicking the fences and throwing around anything they could get their hands on. Later on I saw a bunch of punks leaning on a new corvette at end of street near ATM/MCDonalds....that might be Van Ness street....its the street that runs behind McDonalds and where the Rat used to be. I was just waiting to see if whoever owned the corvette came by and saw a buncha kids sitting on there car. I bet these same buncha kids are the ones who vandalized cars in the area.

UGH, I fucking hate those kids! They were sitting behind my car at the Waste show a couple of weeks ago and one of 'em says to the other "Dude, I went to my AA meeting the other night and I was sooooo drunk". Then later on the same kid was about to beat me up because he fell in the pit and thought I pushed him.

When I was walking down to Bill's one of them was throwing up on one of those trees that lined the street. Fucking pointless.
[Jul 25,2006 1:13am - theegarrotte  ""]
shit. bummer. thanks anyway. how fucking hypocritical that they would vandalize a busted shit car like mine.. i guess that's the breaks.
[Jul 25,2006 1:21am - the_reverend ""]
theegarrotte said:shit. bummer. thanks anyway. how fucking hypocritical that they would vandalize a busted shit car like mine.. i guess that's the breaks.

a month or so ago, I was at cryptopsy and someone ripped the gay 1/2" spoiler off my car. $500 down the drain.
[Jul 25,2006 5:44pm - anonymous  ""]
dwellingsickness said:I read the posts earlier in the thread, Sucks about Lord Gore and Engorged

I just got the ENGORGED interview back from ryan and they have NOT broken up. They are taking 2006 off and are doing other bands/things and he's claims that they will be back next year.
[Jul 25,2006 5:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 25,2006 6:02pm - Dissector ""]
anonymous said:dwellingsickness said:I read the posts earlier in the thread, Sucks about Lord Gore and Engorged

I just got the ENGORGED interview back from ryan and they have NOT broken up. They are taking 2006 off and are doing other bands/things and he's claims that they will be back next year.

Goddamn Billy Nocera for lying. And everybody else from portland that told me they broke up.
[Jul 25,2006 6:03pm - RichHorror ""]
Portland hates Mike Graffeo.
[Jul 25,2006 6:04pm - Dissector ""]
RichHorror said:Portland hates Mike Graffeo.

Dissector just got added to Goregon Massacre Fest in Portland. Take that Richard!
[Jul 25,2006 6:06pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 25,2006 6:23pm - the_reverend ""]
how the hell are you guys getting out there? parent's driving you?
[Jul 25,2006 6:28pm - RichHorror ""]
[Jul 25,2006 6:55pm - FOE  ""]
(friend of Engorged)
Engorged didn't seem too happy about certain people going around reporting that they broke up. Sucks. It is officially, talking to members (whomever actually bothers to do that these days) a hiatus. I'm sure it would be made shorter by the proper cheerleading and support being given that they are due. Where Monsters Dwell is a masterpiece.
[Jul 25,2006 9:43pm - eddie ""]
the_reverend said:how the hell are you guys getting out there? parent's driving you?

funny you should say that, i was talking to my boss today, and depending on the date, i may be able to coordinate a transferre to the upcoming oregon ikea for 2 weeks to train workers there.
[Jul 25,2006 10:34pm - Dissector ""]
FOE said:(friend of Engorged)
Engorged didn't seem too happy about certain people going around reporting that they broke up. Sucks. It is officially, talking to members (whomever actually bothers to do that these days) a hiatus. I'm sure it would be made shorter by the proper cheerleading and support being given that they are due. Where Monsters Dwell is a masterpiece.

Good to hear! I was beyond bummed when it was "announced they broke up".
[Jul 25,2006 10:52pm - Dissector ""]
the_reverend said:I also like "jew like how french I am?"
I guess creepslvanian accents are a lot like french accents.

Rev, if you knew anything you'd know that Vremator is originally from France and just sort of wandered into Creepsylvania one day and the rest as they say, is history...
[Jul 26,2006 12:46am - the_reverend ""]
I obviously don't know anything since I myspaced ghoul, but it was the "real motherfucking ghoul" and they weren't very happy. they were also dickish in the ms.
[Jul 26,2006 12:48am - Dissector ""]
[Jul 26,2006 1:13am - bogus rendition  ""]
there is only one REAL Ghoul:

[Jul 26,2006 4:42am - AUTOPSY_666 ""]
demondave said: I was wearing camo shorts and a goreality t-shirt.


Dave, you rule.
[Jul 26,2006 10:09am - Granny_Monster ""]
Dissector said:RichHorror said:Portland hates Mike Graffeo.

Dissector just got added to Goregon Massacre Fest in Portland. Take that Richard!

Yes! So it's official now? Bad ass!

I'm definitely going next year, I was so pissed I had to miss out for this one.
[Jul 26,2006 11:03am - RichHorror ""]
Dissector said:ms?

myspace, I'm guessing.
[Jul 26,2006 11:04am - RichHorror ""]
Yeah, the 'real' Ghoul are angry dudes.
[Jul 26,2006 12:44pm - anonymous  ""]
and you are surprised by this? I bet it was either a hispanic or cambodian little shit gang member pissed off they could not get the white girl with the biggest ass so settled for ripping off your spoiler.

Goodtimes blows...
[Jul 27,2006 8:15pm - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 27,2006 8:18pm - RichHorror ""]
If anyone goes to Bill's Bar again for any reason, just park on Ipswich Street. I've done that everytime I've had to park my car in that area and I've never had a problem.
[Jul 27,2006 8:19pm - the_reverend ""]
moonshine: on tour with deadbird. A girl sang with them on 2 tracks. On the 3rd song, on of the guitarists broke a string. they were awesome. Some parts were like neurosis, but then they would totally rock out. It was great. The female vocals were more more of a blackmetal raspy scream.

deadbird: these guys are always awesome to see (even if I confuse them with wetnurse a lot). Like a lot of the other bands, soundwise, the remind me of a faster neurosis. A lot more metal though.. Something about those drums.

fuck the facts: I too was expecting something more crusty punk. Instead a despised icon sounding band come out. The female singer had a wicked low vocal. I'm going to have to listen to that CD again. oh, if you add up the weight of this entire band it's roughly one 100 demons member.
[Jul 27,2006 8:38pm - the_reverend ""]
ghoul: they were both awesome and hilarious. It funny having the members that they have and they do a campy razorback band. The music is completely thrashtastic for those of you who find pleasure in such things. When they started, I leaned over to someone and said "how many people are getting kicked out?"
I think the answer was "everyone."
and everything else I would say has already been said.
[Jul 27,2006 8:40pm - RichHorror ""]
Ghoul was awesome, and I would like to take this time to thank myself for bringing them out here.
[Jul 30,2006 9:57am - ShadowSD ""]
Note to Rev: Spambots appear to love threads with the word fest in it.
[Jul 30,2006 11:42am - the_reverend ""]
I put the word "My Hompage" on the list of filtered terms. since that string was only on this site 13 times, 9 of which were spam.
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[Aug 12,2006 11:20pm - succubus ""]
aaron..time to upload those changes
[Aug 12,2006 11:28pm - the_reverend ""]
not yet... and what the hell is soma? I mean besides the made up drug in a brave new world?
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[Aug 22,2006 10:27pm - succubus ""]
[Aug 22,2006 10:38pm - RobinAmmonia  ""]
thats funny.

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