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Bill's Bar (Boston, Ma) - [agnosis][deadbird][fuck_the_facts][ghoul][ichabod][id][it_will_end_in_pure_horror][moonshine][orodruin][randomshots][sin_of_angels][village_of_dead_roads]
[Jul 23,2006 12:30pm - hungtableed  ""]
WTF! I am so pissed off that I missed Ghoul.
[Jul 23,2006 12:41pm - Dissector ""]
Bogus Rendition said:Rad show. Shitty venue. Kinda sad not being aloud to run around for ghoul since theyre almost the most moshable band ever in all of the entire universe. But they were rad. Deadbird was rad too, and fuck the facts was pretty rad.

All they have to do at Bill's Bar (I think) is put a big old sign on the door that says that they are not responsible for injuries sustained from whatever. Then none of the issues that occured would ever be a problem because then they wouldn't have to worry about being sued (which is all they were worried about) and I don't even think their insurance would go up (but Im not sure). Some of those guys were cool, but most were dumb. Oh well. Didnt Shadows Fall used to play there way back when? Maybe the place had a different owner.

Out side was like disney world. I'd forgoten that that level of glamor existed anywhere except for on TV. Pretty wild.

The only thing that could have made this show better would have been ENGORGED. Actually I take that back. A lot of things could have made this one better. But ENGORGED would have been rad. But then I would have gotten thrown out.

ENGORGED broke up.

[Jul 23,2006 12:48pm - hungtableed  ""]

did Ghoul play GHOUL HUNTER?
[Jul 23,2006 12:56pm - ichabod ""]
Had a phenomenal time at this; special thanks to the Rev for his always-cool pics and to Joe & Rich for all of their input into making this fest happen...also, thanks to those of you who were around early enough to catch our set!
[Jul 23,2006 12:56pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]

Due to Vegas throat, Engorged will be going on hiatus through Summer and Fall of 2006. All live appearances have been cancelled.

Engorged will return in 2007

Thank you,
Engorged Mngmt. Ltd.
[Jul 23,2006 12:58pm - the_reverend ""]
your site is messed up
[Jul 23,2006 12:59pm - ichabod ""]
the_reverend said:http://www.ichabodrocks.com/
your site is messed up

Yeah, sometimes you have to double load it for it to come up...we're switching providers/hosts soon...
[Jul 23,2006 1:30pm - Dissector ""]

Due to Vegas throat, Engorged will be going on hiatus through Summer and Fall of 2006. All live appearances have been cancelled.

Engorged will return in 2007

Thank you,
Engorged Mngmt. Ltd.

Yeah and then they announced that they broke up as well as Lord Gore and Gruesome Stuff Relish. It was all on the Razorback site. Plus, Ross confirmed this last night.
[Jul 23,2006 1:32pm - Dissector ""]
hungtableed said:
did Ghoul play GHOUL HUNTER?

No they played nothing but new songs with the exceptions of Numb Skull and Graveyard Mosh.
[Jul 23,2006 1:33pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
that blows
[Jul 23,2006 1:37pm - Dissector ""]
Bogus Rendition said:that blows

Yeah it really does. I don't know why they broke up. Last I heard Ryan and Kevin were going to be doing vocals like on the Self Titled cd (Dave only sang on one song on that CD) And theat they were writing new material. Then next thing I hear they broke up.

[Jul 23,2006 2:16pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
ryan agreed to do an interview with me a few weeks ago by email and keeps promising to get the questions back "soon". I asked him about "the future of engorged" and all that stuff. So hopefully he'll fill the damn thing out soon and if they really are done for good, I asked a bunch of other stuff, so maybe something else will come along.
[Jul 23,2006 2:19pm - hungtableed  ""]
Dissector said:hungtableed said:
did Ghoul play GHOUL HUNTER?

No they played nothing but new songs with the exceptions of Numb Skull and Graveyard Mosh.

Wheras I do enjoy the new Ghoul greatly, I would have loved to have seen them before their new cd came out so that I catch them play SEWER CHEWER and MAGGOT HATCHERY (among a long list of many others I consider my personal favorites) - I listen to MANIAXE at least once a day, everyday....

[Jul 23,2006 5:05pm - anonymous  ""]
All Hail Ghoul !!!!
[Jul 23,2006 5:06pm - Nobody_Cares ""]
Lord Gore broke up too? I'm kicking myself in the ass for missing this. John Ritter the Robot played with Moonshine in Baltimore when we toured with TTOS. Awesome doom. I've never seen so much good doom on one porch than I did in Baltimore.
[Jul 23,2006 5:07pm - Dissector NLI  ""]
hungtableed said:Dissector said:hungtableed said:
did Ghoul play GHOUL HUNTER?

No they played nothing but new songs with the exceptions of Numb Skull and Graveyard Mosh.

Wheras I do enjoy the new Ghoul greatly, I would have loved to have seen them before their new cd came out so that I catch them play SEWER CHEWER and MAGGOT HATCHERY (among a long list of many others I consider my personal favorites) - I listen to MANIAXE at least once a day, everyday....

I think their newest CD is their best yet so it was awesome for me.
[Jul 23,2006 5:09pm - eddie ""]
mike are you at work right now?
[Jul 23,2006 6:06pm - anonymous  ""]
Crawling into that stinky, hot Gore Boar outfit was the thrill of my young life. This is the best show I've seen all year, a total brainsmasher.
[Jul 23,2006 6:29pm - fucker  ""]
haha i find it funny people are getting thrown out just for headbanging. i remember going to shows where people got the fuckin crapped beaten out of in and outside of bill's and not even a threat to call the cops would happen.
[Jul 23,2006 6:38pm - Dissector ""]
eddie said:mike are you at work right now?

No my boss got confused when I took days off. I was originally working today but he thought I needed this day off too.
[Jul 23,2006 6:47pm - eddie ""]
[Jul 23,2006 10:39pm - anonymous  ""]
ghoul's from oakland. ross from impaled, and dino (drums) from dystopia and asunder.
[Jul 23,2006 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
the guitar play is from impaled too
[Jul 23,2006 10:57pm - todayistheday nli  ""]
ha didnt bill bars used to always hold diecast/fsu shows? and they have a problem with people moshing?
[Jul 23,2006 11:05pm - blue ""]
fucker said:haha i find it funny people are getting thrown out just for headbanging. i remember going to shows where people got the fuckin crapped beaten out of in and outside of bill's and not even a threat to call the cops would happen.

yeah, many a time have i watched people get the shit kicked out of them on the curb of bills bar. but then again, i totally see the threat in headbanging. wait, no.
[Jul 23,2006 11:07pm - MikePile  ""]
blue said:
but then again, i totally see the threat in headbanging. wait, no.

What are you talking about? My neck is killing me!
[Jul 23,2006 11:39pm - Dissector ""]
anonymous said:ghoul's from oakland. ross from impaled, and dino (drums) from dystopia and asunder.

Thanks for ruining for everyone.
[Jul 24,2006 12:19am - Bill's Bar Management  ""]
1. You were more than headbanging.
2. We have every right to toss people out for stage diving. They could fall and get hurt.
3. Although I do not have just cause to sue, I will if the pictures of the girl we beat and raped are pubished in any shape or form.
4. Fuck you all, we own Lansdowne Street.
[Jul 24,2006 12:20am - Dissector ""]
Bill‘s Bar Management said:1. You were more than headbanging.
2. We have every right to toss people out for stage diving. They could fall and get hurt.
3. Although I do not have just cause to sue, I will if the pictures of the girl we beat and raped are pubished in any shape or form.
4. Fuck you all, we own Lansdowne Street.

HAHAHAHA!! Kudos to whoever just posted that.
[Jul 24,2006 1:59am - Emeril  ""]
[Jul 24,2006 1:59am - Emeril  ""]
[Jul 24,2006 2:09am - dwellingsickness ""]
Dissector said:anonymous said:ghoul's from oakland. ross from impaled, and dino (drums) from dystopia and asunder.

Thanks for ruining for everyone.

yeah, Now that he knows who they are,He won't listen to them anymore, Because half the fun was not knowing,Fuck what G.I Joe says!
[Jul 24,2006 2:13am - Dissector ""]
Hahaha. I knew anyways I just wasn't gonna say anything and ruin it for other people.
[Jul 24,2006 3:59am - dwellingsickness ""]
I read the posts earlier in the thread, Sucks about Lord Gore and Engorged
[Jul 24,2006 7:38am - Messerschmitt ""]
rev. can you post the pics of the chick getting her ass handed to her?
[Jul 24,2006 11:17am - demondave ""]
Messerschmitt said:rev. can you post the pics of the chick getting her ass handed to her?

It would be fucking hysterical if it was that girl that I posted about in this thread. (look above)

What did she look like?
[Jul 24,2006 11:20am - Messerschmitt ""]
haha that's great. hopefully she lost some teeth.
[Jul 24,2006 11:20am - RichHorror ""]
I only remember her being blonde. It's hard to say, since when I saw her she was face down on the pavement being handcuffed. Security guards can cuff people? Oh that's right... they can't. Apparently Lansdowne Street is the Wild West, but with faggots.
[Jul 24,2006 11:27am - Messerschmitt ""]
yeah, someone bent back my gas tank cover on my truck during day 2. that must be a cool think to do around those parts. bunch of sissy fags.
[Jul 24,2006 12:09pm - watchmaker666 ""]
security guards cuffed a slut? Did they put her in a turkish prison as well? Lansdowne St should be destroyed and the rubble left as a reminder
[Jul 24,2006 12:15pm - RichHorror ""]
Yeah. They're especially brave if you're a woman or a skinny white kid.
[Jul 24,2006 12:23pm - aeser ""]
i'm a fucking idiot, someone said they (ghoul) were from sweden and i believed it. i even saw dino outside and talked to him very briefly and even thought "wow this dude looks like dino from dystopia" not knowing it was him. maybe it's a good thing so i didn't lose my dignity gushing like a fanboy. but, fuck.

anywho, i already started another thread about this but since it's relevant to this thread as well, the id set from saturday:
[Jul 24,2006 12:34pm - the_reverend ""]
this is her yelling at the bouncers a few minutes before she was taken down
[Jul 24,2006 2:14pm - Word on the Street  ""]
Here's an image of Pepelis running when they tried to destroy his camera.[img]
[Jul 24,2006 2:22pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
fucking nazis
[Jul 24,2006 2:26pm - Sasquatch the Embalmer  ""]
Is that a new porn site? Sounds kind of sexy.
[Jul 24,2006 4:20pm - theegarrotte  ""]
hey, i came all the way up from baltimore to see my friends bands (and ghoul, of course) and my car got vandalized on the street that ran parallel to landsdowne (i think it was called van ness street). if any of you who attended the fest saw someone (probably a big guy, the footprints were huge and they were wearing aido shoes) run-walk-jump on (from trunk to hood) a black nissan with a pentagram sticker on the back of it, and are able to ID who did it or just want to come forward and not be a fucking puss, could you please email me (absolutedeth@gmail.com). my insurance won't cover it and its fucked up. i would really appreciate it because my shit got fucked up.. and yes, that venue was one of the absolute worst venues i've ever attended, total fucking shit.. but the show was good and i'm glad i made the trip, so kudos to who set it up.
thanks ahead of time for any info anyone can provide. cheers.

[Jul 24,2006 7:14pm - dyingmuse ""]
i got a fucking 75 dollar parking ticket that night. i was helping orodruin pack their gear into my truck, i was parked on the sidewalk in front of the club. i got out of my truck, and was trying to make a plan as to how we were getting back to my place, and this cop was like 5 feet awat, saw me get out of my truck and just filled out a ticket and gave it to me! that fucking cunt! he didn't warn me, he was next to me the whole time....man that was lame! boston sucks balls!
[Jul 24,2006 7:16pm - dyingmuse ""]
cool show though!
i dug deadbird too, they were cool. i got their cd, and have to say they were better live.
[Jul 24,2006 7:17pm - the_reverend ""]
I parked on that same st... I'm glad that didn't happen to my car or carina's truck. that same thing happened in portsmouth nh to my car. sux

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