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Bill's Bar (Boston, Ma) - [agnosis][deadbird][fuck_the_facts][ghoul][ichabod][id][it_will_end_in_pure_horror][moonshine][orodruin][randomshots][sin_of_angels][village_of_dead_roads]
[Jul 22,2006 2:20pm - the_reverend ""]
starts at 4pm today
[Jul 22,2006 2:25pm - the_reverend ""]
It Will End in Pure Horror 3:55-4:15
ID 4:30-4:50
Agnosis 5:05-5:35
Village of Dead Roads 5:50-6:20
Orodruin 6:35-7:05
Sin of Angels 7:20-7:50
Moonshine 8:05-8:35
Deadbird 8:50-9:30
Fuck the Facts 10:45-11:30
Ghoul 11:
[Jul 22,2006 2:42pm - the_reverend ""]
people on the road right now are retards. drive carefully!
[Jul 22,2006 5:09pm - succubus ""]
That's what u told me too
[Jul 22,2006 6:07pm - the_reverend ""]
ichabod: I ran in after they had done like 3 songs. after that post that dave made in the other thread, I almost went and got hunting earmuffs. They ended up not being too loud just sounded good on that stage.
[Jul 22,2006 6:10pm - the_reverend ""]
It Will End In Pure Horror: the single most hilarious show I've seen them do. First, I'm pretty sure that someone on the stage did infact shit themselves. It smelled like it anyhow. Lowtide. Maybe that's why when I ran in, there was enough room in the front for all the peurtorican girls that rich bitchslapped after failed parkinglot blowjobs. Next, during their longest song (all about rich horror and the posts he makes on here), jeff's guitar decided to take the spotlight away from rich by breaking a string in he middle of the song. Jeff had time to switch guitars while the rest of the band played on. The guitar jeff got was broken. I have reason to believe the speaker in the guitar was blow. Jeff picked up the other mic and did vocal-guitars. At the end of their set, rich took over the guitar. For the viewers at home, you can tell this cause rich moves right and jeff is in the middle singing.
to top it all off the banter between the songs was actually funny as in funny funny and not funny as in sad funny (sort of like a homeless clown with herpes)
[Jul 22,2006 6:42pm - the_reverend ""]
id: you would have to be stupid to not know who this band is. They are a favorite on the relapse board, but have been in the area (mass/new england) for over 10 years, playing 1 show a year. If I'm not mistaken, I've caught just about every show they played since 2001 (except I think they played a keene show that I missed). I was outside when they started and thought someone had taken over the CD player and put on good much. Their first couple songs were flawless. It sounded like they were playing right off a CD. They rest they messed up at the beginning. Funny that there are only 2 of them and they mis-communicate at the very start of a lot of songs. Imagine them with 3 members! With only 2 guys, they sound amazingly full. The drums were blisteringly fast 50% of the time and metered in tempo but forceful as hell the other 50%. Oddly enough the guitarwork was like ascendancy when at full pace and more godflesh at slower speeds. I wonder what they would sound like if the guitar was run though the bass cab too only during the slower parts (i don't know the specifics, but I think sam alawalwad does it).
[Jul 22,2006 7:30pm - the_reverend ""]
agnosis: it makes a lot less sense after hearing them and thinking back to what shows i've seen them listed on. I'm pretty sure they've played with death metal bands. Their were doom-rock. Some were between the slowness of sin of angels and the 70's rock influences of ichabod. It sort of sounds like some of the neurosis works from post-locust star, pre-jarboe. I thought it was hilarious how they had the cheat sheets of their set writen down. Lists like
x8 ALL
x8 ALL
it's like the allacart version of a set list.

and what song came on as they exited the stage? korn. ugh.
[Jul 22,2006 9:05pm - the_reverend ""]
ok... I just had to sprint away from the security from jake ivory's... Some girl was trying to fight security, punching car, kicking buses, etc... jake ivory's security took her down. I took pictures. They told me to stop shooting pictures.I said "its the public street. I can shoot what ever I fucking want". then the fat asian kid went and got a couple of them to run after me. I turned and ran. after seeing $$$ in front of my eyes I.

some guy just came up to me and said I couldn't go back into bill bar. saying "not cool." he just went in and told bill's bar staff not to let me back in.
[Jul 22,2006 9:09pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

[Jul 22,2006 9:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I sprinted away like a little girl. others will recount what I looked like better.

joe got the bouncers to let me back in after deleting the pictures.
[Jul 22,2006 9:29pm - anonymous  ""]
cant wait for the revs load tonite
[Jul 22,2006 9:36pm - the_reverend ""]
the bitch deserved what she got. I'm back in the show now. thanks to joe for getting me back in and everyone that came up to me expressing their support and outrage in those 10 minutes where I was officially banned from bill's bar. even succubus tried to help from florida... but I'm pretty sure the dude she told me to name drop was the guy that first told me to stop.
[Jul 22,2006 9:49pm - the_reverend ""]
Village of Dead Roads : this is the 3rd day of the first tur they have ever been on. I don't know why, but I always think of green night requiem band when I think of this band. the singer/guitarist had something go wrong during their set with his cable or head. He seemed to take it breaking sort of hard. Musicians!

orodruin: think nevermore with some more doomy parts. They were the heavy metal act for the night.

sin of angels: I was busy dealing with the issues outside for most of the set. And by dealing with, I mean messaging carina while joe went out and delt with the issue for me. When I got in, they sounded awesome.
[Jul 22,2006 10:20pm - dwellingsickness ""]
anonymous said:cant wait for the revs load tonite

Is this Carina....Waiting for the Rev's "Load" huh?
[Jul 23,2006 12:23am - the_reverend ""]
ghoul is setting up now toddy. you aint getting their load I guess.
[Jul 23,2006 12:26am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
damn if i had my bike id roll down to see them
[Jul 23,2006 12:32am - the_reverend ""]
they are still setting up poser.
[Jul 23,2006 12:33am - the_reverend ""]
the guitarist from orodruin looks like brian posehn.
[Jul 23,2006 12:36am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
the_reverend said:they are still setting up poser.

oh well
[Jul 23,2006 12:39am - the_reverend ""]
they are set up, but I think they are putting on blood or something
[Jul 23,2006 2:16am - hungtableed  ""]
I am so jealous of anyone who gets the great opportunity to see ghoul.
[Jul 23,2006 2:31am - eddie ""]
ghoul is fucking beyond amazing
[Jul 23,2006 2:51am - Patnomalous  ""]
*sigh* Missing Ghoul was a fucking bummer. played a good show with some killer bands on the same night, but, fuck, I missed Ghoul.
[Jul 23,2006 2:52am - the_reverend ""]
ps: I'm going through pictures right now, but there is a ass load of them.
[Jul 23,2006 3:14am - demondave ""]
It sucks that you had trouble with the Jake Ivory area.

Jake Ivory's is such a joke. There were like 4 or 5 different bachlorette parties going on. (you can tell from the girls wearing the little veil headdress with a gaggle of hens giggling behind them).

I was on my phone with my girlfriend, and this completely fucked up girl came up to me. She pulled my arm, subsequently pulling the phone away from my ear. She was crying and had smeared mascara and kept asking me if I was part of one of the parties at Jakes. I was wearing camo shorts and a goreality t-shirt. I see how she got that confused with Euro-Trash wanabee outfits.

What a mess she was. She looked like a 'daddy's-girl-in-over-her-head' that got out of her first porno shoot and it went bad........or was it good?
[Jul 23,2006 3:14am - Dissector ""]
Ghoul was probably the greatest band I've ever seen live. I got thrown out during their last song.
[Jul 23,2006 3:15am - demondave ""]
Dissector - were you the guy they knocked down on the ramp, or the second guy to get kicked out?
[Jul 23,2006 3:15am - Dissector ""]
demondave said:Dissector - were you the guy they knocked down on the ramp, or the second guy to get kicked out?

The second guy that stage dove. I actually had a pretty heated arguement with a couple bouncers outside over the guy they threw into the ramp.
[Jul 23,2006 3:16am - demondave ""]
Good - that guy took a dive. You got to see most of the set though
[Jul 23,2006 3:28am - the_reverend ""]
[Jul 23,2006 4:02am - demondave ""]
Why was everyone barefoot in Fuck the Facts?
I noticed that the bass player had duct tape all over his toe, Like he fucked it up. Maybe he couldn't wear his sandals so the rest of the band took off their footwear to show solidarity.

[Jul 23,2006 9:20am - VoidExpression ""]
Damnit! I was stuck at the airport all night because my wife's parent's plane was delayed. Cheers to everyone who got to see Ghoul!
[Jul 23,2006 10:35am - SoulsOfTheSlain ""]
Almost got thrown out 3 times during Ghoul just for headbanging. Had to turn around to apologize every time. Bill's Bar sucks
[Jul 23,2006 10:38am - krog  ""]
a rad show at a lame venue. at least the sound was good (as long as you weren't onstage). glad you made it back in, rev... you should put up those deleted pics sometime.
[Jul 23,2006 11:03am - RichHorror ""]
Regarding Bill's Bar, never again. IWEIPH will never play there again and Not Common will never put another show on there again.
[Jul 23,2006 11:07am - RichHorror ""]
That said, this was a great show. All the bands were amazing and it was the most fun we've ever had playing.
[Jul 23,2006 11:25am - hungtableed  ""]
is that Ross Sewage from Impaled???
[Jul 23,2006 11:35am - RichHorror ""]
No, that's Cremator from Ghoul. Under the hood is the true face of horror.
[Jul 23,2006 11:50am - the_reverend ""]
"aren't people from Ghoul in Engorged?" - me
"No, Ghoul are from Transylvania and Engorged are from Portland, Oregon" - Justin
[Jul 23,2006 11:53am - RichHorror ""]
Creepsylvania, actually.
[Jul 23,2006 11:54am - hungtableed  ""]
I thought they were from Creepsylvania?
[Jul 23,2006 11:54am - hungtableed  ""]
you beat me to it.
[Jul 23,2006 11:55am - the_reverend ""]
I heard RichHorror was 1/2 Creepsylvanian. the other 1/2 is puertorican.
[Jul 23,2006 11:58am - Bogus Rendition  ""]
Rad show. Shitty venue. Kinda sad not being aloud to run around for ghoul since theyre almost the most moshable band ever in all of the entire universe. But they were rad. Deadbird was rad too, and fuck the facts was pretty rad.

All they have to do at Bill's Bar (I think) is put a big old sign on the door that says that they are not responsible for injuries sustained from whatever. Then none of the issues that occured would ever be a problem because then they wouldn't have to worry about being sued (which is all they were worried about) and I don't even think their insurance would go up (but Im not sure). Some of those guys were cool, but most were dumb. Oh well. Didnt Shadows Fall used to play there way back when? Maybe the place had a different owner.

Out side was like disney world. I'd forgoten that that level of glamor existed anywhere except for on TV. Pretty wild.

The only thing that could have made this show better would have been ENGORGED. Actually I take that back. A lot of things could have made this one better. But ENGORGED would have been rad. But then I would have gotten thrown out.
[Jul 23,2006 12:00pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
I told you "Romania" Rev, not "Translyvania."

I think they're REALLY from Oakland though.
[Jul 23,2006 12:02pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
"zere vere some gud bands zat played, even zough some of zem vere sort of... GIMICKY!"
[Jul 23,2006 12:06pm - RichHorror ""]
hahaha, that was the best.
[Jul 23,2006 12:09pm - the_reverend ""]
I also like "jew like how french I am?"
I guess creepslvanian accents are a lot like french accents.
[Jul 23,2006 12:11pm - Bogus Rendition  ""]
vel, you knowz it vas very conseedereet of zem to learn our gay language, so... you know....?

I dunno

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